254 research outputs found

    Model SCERTS w terapii i edukacji dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu

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    Every second year more children with autism spectrum disorder are born. Therefore, it’s a huge need of the modern autism therapy methods. In 2006 year in the United States, dr Barry Prizant, dr Amy Wetherby, Emily Rubin and Amy Laurent had developed a new innovatory model, called the SCERTS Model. The main aim of the SCERTS Model is to improve the language and social competences of the autistic children. The SCERTS Model is based on the three main components: social communication, emotional regulation, transactional support. The SCERTS Model is mostly recommended for children in the kindergarden and in the first years of the elementary school as well.Z roku na rok rośnie liczba dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu. Tym samym potrzeba coraz to nowszych metod terapeutycznych do pracy z tą grupą dzieci. W 2006 roku w Stanach Zjednoczonych dr Prizant, dr Amy Wetherby, Emily Rubin oraz Amy Laurent stworzyli nowatorski trój-czynnikowy model do pracy z dziećmi z autyzmem, w skrócie nazywany the SCERTS Model. Głównym celem tego modelu jest wzrost szeroko rozumianych społeczno – językowych kompetencji osób z całościowymi zaburzeniami rozwoju (CZR). Wśród głównych czynników modelu SCERTS wyróżniono trzy komponenty: 1) komponent Komunikacji Społecznej (ang. Social Communication), 2) komponent Równowagi Emocjonalnej (ang. Emotional Regulation), 3) komponent Wsparcia w Interakcjach (ang. Transactional Support). Model ten skierowany jest głównie do pracy z dziećmi w wieku przedszkolnym oraz wczesnoszkolnym

    Ochrona zdrowia osób odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności

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    Kara pozbawienia wolności mimo swej dolegliwości jest aktualnie w dużej mierze postrzegana jako jedna z podstawowych form sankcjonowania. Aktualnie panuje jednak zjawisko rozpowszechnienia praw człowieka w świadomości każdego z członków społeczeństwa cywilizowanego. W dużej mierze stanowi to wynik wydarzeń historycznych, rozwoju kultury, psychologii, socjologii, jak i gospodarki. Tym samym przestrzeganie owych praw i zapewnienie ich ochrony przez instytucje państwowe w toku wykonywania kary pozbawienia wolności ma być wyrazem humanitarnego traktowania osadzonych, poszanowania ich godności ludzkiej, ale także przeciwdziałaniu odbierania jej przez skazanych jako czynnika oddziaływującego kryminogennie. W związku z powyższym wskazać należy, że ochrona zdrowia osób odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności jest niezwykle istotny, gdyż zapewnienie realizacji osadzonym prawa do zdrowia ma nie tylko wyraz poszanowania ich godności ludzkiej i humanitarnego traktowania, ale stanowi również czynnik warunkujący osiągnięcie celu wykonywania kary pozbawienia wolności. Niniejsza rozprawa stanowi tym samym przekrojową analizę polskiego systemu penitencjarnego wraz z wiążącymi regulacjami międzynarodowymi, które odnoszą się do ochrony zdrowia osób pozbawionych wolności. Priorytetem staje się w tym przypadku charakterystyka owego systemu oraz jego uregulowań prawnych w zakresie prawa do ochrony zdrowia osadzonych, obecnych warunków jakie panują w jednostkach penitencjarnych oraz weryfikacja ich z obowiązującym stanem prawnym i realizacją celów kary. W konsekwencji nacisk podjętych rozważań w dużej mierze położony został także na uwzględnienie praktycznych problemów związanych z ochroną zdrowia osób pozbawionych wolności

    Efecto de la inclusión en el pienso de un biosurfactante sobre los resultados productivos y calidad de la canal de cerdos de cebo

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    El objetivo primordial de la utilización de emulsiones en ganadería es, mediante una mejora de los resultados productivos, reducir el coste de alimentación que, como es sabido, supone una fracción importante del coste total de los diversos segmentos productivos de aves y cerdos. Diversos experimentos han observado efectos positivos de la inclusión de emulsionantes en el pienso en pollos (Maertens et al., 2015; Tahir et al., 2016), en lechones recién destetados (Xing et al., 2004; Price et al., 2014) y en cerdos en crecimiento(Dierick y Decuypere, 2004)

    Alignment and rectifying properties of donor-electron bridge-acceptor molecules

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    Molecular electronics based on the bottom-up approach appears to be a promising alternative to overcome the limitations of the top-down lithographic fabrication of electronic devices. The ability to manipulate single or small groups of molecules provides a great opportunity to build electronic devices at the molecular level. However, before any device can be constructed, it is vital to understand the parameters that control the device properties such as: molecular structure, conformation and arrangement at the surface, the molecule-substrate and molecule-electrode interactions. This thesis presents an investigation of the alignment of acceptor-electron bridge-donor structures and describes how the molecular structure and arrangement affect rectifying properties of the monolayers. Studies included typical Langmuir-Blodgett (LB), chevron-shaped, and ionically coupled structures that were characterised using various techniques, such as Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM), Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) and Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy (STS). The results obtained showed that to achieve high rectification the molecules must form ordered and stable monolayers that are able to withstand the electric field applied to the junction. It was also shown that due to the disordered monolayer formation and presence of certain ions, it was extremely difficult to state without doubt whether the rectification was a result of the donor-electron bridge-acceptor structure proposed by Aviram and Ratner1. Studies of chevron-shaped molecules confirmed the possibility of depositing them using the LB technique. However, the reduction of long aliphatic chains was very likely balanced by the formation of less ordered or unstable monolayers. The highest rectification ratio of 30 ± 3 at ± 1 V was obtained for 1-butyl-2,6-bis-[2-(4- dibutylamino-phenyl)-vinyl]-pyridinium iodide (dye 7) and the origin of the I-V asymmetry was attributed to back electron transfer from iodide to pyridinium ring. Although dye 1-butyl-2,6-bis-(2-{4-[2-(4-dibutylamino-phenyl)-ethyl]-phenyl}-vinyl)- pyridinium iodide (dye 9) showed electrical asymmetry (RR=16 at plus/minus 1 V) shortly after deposition onto the gold-coated highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), it seemed to form an unstable alignment and as a consequence the rectification decayed over a period of a few hours. Improved ordering, stability, and rectification were achieved from ionically coupled structures, where the monolayers were formed using chemisorption and ionic assembly instead of physisorption.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Modulating the Physicochemical Properties of Chitin and Chitosan as a Method of Obtaining New Biological Properties of Biodegradable Materials

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    Physical and chemical modifications of chitin and chitosan allow for obtaining new functional properties of the natural polymers. This is a particularly valuable feature for the design and manufacture of new materials for medical applications. Due to their wide and varied biological activity, chitin and chitosan materials are increasingly used as dressing materials with antibacterial and hemostatic properties and as materials accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues because of stimulation of granulation tissue formation, re-epithelialization and reduction of the formation of scar tissue. In addition, chitosan derivatives have antifungal, antiviral, anticancer activity. The increasing use of chitin and chitosan also has a positive impact on the environment, as it is obtained as a result of chitin deacetylation, usually isolated from shellfish shells. The main source of chitin is waste coating of crustaceans. The annual natural reproducibility of chitin by biosynthesis is estimated at 2–3 billion tons. Our interest in the use of biodegradable biopolymers derived from chitin concerns the design, synthesis in laboratory scale, testing new material properties and the final implementation of new developments for industrial practice of new dressing materials useful in the treatment of bleeding wounds (haemostatic properties) as well as in the regeneration of wounds and ulcers of various etiologies. Examples of chitin-based dressing materials introduced by Tricomed SA are Medisorb R Ag, Medisorb R Membrane, Medisorb R Powder and Tromboguard®

    A systems view of epithelial–mesenchymal transition signaling states

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    Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an important contributor to the invasion and metastasis of epithelial-derived cancers. While considerable effort has focused in the regulators involved in the transition process, we have focused on consequences of EMT to prosurvival signaling. Changes in distinct metastable and ‘epigentically-fixed’ EMT states were measured by correlation of protein, phosphoprotein, phosphopeptide and RNA transcript abundance. The assembly of 1167 modulated components into functional systems or machines simplified biological understanding and increased prediction confidence highlighting four functional groups: cell adhesion and migration, metabolism, transcription nodes and proliferation/survival networks. A coordinate metabolic reduction in a cluster of 17 free-radical stress pathway components was observed and correlated with reduced glycolytic and increased oxidative phosphorylation enzyme capacity, consistent with reduced cell cycling and reduced need for macromolecular biosynthesis in the mesenchymal state. An attenuation of EGFR autophosphorylation and a switch from autocrine to paracrine-competent EGFR signaling was implicated in the enablement of tumor cell chemotaxis. A similar attenuation of IGF1R, MET and RON signaling with EMT was observed. In contrast, EMT increased prosurvival autocrine IL11/IL6-JAK2-STAT signaling, autocrine fibronectin-integrin α5β1 activation, autocrine Axl/Tyro3/PDGFR/FGFR RTK signaling and autocrine TGFβR signaling. A relatively uniform loss of polarity and cell–cell junction linkages to actin cytoskeleton and intermediate filaments was measured at a systems level. A more heterogeneous gain of ECM remodeling and associated with invasion and migration was observed. Correlation to stem cell, EMT, invasion and metastasis datasets revealed the greatest similarity with normal and cancerous breast stem cell populations, CD49f(hi)/EpCAM(-/lo) and CD44(hi)/CD24(lo), respectively. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10585-010-9367-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Spontaneous Splenic Rupture in a Hemodialysis Patient

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    Spontaneous splenic rupture (SSR) in a patient undergoing hemodialysis has been described as an extremely rare and potentially fatal complication. We report here spontaneous splenic rupture in a 52-year-old woman undergoing regular hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease (ESRD). She complained of colicky abdominal pain in the left upper quadrant area and dizziness when she assumed an upright posture. Her vital signs revealed low blood pressure and tachycardia, which was suggestive of hypovolemic shock. Abdomen CT scan showed splenic hematoma and hemoperitoneum. However, she had no history of any event triggering the splenic rupture. An exploratory laparotomy showed a ruptured spleen and an emergency splenectomy was performed. We suggest that spontaneous spleen rupture may be attributed to uremic coagulopathy and heparin-induced coagulopathy