15 research outputs found

    Automatic Mobile Video Remixing and Collaborative Watching Systems

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    In the thesis, the implications of combining collaboration with automation for remix creation are analyzed. We first present a sensor-enhanced Automatic Video Remixing System (AVRS), which intelligently processes mobile videos in combination with mobile device sensor information. The sensor-enhanced AVRS system involves certain architectural choices, which meet the key system requirements (leverage user generated content, use sensor information, reduce end user burden), and user experience requirements. Architecture adaptations are required to improve certain key performance parameters. In addition, certain operating parameters need to be constrained, for real world deployment feasibility. Subsequently, sensor-less cloud based AVRS and low footprint sensorless AVRS approaches are presented. The three approaches exemplify the importance of operating parameter tradeoffs for system design. The approaches cover a wide spectrum, ranging from a multimodal multi-user client-server system (sensor-enhanced AVRS) to a mobile application which can automatically generate a multi-camera remix experience from a single video. Next, we present the findings from the four user studies involving 77 users related to automatic mobile video remixing. The goal was to validate selected system design goals, provide insights for additional features and identify the challenges and bottlenecks. Topics studied include the role of automation, the value of a video remix as an event memorabilia, the requirements for different types of events and the perceived user value from creating multi-camera remix from a single video. System design implications derived from the user studies are presented. Subsequently, sport summarization, which is a specific form of remix creation is analyzed. In particular, the role of content capture method is analyzed with two complementary approaches. The first approach performs saliency detection in casually captured mobile videos; in contrast, the second one creates multi-camera summaries from role based captured content. Furthermore, a method for interactive customization of summary is presented. Next, the discussion is extended to include the role of users’ situational context and the consumed content in facilitating collaborative watching experience. Mobile based collaborative watching architectures are described, which facilitate a common shared context between the participants. The concept of movable multimedia is introduced to highlight the multidevice environment of current day users. The thesis presents results which have been derived from end-to-end system prototypes tested in real world conditions and corroborated with extensive user impact evaluation

    Automatic Mobile Video Remixing and Collaborative Watching Systems

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    In the thesis, the implications of combining collaboration with automation for remix creation are analyzed. We first present a sensor-enhanced Automatic Video Remixing System (AVRS), which intelligently processes mobile videos in combination with mobile device sensor information. The sensor-enhanced AVRS system involves certain architectural choices, which meet the key system requirements (leverage user generated content, use sensor information, reduce end user burden), and user experience requirements. Architecture adaptations are required to improve certain key performance parameters. In addition, certain operating parameters need to be constrained, for real world deployment feasibility. Subsequently, sensor-less cloud based AVRS and low footprint sensorless AVRS approaches are presented. The three approaches exemplify the importance of operating parameter tradeoffs for system design. The approaches cover a wide spectrum, ranging from a multimodal multi-user client-server system (sensor-enhanced AVRS) to a mobile application which can automatically generate a multi-camera remix experience from a single video. Next, we present the findings from the four user studies involving 77 users related to automatic mobile video remixing. The goal was to validate selected system design goals, provide insights for additional features and identify the challenges and bottlenecks. Topics studied include the role of automation, the value of a video remix as an event memorabilia, the requirements for different types of events and the perceived user value from creating multi-camera remix from a single video. System design implications derived from the user studies are presented. Subsequently, sport summarization, which is a specific form of remix creation is analyzed. In particular, the role of content capture method is analyzed with two complementary approaches. The first approach performs saliency detection in casually captured mobile videos; in contrast, the second one creates multi-camera summaries from role based captured content. Furthermore, a method for interactive customization of summary is presented. Next, the discussion is extended to include the role of users’ situational context and the consumed content in facilitating collaborative watching experience. Mobile based collaborative watching architectures are described, which facilitate a common shared context between the participants. The concept of movable multimedia is introduced to highlight the multidevice environment of current day users. The thesis presents results which have been derived from end-to-end system prototypes tested in real world conditions and corroborated with extensive user impact evaluation

    RTP/AVPF Compliant Feedback for Error Resilient Video Coding in Conversational Applications

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    Abstract — Feedback-based error-resilient video coding relies on efficient transmission of feedback messages. The Audio-Visual Profile with Feedback (AVPF) for Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP), i.e. RTP/AVPF, supports low-latency feedbacks. In this paper, a reference picture selection (RPS) method using RTP/AVPF-compliant feedback is proposed. A restriction period is first derived in the codec layer based on the previously transmitted back-channel message, the RTCP reporting interval, the round-trip time, and the processing delay of the encoder. Then, a feedback message is transmitted when the restriction period is passed and an incorrectly reconstructed picture is detected. At the encoder, the decoded picture buffer (DPB) is adaptively controlled to combat feedback delay fluctuation in RTP/AVPF. Simulation results show that the proposed entire solution outperforms traditional RPS, wherein a back-channel message is transmitted for every lost picture and the DPB is managed by sliding window. I

    Multimodal Semantics Extraction from User-Generated Videos

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    User-generated video content has grown tremendously fast to the point of outpacing professional content creation. In this work we develop methods that analyze contextual information of multiple user-generated videos in order to obtain semantic information about public happenings (e.g., sport and live music events) being recorded in these videos. One of the key contributions of this work is a joint utilization of different data modalities, including such captured by auxiliary sensors during the video recording performed by each user. In particular, we analyze GPS data, magnetometer data, accelerometer data, video- and audio-content data. We use these data modalities to infer information about the event being recorded, in terms of layout (e.g., stadium), genre, indoor versus outdoor scene, and the main area of interest of the event. Furthermore we propose a method that automatically identifies the optimal set of cameras to be used in a multicamera video production. Finally, we detect the camera users which fall within the field of view of other cameras recording at the same public happening. We show that the proposed multimodal analysis methods perform well on various recordings obtained in real sport events and live music performances