6 research outputs found

    The relationship between green supply chain integration and sustainable performance

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    Green supply chain management (GSCM) has recently emerged to comply with regulations for environmental protection as a result of increasing environmental concerns over the past decades. Since manufacturing companies have often been charged for the environmental liabilities of their suppliers, there has been urgency for integration of environmental initiatives, not only within the walls of the company, but across the entire supply chain in order to ensure the company’s sustainable performance. Consequently, Green Supply Chain Integration (GSCI) was introduced to integrate the environmental management practices within manufacturing companies, with the suppliers and the customers. However, there is lack of discoveries in terms of GSCI conceptualization. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the relationship between Green Supply Chain Integration and sustainable performance. Specifically, the objective of this study is to examine the relationship between supplier integration, customer integration, internal integration, logistic integration, technology integration, and dimensions of sustainable performance namely economic, environmental, and social. A survey was conducted on ISO14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) certified manufacturing firms in Malaysia. A total of 107 questionnaires was completed by the respondents and considered to be appropriate for data analysis. The data was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. It was found that each variable in the GSCI is positively correlated with sustainable performance. Further investigation using multiple regression has shown that internal integration and technology integration to be the strongest predictors of sustainable performance. Apart from contribution to theoretical knowledge, the results would also be valuable in providing new insights to management in their environmental goals and sustaining successful performance within the pressures of stakeholders, customers, and environmental regulation

    Supply Chain Risks, Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Organizational Performance: A Research Direction

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    Supply chain disruptions, such as floods and unforeseen events, have historically caused severe economic and environmental consequences, emphasizing the need for risk mitigation strategies to improve organizational performance. The multi-dimensional nature of these risks necessitates comprehensive classification and identification to inform effective managerial decisions. This study reviews the role of GSCM practices as a strategic approach to mitigate supply chain risks and enhance economic and environmental performance. By examining existing research on supply chain risks, GSCM practices, and organizational performance, this study seeks to fill a gap in the literature, particularly in exploring the integration of GSCM practices into risk mitigation strategies. This study contributes by highlighting the intersection of supply chain risks, GSCM practices, and organizational performance, with a focus on the Malaysian manufacturing sector. Through a comprehensive review and analysis, this study aims to shed light on the role of GSCM practices in building resilient and sustainable supply chains

    Environmental sustainability performance: The influence of supplier and customer integration

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    Environmental sustainability has emerged from many organizations as a mainstream issue that companies can no longer afford to ignore.Factors such as global climate change and environmental degradation; the depletion of natural resources; and the increasing recognition of the corporation’s role as an agent of economic and social change stimulated the interest in the performance of sustainability.Sequentially, these ‘sustainability’ issues are started to be appreciated as affecting a company’s investment value, it risk profile and its future assets and liabilities. It was suggested that one of the ways to support environmental sustainability is through environmental collaboration between firms and it supplier and customers or in other words, supplier and customer integration.This paper aims to provide empirical evidence on the influence of supplier and customer integration on environmental sustainability performance.With the purpose of obtaining information needed, a survey was conducted on ISO14001 certified manufacturing firms in Malaysia.Data from 107 companies were received and analyzed by correlation and regression analysis.Based on the results of data analysis, the variables were verified to have statistical significant associations with environmental sustainable performance. Therefore, it can be concluded that supplier integration and customer integration are strong predictors on environmental sustainable performance among MS ISO 14001 certified manufacturing firms in Malaysia. The findings of the study probably contribute in policy development of manufacturing practitioner

    The Characteristics of Demand Rates in Inventory Routing Problem

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    In today's business landscape, demand variability plays a crucial role in determining the success of companies across various industries. This article explores the concept of demand variability, encompassing both deterministic and stochastic demand patterns. We delve into the differences between these demand types and their implications for businesses. The article emphasizes the significance of accurate demand forecasting and its role in strategic decision-making. Deterministic demand, characterized by predictable patterns, allows businesses to forecast with certainty. On the other hand, stochastic demand introduces uncertainty, requiring statistical methods and probability theory for estimation and management. Furthermore, we explore the distinction between stochastic stationary demand and stochastic nonstationary demand. While the former maintains consistent statistical properties over time, the latter experiences fluctuations in its characteristics due to external factors. We highlight the challenges faced by businesses in forecasting and managing nonstationary demand and the need for adaptive forecasting methods. To successfully navigate today's dynamic market, companies must embrace advanced analytics and data-driven approaches. By leveraging historical data, statistical models, and forecasting techniques, businesses can gain valuable insights into demand patterns, optimize inventory management, and make informed strategic decisions. Ultimately, understanding and managing demand variability is paramount for businesses seeking to improve customer satisfaction, optimize operations, and enhance their competitive advantage. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of demand variability and equip readers with insights and strategies to tackle the challenges posed by an ever-changing market landscape

    Green supply chain management and sustainable performance among certified manufacturing firms in Malaysia: the mediating effect of social capital

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    Recently, an increase in demand for green initiatives and matters of sustainability has required a paradigm shift for manufacturing firms to conduct their operations. Since manufacturing firms have often been charged for the environmental liabilities of their suppliers, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) was introduced to integrate environmental management practices within manufacturing firms with the suppliers and customers. The GSCM is also believed to be closely related to social capital through integration process and social relationships between partners in the supply chain. However, the number of GSCM studies considering the social capital approach, particularly empirical studies, remains limited. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the mediating effect of social capital on the GSCM and sustainable performance linkage. A survey was conducted on ISO14001 Environmental Management System certified manufacturing firms in Malaysia. A total of 106 questionnaires were completed by the respondents and considered to be appropriate for the data analysis. The data was analysed using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). It was found that the GSCM’s internal environmental management and structural social capital are significantly correlated with sustainable performance while structural and relational social capital significantly mediate the relationship between the GSCM and sustainable performance. This study contributes to the body of knowledge through the introduction of social capital as it is still relatively new and offers a wide opportunity for an extension of GSCM research. The findings of this study would also be valuable in providing new insights to management into their environmental goals and sustaining successful performance within the pressures of stakeholders and environmental regulations. The value of model fit also suggested that other variables or external factors can be included for future research to improve the prediction of sustainable performance, such as company ownership, type of industry, or technology advancement as moderating variables

    A review on green supply chain management, social capital and sustainable performance

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    Nowadays, companies start to recognize green supply chain mangement as a business imperative and one of the factors to the sustainable performance of the organizations.However, in maintaining the integrity of the supply chain, it is important to build social capital among organization as the chain can be strengten by strong relationships.This paper discuss on the influence of social capital on the green supply chain management (GSCM) and sustainable performance.The study reviews past literatures related to the link between GSCM and sustainable performance, and eventually, examine the role of social capital on this linkage.The literature indicated that social capital plays significant role towards organizational‟sustainable performance.As the green supply chain itself involves cooperation and collaboration from internal and external parties, strong social capital would ensure understandings among these parties. In addition, this paper provides recommendation for future research to be conducted on this field