7 research outputs found
Kajian Mikrobia Pelarut Fosfat pada Beberapa Penggunaan Lahan di Desa Roban, Kota Singkawang
KAJIAN MIKROBIA PELARUT FOSFAT PADA BEBERAPA PENGGUNAAN LAHAN DI DESA ROBAN, KOTA SINGKAWANG Muhammad Shalleh(1), Saeri Sagiman(2), Sulakhudin(2) (1)Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian dan (2)Staf Pengajar dari Program Studi Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak ABSTRAKFosfat (P) merupakan unsur hara esensial kedua setelah nitrogen yang berperan penting pada pertumbuhan tanaman. Ketersedian P di dalam tanah rendah oleh karena mudah terikat oleh unsur lain Fe, Al, Ca dan Mg. Beberapa mikrobia mampu melarutkan P sehingga peranannya sangat penting dalam budidaya tanaman. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui jumlah populasi mikrobia pelarut fosfat (MPF), mengidentifikasi jenis serta kemampuannya dalam melarutkan fosfat yang diisolasi dari beberapa penggunaan lahan yakni lahan hutan sekunder, lahan pasca penambangan emas tanpa izin (PETI) tanpa tanaman dan lahan pasca PETI yang ditanami kelapa sawit di Desa Roban, Kota Singkawang. Isolasi MPF dilakukan menggunakan media pikovskaya Ca3(PO4)2 dan FePO4 sebagai sumber P. Penghitungan kepadatan MPF dengan metode cawan hitung (total plate count). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya ditemukan bakteri pelarut fosfat (BPF) pada sumber P Ca3(PO4)2 yakni isolat SP1, SP2,SP3, SP4 dan SP5. Cendawan pelarut fosfat (CPF) ditemukan pada sumber P media pikovskaya ikatan Ca3(PO4)2 dan FePO4. Isolat CPF Ca3(PO4)2 yakni SP1, SP2 dan SP3. Isolat CPF FePO4 yakni SP10.1 dan SP10.2. Isolat BPF yang memiliki indeks pelarutan P terbesar adalah SP1 sebesar 69 mm2. Isolat CPF Ca3(PO4)2 memiliki indeks pelarutan terbesar adalah SP3 sebesar 105 mm2 sedangkan pada isolat CPF FePO4 adalah SP10.1 sebesar 46 mm2. Kepadatan populasi BPF menurun setelah adanya kegiatan PETI sedangkan populasi cendawan meningkat di lokasi pasca PETI tanpa tanaman
Effect of Coastal Sediment to Nutrient Availability and Maize Productivity on Entisols
Entisols had a great potential for maize planting area expansion in increasing its production. The low soil fertility could be improved by application of coastal sediment. This current research examined the effect of different amount of coastal sediment on nutrient availability and maize production on Entisols, West Kalimantan. The research was conducted from July to November, 2013 in green house, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanjungpura University, West Kalimantan. The treatment conducted was the application of coastal sediment at dosage of: 0 Mg ha-1 (L0), 14 Mg ha-1 (L1), 28 Mg ha-1 (L2), 42 Mg ha-1 (L3), 56 Mg ha-1 (L4), 72 ton ha-1 (L5), 86 Mg ha-1 (L6) and 100 Mg ha-1 (L7). The treatments were arranged by completely randomized design with 3 replications. Research results showed that 42 Mg ha-1 coastal sediment was the best treatment and able to increase soil nutrients availability and maize productivity. The provision of coastal sediment increased the availability of K, Ca, Mg and Na, also the availability of nutrients in accordance with the increase of the dosage of coastal sediment
The Effect of Ameliorants on Improvement of Soil Fertility in Post Gold Mining Land at West Kalimantan
The application of ameliorant has been suggested to improve soil fertility and crop growth in post illegal gold mining (PIGM) lands. This study evaluated the effect of ameliorant types and semi-permeable layer on properties of soil in PIGM lands and growth of sorghum. A field experiment employed two treatments, i.e. type of ameliorant and semi-permeable layer. There were four ameliorant types applied i.e., without ameliorant (M0); coastal sediment at a dose of 40 t/ha (M1); biochar at a dose of 4 t/ha (M2), and coastal sediment at a dose of 30 t/ha + 4 t biochar/ha(M3). The second treatment consisted of two levels, namely: without a semi-permeable layer (S0) and the semi-permeable layer of 20 cm depth from the soil surface (S1). The results showed that types of ameliorant gave different effect to soil properties. Application of coastal sediment at a dose of 40 t/ha significantly increased the contents of Ca and Mg, whereas application of biochar at a doses of 4 t/ha increased soil CEC. The semi-permeable layer did not significantly affect plant height and stem diameter of sorghum. The highest of sorghum growth was reached by application of coastal sediment at a dose of 30 t/h + biochar at a dose of 4 t/ha. The combination of coastal sediment and biochar from banana peels could complement each other to improve soil fertility in PIGM lan
Site-specific Fertilization For Lowland Rice Production In West Kalimantan
Application of fertilizer recommendations until now is generally treated equally in all locations. The variety of soil fertility in location was not relevant to use one dosage fertilizer recommendation. The purpose of this study was determine rice of recommendation dosage of NPK phonska fertilizer in rice fields. This study compared the fertilization treatments of NPK phonska based on the method of field experiments in rice fields by using a randomized block design, where each treatment was repeated four times. The treatment were P0 : without NPK Phonska and Urea fertilizer (control), P1 : NPK Phonska 300 kg ha-1 and Urea 200 kg ha-1, P2 : NPK Phonska 200 kg ha-1 and Urea 235 kg ha-1, P3 : NPK Phonska 250 kg ha-1 and Urea 220 kg ha-1, P4 : NPK Phonska 350 kg ha-1 and Urea 180 kg ha-1. The results showed plant highest in the treatment of P2 at 106 cm, where the fertilization treatment of NPK Phonska at 200 kg ha-1 and Urea at 235 kg ha-1. The fertilization with NPK Ponska 350 kg ha-1 and Urea 180 kg ha-1 (P4) showed the most number of tillers at 12.2 tillers and the highest of grain weight per hill at 29 grams. It can produce dry grain (stand for 14%) at 7.5 t ha-1 and the profits is IDR 22,773,581,00