214 research outputs found

    Manajemen Praktik Kerja Industri oleh Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatakan Kompetensi Kerja Siswa Jurusan Teknik

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    This thesis is intended to: 1. To describe the planning of Industry Employment Practices in SMKN 1 Sintang. 2. To describe the orginizing of Industry Employment Practices in SMKN 1 Sintang. 3. To decribe the process of Industry Employment Practices in SMKN 1 Sintang. The methode of this research is Descriptive Qualitative. The researcher locates his research in SMKN 1 Sintang. He found that the headmaster's management of Industry Employment Practices- planning, organizing, actuating, and ealuating- tends to do well as the guidence book of Industry Employment Practices. Hence it increase the students work skills of Motorcycle Technique Depatment of SMKN 1 Sintang. He expects that the management of Industry Employment Practices would directly involve more business and industry world owners in the planning process so that the Industry Employment Practices could run as its Standard of Procedure

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Managerial dan Kompetensi Supervisi Kepala Sekolah terhadap Prestasi Akademik Sdn Pontianak Timur

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    This study was to obtain the condition of managerial competence and competence supervision owned by the principals and the condition of the school's academic achievement as well as to determine the effect of managerial competence and the competence of the academic supervision of the principalto academic achievement. This study used quantitative research methods and did at a public elementary school, with a population of 100 teachers from 20 schools. The data collection is done by using a Likert scale questionnaire and documentary covered and analyzed used SPSS version 18. Before the questionnaire used, did test the validity and reliability. Test the validity of the questionnaire used bivariate correlation.Further,reliabilitytesting used Cronbach alpha coefficients for variables managerial competence is 0.889 And variable competence of supervision 0.795. Research finding shows an average of competence managerial is 4.16; competence of the academic supervision 4.34 and academic achievement 6.91

    Supervisi Akademik dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Mengajar Guru SMP

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    This study aims to describe the implementation of the supervision of the academic school principals in improving the performance of teachers to teach in SMP Negeri 1 Paloh Sambas. This research is a descriptive study with qualitative analysis, subjects were teachers and headmasters SMP Negeri 1 Paloh. The results showed as follows, (1) Planning academic supervision by the principal in the form formulate program supervision of an academic with the involvement of senior teachers and vice clod school, (2) the implementation of academic supervision, principals provide an assessment of the teachers those through pre-cycle, the implementation of the class visit and after the visit of the class, (3) evaluation of the supervision of academic always be evaluated by the principal, then the results are evaluated

    Synthesis of a new hollandite-type manganese oxide with framework and interstitial Cr(III)

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    Hollandite with Cr(III) in both tunnel and framework sites has been prepared hydrothermally from layered manganese oxide precursors


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    Abstract: This Research aims to get the information about concerning management of principals duty as a educator and a leader at SDN 06 Delta Pawan Subdistrict Ketapang District. This research using qualitative approach and focus to the meaning than generalitation. Subjects consisted of a principal, eleven teachers dan a staff. Data obtained with the instrument of interview, observation, and documentation. Data was analyzed use three activity path are reducing, display, and verification. Result of data analysis show: (1) Management of the principal duties as an educator in SDN 06 Delta Pawan Subdistrict has done well, especially in managing the time to perform academic duties as a teacher that election day is considered too much of the principal activities associated with the Department of Education on Friday and Saturday; (2) Management of Principals duty as a leader conducted by Principal of SDN 06 Delta Pawan Subdistrict cover the transformation of School vision and mission by conducting management functions in school resources (i.e. facilities, infrastructure, teachers and staff). Keywords: Educator, Leader Abstrak: Ketercapaian mutu dan tujuan pendidikan sangat bergantung pada kecakapan dan kebijaksanaan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam mengelola segenap sumber daya untuk mencapai tujuan sekolah. Selain melaksanakan tugas sebagai kepala sekolah juga dituntut untuk tetap melaksanakan tugas sebagai pendidik yaitu mengajar selama 6 jam per minggu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai pengelolaan tugas kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin dan sebagai guru di Sekolah Dasar di SD Negeri 06 Kecamatan Delta Pawan Kabupaten Ketapang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang lebih menekankan makna daripada generalisasi. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 1 orang kepala sekolah, 11 orang guru dan 1 orang staf tata usaha. Data diperoleh dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan 3 alur kegiatan yaitu reduksi data, penyajan data, dan verifikasi. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan: (1) Pengelolaan tugas kepala sekolah sebagai guru di SD Negeri 06 Kecamatan Delta Pawan telah dilaksanakan dengan baik terutama dalam mengelola waktu untuk melaksanakan tugas akademik sebagai guru adalah dengan pemilihan hari mengajar yang dianggap tidak terlalu banyak kegiatan kepala sekolah yang berhubungan dengan Dinas Pendidikan yaitu pada hari Jumat dan Sabtu; (2) Pengelolaan tugas kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah SD Negeri 06 Kecamatan Delta Pawan meliputi transformasi Visi dan Misi dengan melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi manajemen dalam pengelolaan sumber daya sekolah (sarana, prasarana, guru dan staf). Kata Kunci: Pendidik, Pemimpi
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