595 research outputs found

    Consumers' preferences for freezing of meat to prevent toxoplasmosis- A stated preference approach.

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    Consumption of raw or undercooked meat increases the risk of infection with Toxoplasma gondii. Freezing meat products can eliminate this risk. Freezing of meat may affect consumers' valuation of meat products in two different ways: it may be valued positively because of increased food safety or valued negatively because of (perceived) loss of quality. In a Discrete Choice Experiment on four different meat products we studied the difference in willingness to pay for frozen and non-frozen meat products in the Netherlands. Analyses revealed that most Dutch consumer groups prefer non-frozen meat. Price was important in consumer decisions, whereas the meat being frozen appeared to play a minor role in the decision to purchase meat products. Even though it may seem obvious that people would prefer safe food to unsafe food, in a context where consumers presume food being safe, many consumers appear unwilling to pay for freezing of meat as additional measure to reduce the risk of food borne infections such as toxoplasmosis

    Targeting the Mitotic Checkpoint to Kill Tumor Cells

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    One of the most common hallmarks of cancer cells is aneuploidy or an abnormal number of chromosomes. This abnormal chromosome content is a consequence of chromosome missegregation during mitosis, a defect that is seen more frequently in tumor cell divisions as in normal cell divisions. In fact, a large fraction of human tumors display a chromosome instable phenotype, meaning that they very frequently missegregate chromosomes. This can cause variegated aneuploidy within the tumor tissue. It has been argued that this hallmark of cancer could be exploited in anti-cancer therapies. Here we test this hypothesis by inactivation of the mitotic checkpoint through RNAi-mediated depletion of an essential checkpoint component, Mps1. The mitotic checkpoint delays segregation of chromosomes during mitosis until all chromosomes are properly attached to the mitotic spindle. Its inactivation will therefore lead to increased segregation errors. Indeed, we show that this can lead to increased cell death in tumor cells. We demonstrate that increased cell death is associated with a dramatic increase in segregation errors. This suggests that inhibition of the mitotic checkpoint might represent a useful anti-cancer strategy

    Neurologic Serious Adverse Events Associated with Nivolumab Plus Ipilimumab or Nivolumab Alone in Advanced Melanoma, Including a Case Series of Encephalitis

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    BackgroundDespite unprecedented efficacy across multiple tumor types, immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy is associated with a unique and wide spectrum of immune‐related adverse events (irAEs), including neurologic events ranging from mild headache to potentially life‐threatening encephalitis. Here, we summarize neurologic irAEs associated with nivolumab and ipilimumab melanoma treatment, present cases of treatment‐related encephalitis, and provide practical guidance on diagnosis and management.MethodsWe searched a Global Pharmacovigilance and Epidemiology database for neurologic irAEs reported over an 8‐year period in patients with advanced melanoma receiving nivolumab with or without ipilimumab from 12 studies sponsored by Bristol‐Myers Squibb. Serious neurologic irAEs were reviewed, and relationship to nivolumab or ipilimumab was assigned.ResultsIn our search of 3,763 patients, 35 patients (0.93%) presented with 43 serious neurologic irAEs, including neuropathy (n = 22), noninfective meningitis (n = 5), encephalitis (n = 6), neuromuscular disorders (n = 3), and nonspecific adverse events (n = 7). Study drug was discontinued (n = 20), interrupted (n = 8), or unchanged (n = 7). Most neurologic irAEs resolved (26/35 patients; 75%). Overall, median time to onset was 45 days (range 1–170) and to resolution was 32 days (2–809+). Median time to onset of encephalitis was 55.5 days (range 18–297); four cases resolved and one was fatal.ConclusionBoth oncologists and neurologists need to be aware of signs and symptoms of serious but uncommon neurologic irAEs associated with checkpoint inhibitors. Prompt diagnosis and management using an established algorithm are critical to minimize serious complications from these neurologic irAEs.Implications for PracticeWith increasing use of checkpoint inhibitors in cancer, practicing oncologists need to be aware of the potential risk of neurologic immune‐related adverse events and be able to provide prompt treatment of this uncommon, but potentially serious, class of adverse events. We summarize neurologic adverse events related to nivolumab alone or in combination with ipilimumab in patients with advanced melanoma from 12 studies and examine in depth 6 cases of encephalitis. We also provide input and guidance on the existing neurologic adverse events management algorithm for nivolumab and ipilimumab.Melanoma is a particularly immunogenic cancer, and immune checkpoint inhibitors have been extensively studied in this tumor type. This review focuses on the incidence of serious neurologic immune‐related adverse events, specifically encephalitis, in patients with advanced melanoma treated with nivolumab alone or in sequence or combination with ipilimumab. Practical guidance is provided for the diagnosis and management of treatment‐related encephalitis associated with nivolumab and ipilimumab.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139998/1/onco12130.pd

    Внутриартериальная химиотерапия в комбинированном лечении резектабельного рака желудка с метастазами в печень

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    В Донецком областном противоопухолевом центре разработан и внедрен способ катетеризации печеночной артерии при паллиативных операциях у больных раком желудка с метастазами в печень. По данному способу пролечено 56 больных резектабельным раком желудка с метастатическим поражением печени, что позволило увеличить продолжительность и улучшить качество жизни больных.У Донецькому обласному протипухлинному центрі розроблено та впроваджено спосіб катетеризації печінкової артерії при паліативних операціях у хворих на рак шлунку з метастазами в печінку. За цим способом проліковано 56 хворих на резектабельний рак шлунку з метастатичним ураженням печінки, що дало змогу збільшити тривалість і поліпшити якість життя хворих.A method of catheterization of hepatic artery at palliative surgery in patients with gastric cancer and metastases to the liver was worked out and introduced at Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center. This method was used in 56 patients with operable cancer of the stomach with metastases to the liver, which allowed increasing the duration and improving the quality of life of the patients

    Repeated nipple fluid aspiration

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    Background: Despite intensive surveillance, a high rate of interval malignancies is still seen in women at increased breast cancer risk. Therefore, novel screening modalities aiming at early detection remain needed. The intraductal approach offers the possibility to directly sample fluid containing cells, DNA and proteins from the mammary ductal system where, in the majority of cases, breast cancer originates. Fluid from the breast can non-invasively be obtained by oxytocin-assisted vacuum aspiration, called nipple fluid aspiration (NFA). The goal of this feasibility study was to evaluate the potential of repeated NFA, which is a critical and essential step to evaluate its possible value as a breast cancer screening method. Methods: In this multicenter, prospective study, we annually collected nipple fluid for up to 5 consecutive years from women at increased breast cancer risk, and performed a questionnaire-based survey regarding discomfort of the aspiration. Endpoints of the current interim analyses were the feasibility and results of 994 NFA procedures in 451 women with total follow-up of 560 person years of observation. Results: In this large group of women at increased risk of breast cancer, repetitive NFA appeared to be feasible and safe. In 66.4% of aspirated breasts, nipple fluid was successfully obtained. Independent predictive factors for successful NFA were premenopausal status, spontaneous nipple discharge, smaller breast size, bilateral oophorectomy and previous use of hormone replacement therapy or anti-hormonal treatment. The procedure was well tolerated with low discomfort. Drop-out rate was 20%, which was mainly due to repeated unsuccessful aspiration attempts. Only 1.6% of women prematurely declined further participation because of side effects. Conclusions: Repeated NFA in women at increased breast cancer risk is feasible and safe. Therefore, NFA is a promising method to non-invasively obtain a valuable source of potential breast cancer specific biomarkers