3,155 research outputs found

    Default Spread dan Term Spread sebagai Variabel Proxy Siklus Bisnis pada Model Fama-French

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    This research aims to apply the Fama-French models and test the effect of alternative variable of bond yield spread, default spread (RBBB – RAAA and RAAA – RF), and the term spread (RSUN10-RSUN1), as proxy variables of the business cycle, in IDX stock data during 2005-2010. Four types of asset pricing models tested are Sharpe-Lintner CAPM, Fama-French models, Hwang et al.model, and hybrid model. The results showed that the size effect and value effect has an impact on excess stock returns. Slopes of market beta, SMB, and HML are more sensitive to stock big size and high B / M. Default spreads and term spreads in Hwang et al. model can explain the value effect, and weakly explain the size effect, meanwhile the power of explanation disappeared on Hybrid models. Based on the assessment adjusted R2 and the frequency of rejection of non-zero alpha, is found that the hybrid model is the most suitable model

    Local Hall effect in hybrid ferromagnetic/semiconductor devices

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    We have investigated the magnetoresistance of ferromagnet-semiconductor devices in an InAs two-dimensional electron gas system in which the magnetic field has a sinusoidal profile. The magnetoresistance of our device is large. The longitudinal resistance has an additional contribution which is odd in applied magnetic field. It becomes even negative at low temperature where the transport is ballistic. Based on the numerical analysis, we confirmed that our data can be explained in terms of the local Hall effect due to the profile of negative and positive field regions. This device may be useful for future spintronic applications.Comment: 4 pages with 4 fugures. Accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letter

    Nonvolatile memories using deep traps formed in HfO₂ by Nb ion implantation

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    We report nonvolatile memories (NVMs) based on deep-energy trap levels formed in HfO₂ by metal ion implantation. A comparison of Nb- and Ta-implanted samples shows that suitable charge-trapping centers are formed in Nb-implanted samples, but not in Ta-implanted samples. This is consistent with density-functional theory calculations which predict that only Nb will form deep-energy levels in the bandgap of HfO₂. Photocurrent spectroscopy exhibits characteristics consistent with one of the trap levels predicted in these calculations. Nb-implanted samples showing memory windows in capacitance–voltage (V) curves always exhibit current (I) peaks in I–V curves, indicating that NVM effects result from deep traps in HfO₂. In contrast, Ta-implanted samples show dielectric breakdowns during the I–V sweeps between 5 and 11 V, consistent with the fact that no trap levels are present. For a sample implanted with a fluence of 10¹³Nb cm⁻², the charge losses after 10⁴ s are ∼9.8 and ∼25.5% at room temperature (RT) and 85°C, respectively, and the expected charge loss after 10 years is ∼34% at RT, very promising for commercial NVMs

    Non-Linear Impact of Growth Opportunity and Firm Size on the Capital Structure

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    One of the focuses on capital structure studies is to identify economic forces influencing corporate capital structure. We investigated the non-linear effects of the firm-specific factors to the leverage of the firm of the US-listed firms. In the partial-adjusted model, growth opportunity and the size of the firm had non-linear effects on the leverage of the firm. Growth opportunity showed quadratic effects on leverage with a negative linear term but a positive quadratic term. It meant if the growth opportunity of a firm reached a certain level, fund providers can relatively detect it and subsequently causes a decrease in asymmetric information. This detection of ample growth opportunity will increase the accessibility of external funding. Firm size also exhibits quadratic effects on leverage with a positive linear term but a negative quadratic term. In other words, if the firm size as a proxy of various omitted variables was imminent, the financial market has been applied the diversification discount that will decrease the accessibility of external funding.JEL Classification: G32, D92DOI: https://doi.org/10.26905/jkdp.v22i4.240

    Conceptual design of spin wave logic gates based on a Mach-Zehnder-type spin wave interferometer for universal logic functions

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    We present conceptual designs of an emerging class of logic gates, including NOT, NOR, and NAND, that use traveling spin waves (SWs) in the gigahertz range and that are based on a Mach-Zehnder-type SW (MZSW) interferometer. In this MZSW interferometer, logical input and output signals are achievable by the application of currents in order to control the phases that are accumulated by propagating SWs and by either destructive or constructive SW interference, respectively. In this article, the operation mechanism underlying a NOT gate function using a single MZSW interferometer is described and demonstrated numerically. The MZSW interferometer can itself become a NOT gate and be combined in its parallel and serial configurations to form NAND and NOR gates, respectively, which represent emerging classes of universal logic functions for microwave information signal processing.open764

    Nodulation and Growth of a Supernodulating Soybean Mutant SS2-2 Symbiotically Associated with Bradyrhizobium Japonicum

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    Mutan kedelai penghasil nodulsuper menunjukkan kelemahan dalam kontrol autoregulasi pada nodulasi dan perbedaan fenotip dibandingkan dengan tipe liarnya. Studi untuk mengevaluasi karakter pertumbuhan dan nodulasi dari kedelai penghasil nodulsuper dalam asosiasinya dengan Bradyrhizobium japonicum dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Tiga genotip kedelai, yaitu mutan kedelai penghasil nodulsuper SS2-2, tipe liarnya Sinpaldalkong 2 dan kedelai kontrol Jangyeobkong diinokulasi dengan B. japonicum USDA 110, kemudian ditumbuhkan di rumah kaca dalam kondisi terkontrol. Karakter nodulasi, fiksasi nitrogen (Acetylene Reduction Activity/ARA), pertumbuhan tanaman, dan hasil biji ditentukan untuk mengevaluasi asosiasi simbiotik antara B. japonicum dan kedelai nodulsuper. Kedelai yang diinokulasi dengan B. japonicum menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah dan berat kering nodul serta berat kering total tanaman dibandingkan dengan tanpa inokulasi. Tanaman SS2-2 yang diinokulasi menunjukkan jumlah nodul sekitar 20 kali lipat lebih tinggi daripada tipe liarnya. Inokulasi B. japonicum ternyata juga meningkatkan fiksasi nitrogen seiring dengan perkembangan nodul. Tanaman S2-2 lebih pendek dan menghasilkan fiksasi nitrogen (ARA) lebih tinggi, tetapi spesifik ARA dan hasil biji lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan tipe liarnya. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi terhadap nodulasi dan pertumbuhannya, interaksi Rhizobium dan kedelai penghasil nodulsuper SS2-2 mempunyai respon asosiasi simbiotik lebih rendah dibandingkan kedelai penghasil nodul normal (kedelai yang tidak mendapat perlakuan mutasi)

    Vortex-antivortex assisted magnetization dynamics in a semi-continuous thin-film model system studied by micromagnetic simulations

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    We have studied magnetization M dynamics in a semicontinuous 33-nm -thick Fe model system, which approaches new equilibrium states under various magnetic fields, H=0, -1, -10, and -30 Oe, starting from an initial M configuration of complex microstructures experimentally observed in a real continuous Fe film. Simulation results with H=0 clearly reveal that small needle-shaped domains and ripple structures found in a frozen state of the demagnetized Fe film continue to grow far into a surrounding 180?? domain, and that zigzag folding structures appear through the M dynamic evolution assisted by vortex and antivortex. Furthermore, it is found that many domain walls of a cross-tie type exhibit their dynamic developments under H=-10 and -30 Oe, caused by interactions between vortex and antivortex states. This vortex-antivortex assisted M dynamic evolution offers deeper insights into the comprehensive understanding of the static or dynamic properties of M reversal processes as well as additional features or more details of magnetic microstructures in real continuous films.open141

    Thermoelectric effects of an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer with an embedded quantum dot in the Kondo regime

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    Thermoelectric effects are studied in an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) interferometer with an embedded quantum dot in the Kondo regime. The AB flux-dependent transmission probability has an asymmetrical shape arising from the Fano interference between the direct tunneling path and the Kondo-resonant tunneling path through a quantum dot. The sign and magnitude of thermopower can be modulated by the AB flux and the direct tunneling amplitude. In addition, the thermopower is anomalously enhanced by the Kondo correlation in the quantum dot near the Kondo temperature (TKT_K). The Kondo correlation in the quantum dot also leads to crossover behavior in diagonal transport coefficients as a function of temperature. The amplitude of an AB oscillation in electric and thermal conductances is small at temperatures far above TKT_K, but becomes enhanced as the system is cooled below TKT_K. The AB oscillation is strong in the thermopower and Lorenz number within the crossover region near the Kondo temperature.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Thermopower of Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer with a Quantum Dot

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    We report on the thermopower of an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer (AB) with a quantum dot in the Kondo limit. The thermopower is anomalously enhanced due to the Kondo effect as in heavy fermion systems. In contrast to the bulk systems, the sign of the thermopower can be changed by adjusting the energy level scheme or the particle-hole asymmetry of a dot with the gate voltage. Further the magnitude and even the sign of the thermopower in the AB ring can be changed at will with varying either magnetic fields or the gate voltages.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter