2 research outputs found

    The Structural and Macroeconomic Determinants of Manufacturing Export-Value Performance in ASEAN Countries

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    This study aims to scrutinize the determinants of manufacturing exports in several ASEAN countries, specifically: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam. It adopts a panel data regression using the random effects model to predict manufacturing export value using structural (economic complexity and human capital) and macroeconomic (real effective exchange rate, foreign direct investment, and inflation) variables. The research finds that foreign direct investment, human capital, real effective exchange rate, and inflation are positive and statistically significant predictors of manufacturing exports in these ASEAN countries. However, the positive correlation between the real effective exchange rate and manufacturing exports is against previous literature arguing that a currency’s depreciation drives export competitiveness. The findings suggest that currency appreciation can enhance a country’s export performance as exports’ input products are cheaper than before. Additionally, the positive influence of inflation on exports can be explained by the subsequent increase in consumption from foreign countries. Therefore, in addition to managing their exchange rates, countries must develop their human capital and attract more foreign investments to enhance their export performance

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Ponorogo Nomor 5 Tahun 2011 Tentang Ketertiban Uum dan Ketenteraman Masyarakat (Studi Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kawasan Alun-Alun Ponorogo)

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    Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2011 on Public Order and Communal Peace is one of the rules of Local Government which is a public policy in which the implementation of public order is necessary to assert the policy. Judging from the state of public places many street vendors still sell around the sidewalks, roads, road intersections, especially in the area of Aloon Aloon Ponorogo.  The intended aims of this study are first, to find out how the implementation of Local Regulation Number 5 Year 2011 about Public Order and Communal Peace (Study on the Order of Traditional Foot Trader in Aloon-Aloon Ponorogo Area).  Second, to determine the factors that affect the implementation of the Local Regulation on the Traditional Foot Trader in order to maintain the discipline in the area of Aloon Aloon Ponorogo. The theory used in this research refers to Van Meter Theory and Van Horn. To support this study, the researcher used 8 people as informants by using qualitative data analysis as the data analysis in this study. Based on the result of this study, it can be concluded that theImplementation of Local Regulation Number 5 Year 2011 on Public Order and Communal Peace on the Ordering of Traditional Foot Trader in Aloon-Aloon Ponorogo Area until now has been running well in the disciplining but there is no arrangement of places for Traditional Foot Trader. Moreover, several factors that the regulation of the Local Regulation are due to the lack of infrastructure and human resources in disciplining traditional foot trader. This happens because there is no special fund prepared for the arrangement of street traders. Key words: Implementation, Regional Regulation, Traditional Trade