1,476 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Lingkungan Sekolah sebagai Sumber Belajar di SD Negeri 2 Teunom Aceh Jaya

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    Dalam konteks persoalan sumber belajar, yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru adalah pemanfaatan lingkungan sekolah sebgai sumber belajar.Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan Pemanfaatan Lingkungan Sekolah Sebagai Sumber Belajar di SD Negeri 2 Teunom Aceh Jaya.Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Pemanfaatan lingkungan sekolah sebagai sumber belajar di SD Negeri 2 Teunom Aceh Jaya.(2)Kendala guru dalam pemanfaatan lingkungan sekolah sebagai sumber belajar di SD Negeri 2 Teunom Aceh Jaya.(3) Upaya apauntuk mengatasi kendala guru dalam pemanfaatan lingkungan sekolah sebagai sumber belajar di SD Negeri 2 Teunom Aceh Jaya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara.Teknik wawancara adalah dengan mewawancarai 6 orang guru kelas.Selanjutnya seluruh data diolah dengan tahapan anlisis data kualitatif yaitu reduksi data, model data (data display), penarikan/verifikasi kesimpulan. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah Pemanfaatan lingkungan sekolah dilakukakan agar siswa diberikan kesempatan yang seluas-luasnya untuk aktif menggali informasi tentang segala sesuatu yang ada disekitarnya dan kemudian dihubungkan dengan pembelajaran yang ada disekolah.Pembelajaran yang berlangsung tidak membosankan dan siswa langsung belajar dengan dunia nyata tidak hanya belajar teori-teori dari buku saja.Kendala yang muncul dalam USAha memanfaatkan lingkungan sekolah sebagai sumber belajar, kurangnya perhatian siswa pada saat guru menjelaskan pembelajaran. Ruang lingkup pemanfaatan lingkungan sebagai sumber belajar lebih luas sehingga anak-anak tidak fokus mengikuti pembelajaran dan mengerjakan tugasnya. Upaya yang dilakukan guru untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut adalah dengan pemanfaatan lingkungan sekolah siswa diharapkan dapat menggali bahan sebanyak-banyaknya dari lingkungan sekolah.Guru lebih mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan lingkungan sebagai sumberbelajar dan harus melakukan persiapan dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran, guru harus lebih berperan dalam mengelola kelas, sehingga siswa tidak ada yang membuat kegaduhan. Lingkungan sekolah sangatlah berpengaruh terhadap sebuah proses pembelajaran bagi anak didik, karena bagaimanapun lingkungan sekitar yang sengaja digunakan sebagai alat dalam proses pendidikandapat memberikan pengalaman kepada sisw

    Proses Integrasi Sikap Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika SMP Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 (Studi Kasus Pada Proses Pembelajaran Kelas VII SMP Al Azhar Syifa Budi Solo Semester Ganjil Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014)

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    The objective of this research was to describe the integration process and attitude assessment done by the teacher in mathematics learning process at seventh grade of SMP Al Azhar Syifa Budi Solo. This qualitative research was a case study. The subjects of this research were a teacher and three seventh grade students of SMP Al Azhar Syifa Budi Solo. The data of integration process was in the form of activity within mathematics learning process supported by the subjects' statement. Data analyzing process began by assessing all data available in the recorder, which includes the learning process and interview. There were three steps in analyzing the data: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion. Information of attitude assessment was in the form of information gathering activity conducted by the teacher to the students. The data were obtained from the transcription of recorded interview and learning process. Validation techniques used were perseverance maintenance and time triangulation. The results of this research are as follows: 1) Integration process of attitude in mathematics learning at seventh grade of SMP Al Azhar Budi Syifa Solo based on Curriculum 2013. During observation learning process, the teacher asks the students to observe objects and events in daily life related to mathematics learning topic. During question and answer learning process, the teacher gives questions to the students and provides them chance to ask questions. During information gathering process, the students were asked to discuss a certain concept, to read a book and to discuss it, to examine, to explain, and to solve a problem. During associating learning process, the teacher asks the students to analyze, to associate, and to define in details the learning topic. Lastly, during communicating learning process, the teacher helps the students to summarize the material comprehensively. 2) Process of attitude assessment during mathematics learning at seventh grade of SMP Al Azhar Syifa Budi Solo are: the process of curiosity assessment was conducted by the teacher when the students solved the problems related to the materials; the process of responsibility assessment was conducted by the teacher when the students solved the problems and when the students present the result of their discussion in front of the class. The assessment of curiosity and responsibility were conducted by giving checklist mark on the attitude observation sheet

    Hubungan antara Interaksi Edukatif Guru dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VI SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh

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    Interaksi Edukatif merupakan salah satu bentuk interaksi yang berlangsung dalam suatu ikatan untuk tujuan pendidikan. Dengan interaksi edukatif diharapkan guru mampu mencapai tujuan pendidikan dengan baik. Karena apabila interaksi edukatif berlangsung tidak dengan semestinya tentu akan member dampak terhadap tujuan pendidikan. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara interaksi edukatif guru dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas VI SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara interaksi edukatif guru dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas VI SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasi. Yang menjadi populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VI SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh, yang berjumlah 27 orang. Karena jumlah populasi tidak banyak, maka keseluruhan populasi di jadikan sampel. Pengumpulan data tentang Interaksi edukatif guru dengan menggunakan angket sedangkan data hasil belajar diperoleh melalui dokumentasi dengan mengambi lnilai-nilai UTS siswa kelas VI SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh.Setelah data terkumpul, data diolah menggunakan rumus korelasi product moment untuk melihat hubungan antara dua variabel. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh sebesar -0,296 danpada n= 27 dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa, maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam penelitian ini tidak terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara interaksi edukatif guru dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas VI di SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh. Hasil ini diharapkan menjadi masukan bagi guru agar mencari cara yang berbeda untuk membuat siswa menjadi lebih semangat dan giat dalam belajar serta mencari solusi yang tepat untuk masalah tersebut agar hasil belajar siswa menjadi lebih baik lagi

    Priming Benih Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) dengan Zn untuk Meningkatkan Vigor Bibit pada Cekaman Terendam

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    Seed priming has been widely used to improve seedling vigor of several crops such as corn, wheat, and rice. Seed priming with zinc to increase seedling tolerance on submergence stress had never been evaluated. The objective of this research was to identify agronomical and physiological characteristics of several rice genotypes during seedling stage at submergence stress following zinc priming treatment. This research used factorial randomized block design with three replications. The first factor was rice genotypes and second factor was zinc solution of ZnSO4.7H2O. Seeds were soaked with Zn solution at different concentrations namely 0, 2.5, dan 5.0 mM respectively for 24 hours. After that the seeds were germinated on soil media in side the plastic box. Fourteen days-old seedling were submerged in water for 5 days and then return to normal condition for recovery. Parameters being observed included seedling dry weight, shoot carbohydrate, and leaves chlorophyl which were measured after 10 days of recovery. Seedling height was measured once a week from 2nd to 4th week. Results showed that intolerant genotypes to submergence stress grew faster but seedling dry weight, shoot carbohydrate and leaves chlorophyll content were lower compared to those tolerant genotypes. Local and national varieties which were not tolerant to submergence stress could be improved by priming treatment with 5.0mM zinc

    The Relationship Between Thermal Performance, Thermal Comfort And Occupants. A Study Of Thermal Indoor Environment In Selected Students Accommodation In Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang.

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    Thermal comfort is considered to be a principal requirement that is usually demanded of by occupants of accommodation units

    Experimental study on flame propagation in a straight pipe

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    Flame propagation in a closed pipe with diameter 0.1 m and 5.1 m long, as well as length to diameter ratio (L/D) of 51, was studied experimentally. Hydrogen/air, acetylene/air and methane/air with stoichiometric concentration were used to observe the trend of flame propagation throughout the pipe. Experimental work was carried out at operating condition: pressure 1 atm and temperature 273 K. Results showed that all fuels are having a consistent trend of flame propagation in one-half of the total pipe length in which the acceleration is due to the piston-like effect. Beyond the point, fuel reactivity and tulip phenomenon were considered to lead the flame being quenched and decrease the overpressures drastically. The maximum overpressure for all fuels are approximately 1.5, 7, 8.5 barg for methane, hydrogen, and acetylene indicating that acetylene explosion is more severe

    Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok terhadap Peningkatan Kecerdasan Sosial Siswa SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of group guidance onimprovement of social intelligence IA class XI student of SMAN 5 Pekanbaru academicyear 2015/2016. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru from March2016 to May 2016. The method used is a method of real-experimental with patternspretest-posttest control group design. Research subjects in this study is a class XIstudent of SMAN 5 Pekanbaru with a low level of social intelligence. Data collectioninstrument was a questionnaire using Likert scale is modified. Data analysis techniqueused is the technique of nonparametric statistical correlation. Based on the results ofWilcoxon test is apparently a difference of social intelligence level of students beforeand after the implementation of the guidance of the group amounted to 38.2%.Furthermore, after the comparison between the experimental group and the controlgroup by Mann-Whitney test results there are significant differences of socialintelligence level of students in the experimental group with the level of socialintelligence of students in the control group

    Industrial Pollution and its Attendant Effects on Public Health in Nigeria

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    Air pollution from rapid industrialization and the use of energy have led to increasing deterioration in environmental quality which poses serious challenges to human health. This study estimated the effect of industrial pollution on public health in Nigeria using time series data sourced from World Development Indicators (WDI) data from 1971-2011.. The stationarity tests reveal that except for GDP growth which was stationary at its level, all other variables were stationary at first difference. The cointegration test shows the existence of three cointegrating equations which implies that the series cannot drift too far apart and hence the need for an estimation of the VECM model. The VECM shows a negative relationship between life expectancy (a proxy for public health) and carbon dioxide emission (industrial pollution) both in the short and long run. The coefficient of Error Correction Term (-0.0802) of the model was significant and negative meaning that the system corrects its previous period disequilibrium at a speed of approximately 8% annually. The impulse response analysis revealed that after the first quarter, a one standard deviation shock in carbon emission has a negative and significant impact on life expectancy, thereby validating the negative relationship between life expectancy and carbon dioxide emission in Nigeria.  The study therefore recommends that efforts aimed at improving public health should focus on observing the Kyoto Protocol (KP) agreement which is targeted at reducing the emission of green house gases responsible for climate change with severe health implications. This objective can be achieved by imposing taxes, use of quotas or fostering collective bargaining between the parties involved. Keywords: Life expectancy, public health, industrial pollution, carbon dioxide emission, VECM, Nigeri