4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Video Interaktif dan Media Gambar terhadap Kemampuan Merawat Diri pada Anak Tunagrahita

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    The purpose of this studies was to determine of the effectiveness of interactive video and image media on personal care of mental retardation children in special school 01 Serang Banten. This studies was quasy experiment with non equivalent without control group. 27 mental retardation in this studies. The data collected using personal care questionnaire (alpha cronchbach= 0,947). The result of this studies found that there is mean difference personal care ability in children before and after video interactive intervention  (p value= 0,015, βˆ†=6,67), there is mean difference personal care ability in children before and after image media intervention (p value= 0,006, βˆ†= 3,23), and there is mean difference personal care ability in children before and after interactive video and image media intervention (p value= 0,003, βˆ†=1,45). The use of interactive video interventios is more recommended as leaning media in improving ability of personal care on mental retardation children, but must be supported by facilities and infrastructure.  Keyword: Interactive Video, Image Media, Mental Retardation Children, Personal Car

    Hubungan Kompetensi Ibu, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Konsumsi Junk Food dengan Kejadian Obesitas pada Balita

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    The purpose of this study is to know the correlations of maternal competence, physical activity, and consumption of junk food with the incidence of obesity in toddlers in the Work Area Puskesmas Bahu Kecamatan Malalayang Manado City. This research is an explanatory research (Explanatory Research). The total sample in this study was 98 children under five. The results showed no relationship between maternal competence with obesity characterized by p value 0.072. There is no relationship of junk food consumption with obesity characterized by p value 0.132. There is a relationship of physical activity with junk food consumption characterized by p value 0,132. There is a relationship of physical activity with junk food consumption marked with p value 0.000. There is a relationship of physical activity with obesity characterized by p value 0,016. There is a relationship between mother\u27s competency and physical activity with a p value of 0,000. There is relationship of mother competence with junk food consumption marked with p value 0,011. regular nutrition counseling activities for children, parents, school teachers with extension materials, among others: more nutritional problems, including prevention, and impacts, healthy food choices, healthy consumption habits, and good activity patterns.   Keyword: Mother Competence, Physical Activity, Consumption of Junk Food, Obesit

    Pengaruh Storytelling dan Guided-Imagery terhadap Tingkat Perubahan Kecemasan Anak Usia Prasekolah yang Dilakukan Tindakan Invasif

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    This study aims to identify the effect of storytelling and guided imagery on anxiety levels of preschool children who will receive an invasive procedure (intravenous therapy). The quasi-experimental type of study is with the number of 24 people for sample. The sample technique is purposive sampling. The results of this study indicate the average level of anxiety of children who get storytelling intervention is 2.11 for groups of children accompanied by parents, and 2.50 for groups of children who are not accompanied by parents. Meanwhile, the average level of anxiety of children with guided imagery intervention is 2.17 in the group of children accompanied by parents, and 2.33 in the group of children who are not accompanied by parents. The results of statistical tests show that storytelling and guided imagery have an effect on decreasing anxiety level of preschool age children who receive invasive procedure (intravenous therapy). Storytelling and guided imagery can be applied as one of the interventions of atraumatic care to reduce anxiety of preschool age children who will receive invasive action (intravenous therapy).  Keywords         : Storytelling, Guided-imagery, Preschool Children Anxiet

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Menggunakan Media Booklet + Aplikasi SDIDTK Efektif Meningkatkan Kemandirian Keluarga dalam Pemantauan Tumbuh Kembang Balita

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    This study aims to identify the effect of health education using booklet media and SDIDTK application media on family independence in monitoring the growth and development of children under five in the work area of ​​West Bajo Health Center. This study uses Quasi Experimental with a pre and post-test approach without control. The results showed that there was an effect of health education using Booklet media (Ξ” = 6.80, p value = 0.012), SDIDTK application media (Ξ” = 7.90, p value = 0.007) Booklet media + SDIDTK Application (Ξ” = 10.80, p value = 0.005) of family independence in monitoring growth and development. Conclusion, the average score of family independence is very good in the health education intervention group by using the booklet + SDIDTK application because it shows the highest increase so it is recommended to use the media booklet + SDIDTK application for health education related to stimulation, detection and growth and intervention in infants. .   Keywords: SDIDTK Application, Booklet, Family Independence, Growth and Developmen