89 research outputs found

    Investigasi Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Behavioral Intention Pada Pengguna Grab Bike

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    Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh behavioral intention (BI) terhadap transportasi online grab bike dengan menggunakan variabel trust, perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived risk (PR) dan perceived usefulness (PU). Sebanyak 161 orang menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini dengan cara mengisi kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan alat analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan menggunakan software analysis of moment structure (AMOS). Setelah dilakukan penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa PR berpengaruh signifikan terhadap trust, PEOU  berpengaruh signifikan terhadap trust, PU berpengaruh signifikan terhadap trust. Begitu pula pengaruh PR signifikan terhadap behavioral intention, PEOU, PU signifikan terhadap behavioral intention, serta trust signifikan terhadap behavioral intention

    Free Flow Traffic Noise in Three Malaysian Cities

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    This paper reports a study on free flow traffic noise in three cities in Peninsular Malaysia. It is found that generally the noise level is high and correlates with the type of traffic. A few suggestions on control measures are made

    Determination of Effective Atomic Number of Rubber

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    This paper reports a simple technique to determine the effective atomic number of rubber materials. The gamma ray attenuation coefficient of rubber was measured with high energy resolution Si(Li) detector at low gamma ray energies and the effective atomic number was determined by the functional ratio of attenuation coefficients at different energies. This study could provide a guide to an understanding of the quality of rubber based on its composition

    Pengelolaan Anggaran yang efisien dan Tepat Guna Pada Organisasi Karang taruna Benda Baru

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    Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan kepada para warga terutama Karang Taruna di kelurahan Karang Taruna Benda Baru bekerja sama dengan para Dosen Universitas Pamulang. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan yaitu tim pelaksana kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat mengunjungi kelurahan. Tahap berikutnya yaitu tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Tahap ini akan diberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan kepada warga sekitar. Penyuluhan dan pelatihan yang diberikan tentang bagaimana mengelola anggaran secara tepat guna dan efisien. Untuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas pengeloaan dan efisiensi keuangan. Hasil kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah bertambahnya keilmuan dan keterampilan masyarakat terutama karang taruna di Karang Taruna Benda Baru, khususnya bagaimana meningkatkan mutu pengelolaan keuangan yang efektif dan efisie

    Analysis of residuals in daily solar radiation time series

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    The Box-Jenkins approach is applied to daily solar radiation data from four different locations in Malaysia. The deterministic annual component is obtained by Fourier analysis. The stochastic component of the time series is fitted to three models, ARMA (1,0), ARMA (2,0) and ARMA (1,1). Random shocks from these models are tested by Box-Pierce statistic and Ljung-Box for whiteness of residuals. Skewness and kurtosis coefficients are tested for normality

    Latar Belakang Sosial Bahasa Melayu Bangka

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    Ultrasonic study and physical properties of borotellurite glasses

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    A series of glasses (TeO2)x (B2O3)1-x with x = 0.6, 0.63, 0.65, 0.70, 0.73, 0.75, 0.78 and 0.80 were synthesized by rapid quenching. Longitudinal and shear ultrasonic velocity were measured at room temperature and at 5 MHz frequency. Elastic properties, Poisson’s ratio and micro hardness have been calculated from the measured density and ultrasonic velocity at room temperature. Estimated parameters based on Makishima-Mackenzie theory and bond compression model were calculated in order to analyze the experimental elastic moduli. Comparison between the experimental elastic moduli data obtained in the study and the calculated theoretically by other models has been discussed