7 research outputs found

    Citric Acid and Microbial Phytase Inclusion in the Diet to Improve Utilization Phytate Phosporus and Growth of Broiler

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan anak ayam umur 3 sampai dengan 38 hari (180 ekor) dan 7 sampai dengan 42 hari (180 ekor). Ayam diberi ransum A, B, dan C yang berbahan dasar jagung (CSM) dan ransum E, F, dan G yang berbahan dasar gandum (WSM) yang diberi perlakuan penambahan steam pada suhu 1000C selama 10 menit. Semua ransum ditambah enzim fitase (SP-1002 ct) sebanyak 500 U/kg dan dibuat dalam bentuk pelet. Khusus ransum C dan G ditambah asam sitrat. Kandungan fosfor total ransum adalah 4,5 g/kg dan fosfor tersedia adalah 1,5 g/kg (defisien P). Bobot badan harian adalah 36, 34, dan 45 g/hari untuk ayam yang diberi ransum A, B, dan C dan 54, 46, dan 55 g/hari untuk ransum E, F, dan G. Deposisi fosfor total adalah 5,75; 5,36; dan 6,99 g berturut-turut untuk ransum A, B dan C dan 8,15; 6,90; dan 7,77 g untuk E, F, dan G. Penambahan asam sitrat dalam ransum CSM yang mengandung enzim fitase rendah mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan deposisi fosfor. Pada ransum WSM, perlakuan panas menyebabkan penurunan aktifitas fitase dan penurunan ini tidak dapat digantikan dengan penambahan enzim fitase (microbial phytase) akan tetapi dapat digantikan dengan penambahan asam sitrat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa asam sitrat berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi enzim fitase (microbial phytase) dalam mendegradasi senyawa fitat di dalam saluran pencernaan

    Citric Acid and Microbial Phytase Inclusion in The Diet to Improve Utilization Phytate Phosporus and Growth of Broiler

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan anak ayam umur 3 sampai dengan 38 hari (180 ekor) dan 7 sampai dengan 42 hari (180 ekor). Ayam diberi ransum A, B, dan C yang berbahan dasar jagung (CSM) dan ransum E, F, dan G yang berbahan dasar gandum (WSM) yang diberi perlakuan penambahan steam pada suhu 1000C selama 10 menit. Semua ransum ditambah enzim fitase (SP-1002 ct) sebanyak 500 U/kg dan dibuat dalam bentuk pelet. Khusus ransum C dan G ditambah asam sitrat. Kandungan fosfor total ransum adalah 4,5 g/kg dan fosfor tersedia adalah 1,5 g/kg (defisien P). Bobot badan harian adalah 36, 34, dan 45 g/hari untuk ayam yang diberi ransum A, B, dan C dan 54, 46, dan 55 g/hari untuk ransum E, F, dan G. Deposisi fosfor total adalah 5,75; 5,36; dan 6,99 g berturut-turut untuk ransum A, B dan C dan 8,15; 6,90; dan 7,77 g untuk E, F, dan G. Penambahan asam sitrat dalam ransum CSM yang mengandung enzim fitase rendah mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan deposisi fosfor. Pada ransum WSM, perlakuan panas menyebabkan penurunan aktifitas fitase dan penurunan ini tidak dapat digantikan dengan penambahan enzim fitase (microbial phytase) akan tetapi dapat digantikan dengan penambahan asam sitrat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa asam sitrat berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi enzim fitase (microbial phytase) dalam mendegradasi senyawa fitat di dalam saluran pencernaan. Kata kunci: gandum, jagung, asam sitrat, enzim fitase, asam fita

    Nutritional comparison between dried and ensiled indigofera, papaya and moringa leaves

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    The objective of this experiment was to evaluate chemical composition, in vitro fermentation and digestibility of dried and ensiled indigofera, papaya and moringa leaves. The leaves were subjected to artificial drying in an oven at 60oC for 24 h and ensiling treatment for 30 d under room temperature. Dried and ensiled samples were determined for chemical composition, silage fermentation characteristics and in vitro rumen fermentation and digestibility. The experimental design was a factorial design 3 Ă— 2 in which the first factor was different leaves (indigofera, papaya and moringa) and the second factor was conservation treatments (drying and ensiling). Determination of chemical composition was performed in duplicate whereas in vitro evaluation was conducted in three replicates. Results showed that ensiling treatment decreased CP contents of indigofera and moringa but not papaya leaves. Ensiling also decreased NDF and NDICP contents of all experimental leaves in comparison to drying treatment. The pH of all silages was high and they were characterized with high ammonia concentrations. Ensiled indigofera tended to have lower IVDMD and IVOMD as compared to dried indigofera (P<0.1). It can be concluded that ensiling of high protein forages leads to considerable extent of proteolysis

    Pengaruh proses steam pada daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) dan asam fulvat terhadap performa ayam broiler

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh proses steam pada daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) terhadap performa ayam broiler. Sebanyak 120 DOC di bagi ke dalam 5 perlakuan ransum dengan 3 ulangan yang dipelihara selama 35 hari. Pakan yang diberikan terdiri dari dua periode yaitu starter (protein kasar 22,07% dan energi metabolis 305,65 kkal kg-1) dan finisher (protein kasar 20,3% dan energi metabolis 3120 kkal kg-1). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari lima perlakuan ransum yaitu: P0 (Control), P1 (Control + 5% daun kelor tanpa steam), P2 (Control+5% daun kelor tanpa steam + 0,5% asam fulvat), P3 (Control+5% daun kelor steam), dan P4 (Control+5% tepung daun kelor steam dan 0,5% asam fulvat). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dan uji Duncan Multiple Range Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan daun kelor dan asam fulvat pada ransum mempengaruhi bobot badan ayam broiler (P&lt;0,01). Penambahan daun kelor steam menghasilkan bobot badan akhir ayam broiler yang sama jika dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kontrol. Penambahan daun kelor steam dengan asam fulvat (P4) menghasilkan bobot badan akhir yang lebih rendah dibandingkan perlakuan dengan asam fulvat tanpa steam (P2 dan P3)(P&lt;0,01). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa asam fulvat yang dipanaskan memberikan pengaruh yang negatif terhadap performa ayam broiler.Kata kunci: asam fulvat, daun kelor, kakas, performa, proses steamABSTRACTThe research was conducted to investigate the effect of hydro thermal process (steam) of Moringa leaf meal and fulvic acid on performance of broiler chicken. The120 heads of Day Old Chicken (DOC) were used in this experiment. A completely randomized design was used in this experiment with 5 treatments and 3 replications with 8 broilers in each experimental unit and was reared for 35 days. The treatments were P0 (Control), P1 (Control+5% steamed Moringa leaf), P2 (Control+5% unsteamed Moringa leaf meal and 0.5% fulvic acid), P3 (Control+5% steamed Moringa leaf meal), and P4 (Control+5% steamed Moringa leaf meal and 0.5% fulvic acid). All data were analysed by analysis of variance and Duncan multiple ranges. The result of this research showed that Moringa leaf meal and fulvic acid significantly affected (P&lt;0.01) broiler performance. The addition of Moringa leaf meal with steamed process did not significantly affect on final body weight compared to the control. Meanwhile the addition of Moringa leaf powder and fulvic acid with steamed process resulted in significantly the lower final body weight of the broiler compared to the treatments of fulvic acid without steam process. From this result can be concluded that that steam treatment of fulvic acid result in negative impact on the broiler performance.Key words: carcass, fulvic acid, Broiler performance, Moringa leaves, steam proces

    Evaluation of Dietary Inorganic and Organic Selenium Sources on Immune Organ, Plasma Immunoglobulins, Blood Biochemical, and Performance of Broilers: A Meta-Analysis

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    The current meta-analysis aimed to estimate the effect of different selenium (Se) sources on immune organs, plasma immunoglobulins, blood profiles, and broiler performances. Related studies that met standard presence criteria were identified and mined from the Scopus database. The database was developed from 38 articles. Data were analyzed using the OpenMEE, considering the difference between organic selenium as fixed effects and different studies as random effects. This study showed that organic selenium feed supplementation improved the feed conversion ratio and increased the average daily feed intake and gain of broilers. Furthermore, the mortality of broilers fed organic Se was significantly lower than that of those fed inorganic Se. For the immune organ of the broiler, organic selenium feed supplement enhanced the thymus and spleen organs but did not affect the bursa organ. IgA and IgM were significantly higher in the broilers fed organic selenium feed; meanwhile, IgG of broilers fed organic selenium was lower than those fed inorganic selenium. The total protein blood concentration of broilers fed organic selenium was significantly higher than those fed inorganic Se. Meanwhile, there was no statistically significant difference in the effects of selenium source on cholesterol. Triglyceride concentrations of broilers fed organic Se are significantly lower than those fed inorganic Se. The ratio of heterophile to lymphocyte in broilers fed organic Se is significantly lower than in those fed inorganic selenium. In conclusion, the organic selenium feed supplement can promote production performance and immune parameters of broilers