76 research outputs found

    The Effects a Total Knee Arthroplasty Has on Static and Dynamic Balance

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    In the United States today, the total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has become one of the most commonly performed surgeries of the lower extremity. A generous amount of information exists regarding joint proprioception after a joint replacement, however no studies have been done testing postural control after a TKA. With the increasing popularity of the TKA procedure, a need appears for research evaluating static stability and functional mobility of TKAs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects a TKA, 6 months postoperative or beyond, has on static and dynamic balance. The balance of 8 female volunteers and 4 male volunteers with ages ranging from 51 to 78 years (mean age = 64) was tested. Participants took part in a one-time session which consisted of assessing the Unilateral Stance (US) and Sit-to-Stand (STS) components of the NeuroCom Balance Master (NBM), version 7.1, the sitting to standing and the standing on one foot components of the Berg Balance Assessment, the Timed Up and Go (TUG), knee extensor strength, and knee flexion and extension range of motion (ROM). The participants also completed a SF-36 Health Status Survey and a brief questionnaire. This study indicates that further research must be completed to assess the effects a TKA has on static and dynamic balance. Due to the small sample size, this study was unable to obtain any analytical statistics which were significant in answering the research questions. However, comparisons were made between the data components using descriptive statistics, which provided information relative to ROM, strength, US, STS, and differences between the involved lower extremity and uninvolved lower extremity. The information helped address this study\u27s research questions

    Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis of UAVs: Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches

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    Aeroelastic aspects of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is analyzed by treatment of a typical section containing geometrical nonlinearities. Equations of motion are derived and numerical integration of these equations subject to quasi-steady aerodynamic forcing is performed. Model properties are tailored to a high-altitude long-endurance unmanned aircraft. Harmonic balance approximation is employed based on the steady-state oscillatory response of the aerodynamic forcing. Comparisons are made between time integration results and harmonic balance approximation. Close agreement between forcing and displacement oscillatory frequencies is found. Amplitude agreement is off by a considerable margin. Additionally, stochastic forcing effects are examined. Turbulent flow velocities generated from the von Karman spectrum are applied to the same nonlinear structural model. Similar qualitative behavior is found between quasi-steady and stochastic forcing models illustrating the importance of considering the non-steady nature of atmospheric turbulence when operating near critical flutter velocity

    Vu Villa Staircase Structural Repair

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    The Vu Villa in uptown Butte has a staircase leading to the second floor that is beginning to sag and needs structural support to fix the sag in the stairs

    Buğdayda Fusarium Culmorum’a Ruhsatlı Olmayan Fungisitlerin Etkisi

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    Buğdayda F. culmorum’un tohum veya toprak yolu ile taşınarak fide ve başak yanıklığına (FHB) sebep olması, aynı zamanda tanelerde salgıladığı toksinler nedeni ile insan ve hayvan sağlığını tehdit etmesi patojenin hem Dünyada hem de Türkiye’de önemini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu patojene karşı buğdayda tohuma ruhsatlı az sayıda fungisit olması nedeni ile bu çalışmanın amacı buğdayda bu patojene ruhsatlı olmayan tebuconazole+metalaxyl-M (Maxim XL 035) ve fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M (Certigor 050 FS) etkili maddeli fungisitlerin F. culmorum’a etkililiğinin tespit edilmesidir. Patojenin fungisitlere duyarlılığı, patojenisitesi bilinenF. culmorum (S-14) izolatı ile Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) besi ortamında miselyal gelişimi engelleme oranları (EC50) tespit edilerek belirlenmiştir. Fungisitlerin patojen üzerine etkililik denemeleri ise, in vitro ve in vivo koşullarda yürütülmüştür. Denemelerde, patojenin S-14 izolatı ile enfekte edilmiş ve enfekteli olmayan Flamura-85 çeşidinden elde edilen tohumlar kullanılmıştır. In vivo testler, enfekteli tohumların fungisitler ile ilaçlanarak steril toprağa ekilmesi veya patojenin 1x106 spor/ml dozunda steril toprağa bulaştırılarak fungisitler ile ilaçlanmış temiz tohumun ekilmesi şeklinde yürütülmüştür. In vitro testlerde, patojenin tebuconazole+metalaxyl-M ve fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M fungisitleri için EC50 değerleri sırasıyla 0,55 ve 1,57 ?g/ml olarak belirlenmiştir. Her iki fungisitin kontrol ile karşılaştırıldığında çimlenme, kök ve koleoptil uzunlukları ve hastalık şiddetleri arasında önemli bir farklılığın olduğu tespit edilmiştir. In vitro testlerde yine her iki fungisitin bitki boyu, yaş ve kuru ağırlık, hastalık şiddetleri açısından kontrole göre önemli bir farklılığın olduğu belirlenmiştir.The importance of pathogen in World and Turkey has been revealed when it was released that F. culmorum causes head blight and seedling in wheat (FHB) carrying by seed or soil. It threatens the health of human and animals due to their toxins released by pathogens in grains. The objective of this study is to identify the effectiveness of tebuconazole+metalaxyl-M (Maxim XL 035) and fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M (Certigor 050 FS) unregistreted to the pathogens on wheat. There are a few number of fungicides registreted for seed pathogens of the wheats. The sensitivity of pathogen against the fungicide has been identified by analyzing the effective concentration (EC50) on mycelial development of F.culmorum (S-14) isolate known as pathogen. The experiments of efficacy of fungicides on pathogen were carried out both in petri dishes and pots under controlled conditions. In the experiments, the seeds which have been infected by S-14 isolate of the pathogens and obtained from the uninfected Flamura-85 wheat type were used. In vivo experiments were conducted by amended and unamended seeds with fungicides and planting to the sterilized soil or planting the clean disinfected seeds with fungicides by infecting the pathogens to sterilized soil at 1x106 spores/ml. At the end of the experiment, germination rate, plant length, fresh and dry weight measurements, disease severity rate of seeds were measured.EC50 values for tebuconazole+metalaxyl-M and fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M fungicides of pathogen have been identified respectively as 0,55 and 1,57 ?g/ml. It has been found that there was a significant difference between the germination, root, coleoptile lengths and disease severity when both fungicides were compared with control in the in vitro tests. It was determined that there was a significant difference on plant length, wet and dry weight, and disease severity of both fungicides in vivo tests compared to the control


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    The Vu Villa is a bar and pizzeria which has operated out of the first floor of the Campana building in Butte, Montana since 1967. Construction of the Campana building started in 1894 and was completed before the end of the 19th century. The Campana building is a two-story building which primarily consists of exterior brick masonry walls and wood framing on the interior. Within the last several decades significant sag has been identified in the second-floor of the building as well as an adjacent staircase. In addition, renovation activities have been discussed for the upstairs which would involve replacing the existing upstairs apartments with an open-space floor plan which could be utilized as a conference area. The Vu Villa Structural Design and Rehabilitation project presents the proposed preliminary design to address the existing sag, and accommodate renovations associated with a change-in-use of the second-floor of the Vu Villa. A new structural system was designed as part of the project which would remedy the existing structural problems while accommodating the renovation that has been proposed. Due to significant expenses associated with renovation work, the design attempts to minimize the number of structural members requiring replacement by evaluating existing members for structural adequacy. Members specifically identified for replacement included the roof beams, second-floor columns, second-floor beams, and first-floor columns. Total costs anticipated to complete the work were approximately $620,000. The Vu Villa Structural Design and Rehabilitation report discusses the design objectives and assumptions, and anticipated loading conditions, member design calculations, and structural software modeling results that demonstrate the functionality of the new structural system. In addition, it discusses several additional safety and design considerations warranting evaluation, if the project were to be undertaken. The design report appendices present the architectural and engineering drawings, technical specifications, calculations, estimated costs, and background information related to the project


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    Bu çalışmada, Fusarium culmorum’un tarla koşullarında fungisitlere maruziyeti sonucu triticonazole+pyraclostrobin, prothioconazole+tebuconazole etkili maddeli fungisitlere duyarlılığı ve F. culmorum ile enfekteli F-85 buğday tohumlarına triticonazole+pyraclostrobin, prothioconazole+tebuconazole uygulamasının fide gelişimi üzerine etkisi tespit edilmiştir. Fusarium culmorum’un tarla koşullarında fungisit maruziyeti sonrası EC50 (?g/ml) değerlerinin değiştiği ve prothioconazole+tebuconazole için EC50 (?g/ml) değerlerinin triticonazole+pyraclostrobin’e göre daha fazla dalgalanma gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Fungisitlerin patojenin spor verimi üzerine etkisi olmadığı ancak, spor yapısında bozulmalara neden olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tohumda triticonazole+pyraclostrobin uygulamasının prothioconazole+tebuconazole göre daha etkili olduğu ve tohumun çimlenme oranında önemli (P<0.05) bir artışa, hastalık şiddetin de ise önemli (P<0.05) bir düşüşe neden olduğu tespit edilmiştir.The sensitivity of Fusarium culmorum to the triticonazole+pyraclostrobin, prothioconazole+tebuconazole fungicides following the fungicide applications under field conditions were determined in this study. In addition the effect of triticonazole+pyraclostrobin, prothioconazole+tebuconazole application to F-85 wheat seeds ınfected with F. culmorum was assessed at seedling stage.The EC50 (?g/ml) values were changed after the exposure to the fungicide. It was noted that the EC50 (?g/ml) levels of prothioconazole+tebuconazole displayed more fluctuations compared to the triticonazole+pyraclostrobin. Fungicides had no effects on the spore productivity of the pathogen, however, they caused degenerations in the spore structure. The triticonazole+pyraclostrobin application to seed was more effective than prothioconazole+tebuconazole and led to the increased rates of germination of seed significantly (P<0.05) after fungicide application and to a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the disease severity

    a`alamu al Adabu al Muashiri fi Mishri (1)

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    viii + 576 hlm.; 23 c

    Innovative teaching strategies in undergraduate veterinary medical imaging education

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