28 research outputs found

    The impact of factors on GDP in Kyrgyzstan

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    The purpose of the article is to show the negative impact of the COVID-19 on GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth in Kyrgyzstan. The research methodology is based on the works of domestic scientists and information and analytical reviews regarding GDP in Kyrgyzstan. An analysis was made of GDP growth after the country′s accession to the EAEU (Eurasion Economic Union). Our country sought to join this union, and as it turned out, not in vain. The positive results from the performance in the EAEU are shown, especially for such a macroeconomic indicator as GDP. The negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on GDP in Kyrgyzstan and in other countries has been revealed. The consequences of the pandemic have been devastating for almost all countries. An analysis was made of the decline in GDP during the pandemic in Kyrgyzstan. Measures are given to ensure positive dynamics of the economic growth, such as the creation of favorable conditions for entrepreneurship; improving the business and stimulating investment activity; creating conditions for increasing productivity in the real sector of the economy; strengthening foreign trade relations and developing the domestic market. The obtained scientific results can be used in the program to improve the economic situation in the country

    Investments and innovations in sustainable management of green economy in the Kyrgyz Republic (agricultural aspects)

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    Climate change, exacerbating water management and environmental problems, threatening public health, food safety and economic and social development, is a global concern. The adoption of green economy approach can provide the Kyrgyz Republic with a framework for strengthening the in-country and inter-regional cooperation. Faced with the climate change realities and the clear evidence of the fact that continued “brown economy” will only lead to further environmental degradation and ultimately threaten not only the economic growth but also the overall survival of the humanity, the public at large is becoming aware of the urgency and relevance of responding to these challenges. A growing number of influential opinions state that the “business-as-usual” approach cannot be practiced as before and some new ways must be found to drive the economic growth and development at the national, regional and global level. Against this background, the green economy approach is gaining traction in the Kyrgyz Republic, being considered as a very important contribution to the search for new ways to achieve sustainable growth viewed as the growth that meets the requirements of environmental sustainability and social justice

    Occupational Health in Mountainous Kyrgyzstan

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    BACKGROUND: In the period of transition from a centralized economy to the market economy, occupational health services in Kyrgyzstan have survived through dramatic, detrimental changes. It is common for occupational health regulations to be ignored and for basic occupational health services across many industrial enterprises and farms to be neglected. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the present situation and challenges facing occupational health services in Kyrgyzstan. FINDINGS: The transition from centralized to the market economy in Kyrgyzstan has led to increased layoffs of workers and unemployment. These threats are followed by increased workload, and the health and safety of workers becomes of little concern. Private employers ignore occupational health and safety; consequently, there is under-reporting of occupational diseases and accidents. The majority of enterprises, especially those of small or medium size, are unsanitary, and the health status of workers remains largely unknown. The low official rates of occupational diseases are the result of data being deliberately hidden; lack of coverage of working personnel by medical checkups; incompetent management; and the poor quality of staff, facilities, and equipment. Because Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country, the main environmental and occupational factor of enterprises is hypoxia. Occupational health specialists have greatly contributed to the development of occupational medicine in the mountains through science and practice. CONCLUSIONS: The enforcement of existing strong occupational health legislation and increased financing of occupational health services are needed. The maintenance of credible health monitoring and effective health services for workers, re-establishment of medical services and sanitary-hygienic laboratories in industrial enterprises, and support for scientific investigations on occupational risk assessment will increase the role of occupational health services in improving the health of the working population

    Biomedical processes and its impact on the formation of women’s reproductive rights in Kyrgyzstan

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    The advancements of contemporary science and technology, particularly within the realm of medicine, find extensive application across various facets of societal engagement. These circumstances, in turn, give rise to the establishment of novel domains within public relations, thereby shaping their legal framework. Questions of human rights and freedoms occupy the core of legal science. Simultaneously, the intricacies of public relations within this domain have given rise to the development of new branches of law, with the process of their distinct delineation being articulated in several scholarly works. The domain of women’s reproductive rights, relatively nascent and necessitating thorough examination, has engendered one of the most urgent challenges of our era. In recent decades, the exploration of women’s reproductive rights has extended beyond the purview of medical science to encompass the realm of legal scholarship. Hence, a comprehensive exploration of reproductive rights facilitates the enhancement of legal governance within this domain. The article delves into an analysis of the reproductive rights of women, focusing on their incorporation into the national legislative framework of Kyrgyzstan. An endeavor is undertaken to scrutinize the conceptual framework of women’s reproductive rights within the context of legal scholarship. A comparative assessment of the incorporation of conceptual elements within national legal statutes is conducted. Women’s reproductive rights are examined within the broader context of human rights and freedoms, elucidating certain shared aspects and distinctive characteristics

    Occupational Health in Mountainous Kyrgyzstan

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    Background: In the period of transition from a centralized economy to the market economy, occupational health services in Kyrgyzstan have survived through dramatic, detrimental changes. It is common for occupational health regulations to be ignored and for basic occupational health services across many industrial enterprises and farms to be neglected. Objective: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the present situation and challenges facing occupational health services in Kyrgyzstan. Findings: The transition from centralized to the market economy in Kyrgyzstan has led to increased layoffs of workers and unemployment. These threats are followed by increased workload, and the health and safety of workers becomes of little concern. Private employers ignore occupational health and safety; consequently, there is under-reporting of occupational diseases and accidents. The majority of enterprises, especially those of small or medium size, are unsanitary, and the health status of workers remains largely unknown. The low official rates of occupational diseases are the result of data being deliberately hidden; lack of coverage of working personnel by medical checkups; incompetent management; and the poor quality of staff, facilities, and equipment.Because Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country, the main environmental and occupational factor of enterprises is hypoxia. Occupational health specialists have greatly contributed to the development of occupational medicine in the mountains through science and practice. Conclusions: The enforcement of existing strong occupational health legislation and increased financing of occupational health services are needed. The maintenance of credible health monitoring and effective health services for workers, re-establishment of medical services and sanitary-hygienic laboratories in industrial enterprises, and support for scientific investigations on occupational risk assessment will increase the role of occupational health services in improving the health of the working population

    Выбор препарата инфузионной терапии в раннем послеоперационном периоде у детей

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    The choice of drug for initial fluid therapy in the early postoperative period is important in terms of clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the combination treatment.The aim of the study was to compare the effects of a succinate-containing solution and 0.9% NaCl solution when used as a drug of initial intravenous fluid therapy in early postoperative period in children.Materials and methods. A prospective randomized trial was conducted with participation of 43 patients having ASA II—III score after elective surgical interventions with a duration of 1-3 hours. In Group I («N») (n=23) the patients received continuous infusion of 0.9% NaCl solution in the early postoperative period (within 3 hours after the operation), in Group 2 («R») (n=20) continuous infusion of a succinate-containing solution was administered in 2.3 (1.6; 2.8) mode. The inter- and intragroup differences during the study were estimated by the changes of water-electrolyte and acid-base balance, basal metabolism, and phase angle (estimated integral index of cellular membranes condition) values. The data were recorded during the 5 stages of the study: 1 — immediately upon ICU admission (baseline), 2 — 60 minutes, 3 — 90 minutes, 4 — 120 minutes, 5 — 180 minutes after the ICU admission.Results. Significant differences in plasma potassium level between the groups 60 minutes (P=0.01) and 180 minutes (P=0.04) after the initiation of drugs infusion were found. In group N, at the 2nd stage, a 7% decrease in the potassium level was observed, while in group R, it increased by 2.1% as compared with the baseline. By the end of the study, potassium level decreased by 6.9% in group N and by 6.5% in group R. The intragroup differences were significant in Group N at the 2nd (P=0.02) and 5th (P=0.01) stages. In group R, no significant differences vs the baseline were found at any stage. In all cases, the values were within the reference values. In group N, at the 2nd stage the sodium concentration increased compared with the 1st stage by 2.1% (P=0.01). In group R, at the 5th stage, a significant decrease of Cl- concentration by 2.7% (P=0.01) was observed. The acid-base status showed a trend towards mixed acidosis at the 2nd stage in both groups, with the similarly significant pH reduction by 1.3% vs the baseline, whereas at 5th stage the decrease of pH was more significant in Group N (by 1.2% vs the baseline) than in Group R (by 0.9%) (P=0.01). In group N, the phase angle value was found to decrease by 8.6% at the 2nd stage and by 6% at the 5th stage (P=0.01). In group R no significant differences in the phase angle values were found.Conclusion. The succinate-containing solution has more favorable effect on the water-electrolyte and blood acid-base balance, as well as the state of cell membranes compared with the 0.9% NaCl solution.Выбор препарата стартовой инфузионной терапии в раннем послеоперационном периоде актуален с позиции клинической эффективности, определяющей также и экономическую целесообразность комплекса лечебных мероприятий.Цель исследования. Сравнительная оценка сукцинатсодержащего раствора и раствора 0,9% NaCl в качестве препарата стартовой инфузионной терапии в раннем послеоперационном периоде у детей.Материалы и методы. Провели проспективное рандомизированное исследование методом случайной выборки у 43 пациентов с оценкой по ASA II-III после плановых хирургических вмешательств, длительностью 1-3 часа. В 1-й группе «N», (n=23) дети в раннем послеоперационном периоде (в течение 3 ч после операции) получали непрерывную инфузию раствора 0,9% NaCl, во 2-й группе «R», (n=20) — инфузию в режиме 2,3 (1,6; 2,8) сукцинатсодержащим раствором. Межгрупповое и внутригрупповое различие на этапах исследования оценивали по динамике водно-электролитного и кислотно-основного состояния (КОС), основного обмена и значений фазового угла — расчетного интегрального показателя состояния мембран клеточных структур. Данные регистрировали на 5 этапах исследования: 1 — сразу при поступлении в ОРИТ (исходные данные), 2 — через 60 минут, 3 — через 90 минут, 4 — через 120 минут, 5 — через 180 минут от момента поступления в ОРИТ.Результаты. Концентрация калия в плазме крови значимо различалась между группами через 60 (p=0,01) и 180 минут (p=0,04) после начала инфузии препаратов. В группе N на 2-м этапе отмечали снижение показателя на 7%, а в группе R увеличение на 2,1%, по отношению к исходному значению. К концу исследования концентрация калия снижалась в группе N на 6,9% и в группе R — на 6,5%. Внутригрупповые различия были значимы в группе N на 2-м (p=0,02) и 5-м (p=0,01) этапах. В группе R ни на одном этапе не выявили значимых различий от исходных значений. Во всех случаях значения показателя находились в пределах референсных значений. В группе N на 2-м этапе содержание натрия достоверно повышалось от значений 1-го этапа на 2,1% (p=0,01). В группе R на 5-м этапе наблюдали значимое снижение содержания Cl- на 2,7% (p=0,01). Динамика показателей КОС характеризовалась тенденцией к смешанному ацидозу на 2-м этапе в обеих группах, отмечали одинаковое значимое снижение pH на 1,3% от исходного значения, а к 5-у этапу — снижение pH было более выражено в группе N — на 1,2% от исходного значения, в группе R — на 0,9%, соответственно (p=0,01). В группе N выявили снижение значения фазового угла на 8,6% на 2-м этапе и на 6% к 5-у этапу исследования (p=0,01). В группе R значимых различий в динамике значений фазового угла не обнаружили.Заключение. Сукцинатсодержащий раствор благоприятнее влияет на водно-электролитный баланс, КОС плазмы крови, состояние клеточных мембран в сравнении с раствором 0,9% NaCl

    The State of Higher Education in Occupational Health and Safety in Central Asian Countries

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    A healthy workforce is vital for the sustainable social and economic development of any country. Assuring occupational health and safety (OHS) depends not only on the passing of quality working legislation and inspection of workplaces, but also on preparation of qualified specialists on OHS. Aimed at assessing of relevance of the content of training at Central Asian universities to the needs in prevention of risks of accidents and injuries and promotion of a preventive culture in the workplace, and finding out how they are compliant with the recommendations of the Mainstreaming occupational safety and health into the education (2010), we examined curricula of 20 medical and non-medical universities across Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The analysis of training programs showed that education in OHS and preparation of qualified specialists in Central Asiana countries is up-to-date and tailored to local needs for prevention of risks of accidents and injuries and promotes the notion of a preventive culture in the workplace

    키르기스탄 한인들의 역사적 기억의 양태

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 국제대학원 :국제학과 한국학전공,2004.Maste