328 research outputs found

    Antibacterial Effect of Some Plant Extracts on Selected Enterobacteriaceae

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    Vernonia amygdalina (Bitterleaf), Eucalyptus citriodora (Eucalypt) and Phyllanthus amarus (Schum) were investigated for their antibacterial properties against pure cultures of clinical isolates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Salmonella sp. and Shigella sp. The isolates were obtained from dept of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital. Water and Ethanol were used in the crude extractions of the active constituents of the plants. Broth dilution and Agar diffusion methods were used in determining the antibacterial effects of the different plant extracts on the test organisms. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the water extracts on the test organisms was 50 mg/ml while that of the ethanolic extract ranged between 6.25 - 50 mg/ml. Similarly the diameters of zones of inhibition of the plant extracts at concentration of 100 mg/ml ranged between 3.0-14.0 mm and 3.0-18.0 mm for the water and ethanolic extracts respectively on the test organisms. Water extracts of vernonia amygdalina (Bitterleaf) and Schum (Phyllanthus amarus) were not effective on majority of the test organisms. Klebsiella sp. was not inhibited by the water extracts at the test concentrations. The Ethanolic extracts of Eucalyptus citriodora (Eucalypt) were most effective on all the test organisms. The least and the most susceptible organisms to the extracts were Shigella sp. and E. coli respectively. The results of this study suggest the possibility of using the ethanolic extracts of these plants in treating diseases caused by the test organisms

    Microbiological assessment of some day care floors within Ilorin metropolis

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    There are increasing number of daycare centres in many cities where nursing mother keep their children during working hours. Many of these children come home with episode of diseases. Floor is one of the avenues for disease transmission. It is therefore necessary to carry out microbiological investigation of these floor surfaces. Ten day-care centres within Ilorin metropolis were involved in this study. Swab samples were collected from an area of 25cm by 25cm of the floor at each location. The samples were analyzed and tested for total viable bacterial, faecal coliform, and fungal count. The bacterial count ranged from 1.8 x 103 to 2.0 x 104cfu/ml while the faecal coliform count ranged from 0 to 100 cfu/ml. Similarly, the fungal count ranged from 4.0 x 102 to 4.0 x 10 cfu/ml. A total of thirteen different bacterial isolates and six different fungal isolates were identified. The bacterial isolates were Bacillus licheniformis, Aeromonas sp., Bacillus coagulans, Micrococcus sedentarius, Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium kutscheri, Bacillus megaterium, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Acinetobacter sp., Bacillus polymyxa, Corynebacterium sp., Citrobacter sp., and Proteus sp. while the fungal isolates were Aspergillus clavatus, Geotrichum candidum, Penicillium chrysogenum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Fusarium culmorum, and Aspergillus niger. It was concluded that some pathogenic microorganisms were present on the floors of some day care centres. Hence, there is need for the operators of the day care centres to improve on the level of hygiene; and the local health authorities need to regularly visit these day care centres to see if they are operating within the minimum standards

    Comparison of indications for cesarean section in Zaria, Nigeria: 1985 and 1995

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    Background: Cesarean section (CS) rates and indications give a reflection of the maternal health status in the environment. This study was carried out to compare the CS rates and indications in this unit in 1985 and 1995, with a view to determining changes in the health seeking behaviour and possibly maternal health of women in Zaria and its environs. Method: A retrospective review of the records of CS performed in 1985 and 1995. Results: The cesarean section rates in this center in 1985 (9.21%) and 1995 (11.41%) are within the range reported previously. The CS rate was significantly higher in 1995 as compared to 1985 (p = 0.02). Cephalo-pelvic disproportion and its sequelae formed the majority of indications for CS unit in both 1985 and 1995 but the proportion constituted by this indication was significantly lower in 1995 (p

    Contraceptive methods awareness and use among women of reproductive age in an urban district of Lagos, Nigeria

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    Background: Contraceptive use can reduce maternal morbidity and mortality and improves the socio-economic status of families, communities and the nation. The objectives of this study are to assess contraceptive awareness, attitude and pattern of use among women aged 15-49 years in a Local Council Development Area (LCDA) of Lagos, Nigeria.Methodology: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study design. A community survey was done using multi-staged sampling technique to select 220 women of reproductive age from the LCDA. Information on the awareness of contraceptive methods and use was obtained using an interviewer administered semi-structured questionnaire. Data analysis was done using Epi InfoTM statistical software.Result: Most respondents were educated up to secondary school (85.5%), married (57.3%), and less than half had no children (42.7%) and still in school (36.4%). Majority of respondents are aware of contracepetive methods (86.0%), Condoms and injectables are the most known. Few respondents are currently using any form of contraceptive method (31.8%), and had ever used them before (36.4%). The commonest contraceptive method used are condoms ([24.3% for currently using]; [47.5% for ever used]); oral pills ([28.6% for currently using]; [41.3% for ever used]) and injectables ([18.6% for currently using]; [26.35% for ever used]). The commonest side effect reported is irregular menstruation (31.4%). There was no positive association between contraceptive use and marital status, education and occupation of respondents (p > 0.05 in all).Conclusion: The study concludes that despite the high level of awareness of contraceptive methods, the level of use is low among women studied.Keywords: Contraceptives methods, awareness, use, maternal mortality, women, reproductive age, Urban District, Lag

    Simulation Model for Assessing Transient Performance of Capacitive Voltage Transformers

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    In determining the correct operation of relays of a protection scheme, proper representation of instrument transformers and their behavior in conditions where there can be transient is very critical. This paper presents a simulation model for assessing the transient performance of capacitive voltage transformers (CVTs). In order to test the validity of the developed model, four CVT operational conditions are considered using field data collected from one of the Nigerian electric utility 330/132/33 kV substations. The model simulation results revealed various configuration performance responses that could affect relay protection schemes to different degrees. As expected, the CVT responses showed that faults initiated at zero voltage crossing, which is the worst transient condition, produced transient voltage magnitude up to 40% of the nominal voltage while faults initiated at the crest produced minimum transient voltage magnitude. It is shown that the model developed for the selected instrument transformer yielded satisfactory results

    Design and Construction of A Single-Phase Power Factor Meter

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    It is known that the power consumption and efficiency of an equipment owes directly to its power factor. The lower the power factor of the equipment the more the energy consumption of such equipment and vice-versa.Hence, the need to develop an equipment to measure accurately the operating power factor of domestic and industrial equipment and appliances [1]. The operating principle of this power factor meter design is based on Zero Crossing detection principle, the principle is utilized using Arduino Nano,instrument transformers, LM324 operational amplifier, generic resistor, generic XOR Gate 7488 and 2X16LCD.The input current and voltage signal is taken by the transformers and sent to the op- amp which carries out the zero crossing detection in order to get the time difference after which the microcontroller does the calculation to determine the power factor and the deficit reactive power which is then displayed on an interface [2]

    Tradomedical Values of Cotton Leaf Plus Lemon Juice Against Clinical Bacterial Isolates

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    The antibacterial activity of the water and ethanolic extracts of cotton leaf (Gossypium spp.) plus lemon juice (Citrus limon) were tested against pure clinical isolates of Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., E. coli and Klebsiella sp. Cotton leaf is normally used in conjunction with lemon juice by the local populace in Nigeria for the treatment of enteric infections. Decoction method was used for the extraction of the active components from the plant in order to simulate the traditional method of extraction. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and the diameters of zones of inhibition were determined by broth dilution and Agar diffusion methods respectively. The ethanolic extracts are more effective than the water extracts on the test organisms. The MIC of the water and ethanolic extracts ranged between 1.25 -5.0 w/v on the test organisms. Similarly, the average diameter of zones of inhibition of the water extracts on the test organisms ranged between 3.0 to 13.0mm while that of the ethanolic extracts ranged between 12.0 to 21.0mm. The results of this study showed that E. coli was the most susceptible followed by Klebsiella sp., then Salmonella sp., and finally Shigella sp. at the concentrations used for both water and ethanolic extracts. This observation thereby justifies the traditional uses of these plant extracts among the Nigerian local populace for the treatment of some enteric infections such as dysentery and diarrhoea

    Structure and conduct of risk returns-characteristics of residential property investment in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria

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    Residential property investment is one of the most subscribed investments in the world. However, its risk-return characteristics is least understood especially in the Nigeria context. Though past studies have critically established the performance of mostly isolated  residential and commercial properties in southern regions of Nigeria. Disentangling and identifying empirically risk-return characteristic of residential property in Kaduna metropolis Northwest Nigeria is an unresolved challenge. This paper presents an empirical analysis of the performance of residential properties to gain a better understanding of the property market dynamics in Nigeria, survey research approach was employed to collect quantitative data required for the study. To determine residential property returns and asset risk, descriptive (weighted means, standard deviation and percentages) and inferential statistics were utilised. The outcome demonstrated that residential properties have diverse total returns and riskreturn characteristic. Furthermore, this study  established that total returns from residential properties ranged between 7.93% to 12.68 % and the risk features ranged from 2.37% to6.81% among the classes of properties. The result demonstrates a direct positive relationship between total returns and risk profile. Hence, recommends that Malali market is the most desirable location for risk-averse investors. Keywords: Risk- return analysis, residential investment, total return, portfolio, propert