1 research outputs found

    Perforasi pada Penderita Apendisitis Di RSUD DR.H.Abdul Moeloek Lampung

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    Background: Perforation appendicitis is the most common cause of appendix pain and requires immediate major surgery to prevent complications that are generally dangerous. this disease can affect all ages, but which often strikes ages between 20-30 years. Furthermore, the condition of acute appendicitis increases the risk of perforation and formation of the periapendicular period. Perforations with inflammatory fluid and bacteria enter the abdominal cavity and then respond to the peritoneal surface inflammation or peritonitis. The incidence of appendicitis in Indonesia in 2014 showed the number of appendicitis treated at the hospital as many as 4,351 cases. Objective: To find out the description of appendicitis perforation sufferers in adults with acute appendicitis at the Regional General Hospital Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province in 2017. Methods: Type of quantitative research, descriptive design. The entire population of all patients with adult acute appendicitis was 151 people. A sample of 110 people with random sampling techniques.Retrieval of data using observation sheet medical record data.Data analysis techniques using Univariate statistical tests.Results: The frequency distribution of the age of appendicitis perforated patients, most of them were aged 20-30 years as many as 48 patients (43.63%). The frequency distribution of the sex of patients with appendicitis perforation, most of them were male as many as 92 patients (83.63%). The frequency distribution of body temperature of patients with appendicitis perforation, mostly with body temperature> 37.5 ° C as many as 103 patients (93.63%). The frequency distribution of leukocyte levels of appendicitis perforated patients, mostly with leukocyte levels> 18,000 / mm as many as 84 patients (76.36%).Latar Belakang: Apendisitis Perforasi Apendisitis perforasi adalah pecahnya apendiks yang sudah gangren yang menyebabkan pus masuk ke dalam rongga perut sehingga terjadi peritonitis umum. penyakit ini dapat mengenai semua umur,tetapi yang sering menyerang usia antara 20-30 tahun. Angka kejadian apendisitis di Indonesia tahun 2014 menunjukan jumlah pasien  yang dirawat di rumah Sakit sebanyak 4.351 kasus. Tujuan Penelitian :Diketahui gambaran penderita perforasi apendisitis pada penderita apendisitis akut dewasa di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2017.Metode Penelitian :Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, rancangan deskriptif. Populasi seluruh pasien penderita apendisitis akut dewasa sebanyak 151 orang. Sampel sebanyak 110 orang dengan teknik random sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan lembar Observasi data rekam medik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Univariat.Hasil penelitian : Distribusi frekuensi usia pasien perforasi apendisitis, sebagian besar adalah usia 20-30 tahun sebanyak 48 pasien (43,63%). Distribusi frekuensi jenis kelamin pasien perforasi apendisitis, sebagian besar adalah laki-laki sebanyak 92 pasien (83,63%). Distribusi frekuensi suhu tubuh pasien perforasi apendisitis, sebagian besar dengan suhu tubuh >37,5°C sebanyak 103 pasien (93,63%). Distribusi frekuensi kadar leukosit pasien perforasi apendisitis, sebagian besar dengan kadar leukosit >18.000/mm sebanyak 84 pasien (76,36%). &nbsp