335 research outputs found

    In vitro Pearl Culture Techniques: A Biotechnological Approach

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    This book deals with the set up of tissue culture laboratory, protocols for maintaining a laboratory and methods for different experiments for nacre layer formation to achieve in vitro pearl formation. Indeed, this study explains the mantle tissue culture techniques of different pearl producing molluscs, cell proliferation with pearl sac formation and crystal deposition which form the basis for in vitro pearl formation. The techniques and methodologies used for pearl sac formation are unique and achieved after several trials and errors. Studies with different species of pearl producing molluscs reveal that, all the species are capable of producing cells, pearl sac and nacre crystals by techniques used in this study. Moreover, results of this study revealed that the shell bead is the best material for crystal adhesion. Formation of nacre layers is proved by Raman spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) in all the experimental shell beads. It is the first authenticated report of nacre layer formation over the shell bead in in vitro conditions with mantle cells of different pearl producing molluscs such as Pinctada fucata, Haliotis varia and Pteria avicular. This study is the stepping stone and needs further research to produce more lustrous pearls for commercialization

    The reproductive biology of the baby clam, Marcia opima, from two geographically separated areas of India

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    A study of the reproductive cycle of the baby clam, Marcia opima (Gmelin) was conducted at two sites along the southeast (Tuticorin Bay) and southwest (Ashtamudi estuary) coast of India from December 1998 to January 2000. Histological evidence showed that baby clam from both the sites showed two spawning seasons. First spawning season was recorded from May to July in the southeast coast. In the southwest coast, the first spawning season was observed through March to May. A second spawning season from September to December was recorded in both the coasts. In the southeast coast, minimum and maximum condition indices were obtained in January 2000 and April 1999 respectively and decreased from May to June and November to January, signifying the two spawning periods. Most of the animals were either in spent or indeterminate gonadal stage from May to August and November to January indicating the active spawning during that months in the southeast coast

    Marine pearl production: CMFRI develops tissue culture technology

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    Marine pearl production: CMFRI develops tissue culture technolog

    Tissue culture in pearl oyster

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    The first work on cell culture in marine molluscs started since 1960s. Many researchers attempted to improve the culture media composition by adding vertebrate sera as growth factor. In primary cultures, the tissue dissociation methods and medium composition were frequently complemented with homologous and heterologous substanc

    The hidden mystery of a lustrous pearl unraveled The Hindu dated 19th October 2012

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    People believe that pearl is conceived by oyster when it receives a drop of rain or dew. Natural pearls form under a set of accidental conditions when a microscopic intruder or grain of sand enters an oyster (mollusk) and settles inside the shell. The oyster, being irritated by the intruder, secretes a substance called nacre to soothe its irritation. This process is repeated for many years, thus producing a real pearl which may or may not be found by man. For a natural pearl forming with a nice round or oval shape, and free of any flaws, is actually a real-life тАЬmiracle.тАЭ The chances of a perfect natural pearl are one in a million. Nacre is a combination of crystalline and organic substances

    Larval rearing and spat production of Marcia opima (Gmelin)

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    The тАШbaby clamтАЩ Marcia opima (Gmelin) was spawned on seven occasions in the shellfish hatchery at the Tuticorin Research Centre, India. The fertilized eggs measured 47.8 ╬╝m in diameter and the straight hinged larvae attained at 20 h were 87 ╬╝m in length and 71 ╬╝m in height. Settlement occurred on day 9 at 273 ╬╝m. The percentage of settlement varied from 13.9% to 56.2%. The growth of post-set clam spat has been described by the equation of L=0.0086x1.4672, where L is the length in mm and x is the number of days. The clam seed reached a size of 11.5 mm at 4 months. The significance of this study is to standardize the techniques for hatchery production of the seeds of M. opima

    Effect of culture media and tissue extracts in the mantle explant culture of abalone, Haliotis varia Linnaeus

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    The study is aimed at developing appropriate media for the mantle explant culture of abalone Haliotis varia. The effect of different media viz., L-15, Ham's F12, M199 was studied in combination with 10% Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) and 10% tissue extracts of gonad, mantle and whole body of abalone, H. varia to understand cell behaviour, cell yield and cell adherence in mantle explant culture of H. varia. Cultures with L-15 media gave better cell yield and M199 promoted better cell adherence. Addition of mantle extract to all media enhanced the cell yield to a maximum followed by whole body extract. Addition of whole body extract facilitated in cell adherence followed by the addition of mantle extract

    Marine microlalgal culture

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    Marine microlalgal cultur
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