17 research outputs found

    Effect Of Host Plant On The Fecundity Of Spittlebug Deois Flavopicta Stal (homoptera: Cercopidae): Implications On Population Dynamics

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    The spittlebug Deois flavopicta Stal (Hom.: Cercopidae) occurs naturally on native grasses in Central Brazil in low population densities. After the introduction of African grasses, mainly of the genus Brachiaria, for cattle raising, D. flavopicta began to produce population outbreaks and became a pest. Two studies were conducted, aiming to estimate the effects of a native and an exotic host plant on the fecundity of this insect. Females of D. flavopicta maintained during the adult stage on Brachiaria ruziziensis produced more eggs and lived longer than those maintained on Axonopus marginatus (a native grass widely distributed in Brazil), independently of the host plant on which the nymphs were reared. Due to the severe damage produced by adult D. flavopicta on the host plant, the effect of insect density on its own reproductive capacity was evaluated in oviposition cages containing plants of B. ruziziensis, standardized in height and stem number. Densities of one, two, three, four and six couples with virgin females were evaluated. Population densities of three couples, equivalent to 150 adults/m2, or higher decreased insect's fecundity. These results contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms that determine low levels of spittlebug populations in the native grasses and promote population outbreaks in introduced ones.304547552Begon, M., Mortimer, M., (1986) Population Ecology: A Unified Study of Animals and Plants. 2nd Ed., , Oxford, Blackwell, 220pBerryman, A.A., The theory and classification of outbreaks (1987) Insect Outbreaks, pp. 3-28. , P. Barbosa & J.C. Schultz (eds.), New York, Academic Pres, 578pBoddey, R.M., Victoria, R.L., Estimation of biological nitrogen fixation associated with Brachiaria and Paspalum grasses using 15N labelled organic matter and fertilizer (1986) Plant Soil, 90, pp. 265-313Cavalcante, P.B., Contribuição ao estudo dos corpos silicosos das gramíneas amazônicas (1968) Botânica, 30, pp. 1-26Döbereiner, J., Pedrosa, F.O., (1987) Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria in Nonleguminous Crop Plants, , New York, Spring-Verlag, 155pFontes, E.M.G., Pires, C.S., Sujii, E.R., Mixed risk-spreading strategies and the population dynamics of a brazilian pasture pest, Deois flavopicta (Homoptera: Cercopidae) (1995) J. Econ. Entomol., 88, pp. 1256-1262Ferrufino, A., Lapointe, S.L., Host plant resistance in Brachiaria grasses to the spittlebug Zulia colombiana (1989) Entomol. Exp. Appl., 51, pp. 155-162Haukioja, E., Effects of food and predation on population dynamics (1993) Caterpillars: Ecological and Evolutionary Constraints on Foraging, pp. 425-447. , N.E. Stamp & T.M. Casey (eds.), New York, Chapman and Hall, 587pHewitt, G.B., Enviromental factors affecting spittlebug egg survival during the dry season in Central Brazil (1986) Pesq. Agropec. Bras., 21, pp. 1237-1243Hewitt, G.B., Nilakhe, S.S., Enviromental factors affecting the survival of eggs and early instar nymphs of spittlebugs Zulia entreriana and Deois flavopicta during the rainy season in central Brazil (1986) An. Soc. Entomol. Brasil, 15, pp. 61-76Klink, C.A., Effects of clipping on size and tillering of native and African grasses of Brazilian savannas (the cerrado) (1984) Oecologia, 70, pp. 365-376Kuo, J., Fox, E., MacDonald, S., (1992) Sigmastat: Statistical Software for Working Scientist. User's Manual, , San Francisco, Jandel ScientificMelo, L.A.A., Silveira Neto, S., Villa Nova, N.A., Reis, P.R., Influência de elementos climáticos sobre a população de cigarrinhas das pastagens (1984) Pesq. Agropec. Bras., 19, pp. 9-19De Menezes, M., El Khadi, M.K., Pereira, J.M., Ruiz, M.A.M., (1983) Bases para O Controle Integrado Das Cigarrinhas-das-pastagens Na Região Sudeste Da Bahia, , CEPLAC-CEPEC, Ilhéus, 33pMilanez, J.M., Parra, J.R.P., Menezes, M., Influência de alguns fatores climáticos nas flutuações populacionais de Zulia entreriana (Berg, 1879) e Deois flavopicta (Stal, 1854) nas regiões de Nova Odessa e Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo (1981) Rev. Theobroma, 11, pp. 219-228Oomen, P.A., A population study of the spittle bugs Aeneolamia occidentalis (Walk.) and Prosapia simulans (Walk.) (Homoptera: Cercopidae) in Mexican Pangola pastures (1975) Z. Ang. Entomol., 79, pp. 225-238Pacheco, J.M., (1981) Aspectos Da Biologia e Ecologia de Deois Flavopicta (Stal, 1854) (Homoptera: Cercopidae) Na Região de São Carlos, , Tese de doutorado, UFSCa, São Paulo, 111pPires, C.S.S., Sujii, E.R., Fontes, E.M.G., Tauber, C.A., Tauber, M.J., Dry-season dormancy in eggs of Deois flavopicta (Homoptera: Cercopidae): Roles of temperature and moisture in nature (2000) Environ. Entomol., 29, pp. 714-720Pires, C.S.S., Price, P.W., Fontes, E.G., Preference performance linkage in the neotropical spittlebug Deois flavopicta, and its relation to the phylogenetic constraints hypothesis (2000) Ecol. Entomol., 25, pp. 71-80Pires, C.S.S., Price, P.W., Oliveira, R.C., Distribution of the spitttlebug Deois flavopicta (Homoptera: Cercopidae) on wild and cultivated host species (2000) An. Soc. Entomol. Brasil, 29, pp. 401-412Raven, J.A., Phytophages of xylem and phloem: A comparison of animal and plant sap-feeders (1983) Adv. Ecol. Res., 13, pp. 135-234Sanders, C.J., Knight, F.B., Natural regulation of the aphid Pterocomma populifoliae on bigtooth aspen in northern lower Michigan (1968) Ecology, 49, pp. 234-244Sendulsky, T., Labouriau, L.G., Corpos silicosos de gramíneas dos Cerrados - I (1966) An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc., 38, pp. 159-185Stoporoli-Neto, A., Pacheco, J.M., Motta, L., Pavan, C., Métodos de obtenção de ovos de cigarrinhas-das-pastagens Deois spp. (Homoptera: Cercopidae) (1985) Rev. Bras. Entomol., 29, pp. 523-533Sujii, E.R., Garcia, M.A., Fontes, E.M.G., Carvalho, V., Efeito da temperatura e umidade sobre o término diapausa de ovos e densidade populacional da cigarrinha-das-pastagens, Deois flavopicta (Stal) (Homoptera: Cercopidae) (1995) An. Soc. Entomol. Brasil, 24, pp. 465-478Sujii, E.R., (1998) Modelagem e Simulação Da Dinâmica Populacional Da Cigarrinha-das-pastagens, Deois Flavopicta (Homoptera: Cercopidae), , Tese de doutorado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, 239pThompson, V., Spittlebug indicators of nitrogen-fixing plants (1994) Ecol. Entomol., 19, pp. 391-398Valério, J.R., Spittlebugs: Important pasture pests in Brazil (1988) Tymbal, 12, pp. 14-1

    Movements Of Migration And Dispersion Of Adult Spittlebugs [movimentos De Migração E Dispersão De Adultos Da Cigarrinha-das-pastagens]

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    The effect of adults of the spittlebug (Deois flavopicta Stal) movement in their population dynamics was evaluated in pastures of Brachiaria ruziziensis in Brasília, DF, Brazil. Plastic panels containing adesive trap were used to monitorate the movement rates. The data suggest a lack of pattern related to the geographical position of the traps. Vegetation landscapes similar to pastures fields around the study area seemed to favour the dispersion, whilst Cerrados or wood vegetation in the neighborhood inhibted insect dispersion toward this direction and increased return rate of spittlebugs to the pasture. Spittlebugs moved mainly by short, low jumping flights (bellow 1 m). A proportion of 4:1 male:female was captured in the traps, indicating that males move more than females. The movement of marked and recaptured populations was monitored with non-toxic fluorescent powder. Speed rates lower than 5 m/day was observed. Adult dispersion movement, apparently, does not contribute significantly to the loss or recruitment of individuals to populations of D. flavopicta. Consequently, there is no need to consider this movement in modeling this insect population dynamics. Migration may have a role in this dynamics except in some cases, such as outbreaks and local extinction.353471480Begon, M., Harper, J.L., Townsend, C.R., (1996) Ecology: Individuals, Population and Communities. 3.ed., 1068p. , Oxford : BlackwellCarneiro, M.F., Da Cunha, H.F., (1984) Avaliação de Danos e Controle Da Cigarrinha-das- Pastagens (Deois Flavopicta) Na Cultura Do Milho, 14p. , Goiânia : EMGOPA, (EMGOPA. Boletim de pesquisa, 7)Cosenza, G.W., Naves, M.A., (1980) O Controle Da Cigarrinha Das Pastagens, 4p. , Brasilia : Embrapa-CPAC, (Embrapa-CPAC. Comunicado técnico, 6)Fontes, E.M.G., Pires, C.S.S., Sujii, E.R., Mixed risk-spreading strategies and the population dynamics of a Brazilian pasture pest, Deois flavopicta (1995) Journal of Economic Entomology, 88 (5), pp. 1256-1262Garcia, M.A., Altieri, M.A., Explaining differences in flea beetle Phyllotreta cruciferae Goeze densities in simple and mixed broccoli cropping systems as a function of individual behavior (1992) Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 62, pp. 201-209Kalvelage, H., Buzzi, Z.J., Ciclo de vida da cigarrinha Deois schach (Homoptera: Cercopidae) a duas temperaturas (1986) Anais Da Sociedade Entomológica Do Brasil, 15 (1), pp. 113-136Kareiva, P.M., Local movement in herbivorous insects: Applying a passive diffusion model to mark-recapture field experiments (1983) Oecologia, 57, pp. 322-327Koller, W.W., Honer, M.R., Desenvolvimento e sobrevivência de ninfas da cigarrinha-das-pastagens (Homoptera: Cercopidae) sobre plantas de Brachiaria decumbens com diferentes características morfológicas (1994) Anais Da Sociedade Entomológica Do Brasil, 23 (2), pp. 163-170Kuo, J., Fox, E., Macdonald, S., (1992) Sigmastat: Statistical Software for Working Scientists. User's Manual, , San Francisco : Jandel ScientificDe Menezes, M., El-Kadi, M.K., Pereira, J.M., Ruiz, M.A.M., (1983) Bases para O Controle Integrado Das Cigarrinhas Das Pastagens Na Região Sudeste Da Bahia, 33p. , Ilhéus : CEPLAC-CEPECNilakhe, S.S., Buainain, C.M., Observations on movement of spittlebug adults (1988) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 23 (2), pp. 123-134. , BrasíliaNilakhe, S.S., Da Silva, A.A., Cavaccione, I., Souza, A.R.R., (1984) Cigarrinhas-das-pastagens Em Cultura de Arroz e Sugestões para O Seu Controle, 6p. , Campo Grande : Embrapa-CNPGC, (Embrapa-CNPGC. Comunicado técnico, 24)Pacheco, J.M., (1981) Aspectos Da Biologia e Ecologia de Deois Flavopicta (Stal, 1954) (Homoptera: Cercopidae) Na Região de São Carlos, 111p. , São Paulo : UFSCar, Tese de DoutoradoRabb, R.L., Stinner, R.E., The role of insect dispersal and migration in population process (1978) Workshop Radar: Insect Population Ecology and Pest Management, 1978, Virginia, EUA. Proceedings, pp. 3-14. , Virginia : NASA, (NASA. Conference publication, 2070)Santos, P.J., Cruz, I., Botelho, W., (1982) Avaliação de Dano e Controle Das Cigarrinhas-das-pastagens Em Plantas de Milho Com Diferentes Idades, 9p. , Sete Lagoas : Embrapa-CNPMS, (Embrapa-CNPMS. Pesquisa em andamento, 2)Stoporoli Neto, A., Pacheco, J.M., Motta, L., Pavan, C., Métodos de obtenção de ovos de cigarrinhas-das-pastagens Deois spp. (Homoptera: Cercopidae) (1985) Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 29 (3-4), pp. 523-533Stoporoli Neto, A., Pavan, C., Novo método de criação de cigarrinhas-das-pastagens (Homoptera: Cercopidae) (1984) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 19 (10), pp. 1185-1196. , BrasíliaSujii, E.R., (1998) Modelagem e Simulação Da Dinâmica Populacional Da Cigarrinha-das-pastagens, Deois Flavopicta (Homoptera: Cercopidae), 239p. , Campinas : UNICAMP, Tese de DoutoradoSujii, E.R., (1994) Padrão de Distribuição Das Populações Anuais e Modelo Fenológico para O Manejo Da Cigarrinha-das-pastagens, Deois Flavopicta (Homoptera: Cercopidae), 77p. , Campinas : UNICAMP, Tese de MestradoValerio, J.R., Nakano, O., Danos causados pelo adulto de cigarrinha-das-pastagens Zulia entreriana (Berg, 1879) (Homoptera: Cercopidae) em plantas de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf mantidas em diferentes níveis de umidade (1987) Anais Da Sociedade Entomológica Do Brasil, 16 (2), pp. 341-350Valerio, J.R., Nakano, O., Locais de alimentação e distribuição vertical de adultos da cigarrinha Zulia entreriana (Berg, 1879) (Homoptera:Cercopidae) em plantas de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf (1988) Anais Da Sociedade Entomológica Do Brasil, 17 (2), pp. 519-529Wilkinson, L., (1990) SYSTAT: the System for Statistics, 676p. , Evanson, Illinois : SYSTA

    Loose Preference/performance Linkage In A Leaf-miner From Serra Do Japi

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    Leaf-miner insects have been used to support different herbivory hypothesis, as these sometimes show preference for some kind of plant module, although this preference is frequently not linked to their offspring performance. In order to locate the pattern of attack of a member of this group of herbivores in the continuum between vigorous and stressed plants, we searched for factors that may be influencing female preference for certain oviposition sites and their effects on larval performance (survival). We studied a leaf-miner Agromyzidae fly attacking Triumfetta semitiriloba (Tiliaceae) in the subtropical mountain region of Serra do Japi, Jundiai, SP. We measured shoot length, number of leaves pershoot, leaf size, and assessed survivorship of leaf-miners by the developmental stage reached. Miners were found in leaves and shoots of all sizes in an approximately random distribution. There was no tendency of increasing oviposition on longer shoots. Although there was an increasing proportion of attacked leaves with shoot g (r2 =0.27), this pattern increased in a smaller ratio than the number of leaves per shoot. The pattern of attack was not linked to larval performance, which was the same in every leaf and shoot size classes. The distribution of leaf-miners on T. semi-tiriloba plants seems not to be related to resource availability, but rather to predation and parasitism pressures.57343544

    Predation As A Mortality Factor In Populations Of The Spittlebug, Deois Flavopicta Stål (homoptera: Cercopidae)

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    The spittlebug, Deois flavopicta Stål, is the main pest in cultivated pastures of the "Cerrados" (savanna) in the central region of Brazil. The insect has three discrete generations during the rainy season (September-April) and a synchronized population of diapausing eggs during the dry season (May-August). Experiments in cultivated pastures showed that nonspecific predators were able to affect significantly the mortality rates of diapausing eggs and nymphs of D. flavopicta. Predation was a density independent mortality factor that reduced diapausing eggs by approximately 60% and nymphs by 20% to 47%. The nymph mortality rate due to predation did not differ during the first and the second generations of the year. For the third generation however, the mortality rate was lower, related to a greater degree of nymphal aggregation in spatial refuges. Our direct observations indicate that among the types of predators in pastures, ants potentially make the greatest contribution to mortality, although their impact needs experimental verification. High rates of mortality of eggs and nymphs of D. flavopicta exposed to predators indicate that predation can be an important factor determining the size of adult populations. Therefore, management practices that disturb the predator community may increase the population densities of the spittlebug.314581588Barbosa, F.R., Moreira, W.M., Czepack, C., (1984) Beauveria Bassiana (Bals.) Vuill: Promissor Agente de Controle Biológico para a Cigarrinha-das-pastagens Deois Flavopicta (Stal, 1854), 17p. , EMGOPA, Goiânia, (EMGOPA-DDI. 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Bras., 22, pp. 767-783Pires, C.S.S., Fontes, E.M.G., Sujii, E.R., Fernandes, H.M.C., Gomes, D.F., Ocorrência de Anagrus sp. (Homoptera: Mymaridae) parasitando ovos de Deois flavopicta (Homoptera: Cercopidae) em pastagens do Brasil Central (1993) An. Soc. Entomol. Brasil, 22, pp. 411-413Pires, C.S.S., Sujii, E.R., Fontes, E.M.G., Tauber, C.A., Tauber, M.J., Dry-season dormancy in eggs of Deois flavopicta (Homoptera: Cercopidae): roles of temperature and moisture in nature (2000) Environ. Entomol., 29, pp. 714-720Seiffert, N.F., (1980) Gramíneas Forrageiras Do Gênero Brachiaria, 83p. , Embrapa CNPGC, Campo Grande, Embrapa CNPGC. Circular Técnica, 1Sujii, E.R., (1994) Padrão de Distribuição Das Populações Anuais e Modelo Fenológico para o Manejo Da Cigarrinha-das-pastagens, Deois Flavopicta (Homoptera: Cercopidae), 77p. , Dissertação de mestrado, UNICAMP, Campinas, SPSujii, E.R., Garcia, M.A., Fontes, E.M.G., Carvalho, V., Efeito da temperatura e umidade sobre o término da diapausa de ovos e densidade populacional da cigarrinha-das-pastagens, Deois flavopicta (Stal) (Homoptera: Cercopidae) (1995) An. Soc. Entomol. Brasil, 24, pp. 465-478Villacorta, A., Susceptibilidade de ninfas de Deois flavopicta (Stal, 1854) (Homoptera: Cercopidae) a diferentes isolamentos de Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch) Sorokin (1980) An. Soc. Entomol. Brasil, 9, pp. 33-38Wilkinson, L., (1990) SYSTAT: The System for Statistics: Statistics, 676p. , Evanson, Illinois, SYSTAT In