76 research outputs found

    Analisis Pemasaran Semangka di Desa Maranata Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This study aims to determine the form of marketing channels, the amount of margin marketing, part of the price received by farmers and commodity marketing efficency of watermelon in the MaranataVillage Subdistrict of Sigi Biromaru Sigi District. The based on the results of research showed that there are two marketing channels in the Maranata Village. Local marketing margin watermelon obtained for the first channel IDR 2,000 and total marketing margin watermelon hammer obtained for the second channel is IDR 1,500. The parts of prices received by farmers in the first line channel 42%. The any part of the price received by farmers in the second channel 57%. The value of marketing efficiency of channel I was 58% and for channel II by 43%.From both the efficiency of the channels I and II of the most efficiency is channel II

    Karakteristik Wood Pellet Dari Limbah Kayu Karet (Hevea Brazilliensis Muell. Arg) Sebagai Alternatif Sumber Energi Terbarukan

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    This research to investigate the characteristics of wood pellets from wood rubber waste as alternative renewable energy sources and determine the best treatment. This research was conducted in experiments with completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of three treatments three replications, with the use of wood rubber waste, tapioca flour and water as well as the tools use are peletmill, calory meter combustion bomb, hammermill, oven, container, stirrer, weigher, measure cups, stopwach, wood pellets stove and camera. It can be concluded that the water content wood pellet 15,06% - 17,26%, wood pellet density 0,408 g/cm3 (408 kg/m3) – 0,628 g/cm3 (628 kg/m3), long burn wood pellets 5,42 minutes/200gr – 7,29 minutes/200gr and a calorific value 4029 Kcal/kg - 4106 Kcal/kg. Treatment to three with tapioca powder rubber wood + 30% + 300 ml water have the appropriate or best treatment approach by SNI, where the water content of 15,06%, density of 0,628 g/cm3 (628 kg/m3), long burning 5,42 minutes/200gr and calorific value of 4106 Kcal/kg

    Perkembangan Dan Permasalahan Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah Di Indonesia

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    . Soil research in Indonesia began in 1817 but officially soils classification research began in 1905. The first soil classification of soils in Indonesia was prepared by E. C. J. Mohr in 1910 at Bodemkundig Instituut. Soils classification is based on the principle of genesis and soils classified are named on the basis of color. This classification was updated several times in 1910, 1916, 1922, and 1933. In 1972 Mohr with van Baren and Schuylenborgh published a book on soils in the tropics with the title "Tropical Soil, A comprehensive study of their genesis". Further soil classification is White classification which was developed in 1931. In the White classification system, the nature of the soil classification is based on geology and type of weathering, but the names of the soil is still too long and complicated. In 1938 in Deli soil classification was prepared by Druif for soil mapping in the area of tobacco plantation. Druif research results have been reported in detail in 3 series of book De Bodem van Deli. Soil classification system considered advanced, based on morphometric, is a classification system of Dudal and Soepraptohardjo (1957, 1961). This classification system is used in the soil mapping resources in Indonesia at the level of semi detail and exploration. In 1983, the Centre for Soil Research has published a soil classification system intended for semi-detailed soil mapping for transmigration program. The classification is based on the morphogenetic and a refinement of the classification system of Dudal and Soepraptohardjo (1961). Various definitions various especially at great group level is mostly using the definition of the Legend of the Soil Map of the World ( FAO / UNESCO, 1974) and adapted to the soil classification in Indonesia. Other soil classification system used in Indonesia is the soil taxonomy classification system which was began to be published in 1975. This soil classification system is still used to refer to the book of Keys to Soils Taxonomy, eleventh edition (2010). Other soil classification system is a World Soil Map Unit of the FAO/UNESCO (1974). Up till 2013, Indonesia does not have a national soil classification system, although several times of the National Congress of Soil Science Society of Indonesia has mandated to formulate a national soil classification. The efforts made by the Indonesia Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development is successful to draft national soil classification which was introduced in 2013, but this concept still requires improvement and recognition from experts soil genesis and classification throughout Indonesia

    Identification of Predictors for Soil Water Retention of Indonesian Inceptisols

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    This study aimed to build a soil hydraulic properties digital database and to identify predictors for soil water retention of Inceptisols using data from developed database. Soil survey reports were compiled and soil hydraulic properties were entried into a spreadsheet. As many as 230 datasets of Inceptisols were extracted from developed database to identify predictors for soil water retention using Banin-Amiel and Stepwise techniques. Currently, the Soil Hydroulic Properties Digital Database strores 832 datasets from Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Flores Island, Lombok Island, and Gorontalo District. The dataset is dominated by Inceptisols and fine soils. The correlation between soil water retention and other soil properties, and the order of predicting effectiveness varies with matrix potensial (pF) which influenced by soil moisture regime and pedogenesis type. Total pores and cation exchange capacity are potential predictors for soil water retention of Inceptisols in addition to particle sizedistribution, organic carbon, and bulk density. The Soil Hydraulic Properties Digital Database stores research results and provides data for any study regarding soil hydraulic properties. The dataset selection for developing pedotransfer function of Inceptisols should consider both soil moisture regime and pedogenesis type

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Pupuk Organik dan Anorganik terhadap Sifat Kimia Tanah, dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung di Lahan Kering Masam

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    Penggunaan pupuk anorganik secara terus menerus pada USAhatani jagung di lahan kering masam menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap produktivitas tanah dan lingkungan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh penggunaan pupuk kandang dan sludge yang dikombinasikan dengan pupuk buatan/anorganik terhadap Perubahan sifat kimia tanah, pertumbuhan, produksi dan keuntungan pada USAhatani jagung di lahan kering masam.Penelitian dilakukan di KP Tamanbogo, Lampung Timur pada bulan Maret sampai Juli 2013 menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari 5 t/ha pupuk kandang, 5 t/ha sludge (hasil samping pembuatan biogas) dan kombinasinya dengan 50% dan 75 % dosis pupuk anorganik rekomendasi (DPAR).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi antara pupuk kandang atau sludge dengan 50% DPAR memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil jagung terbaik. Tinggi tanaman mencapai 177,85-195,75 cm, hasil biji pipilan kering antara 4,01-4,45 t/ha dan brangkasan sisa panen antara 4,62-4,58 t/ha. Sebagian besar biomassa jagung terakumulasi padabagian biji (46,20%) dan sisanya tersebar hampir merata pada bagian akar, batang, daun, janggel, dan kelobot. Rasio pipilan kering jagung terhadap brangkasan sisa panen terbesar adalah 89,52% yang dicapai oleh perlakuan sludge disertai pupuk anorganik pada 50% DPAR.pupuk organik, pupuk anorganik, pertumbuhan dan hasil jagun

    Potensi Lemak Biji Tengkawang terhadap Kandungan Mikroba Pangan pada Pembuatan Mie Basah

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    Penggunaan bahan pengawet pangan sintetis yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) dapat menjadi carcinogen agent, sehingga perlu dicari bahan pengawet pangan lain yang lebih aman dan berasal dari bahan alam. Salah satunya adalah lemak biji tengkawang. Tumbuhan ini termasuk dalam famili Dipterocarpaceae. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi antimikroba dari lemak biji tengkawang (Shorea sumatrana Sym.) dalam pembuatan mie basah, karena dari penelitian sebelumya telah ditemukan senyawa aktif antimikroba yang sama. Metode yang digunakan adalah difusi agar (Niwa, 1997). Diperoleh hasil KHM mikrobapangan (E. coli, S. aureus, dan A. Niger) dengan konsentrasi 4%, 4% dan 21% menunjukkan diameter hambatnya sebesar 16 mm; 14 mm dan 14 mm yang menunjukkan lemak biji tengkawang aktif terhadap ketiga mikroba tersebut dan hasil pengawetan optimum untuk mie basah adalah pada konsentrasi 18 %memberikan ketahanan selama 3 (tiga) hari pada suhu kamar (25oC)

    Pertumbuhan Juvenil Labi-labi (Amyda Cartilaginea) Berdasarkan Uji Coba Preferensi Pakan di Penangkaran PT. Arara Abadi, Kabupaten Siak.

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    Trionychia (Amyda cartilaginea) was a species that categorized in Appendix II of CITES and vulnerable or risky in IUCN Red List Data Book. Captivity was one way to support the conservation efforts of these animals and it germplasm.Captivity done to maintain endangered animals like Trionychia.This research aims to measure level of consumption and preference feed of juveniles Trionychia on some type of feed given on captivityof PT. Arara Abadi, Siak. Method of collecting data used was observation,whichconducted through direct observation of objects to be researched.Feed which tested in feed preference were cork fish saplings, shrimp saplings, cassava and kale that was given to 15 juvenilesfeed trial and measured the consumption level of feed and growth. The resultofthis research indicatelevel ofthe highestshrimpsaplings consumptionduring the research were 56,424g. First preference feedofshrimp saplings were 0,37g, cassava 0,34gandcork fish saplings 0,27g.Growth of juvenil trial for fiveweeks was 0,1 g/tail/day

    Path Analysis on the Determinants of the Use of Integrated Health Post and the Application of Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Background: Integrated health post (Posyandu) is a strategy for community empowerement. It has an important role to reduce maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR). The intergrated health post monitors the health of infants, children, pregnant women, lactating women, and women of reproductive age. Weighing coverage of children under five was only 80.4% in Central Java, in 2014. Weighing coverage of children under five was only 78.4 % in Tegal District, in 2015, which was lower than the expected target of 80%. This study aimed to investigate the determinant of of the use of integrated health post and the application of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).Subjects and method: This was an analytic observational study with case control design. This study was conducted in Tegal District, Central Java, from 25 September to 25 October 2016. A total sample of 135 mothers with their respective children aged 6-59 months were selected for this study by fixed disease sampling. The dependent variables were intention and use of the integrated health post. The independent variables were constructs of TPB, including attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control. The data were collected by a pre-tested set of questionnaire. The data were analyzed by path analysis using IBM SPSS AMOS 22.Results: The path model showed goodness of fit with CMIN=4.24; p=0.120; GFI=0.99; NFI=0.99; CFI=0.99; and RMSEA=0.09. Intention had direct positive and statistically significant effect on the use of the integrated health post (b=0.29; p<0.001). All of the three TPB constructs, including attitude toward behavior (b=0.27; p<0.001), subjective norm (b=0.27; p=0.046), and perceived behavior control (b=0.34; p=0.007) had indirect positive and statistically significant effect on the use of the integrated health post.Conclusion: Intention has direct positive effect on the use of the integrated health post. All of the three TPB constructs, i.e. attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control has positive and indirect effect on the use of the integrated health post.Keywords: integrated health post, theory of planned behaviorCorrespondence: Yuni Fitriani. School of Health and Sciences, STIKes Bhakti Mandala Husada Slawi. Email: [email protected] of Health Promotion and Behavior (2016), 1(4): 228-237https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2016.01.04.0
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