91 research outputs found

    Kemanfaatan Perpustakaan dalam Pembelajaran dan Penelitian Mahasiswa IPB serta Strategi Peningkatannya

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              Facing the disruptive era IPB Library needs to anticipate various changes by conducting self-evaluation through assessing the impact of their existence for students. Therefore, this study aims: (1) Knowing the relationship between the frequency of student visits to the IPB Library and the GPA; (2) Knowing the relationship between the number of IPB library books borrowed by students and the GPA; (3) Knowing the benefits of the IPB Library in supporting student learning and research processes; (4) Knowing the role of IPB librarians in supporting the learning and research processes of their students; (5) Formulate strategies for the IPB Library to increase its benefits for the learning and research processes of its students.                     This research is a quantitative study, using a correlation test to see the relationship between the frequency of student visits to the IPB Library and the number of the IPB Library books borrowed by the students with the GPA. This study also used a survey method with a questionnaire accompanied by interviews with three IPB lecturers.           The results showed that there was no correlation between the frequency of student visits to the library and the number of library books borrowed on the student's GPA. However, students' perceptions regarding the support of the IPB Library on their learning and research are very good, the average percentage of respondents who agree on the benefits of the library in their learning and research processes is above 90%. Respondents' perception of librarian support in helping students learn is very good, but librarian support for student research is considered lacking.           Strategies to increase the benefits of the library and librarians on student learning and research process need to be adjusted to the behavior of the millennial generation. Therefore, it is recommended that the IPB Library immediately implement the concepts based on industrial revolution 4.0. IPB librarians should be improved their competence related to information literacy skills and mastery of information and communication technology.Menghadapi era disruptif Perpustakaan IPB perlu mengantisipasi berbagai perubahan dengan melakukan evaluasi diri melalui pengkajian manfaat keberadaannya bagi mahasiswa. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Mengetahui  hubungan antara frekuensi kunjungan mahasiswa ke Perpustakaan IPB dengan IPK; (2) Mengetahui hubungan banyaknya buku Perpustakaan IPB yang dipinjam mahasiswa dengan IPK; (3) Mengetahui manfaat Perpustakaan IPB dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran dan penelitian mahasiswa; (4) Mengetahui peran pustakawan IPB dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran dan penelitian mahasiswanya; (5) Merumuskan strategi Perpustakaan IPB untuk meningkatkan manfaatnya terhadap proses pembelajaran dan penelitian mahasiswanya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, menggunakan uji korelasi untuk melihat hubungan antara frekuensi kunjungan mahasiswa ke Perpustakaan IPB dan banyaknya buku Perpustakaan IPB yang dipinjam mahasiswa dengan IPK. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode survei dengan kuesioner disertai wawancara kepada tiga orang dosen IPB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada korelasi antara frekuensi kunjungan mahasiswa ke perpustakaan dan banyaknya buku perpustakaan yang dipinjam dengan IPK mahasiswa. Namun demikian, persepsi mahasiswa terkait dukungan Perpustakaan IPB pada pembelajaran dan penelitian mereka sangat baik, rata-rata persentase responden yang setuju akan kemanfaatan perpustakaan dalam proses belajar dan penelitian mereka di atas 90 %. Persepsi responden terhadap dukungan pustakawan dalam membantu mahasiswa belajar sangat baik, namun untuk dukungan pustakawan pada penelitian mahasiswa dianggap kurang. Strategi peningkatan manfaat perpustakaan  pada proses pembelajaran dan penelitian mahasiswa perlu disesuaikan dengan perilaku generasi milenial. Oleh karena itu disarankan Perpustakaan IPB segera mengimplementasikan konsep-konsep berbasiskan revolusi industri 4.0. Pustakawan IPB perlu ditingkatkan kompetensinya terkait keterampilan literasi informasi dan penguasaan pada teknologi informasi dan komunikasi

    Increasing the Role of Sales Promotion, Advertising and Pricing on Customer Decisions to Choose Sharia Banking Products (Case Study of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Jakarta Region)

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    Islamic banks are banks whose operational activities are based on the principles contained in the Islamic religion. Therefore, the operational activities of Islamic banks must be in accordance with the references contained in the Al-Quran and Hadith. When referring to its activities, the operations of Islamic banks are different from conventional banks. Based on the results of the 2022 survey which refers to financial literacy, it means that out of every 100 people in Indonesia, only nine people know and understand the Islamic finance industry. The purpose of this study is to analyze the variables that can influence customer decisions in choosing Islamic banking products. This type of research is associative explanatory research, namely research that connects two or more variables

    Penjajakan layanan manajemen data penelitian di perpustakaan perguruan tinggi: Studi Kasus di IPB University

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang cepat menyebabkan beberapa pekerjaan hilang, namun menimbulkan cukup banyak pekerjaan baru.  Pustakawan perguruan tinggi dan lembaga penelitan di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa telah mengantisipasi kemungkinan berkurangnya ketergantungan masyarakat ilmiah terhadap perpustakaan dengan mengembangkan berbagai layanan. Salah satu usaha agar pustakawan tetap eksis di aktivitas keilmiahan adalah para pustakawan tersebut mengembangkan layanan manajemen data penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pendapat sivitas akademika IPB University tentang layanan manajemen data penelitian di Perpustakaan IPB University,  dan mengetahui bentuk layanan data penelitian serta memberikan rekomendasi terkait hal itu kepada Perpustakaan IPB University. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kombinasi. Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dengan metode survei, melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada mahasiswa IPB University. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan wawancara kepada dosen dan seorang alumni Pogram Doktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan para dosen dan alumni yang diwawancara, serta kebanyakan responden setuju adanya pengumpulan data hasil penelitian. Data yang ketika dihasilkan baru dianalisis pada tahap tertentu, dengan dimanfaatkan lagi menggunakan kemajuan teknologi dan pengetahuan baru dapat menghasilkan karya yang lebih akurat dan luar biasa. Perpustakaan dapat menjadi penyelenggara layanan manajemen data penelitian dengan rambu-rambu kehati-hatian yang tinggi. Data hasil penelitian sivitas akademika IPB University disarankan hanya dapat digunakan kembali oleh sivitas akademika IPB University. Permintaan pemanfaatan data tidak dapat dilakukan oleh individu, tetapi harus melalui permintaan kelembagaan


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    Weeding merupakan salah satu aktivitas di Perpustakaan yang sulit dilakukan. Pustakawan harus menilai dengan sangat hati-hati bila akan melaksanakan weeding pada sebuah bahan perpustakaan. Ia akan merasa bersalah bila bahan perpustakaan yang di-weeding kemudian dibutuhkan pemustaka. Namun jajaran bahan perpustakaan di rak yang dipenuhi dengan bahan perpustakaan yang tidak terpakai akan menyulitkan pemustaka mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan. Untuk menghindari terjadinya protes dari stakeholders perpustakaan harus membuat dokumen kebijakan weeding yang dipersiapkan dengan baik, sehingga stakeholders mengerti manfaat dilakukannya weeding dan masalah yang ditimbulkan bila perpustakaan tidak melaksanakan weeding. Bahkan untuk koleksi e-book juga perlu dilakukan weeding, walaupun belum banyak yang melakukan hal itu. Perpustakaan IPB memisahkan koleksi buku dengan tahun terbit 1990 ke bawah sebelum melakukan weeding pada koleksi tersebut.Keyword : Library collections, Library acces


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    Tugas utama sebuah perpustakaan adalah mengoleksi, memproses mendiseminasikan buku dan pustaka lainya, dengan tujuan mendukung aktivitas institusinya.  Dalam rangka mencapai tujuan itu, pustakawan haruslah siap dengan sistem penyimpanan dan penemuan kembali infomasi yang mantap.Layanan perpustakaan merupakan salah satu indikator keberhasilan perpustakaan.  Kebanyakan perpustakaan menyelenggarakan pelayanan yang mendasar, seperti sirkulasi, referansi, penyusunan bibliografi, pendidikan pengguna dan lain sebagainya.  Disamping itu perpustakaan menpupnyai masalah yang selalu harus dihadapinya, seperti kekurangan koleksi, kekurangan biaya, kekurangan staf yang terlatih dan profesional dan lain-lain

    Morphological and chemical components of resistance to pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera in wild relatives of pigeonpea

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    Host plant resistance is an important component for minimizing the losses due to the pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, which is the most devastating pest of pigeonpea. An understanding of different morphological and biochemical components of resistance is essential for developing strategies to breed for resistance to insect pests. Therefore, we studied the morphological and biochemical components associated with expression of resistance to H. armigera in wild relatives of pigeonpea to identify accessions with a diverse combination of characteristics associated with resistance to this pest. Among the wild relatives, oviposition non-preference was an important component of resistance in Cajanus scarabaeoides, while heavy egg-laying was recorded on C. cajanifolius (ICPW 28) and Rhynchosia bracteata (ICPW 214). Accessions belonging to R. aurea, C. scarabaeoides, C. sericeus, C. acutifolius, and Flemingia bracteata showed high levels of resistance to H. armigera, while C. cajanifolius was as susceptible as the susceptible check, ICPL 87. Glandular trichomes (type A) on the calyxes and pods were associated with susceptibility to H. armigera, while the non-glandular trichomes (trichome type C and D) were associated with resistance to this insect. Expression of resistance to H. armigera was also associated with low amounts of sugars and high amounts of tannins and polyphenols. Accessions of wild relatives of pigeonpea with non-glandular trichomes (type C and D) or low densities of glandular trichomes (type A), and high amounts of polyphenols and tannins may be used in wide hybridization to develop pigeonpea cultivars with resistance to H. armigera

    Antixenosis and antibiosis components of resistance to pod borer Helicoverpa armigera in wild relatives of pigeonpea.

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    The legume pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner)) is one of the most important pests of pigeonpea. The levels of resistance to H. armigera in the cultivated germplasm are quite low, and therefore there is a need to introgress resistance genes from wild relatives into the cultigen. We evaluated a diverse array of wild relatives of pigeonpea for oviposition non-preference and antibiosis components of resistance to H. armigera. The accessions ICPW 1 (Cajanus acutifolius), ICPW 13 and 14 (C. albicans), ICPW 159 and 160 (C. sericeus), ICPW 68 (C. platycarpus), ICPW 83, 90, 94, 125, 137, 141 and 280 (C. scarabaeoides), ICPW 207 (Paracalyx scariosa) and ICPW 210 (Rhynchosia aurea) showed high levels of antixenosis for oviposition under no-choice, dual-choice and multi-choice conditions. High levels of antibiosis were observed when the larvae were reared on leaves and/or pods of C. acutifolius (ICPW 1), C. cajanifolius (ICPW 29), C. sericeus (ICPW 160), P. scariosa (ICPW 207), C. scarabaeoides and C. albicans. Lyophilized leaf or pod powder incorporated into the artificial diet can be used to assess antibiosis to H. armigera, and high levels of antibiosis to H. armigera were observed in diets with leaf and/or pod powder of some of the accessions of C. acutifolius, C. lineatus, C. sericeus, C. scarabaeoides, C. platycarpus, P. scariosa and R. aurea. Post-embryonic development period was prolonged in insects reared on leaves and pods of wild relatives of pigeonpea. The accessions showing high levels of antixenosis and antibiosis can be used to increase the levels and diversify the bases of resistance to H. armigera in pigeonpea

    The Effect of Chemical Compositions of Tool Steel on the Level of White Layers Homogeneity and the Surface Hardness

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    The process of nitriding (the nitride layer and disability) to applied to the electronic components (hardware) besides the automotive components applied, but nowadays there are still gain no optimum result. The research of the atom diffusivity homogeneity effect to the mechanical character into the mechanical surface are yet to be done. And the factor which is affecting like the composition of the elements in the materials are needed to be done an observation. In this research we used some tool steel materials with a different chemical composition, in 550 0C nitriding temperature process in 4 hours to identify the white layer which is formed on the surface and connected with their mechanical characters. The result showed that the value of the hardness materials are very affected by the stability or the homogeneity of the white layer formed in the surface. And the homogeneity is very affected by the composition elements which is contained the materials. The highest hardness level (975.5 HV) is resulted by the AISI P20 with the most homogeneity thickness surface with the most Chrom composition of 2%. The next hardness level is the AISI 4340 (751.2 HV) steel, with 1.4 % Cr composition and the lowest composition is the AISI 4140 (720.8 HV) with 1.07% Chrom
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