387 research outputs found

    Keanekaragaman Spesies Parasitoid Telur Helicoverpa Armigera (Hübner) Pada Sistem Tanam Monokultur Dan Polikultur Kapas

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    Polyculture system is one of techniques in pest management. In Indonesia, cotton is always intercropped with second food crops such as maize, soybean, mungbean or peanut. This research was aimed to evaluate the effect of culture system, i.e. cotton monoculture vs. cotton intercropped with soybean on the increase of species diversity of H. armigera egg parasitoids and the parasitoid contribution to mortality of H. armigera. The research was arranged in a split plot design with two main factors: three cotton varieties with three levels of trichome density (Tamcot SP 37, Kanesia 8 and LRA 5166) and the subplots were two cultivation systems (cotton monoculture and polyculture), with three replicates. Observations were made by collecting H. armigera eggs on population of first generation (45 days after planting) and second generation (75 DAP). The results showed that on cotton polyculture the egg parasitoid complex which consisted of Trichogramma spp. and Trichogrammatoidea spp. was higher than that in cotton monoculture and so was the egg parasitism level. The increase of egg parasitism was 24% in the first generation and 15% in the second generation. Parasitoid species found belonged to the genera Trichogramma and Trichogrammatoidea. In the parasitoid complex, Trichogrammatoidea armigera was dominant on the first generation and Trichogramma chilotraeae on the second. The domination succession could be as a result of the higher host-searching capacity of T. chilotraeae than that of T. armigera


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    ABSTRAKSebagai tanaman indeterminit, kapas (Gossypium hirsutum) mem-perlihatkan pola pertumbuhan yang memungkinkan bertahan darikehilangan sejumlah komponen produksi tanpa kehilangan hasil secaranyata. Dengan kata lain tanaman kapas mampu melakukan pemulihan(recovery) dan kompensasi setelah kerusakan akibat serangan hama.Penelitian tentang kemampuan pemulihan aksesi kapas sebagai responterhadap kerusakan oleh kompleks hama penggerek buah secara simulasiini dilakukan di KP Karangploso, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Tembakaudan Serat, Malang, mulai Januari hingga Desember 2009. Tujuannyaadalah untuk mengetahui kapasitas pemulihan aksesi kapas setelahserangan hama dan kemampuan melakukan kompensasi. Sepuluh aksesikapas, yaitu: (1) L57x1124-81-411, (2) M35-5-2, (3) 40727-2xNL-11-1-73-1, (4) HG10x1209-619-9-76, (5) NC-177-16-C2, (6) 731Nx1656-12-76-2, (7) Stoneville 825, (8) 619-998xLGS-10-77-3-1, (9) NMG 1222, dan(10) NMG-5-2 diuji dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan rancanganacak kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga kali ulangan. Setiap aksesi kapasditanam dalam kantong-kantong plastik berukuran 10 kg dengan duatanaman per kantong. Satu tanaman diperlakukan dengan cara meng-hilangkan seluruh kuncup bunga yang ada setelah tumbuh 9-13 daun padabatang utama yang dilakukan selama 21 hari dengan interval 3 hari.Sedangkan satu tanaman lainnya dibiarkan tumbuh normal (kontrol).Parameter yang diamati adalah: luas daun, bobot kering tanaman, indekspemulihan, jumlah node, tinggi tanaman, luas daun, jumlah kuncup bunga,hasil kapas, dan persentase kompensasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa tanaman kapas tahan, moderat, dan rentan serangan hama mampumelakukan pemulihan (recovery) dari kerusakan. Berdasarkan luas daun(R L ) dan bobot kering (R B ), setiap aksesi mempunyai indeks pemulihanyang berbeda-beda dan diantaranya ada yang berbeda nyata. Beberapaaksesi dengan kapasitas pemulihan tinggi memiliki tinggi tanaman, jumlahkuncup bunga, dan hasil kapas lebih tinggi dibanding tanaman kontrol.Dampak dari pemulihan juga terlihat pada perbedaan persentasekompensasi. NMG-5-2, Stoneville 825, 731Nx1656-12-76-2, 619-998xLGS-10-77-3-1, 40727-2xNL-11-1-73-1, dan NMG 1222 merupakanaksesi yang dapat melakukan kompensasi melalui penambahan hasil kapas>15% dibanding kontrol, yaitu berturut-turut sebesar 36,6; 34,5; 31,3;26,6; 20,4; dan 19,2%.Kata kunci: Aksesi, indeks pemulihan, kompleks hama, simulasiABSTRACTRecovery ability of cotton accessions as response tosimulated damage by bollwormsAs an indeterminate crop cotton has demonstrated its ability torecover from pest damage over the growing season without significantyield loss. However, it was unclear to what extent can cotton toleratedamage before and after the onset of fruiting. This field study was carriedout at Karangploso Experimental Station of Indonesian Tobacco and FiberCrops Research Institute (ITOFCRI) Malang from January to December2009. The aim was to know the capacity of cotton accessions to recoverafter damage. Ten cotton accesssions as treatment were planted in polybagand were arranged in randomized block design with three replicate. Tenaccessions of cotton used as treatment were: (1) L57x1124-81-411, (2)M35-5-2, (3) 40727-2xNL-11-1-73-1, (4) HG10x1209-619-9-76, (5) NC-177-16-C2, (6) 731Nx1656-12-76-2, (7) Stoneville 825, (8) 619-998xLGS-10-77-3-1, (9) NMG 1222, and (10) NMG-5-2. Each accessionwas plantation in four polybags with two plants in each polybag. One plantin each polybag was damaged manually by removing all squares (100%)for 21 days at a three-day interval, while another plant was as anundamaged control. Parameters observed in this study were leaf area, dryweight of plant, indices of recovery ( R ), number of main-stem nodes, theaverage of plant height, number of square, and yield of cotton. Resultshowed that all accessions showed their ability to recover after damagedand the recovery indices based on leaf area (R L  ) and dry weight (R w )varied among the accessions tested. Accessions with high recovery abilityperformed better plant height, square formation, and cotton yield than thatof undamaged control. Effect of good recovery was resulting in higherpercentage of plant compensation. NMG-5-2, Stoneville 825, 731Nx1656-12-76-2, 619-998xLGS-10-77-3-1, 40727-2xNL-11-1-73-1, and NMG-1222 were accessions with average compensation percentage was greaterthan 15% : 36.6; 34.5; 31.3; 26.6; 20.4; and 19.2%, respectively whencompared with undamaged control.Key words: Accession, indices of recovery, insect complex, simulatio

    INTERAKSI ANTARA Trichogrammatoidea bactrae N. DAN Trichogrammatoidea armigera N. PADA TELUR KAMA PENGGEREK BUAH KAPAS Helicoverpa armigera Hbn.

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    ABSTRAKPenggerek buah kapas, Helicoverpa armigera Hubner. (Lepidoptera;Noctuidae) dan Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders (Lepidoptera;Gelechiidae) merupakan hama Unaman kapas. Trichogrammatoideaarmigera N. yang dilepas secara inundasi telah terbukti mampumengendalikan populasi H. armigera, tctapi belum mampu mengendalikanP. gossypiella. Parasitoid telur yang berpotensi sebagai agens hayati bagi-P.gossypiella adalah Trichogrammatoidea bactrae N. Penelitian ini bertujuanmempelajari interaksi antara T. bactrae (muncul dari telur P. gossypiellayang berasal dari Lamongan (T. bactrae - L) dan Asembagus T. bactrae -A)) dengan T. armigera yang digunakan untuk pengendalian H. armigera.Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Hayati (parasitoid & predator)Balai Penelitian Tanaman Tembakau dan Serat, Malang pada bulan Maret2002 sampai dengan Desember 2002. Suhu ruang penelitian 25-27 derajat Cdan kelembaban nisbi 65-70 persen. Interaksi yang diuji adalah (1)interaksi imago dengan perlakuan variasi kepadatan populasi parasitoid daninang telur H. armigera; dan (2) interaksi pra imago yang berada di dalamtelur inang dengan perlakuan pemaparan telur H. armigera secarabergantian terhadap (a) T. armigera dan T. bactrae - A, dan (b) T. armigeradan T. bactrae - L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi antaraimago T. armigera dengan T. bactrae - A dan T. bactrae - L, lebihdidominasi oleh T. armigera. Total dominasi dari semua perlakuanmencapai 6 : 95 atau proporsi parasitisasi terhadap telur inang H.armigera oleh T. armigera yang lebih tinggi dibanding proporsiparasitisasi oleh T. bactrae peluangnya adalah 0,94. Pada interaksi praimago, interaksi antara T. bactrae - A dan T. armigera didominasi olehT. armigera, sedangkan antara T. bactrae - L : T. armigera didominasioleh T. bactrae - L. Dominasi T. armigera terhadap T. bactrae adalah 0: 21 atau peluang proporsi T. armigera yang bertahan hidup di dalam telurH. armigera yang lebih tinggi dibanding proporsi T. bactrae - A adalah1. Sedangkan dominasi T. bactrae terhadap T. armigera adalah 16 : 3atau peluang proporsi T. bactrae - L yang bertahan hidup di dalam telurH. armigera yang lebih tinggi dibanding proporsi T. armigera adalah 0,84.Berdasarkan bentuk interaksi tersebut, maka T. bactrae - A dapat dipilihsebagai kandidat agens hayati P. gossypiella yang lebih ideal dibanding T.bactrae -L. Penggunaan T. bactrae - L sebagai agens hayati,berpeluang menyebabkan terganggunya efektifttas parasitisasi T. armigeradalam pengendalian H. armigera.Kata kunci: Kapas, Gossypium hirsutum, hama, penggerek kapas, agenshayati, Trichogrammatoidea armigera, Trichogrammatoideabactrae, Pectinophora gossypiella, Helicoverpa armigera,interaksi antar spesiesABSTRACTTrichogrammatoidea bactrae N, The objective of this research is to studythe interaction between T. bactrae (emerged from P. gossypiella collectedfrom Lamongan (7". bactrae - L) and collected from Asembagus T. bactrae- A)) with T. armigera. The study was conducted in Biological ControlLaboratory of ITOFCRI, March - December 2002. The tested interactionswere (1) adult interaction with different density of parasitoids and the hostH. armigera eggs; (2) pre-adult interactions in H. armigera eggs withsubsequently exposed the eggs to T. armigera and T. bactrae - A IT.bactrae - L. The results showed that T. armigera dominates the adultinteraction with T. bactrae - A / T. bactrae - L. Total domination of alltreatments was 6:95 or the probability of higher proportion of T. armigerato parasitize H. armigera than that of T. bactrae was 0.94. T. armigeraalso dominates pre-adult interaction with T. bactrae - A, but T. bactrae - Ldominates T. armigera. The dominance value of T. armigera against T.bactrae - A was 0:21 or probability of the higher proportion of T.armigera survival than tat of T. bactrae - A was 1. The dominance valueof the higher proportion of T. bactrae - L survival than that of T. armigerawas 0.84. Based on the results, prospective biocontrol agent of P.gossypiella is T. bactrae - A. Mass release of T. bactrae - L may interferethe effectiveness of T. armigera on H. armigera eggs.Key words : Cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, pest, cotton bollworms, bioagents, Trichogrammatoidea armigera, Trichogrammatoideabactrae, Pectinophora gossypiella, Helicoverpa armigera,interspecific interactionInteraction of Trichogrammatoidea armigera N. andTrichogrammatoidea bactrae N. on cotton-bottwormsHelicoverpa armigera Hbn. eggsCotton bollworms Helicoverpa armigera Hubner. (Lepidoptera;Noctuidae) and Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders (Lepidoptera;Gelechiidae) are two of cotton pests in Indonesia. Inundation releases ofTrichogrammatoidea armigera N. could control H. armigera population,but not P. gossypiella. The potential egg parasitoid of P. gossypiella i

    Indoor Propagation Channel Models For Wireless Lan Based On 802.11b Standards At 2.4 Ghz Ism Band

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    The WLAN is a preferred choice of technology for internet connection in the building environment. The indoor models, reported in the literature are mostly studied in the 900 MHz band of cellular standard and quite scarce in the 2.4 GHz frequency band of WLAN 802.11 standard. The frequency band is also dedicated for the WiMAX technology in which deployment in the office environment is essential. In this thesis, the semi-empirical indoor Multi Wall Classic Extended (MWCE) channel model is proposed. The model is compared and evaluated with the empirical OS and other semi-empirical Multi Wall models obtained from the literature; the Multi Wall Classic (MWC) and Multi Wall Linear (MWL). The models are evaluated based on the accuracy of prediction at two floors of office environment in one of the telecommunication company building. The validity of the proposed model is evaluated through comparison with different models of similar type from the literature. The optimized model coefficients for all models, particularly for the wood/glass and brick/concrete the common wall obstacles in the building, are found. The behavior and characterization of all the models studied are investigated by evaluating the variation of the prediction error at several locations of the same propagation condition. The prediction from the MWCE model is significantly improved compared to the OS model. The MWCE model is also observed to have a high and consistent accuracy prediction, comparable with the MWC and MWL models. The accuracy of the MWCE model is also shown to compare closely with different models of similar type from the literature. With simple formulation without invoking too many details and high consistent accuracy prediction, the proposed MWCE model is suitable for prediction of WLAN signal in the indoor environment to be incorporated in the software planning tool

    Politik Kelembagaan Pendidikan Islam: belajar dari masa Orde Baru

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    Politik dan Pendidikan ibarat dua sisi mata uang yang berbeda namun sangat melekat. Pendidikan membutuhkan dukungan politik, sementara membangun kekuatan politik cukup efektif dengan mengangkat isu-isu pendidikan. Tidak salah jika dalam lintasan sejarah perkembangan dunia Islam, keberadaan politik dan pendidikan tidak bisa dipisahkan. Demikian halnya dalam konteks Indonesia, perjalanan sejarah mulai masa penjajahan hingga pasca kemerdekaan, politik dan pendidikan mengalami pasang surut. Tulisan ini mengurai sisi lain politik pendidikan masa Orde Baru terutama dari sisi kelembagaan yang banyak mengalami perkembangan, seperti pembaharuan madrasah dengan SKB Tiga Menteri yang fenomenal. Tidak salah jika hal ini dijadikan sebagai inspirasi dalam mengembangkan pendidikan Islam masa reformasi yang tentunya perlu pengembangan sesuai kebutuhan dengan tidak menghilangkan nilai-nilai luhur agarna dan budaya bangsa

    Pengaruh Varietas dan Pola Tanam Kapas terhadap Kelimpahan Populasi Predator Hama Pengisap Daun Amrasca Biguttula (Ishida)

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    Penanaman varietas tahan hama adalah salah satu cara pengendalianserangga hama pengisap daun, A. biguttula, yang telah diadopsi petanikapas di Indonesia. Penggunaan varietas tahan hama cukup efektifmenekan serangan hama pengisap ini. Namun demikian, peluang adanyacara pengendalian alternatif patut dipertimbangkan, misalnya memanfaat-kan faktor mortalitas biotik A. biguttula, seperti musuh alami. Penelitianpengaruh varietas dan pola tanam kapas terhadap perkembangan populasipredator hama pengisap daun A. biguttula telah dilakukan di KebunPercobaan Asembagus, Situbondo, dan di laboratorium Entomologi BalaiPenelitian Tanaman Tembakau dan Serat di Malang, mulai Januari sampaiDesember 2005. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruhperbedaan varietas dan pola tanam kapas terhadap perkembangan predatorA. biguttula. Perlakuan terdiri atas dua faktor, yaitu faktor I adalah varietaskapas dengan tingkat ketahanan terhadap A. biguttula berbeda-beda, yaitu:(1) TAMCOT SP37 (peka), (2) Kanesia 7 (moderat), dan (3) LRA 5166(tahan). Faktor II adalah pola tanam kapas, yaitu: (1) monokultur, dan (2)tumpangsari dengan kedelai. Setiap perlakuan disusun secara faktorialdengan rancangan petak terbagi (Split Plot) dengan tiga kali ulangan.Parameter pengamatannya adalah populasi nimfa A. biguttula danpredator. Di laboratorium dilakukan uji pemangsaan terhadap predatorterpilih dengan cara memberi umpan nimfa A. biguttula untuk mengetahuikemampuannya memangsa per hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaperbedaan tingkat ketahanan varietas terhadap A. biguttula mempengaruhiperkembangan populasi kompleks predator. Lebih banyak predatorditemukan pada TAMCOT SP37 dan Kanesia 7 dibanding pada LRA5166. Sedangkan perbedaan pola tanam tidak menyebabkan perbedaanpopulasi predator. Kapas monokultur maupun tumpangsari dapatmenyediakan lingkungan ideal bagi perkembangan kompleks predator.Laba-laba dan Paederus sp. adalah predator yang populasinya lebihdominan dibanding predator lainnya. Pada uji pemangsaan dilaboratorium, Paederus sp. mampu memangsa 15-25 nimfa A. biguttulainstar kecil dan 10-20 instar besar, sedangkan laba-laba per harimemangsa 2-12 nimfa A. biguttula instar kecil dan besar

    Eksplorasi Dan Uji Keragaan Parasitoid Penggerek Buah Kapas Pectinophora Gossypiella Saunders (Lepidoptera: Gelechidae)

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    Pink bollworm, P. gossypiella, is a main pest of cotton that causes boll damage up to 70%. Recommended IPM has not effectively control this pest. The use of parasitoids of this pest is one of strategy to manage this pest population as using chemical control is expensive and caused secondary pest. This research objective is to study some biological aspects of pink bollworm parasitoids by doing exploration of the parasitoids in cotton growing areas and testing the potential candidates as biocontrol agents. The activity was conducted from April - December 2001. The research was conducted in two steps: survey and laboratory tests. The survey was conducted in East Java (Asembagus and Lamongan), Central Java (Brebes) and South Sulawesi (Bone) by collecting pink bollworm eggs and identifying the emerged parasitoids. Laboratory tests were done in Biological Control Laboratory of ITFCRI, Malang, consists of reproductive performance aspects. We found two and five species of egg and larval parasitoids, respectively. Parasitism level of egg was 81% by Tichogrammatoidea spp. and that of larva was 24% by Apanteles sp. These two parasitoids are predominant and found in all cotton growing areas. Tichogrammatoidea spp. have opportunity to be used as biocontrol agent in release program, while Apanteles sp. would have valuable role in conservation approach

    Pengaruh Penambahan Biomassa di Lahan Kering terhadap Diversitas Arthropoda Tanah dan Produktivitas Tebu

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    Program pengembangan tebu saat ini diarahkan ke lahan kering yang memiliki ketersediaan air dan kesuburan tanah terbatas. Kondisi lahan kering dapa menjadi pembatas produktvitas tebu. Penambahan biomassa ke lahan dapat meningkatkan kesuburan dan populasi arthropoda tanah/detrivora. Penelitian penambahan biomassa Crotalaria juncea pada lahan kering dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Asembagus, Situbondo mulai bulan Januari–Juli 2015. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh penambahan biomassa pada lahan kering terhadap diversitas arthropoda tanah dan pengaruhnya terhadap produksi tebu. Perlakuan terdiri atas lahan dengan penambahan biomassa (serasah tebu dan pupuk hijau C. juncea) dan lahan yang tanpa penambahan biomassa. Pengamatan kelimpahan arthropoda tanah dan tingkat diversitas dilakukan dengan pemasangan pitfall traps dan yellow pan traps. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Collembola dan Hymenoptera merupakan arthropoda tanah yang dominan. Indeks diversitas arhropoda tanah pada lahan dengan penambahan biomassa lebih tinggi (0,82–0,84) dibandingkan pada lahan tanpa penambahan biomassa (0,75–0,79). Penambahan biomassa pada tahun pertama dapat meningkatkan kandungan C Organik tanah dari 0,76 menjadi 1,06, dan meningkatkan kandungan N dari 0,03 menjadi 0,11, serta meningkatkan produksi tebu dari 70,4 ton/ha menjadi 101,4 ton/ha. Untuk memperbaiki kondisi ekosistem lahan kering diperlukan penambahan biomassa secara terus menerus.Effect of Biomass Addition in Dry Land to Diversity of Soil Arthropods and Productivity of SugarcaneThe current sugarcane development program is directed to dry lands that have limited water availability and soil fertility, thereby limiting the productivity of sugarcane. In order to restore soil fertility and reduce the evaporation of groundwater, addition of biomass in the form of trash (dried leaves) of sugarcane as well as the addition of green manure (Clotalaria juncea) is needed. Biomass addition to the land could increase soil fertility and the population of soil arthropods/detrivores. The experiment was conducted on dry land at Asembagus Experimental Station, Situbondo from January 2015–July 2015. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of biomass addition to the diversity of soil arthropods and sugarcane productivity. Treatments consisted of land with the addition of biomass (sugarcane/sugarcane and green manure C. juncea) and control. Observation of the abundance of soil arthropods and diversity level was done by setting pitfall traps and yellow pan traps, observation was done monthly. The results showed that the order of Collembola and Hymenoptera were dominant arthropods. The diversity index of ground arhropods on the land with biomass increments was higher (0.82–0.84) than that in the land without biomass addition (0.75–0.79). The addition of biomass in the first year succeeded in increasing the organic C content of soil from 0.62 to 1.06 and increasing the production of sugar cane from 70.4 tons/ha to 101.4 tons/ha. In order to improve the ecosystems condition, it is required the addition of biomass continuously