3 research outputs found


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    The research objective is to find out the Management Implementation of Student Counseling Services Planning, to know the Management Implementation of Student Counseling Services Organizing, to know the Management Implementation of Student Counseling Services Implementation and to find out the Management Implementation Evaluation of Student Counseling Services in MTsN 3 Deli Serdang. The research method used is a qualitative phenomenological research method. The research site is at MTsN 3 Deli Serdang, and the research period is July 12, 2019, to October 12, 2019. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. The technique of guaranteeing the validity of the data is done by observing diligence and triangulating the data. The results of this study are: Management Implementation of student counseling services in MTsN 3 Deli Serdang seen from; Counseling service planning has conducted a work plan coordination meeting which is archived as a guidance for one year lesson counseling service. The implementation of counseling services can be seen from the agreement, summons and case books of students which are still neatly stored. Evaluation of counseling services is seen through timesheet and supervision conducted by the principal every two months.             Keywords: Implementation, Management, Counselling services

    How cyber stalking and cyber bullying affect students' open learning

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    This paper aims to bridge the literature gap concerning the use of social media to conduct collaboration learning and explore its effect on student performance through cyberstalking (CS) and cyberbullying (CB). To achieve the study objective, this study employed a questionnaire as the main data collection method and distributed it to 538 university students based on both the technology acceptance model and constructivism theory, all of whom use social media. The findings were obtained via a quantitative research method, structural equation modeling. This study found a significant relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived enjoyment with social media use for open learning. However, this study found a negative relationship from social media use on open learning that was dampened by CB, which is considered a dampening factor. Also, open learning was reported to be negatively influenced by perceived usefulness as CS was found to dampen the relationship with open learning