108 research outputs found

    Manajemen Guru dan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013

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    Eksplorasi Dan Uji Keragaan Parasitoid Penggerek Buah Kapas Pectinophora Gossypiella Saunders (Lepidoptera: Gelechidae)

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    Pink bollworm, P. gossypiella, is a main pest of cotton that causes boll damage up to 70%. Recommended IPM has not effectively control this pest. The use of parasitoids of this pest is one of strategy to manage this pest population as using chemical control is expensive and caused secondary pest. This research objective is to study some biological aspects of pink bollworm parasitoids by doing exploration of the parasitoids in cotton growing areas and testing the potential candidates as biocontrol agents. The activity was conducted from April - December 2001. The research was conducted in two steps: survey and laboratory tests. The survey was conducted in East Java (Asembagus and Lamongan), Central Java (Brebes) and South Sulawesi (Bone) by collecting pink bollworm eggs and identifying the emerged parasitoids. Laboratory tests were done in Biological Control Laboratory of ITFCRI, Malang, consists of reproductive performance aspects. We found two and five species of egg and larval parasitoids, respectively. Parasitism level of egg was 81% by Tichogrammatoidea spp. and that of larva was 24% by Apanteles sp. These two parasitoids are predominant and found in all cotton growing areas. Tichogrammatoidea spp. have opportunity to be used as biocontrol agent in release program, while Apanteles sp. would have valuable role in conservation approach

    Pengaruh Penambahan Biomassa di Lahan Kering terhadap Diversitas Arthropoda Tanah dan Produktivitas Tebu

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    Program pengembangan tebu saat ini diarahkan ke lahan kering yang memiliki ketersediaan air dan kesuburan tanah terbatas. Kondisi lahan kering dapa menjadi pembatas produktvitas tebu. Penambahan biomassa ke lahan dapat meningkatkan kesuburan dan populasi arthropoda tanah/detrivora. Penelitian penambahan biomassa Crotalaria juncea pada lahan kering dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Asembagus, Situbondo mulai bulan Januari–Juli 2015. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh penambahan biomassa pada lahan kering terhadap diversitas arthropoda tanah dan pengaruhnya terhadap produksi tebu. Perlakuan terdiri atas lahan dengan penambahan biomassa (serasah tebu dan pupuk hijau C. juncea) dan lahan yang tanpa penambahan biomassa. Pengamatan kelimpahan arthropoda tanah dan tingkat diversitas dilakukan dengan pemasangan pitfall traps dan yellow pan traps. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Collembola dan Hymenoptera merupakan arthropoda tanah yang dominan. Indeks diversitas arhropoda tanah pada lahan dengan penambahan biomassa lebih tinggi (0,82–0,84) dibandingkan pada lahan tanpa penambahan biomassa (0,75–0,79). Penambahan biomassa pada tahun pertama dapat meningkatkan kandungan C Organik tanah dari 0,76 menjadi 1,06, dan meningkatkan kandungan N dari 0,03 menjadi 0,11, serta meningkatkan produksi tebu dari 70,4 ton/ha menjadi 101,4 ton/ha. Untuk memperbaiki kondisi ekosistem lahan kering diperlukan penambahan biomassa secara terus menerus.Effect of Biomass Addition in Dry Land to Diversity of Soil Arthropods and Productivity of SugarcaneThe current sugarcane development program is directed to dry lands that have limited water availability and soil fertility, thereby limiting the productivity of sugarcane. In order to restore soil fertility and reduce the evaporation of groundwater, addition of biomass in the form of trash (dried leaves) of sugarcane as well as the addition of green manure (Clotalaria juncea) is needed. Biomass addition to the land could increase soil fertility and the population of soil arthropods/detrivores. The experiment was conducted on dry land at Asembagus Experimental Station, Situbondo from January 2015–July 2015. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of biomass addition to the diversity of soil arthropods and sugarcane productivity. Treatments consisted of land with the addition of biomass (sugarcane/sugarcane and green manure C. juncea) and control. Observation of the abundance of soil arthropods and diversity level was done by setting pitfall traps and yellow pan traps, observation was done monthly. The results showed that the order of Collembola and Hymenoptera were dominant arthropods. The diversity index of ground arhropods on the land with biomass increments was higher (0.82–0.84) than that in the land without biomass addition (0.75–0.79). The addition of biomass in the first year succeeded in increasing the organic C content of soil from 0.62 to 1.06 and increasing the production of sugar cane from 70.4 tons/ha to 101.4 tons/ha. In order to improve the ecosystems condition, it is required the addition of biomass continuously

    Analisis Senyawa Volatil Dari Ekstrak Tanaman Yang Berpotensi Sebagai Atraktan Parasitoid Telur Wereng Batang Coklat, Anagrus Nilaparvatae (Pang Et Wang) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)

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    Plants produce volatiles as communication cues intra- or inter- species. Infested plants by herbivores will produce volatiles as indirect defense mechanism that attracts natural enemies of herbivores. Analysis of volatiles compounds produced by rice plant as result of infested brown plant hopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens Stâl, was done to identify compounds in the volatiles that potentially can be used as attractant for egg parasitoids of BPH, Anagrus nilaparvatae (Pang et Wang) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). This research was an early stage to develop formulation of parasitoid attractant. The research activities include volatiles extraction of infested rice stem by BPH eggs using acetone, n-hexane as the extraction solvents; analyses of volatile compounds with GC-MS; and bioassay of parasitoid orientation behavior to the volatiles using olfactometer methods. Extraction methods applied were maceration and continuous extraction followed by concentration. Bioassay on the parasitoid orientation behavior was done by using Y-tube olfactometer and every lot of bioassay using 30 parasitoid females with 3 replicates. The results showed that the volatile compounds of extract of infested rice stem by BPH eggs comprise of 16 components. The highest proportion of the components extracted with acetone is 2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl (19,9%), while those with n-hexane is Hexanedioic acid, dioctyl ester (65%). A. nilaparvatae showed positive response to the volatiles extracted from infested rice plant by N. lugens eggs. Therefore, the volatiles can be used as an attractant for the egg A. nilaparvatae to support rice pest management

    A legal study in Malaysia on the right of children to decide their own religion under the law reform (marriage and divorce) act 1976 / Ahmad Raziff A Aziz...[et al.]

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    The legal system in Malaysia is a dual system, based on both English Common Law and Islamic Law. Civil Courts have jurisdiction over the majority of laws, including contracts, torts, property, crime and constitutional and administrative matters. The Syariah Courts which are established and regulated by the states, have jurisdiction over Islamic family law matters. Article 121 (A) of the Federal Constitution, introduced in 1988 by constitutional amendment, states that the civil courts have no jurisdiction in matters that fall within the Syariah court's jurisdiction. In general, the welfare of the child is the paramount consideration in Islamic custody cases throughout Southeast Asia. The mother or another female relative is generally presumed to be the best person to maintain custody of young children, while older children, those who have reached the age of mumaiyiz (discernment), are given a choice in some jurisdictions. For mother who have remarried or are converts to Islam, however custody may not be given to the mother even in the case of young children. These are landmark decisions that seek to finally resolve a host dilemma faced by the non converting spouse after the partner convert the children as well, seize the matrimonial properties, start a war for custody and religion of the children and seek to anull their civil law marriage in the Islamic court. The work includes a wide catalogue of footnotes and reference, which on the one hand provides the reader with an access to invaluable sources and on the other hand provides a researcher with invaluable leads for future research. This research perhaps can constitute a valuable contribution to Faculty of Law and would be a good reference to student and teacher alike
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