21 research outputs found

    English Language Learners At The Faculty Of Agriculture, Islamic University Of North Sumatra–Indonesia [LB2372.E5 A543 2005 f rb].

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    Penyelidikan ini mengenal pasti apa sebenarnya yang diperlukan mahasiswa Fakulti Pertanian, Universiti Islam Sumatera Utara dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggeris. This research identifies what the students think they need in English language at the Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of North Sumatra


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    This study talks about the protagonist’s internal conflict in Mengurai Rindu written by Nang Syamsudin. This study only focuses on the negative embodiment of the Protagonist, internal conflict, and the positive one is not discussed. The theory used in this study is the theory of psychological conflicts; while, the method is descriptive method. The negative embodiment of the protagonist’s internal conflict which can be found in the novel are sadness, and disappointment. First, the protagonist often feels sad. Such feeling falls down on the protagonist’s mind. There are some characters who cause the protagonist’s sadness. Even, the protagonist feels distressed because of improper treatments from the other characters. Her sadness proves that there is an internal conflict which happens to her. The second is disappointment. Besides sadness, the protagonist also looks disappointed with those characters. Their reaction to the protagonist leaves her disappointment. In conclusion, some characters contribute conflicts for the protagonist. It can be said that external factors can result in internal conflict to anyone

    English Language Learners At The Faculty Of Agriculture, Islamic University Of North Sumatra–Indonesia

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    Penyelidikan ini mengenal pasti apa sebenarnya yang diperlukan mahasiswa Fakulti Pertanian This research identifies what the students think they need in English language at the Faculty of Agricultur


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    This research is aimed at finding and describing how Total Physical Response (TPR) method can improve the ability of students at TK Khairul Imam Medan in learning English. The application of English for early childhood is not an easy thing. Therefore, it is necessary to use methods so that early childhood can better understand the meaning of the English language. One of the methods probably used is TPR method. It aims to make English easier to understand by early children. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the results of the implementation of the Total Physical Response (TPR) Method in early childhood English learning. This study uses a qualitative descriptive field research method. The research location is at the TK Khairul Imam. The research subjects include the head of the kindergarten and the teacher. Data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study describe the implementation of TPR method in early childhood English learning carried out in the school. This study shows the role of the teacher and the stages of English learning activities with the TPR method in the school


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    This study deals with an analysis of the protagonist’s social conflict in the Knives Out movie script written by Rian Johnson (2019). This study found out the kinds of social conflict, like human-to-human and human-to-society conflict, and the ways protagonists faced the social conflict. The theory of conflict used in this study was the theory of conflict proposed by Soekanto (2012). This study used the descriptive qualitative method proposed by Cohen because the process of the result and also the discussion were accomplished descriptively. The method applied was descriptive. It was to describe the kinds of social conflict and the way the protagonist faced the social conflict through the quotation in the movie script. The result of this study was that the protagonist faced social conflict to get the inheritance, even though it was not from the real family. The conflict occurs between humans and between humans and society


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    This paper discusses the causes of the conflict in the family in E. Lockhart’s novel We Were Liars. There are there causes of the conflict in the family occurred in the novel. They are different social system, different personality, and needs. The method used in analyzing the topic in this thesis is qualitative research method. The theory of the types of the causes of conflict used in this analysis is following Wirawan. The first cause is the different social system. This cause deals with different ethnicity and status which are found in the novel. The second is different personality. This cause is triggered by greed, selfishness, and anger. Those can be found in the novel. Some characters show such personalities. Then, the third is needs. The needs of treasure and inheritance result in conflict in the family in the novel. Thus, it can be found that the conflict appears in the family in the novel due to three main causes; the different social system, the different personality, and the needs


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    This study discusses the protagonist's friends' betrayal in the novel Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. This study aims to reveal the types of betrayal of the protagonist's friends and to describe the impacts of the protagonist's friends' betrayal. Larson's theory is used in this research. It takes about the types of betrayal. Then, Reis’ and Spencer's theory are taken to deal with the impacts of betrayal. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to reveal the data. The data was originally taken from the novel. It is found that five data are to reveal the type of betrayal and twelve data to describe the impacts of betrayal. The results of this study indicate that there are two types of betrayal received by Hannah, i.e., intimate partner betrayal and interpersonal betrayal. It is also found that the impacts Hannah received as a result of the betrayal of her friends are loss of trust, loss of relationship/friendship, loss of sense of security, and loss of self-esteem. All data in this study prove that the protagonist’s friends in the novel betray her


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    The research deals with teaching strategies and students’ motivation on reading comprehension achievement. The objective of this study is to reveal that the students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by Think Pair Share is significantly higher than that taught by Directed Reading Thinking Activity using question answer relationship teaching study. The research method used is quantitative research design. The populations of this research are the students of Midwifery Grade II  at STIKes Mitra Husada Medan, Academic year 2021/2022. Two classes are randomly selected and the total samplings are 72 students. The instruments used are multiple choice test and questionnaire. The data analyzed are by Two-Way ANOVA with 2x2 factorial designs with F observed = 14.1 and F table = 4.00, and the results indicated the Fobserved Ftable, so null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It is concluded that the students taught by using TPS strategy is better than those taught by using Directed Reading Thinking Activity on reading comprehension achievement. Based on this research, researchers recommend using TPS learning model because this learning model can improve students' ability to solve reading comprehension problems. This model  can also be used as an alternative to apply innovative English learning, especially in reading, creating an exciting learning atmosphere, and also providing opportunities for students to express their ideas in English in their own way


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    This study discussed the luxurious life style in Kevin Kwan's novel Crazy Rich Asians. The analysis focused on the lifestyle and characteristics of Asian rich people in Singapore. Twelve pieces of data are found, and the quotations are taken from the Crazy Rich Asians novel. It would be good evidence to expose the luxurious lifestyle represented by the Asian rich in Singapore. In collecting data, the theory from Raharjo and Silalahi was used, and some understanding and explanations from another expert. To analyse the data, the qualitative research method was applied. Therefore, this research method is considered very suitable for studying social phenomena such as the luxurious lifestyle depicted in the novel. There are four characteristics of a luxurious lifestyle depicted in Asian rich people.  They are luxurious goods, luxurious activities, convenience, privacy, and exclusivity. Luxury goods as a feature of a luxurious lifestyle can be seen in the penchant of Asian rich people to buy luxury goods and jewellery, and to own luxury properties. Luxurious activity can be seen from the several activities. Convenience as the characteristic of luxurious activity can be seen from the use of luxurious facilities. The exclusive party at young’s family house, and the exclusivity of Nick’s house are presented to show privacy and exclusivity

    Liberal Feminism in Ika Natassa’s Novel Critical Eleven

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    This study aimed to reveal the liberal feminism in Ika Natassa’s novel, Critical Eleven. This study applied liberal feminism as proposed by Lewis (2018) who claims that liberal feminism focuses on the issues of woman’s equality in the workplace, education and political rights. This study used qualitative methods since it involved the characteristics of qualitative procedures of analysis (Creswell, 2009). The main data were collected from the novel, and the supporting data were taken from books, journals and websites dealing with the subject matter of this research. Therefore, this study is categorized as a library research study as is noted by Herbert (1990: 18) who claims that a library research study is research to collect ideas and theories and to report empirical data within scholarship in the library. The research results show that of the three issues foccused on in liberal feminism as proposed by Lewis (2018), those of woman’s equality in the workplace and education are vividly reflected in the novel by the character named Anya who had a prestigious education (she is a Georgetown University graduate) and also has a good career as a management consultant. Equality in political rights is not found in the novel. Keywords: Feminism, Liberal Feminism, Women, Equality in Education, Equality in the Workplac