103 research outputs found

    Deletion Mutants of VPg Reveal New Cytopathology Determinants in a Picornavirus

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    BACKGROUND: Success of a viral infection requires that each infected cell delivers a sufficient number of infectious particles to allow new rounds of infection. In picornaviruses, viral replication is initiated by the viral polymerase and a viral-coded protein, termed VPg, that primes RNA synthesis. Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is exceptional among picornaviruses in that its genome encodes 3 copies of VPg. Why FMDV encodes three VPgs is unknown. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: we have constructed four mutant FMDVS that encode only one VPG: either VPg(1), VPg(3), or two chimeric versions containing part of VPg(1) and VPg(3). All mutants, except that encoding only VPg(1), were replication-competent. Unexpectedly, despite being replication-competent, the mutants did not form plaques on BHK-21 cell monolayers. The one-VPg mutant FMDVs released lower amounts of encapsidated viral RNA to the extracellular environment than wild type FMDV, suggesting that deficient plaque formation was associated with insufficient release of infectious progeny. Mutant FMDVs subjected to serial passages in BHK-21 cells regained plaque-forming capacity without modification of the number of copies of VPg. Substitutions in non-structural proteins 2C, 3A and VPg were associated with restoration of plaque formation. Specifically, replacement R55W in 2C was repeatedly found in several mutant viruses that had regained competence in plaque development. The effect of R55W in 2C was to mediate an increase in the extracellular viral RNA release without a detectable increase of total viral RNA that correlated with an enhanced capacity to alter and detach BHK-21 cells from the monolayer, the first stage of cell killing. CONCLUSIONS: The results link the VPg copies in the FMDV genome with the cytopathology capacity of the virus, and have unveiled yet another function of 2C: modulation of picornavirus cell-to-cell transmission. Implications for picornaviruses pathogenesis are discussed

    Loss of Pluripotency in Human Embryonic Stem Cells Directly Correlates with an Increase in Nuclear Zinc

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    The pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) is important to investigations of early development and to cell replacement therapy, but the mechanism behind pluripotency is incompletely understood. Zinc has been shown to play a key role in differentiation of non-pluripotent cell types, but here its role in hESCs is directly examined. By mapping the distribution of metals in hESCs at high resolution by x-ray fluorescence microprobe (XFM) and by analyzing subcellular metal content, we have found evidence that loss of pluripotency is directly correlated with an increase in nuclear zinc. Zinc elevation not only redefines our understanding of the mechanisms that support pluripotency, but also may act as a biomarker and an intervention point for stem cell differentiation

    Protein Expression Redirects Vesicular Stomatitis Virus RNA Synthesis to Cytoplasmic Inclusions

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    Positive-strand and double-strand RNA viruses typically compartmentalize their replication machinery in infected cells. This is thought to shield viral RNA from detection by innate immune sensors and favor RNA synthesis. The picture for the non-segmented negative-strand (NNS) RNA viruses, however, is less clear. Working with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), a prototype of the NNS RNA viruses, we examined the location of the viral replication machinery and RNA synthesis in cells. By short-term labeling of viral RNA with 5′-bromouridine 5′-triphosphate (BrUTP), we demonstrate that primary mRNA synthesis occurs throughout the host cell cytoplasm. Protein synthesis results in the formation of inclusions that contain the viral RNA synthesis machinery and become the predominant sites of mRNA synthesis in the cell. Disruption of the microtubule network by treatment of cells with nocodazole leads to the accumulation of viral mRNA in discrete structures that decorate the surface of the inclusions. By pulse-chase analysis of the mRNA, we find that viral transcripts synthesized at the inclusions are transported away from the inclusions in a microtubule-dependent manner. Metabolic labeling of viral proteins revealed that inhibiting this transport step diminished the rate of translation. Collectively those data suggest that microtubule-dependent transport of viral mRNAs from inclusions facilitates their translation. Our experiments also show that during a VSV infection, protein synthesis is required to redirect viral RNA synthesis to intracytoplasmic inclusions. As viral RNA synthesis is initially unrestricted, we speculate that its subsequent confinement to inclusions might reflect a cellular response to infection

    1H MRSI comparison of white matter and lesions in primary progressive and relapsing-remitting MS

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    Objective: To compare brain metabolite levels in patients with primary progressive (PP) and relapsing remitting (RR) MS and controls. Hypotheses: (1) creatine (Cr), a putative marker of gliosis, is elevated and N-acetylaspartate (NAA), a putative marker of axonal density and functional integrity, is reduced in PPMS lesions and normal appearing white matter (NAWM) compared to control white matter; (2) The pattern of metabolite change in PPMS is different than in RRMS. Methods: MRI and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (1H MRSI) were collected from 15 PPMS patients, 13 RRMS patients, and 20 controls. Results: Cr was increased in PPMS NAWM compared to controls (P=0.035), and compared to RRMS NAWM (P=0.038). Cr was increased in focal MRI lesions from PPMS compared to lesions from RRMS (P=0.044) and compared to control white matter (P=0.041). NAA was similarly reduced in PPMS and RRMS NAWM compared to control. NAA was similarly reduced in PPMS and RRMS lesions, compared to control white matter. Conclusions: Creatine is higher in PPMS than RRS NAWM and focal lesions. This observation is consistent with the notion that progressive disability in PPMS reflects increased gliosis and axonal loss whereas disability in RRMS reflects the cumulative effects of acute inflammatory lesions and axonal loss

    Early detection and longitudinal changes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by 1H MRSI

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine 1) the reproducibility of metabolite measurements by (1)H MRS in the motor cortex; 2) the extent to which (1)H MRS imaging (MRSI) detects abnormal concentrations of N-acetylaspartate (NAA)-, choline (Cho)-, and creatine (Cre)-containing compounds in early stages of ALS; and 3) the metabolite changes over time in ALS. METHODS: Sixteen patients with definite or probable ALS, 12 with possible or suspected ALS, and 12 healthy controls underwent structural MRI and multislice (1)H MRSI. (1)H MRSI data were coregistered with tissue-segmented MRI data to obtain concentrations of NAA, Cre, and Cho in the left and right motor cortex and in gray matter and white matter of nonmotor regions in the brain. RESULTS: The interclass correlation coefficient of NAA was 0.53 in the motor cortex tissue and 0.83 in nonmotor cortex tissue. When cross-sectional data for patients were compared with those for controls, the NAA/(Cre + Cho) ratio in the motor cortex region was significantly reduced, primarily due to increases in Cre and Cho and a decrease in NAA concentrations. A similar, although not significant, trend of increased Cho and Cre and reduced NAA levels was also observed for patients with possible or suspected ALS. Furthermore, in longitudinal studies, decreases in NAA, Cre, and Cho concentrations were detected in motor cortex but not in nonmotor regions in ALS. CONCLUSION: Metabolite changes measured by (1)H MRSI may provide a surrogate marker of ALS that can aid detection of early disease and monitor progression and treatment response
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