71 research outputs found

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Newspaper Article "Courtroom Quarrel Marks Student Protesters Trial"

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    This research is intended to (I) to observe the process types used in this articles, (2) to investigate the circumstances typed described in this article, (3) to know the participants involved in the text and (4) to disclose the relationship between the text and the social context. in order to answer the aforementioned questions, the writer uses a descriptive qualitative (naturalistic) design, and the data of this study were taken from the samples of newspaper article entitled "Courtroom Quarrel Marks Student Protesters Trial" written in The Jakarta Post, Thursday, October 16, 2008). The text is analyzed using Functional Grammar Analysis (by analyzing the theme and rheme and the transitivity elements). The results indicated that the text is dominantly numbered by the material process explaining that doing words are very dominant, whereas, the types of participants involved are ranged from specific legal context such as lawyer, defendant, witness, the court, the trials, the officials, etc. The writer of the text seems to show that in Indonesia, the power relation between the new order era and the reformed era has changed in a number of aspects

    Identifying Types Of Learning Strategies In Listening At Second Grade Of Man 1

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tipe strategi yang digunakan siswa dalam pelajaran mendengar bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan dilaksanakan pada kelas 2 MAN 1 Bandar Lampung yang berjumlah 32 siswa. Untuk mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan kuisioner untuk mengetahui tipe strategi belajar siswa dalam pelajaran mendengarkan. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Siswa yang tergolong kognitif berjumlah 17 siswa, metakognitif 8 siswa, dan sosial 7 siswa. (2) Siswa dengan strategi metakognitif memiliki nilai yang lebih baik daripada siswa dengan strategi cognitif dan sosial dengan rata-rata 81,4. Siswa yang menggunakan strategi metakognitif akan melakukan planning, thinking about the learning proccess, monitoring, dan evaluation yang membantu mereka untuk mengerjakan tes mendengarkan. Dengan mengetahui strategi belajar siswa, guru dapat lebih kreatif dalam memilih metode belajar yang tepat karena mereka mengetahui bagaimana karakter siswa dan yang mereka butuhkan. This research was aimed at finding out learning strategies used by learners based on their achievement in learning listening. This research was a quantitative study and it was conducted to 32 learners in second grade of MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. In collecting data, the researcher used questionnaire to measure learning strategies in listening test. Data were analized using ANOVA. The results showed that (1) The learners which were group as cognitive was found 17 learners, metacognitive was 8 learners and social was 7 learners. (2) Metacognitive learners got better score than learners with cognitive and social strategy with the average score 81,4. Metacognitive learners used planning, thinking about the learning proccess, monitoring, and evaluation which helped them to do listening test. Thus, by identifying learners learning strategies, the teacher would be more creative in choosing appropriate methods in learning process because they know the students' characteristics and what they need

    Increasing Students' Vocabulary Achievement Through Flashcard For Young Learners

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    Tujuan penilitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan atau tidak terhadap kemampuan siswa usia dini dalam penguasaan kosakata setelah diajarkan menggunakan media flashcard. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan dilakanakan di kelas TK B yang berjumlah 15 orang. Peneliti menggunakan tes berbicara untuk mengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam penguasaan kosakata setelah diajarkan menggunakan media flashcard. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dari adanya peningkatan nilai rata-rata siswa dari pretes ke postes yaitu 12.7 ke 75.0, dengan nilai t-table 59.146 dan t-value 2.028. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan jika flashcard dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara.The aim of this research was to find out whether there was a significant improvement of the students' vocabulary achievement for young learners after they were taught by using flashcard. This research used quantitative approach and was conducted to 15 students in B class of kindergarten. The researcher administered speaking test in collecting the data. The result of the data analysis showed that there was a significant improvement in students' vocabulary achievement after they were taught by using flashcard. It could be proven from the improvement of students' mean score from pretest to posttest, which was 12.7 to 75.0, with t-table is 59.146 and the t-value is 2.028. In short, flashcard can improve students' vocabulary achievement

    Improving Students’ Reading Achievement Through Self-questioning Strategy By Using Descriptive Text

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai-nilai siswa sebelum dan setelah menerapkan self questioning strategy dan untuk mengetahui respon siswa setelah diajar. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah siswa SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung kelas X1 yang terdiri dari 33 siswa. Desain penelitian ini adalah pre test post test satu kelompok. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan tes membaca dan kuesioner. Dalam penelitian ini, t-test pengukuran berulang digunakan untuk menganalisa data. Pada pre-test, nilai rata-rata siswa adalah 54,12 dan pada post-test menjadi 69,66. Dengan menggunakan t-test, telah ditemukan bahwa t-ratio (19.602) lebih tinggi daripada t-table (2.042), ini membuktikan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner, ditemukan juga bahwa respons siswa positif terhadap self questioning strategy. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa self questioning bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan prestasi membaca siswa dalam teks deskriptif. The objectives of this research are to investigate whether there is significant difference between students’ reading achievement before and after the implementation of self questioning strategy and to find out the students’ response after the implementation. The sample of the research are the students of SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung class X1 consisting of 33 students. The design is one-group pretest posttest. In collecting the data, the researcher used reading test and the questionnaire. In this research, the repeated measures t-test is used to analyze the data. In pretest, the mean score is 54.12 and 69.66 in post test. By using t-test, it has been found that t-ratio (19.602) is higher than t-table (2.042), it proves that the increase is significant. Based on the result of questionnaire, it has also been found that there is positive students’ response toward self questioning strategy. The result shows that self questioning can be used to increase the students’ reading achievement of descriptive text

    The Correlation Between Students' Vocabulary and Grammar Mastery and Reading Comprehension

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan apakah ada hubungan antara penguasaan kosakata, tata bahasa dan pemahaman membaca siswa. Desain penelitian ini kuantitatif menggunakan ex post facto designs. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua di SMAN 1 Tumijajar. Peneliti menggunakan sampel penelitian sebanyak 35 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes kosakata, tata bahasa, dan pemahaman membaca. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan Pearson Product Moment Correlation di SPSS 16.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai r dari penguasaan kosakata and pemahaman membaca, penguasaan tata bahasa dan pemahaman membaca, dan penguasaan kosakata, tata bahasa dan pemahaman membaca .839, 726, dan .870. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang significant antara penguasaan kosakata, tatabahasa dan pemahaman membaca siswa. Semakin tinggi penguasaan kosakata dan tatabahasa, maka semakin tinggi pemahaman membaca siswa. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is significant correlation between students' vocabulary and grammar mastery and their achievement in reading comprehension. This was quantitative research applied ex post facto designs. The population of this study was the second grade students of SMAN 1 Tumijajar. The researcher used sample consist of 35 students. The instrument of this research was in the form of vocabulary and grammar mastery test and reading comprehension test. The data collected were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation in SPSS 16.0. The result showed that r of students' vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension, grammar mastery and students' reading comprehension, and students' vocabulary and grammar mastery and their achievement in reading comprehension were .839, .726, and .870. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is correlation between students' vocabulary and grammar mastery and their achievement in reading comprehension. The higher students' master vocabulary and grammar, the higher students' get achievement reading comprehension. Keyword: grammar mastery, reading comprehension, vocabulary master

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Siswa dalam Monolog Prosedur melalui Metode Demonstrasi

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    This study aims to obtain (1) format of lesson plan using demonstration to improve the students’ ability to express the meaning of monologue procedure text; (2) the form of learning implementation using demonstration to express the meaning of monologue procedure text; (3) system of learning evaluation to express the meaning of monologue procedure text by using demonstration; (4) the increase of students’ skills to express the meaning of monologue procedure text by using the appropriate demonstration.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh (1) format RPP metode demonstrasi untuk peningkatan kemampuan siswa mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog berbentuk teks procedure; (2) bentuk pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan metode demonstrasi untuk mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog berbentuk teks procedure; (3) sistem evaluasi untuk mengungkapkan makna pada monolog berbentuk teks procedure dengan metode demonstrasi; (4) peningkatan keterampilan siswa dalam mengungkapkan makna pada monolog berbentuk teks procedure menggunakan metode demonstrasi yang tepat

    The Language in Interactional Speaking and Conversational Writing

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    Terdapat tempat di mana bahasa lisan dan tulis bisa menyatu. Penelitian ini menginvestigasi faktor-faktor yang membuat menulis terlihat dan terasa seperti berbicara. Sebuah database berisi 200 ujaran dari dua subyek (100 ujaran per subyek) pada percakapan tertulis dan percakapan interaksional (50 ujaran per setting) selama 6 bulan digunakan. Penemuan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah kata-kata yang digunakan pada kedua setting berada pada tahap keumuman yang sama berdasarkan tiga criteria Oxford 3000TM. Ujaran-ujaran tersebut juga sama tingkat kerumitannya. Satu-satunya perbedaan kecil adalah bagaimana ujaran tersebut dituturkan melalui berbagai tindak tutur. Temuan pendukungnya adalah bahwa kedua subyek tidak merasakan perbedaan apapun selama keterlibatan mereka pada kedua setting. Satu subyek tidak membuat persiapan apapun, dan yang satu lagi menyatakan bahwa dia spontan menggunakan kata-kata yang pernah ditulis atau baca dan diingatnya.There are some places for writing, speaking, written language, and spoken language to exist together. This research investigates some factors that make writing looks and feels like speaking. A database of 200 utterances taken from two subjects (100 utterances from each) in conversational writing (50 utterances per subject) and interactional speaking (50 utterances per subject) during the 6 months of data elicitation period is used. The major finding in this research is that the words found in conversational writing and interactional speaking are of similar level of commonness based on the three criteria of The Oxford 3000TM. The utterances are also similar in terms of complexity. The only slight difference is the way they were uttered through variety of speech acts. Â One minor finding is that the subjects feel no difference during their involvement in both settings. One subject admits to have made no planning, the other one says that he directly uses the words he has ever used when writing or reading and remembered.
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