120 research outputs found

    Performance Model of Nurse Community Approach to Organizational Culture in Indonesia

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    National problem faced by Indonesia today is the handling of the low quality of Human Resources (HR). HR issues that need attention is the issue of performance. Performance is the rate of success in carrying out the task, as well as the ability to achieve the goals set. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of individual factors, organizational factors, organizational and cultural factors on the Performance of Nurses. This study used a cross sectional study approach. The population used in this study were nurses ponkesdes Tuban and Lamongan district in accordance with the inclusion criteria as much as 55, with a sample size of 48 respondents specified research using simple random sampling technique. The independent variable in this study is the individual factors (abilities and skills), organizational cultural factors and organizational factors, dependent variable is the performance of nurse ponkesdes. Instruments used in the collection of data in the form of questionnaires and performance evaluation sheet. Research analysis using simple linear regression test. Simple linear regression analysis showed variable organizational cultural factors were not statistically significant effect on the performance of the p-value (0.000), organizational factors also significantly influence the performance of the pvalue (0.027). While the variable factors of individual (skills and abilities) does not significantly influence the performance of the p-value (0.103)

    Peramalan Netflow Uang Kartal dengan Metode ARIMAX dan Radial Basis Function Network (Studi Kasus di Bank Indonesia)

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    BI memiliki satu tujuan tunggal yakni mencapai dan menjaga kestabilan nilai rupiah. Salah satu hal yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi tujuan ini adalah dengan pemantauan netflow uang kartal dengan meramalkan netflow uang kartal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meramalkan netflow uang kartal dengan metode ARIMAX dan Artificial Neural Network (ANN) dilanjutkan dengan membandingkan hasil ketepatan peramalan kedua metode tersebut. Pada penelitian ini netflow uang kartal akan diramalkan dengan ARIMAX dengan efek variasi kalender dan variabel prediktor IHK serta kurs. Metode yang digunakan untuk ANNadalah metode Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN). Diperoleh hasil bahwa model ARIMAX dengan efek variasi kalender dan variabel prediktor IHK merupakan model dengan peramalan netflow uang kartal terbaik

    Penerapan Metode Gstar (P1) untuk Meramalkan Data Penjualan Rokok di Tiga Lokasi

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    Salah satu dasar utama perencanaan produksi, inventori, dan distribusi yang efektif, dan efisien adalah peramalan yang tepat dari suatu data penjualan produk di waktu-waktu yang akan datang. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data penjualan harian rokok Hanisa Alami di tiga lokasi penjualan, yaitu Pasuruan, Malang, dan Batu, di mana data ini tidak hanya memiliki keterkaitan dengan kejadian pada waktu-waktu sebelumnya, tetapi juga mempunyai keterkaitan dengan lokasi atau tempat yang lain yang disebut dengan data spasial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengaplikasikan model GSTAR (P1) untuk peramalan penjualan rokok Hanisa Alami di tiga lokasi serta untuk mengetahui apakah ada keterkaitan antara penjualan di suatu lokasi dengan lokasi lainnya. Disamping itu, juga untuk membandingkan model ARIMA, dengan model GSTAR (P1), mana yang lebih tepat digunakan dalam peramalan penjualan rokok Hanisa Alami di tiga lokasi berdasarkan hasil ketepatan ramalan. Model GSTAR (P1) yang merupakan pengembangan dari model space-time yang menggabungkan unsur keterkaitan waktu, dan lokasi pada suatu data deret waktu, dan lokasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah suatu model GSTAR yang sesuai, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai-nilai ramalan yang tepat, dan dapat menjelaskan nilai-nilai ramalan yang tepat, dan dapat menjelaskan keterkaitan penjualan di suatu lokasi dengan penjualan di lokasi-lokasi yang lain

    Etika Berbahasa Dalam Pelayanan Publik

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    Services in the bureaucracy are still complained by the public. It means that the service within the bureaucracy still needs to be improved. Society calls for excellent service. Excellent service is a service to meet the expectations and needs of the community/customer. Bureaucracy in serving the public needs to consider the principles of the excellent service, which is the principle (1) ability, (2) attitude, (3) appearance, (4) attention, (5) action, and (6) accounttability, (7)"Human Relations", (8) reliability, (9) responsiveness, and (10) assurance. These principles are communicated with language. Without language, it is difficult to communicate. The use of language in excellent service must be ethical. Speaking ethics in excellent service are implemented in all forms of service, is when greeting customers. When talking on the phone, and when inscribed. Speaking ethics are constructed by watching the attitude and choice of words. Choice of words is determined by the elements of the communication, namely the speaker and listener, talking material, place, time, and communication media. Without ethics in speaking, the public impression of the apparatus on an institution would be bad or unpleasant

    Hubungan Riwayat Pajanan Kromium dengan Gangguan Fungsi Ginjal pada Pekerja Pelapisan Logam di Kabupaten Tegal

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    Background : Chromium(Cr) metal coating industry potentially contaminate the working environment and surrounding community as result of Cr dust which would endanger health of the employees, because exposure of Cr (VI) especiallythroughaerosol inhalation may resulted disruption on respiratory effects, carcinogenic, liver and renals. According to data on cases of renal disease at dr. Soeseloregional hospital of Tegal regency in 2011, there were 256 patients of renal failure. Preliminary test on the waste water revealed that metal coatings industriescontaining Cr levels between 2,77 mg/l to 17,95 mg/1, sediment averagedby 20,32 mg/kg of maximum 25.46 mg/kg, and in the air of production room averaged by 1,5769 mg/m3 of maximum levels in the air by 1,8433 mg/m3, so the researchers interested for knowing the relationship between chromium exposure history and impaired renal function on metal coating workers in Tegal regency. Methods : The research method was an observational research with cross-sectional approach, with population of Cr coating industrial workers in Talang sub-district of Tegal regency. Sampling was using nonprobability samplingtechnique with purposive sampling by total sample of 30 people (total population) with examination on the Cr content in urine, creatinine, urea in the serum and interviews as supporting data. Result : Results showed that there were 15 people (50%) with impaired renal function, and there is relationship between chromium exposure with impaired renal function on workers with correlation coefficient of 0,783 p = 0.00 with significant increase, the higher chromium content in urine the higher creatinine levels in serum. Results of diagnostic test depicted the urine Cr contents may lead to impaired renal function so it's quite good to be used as a screening test. Conclusion: Cr contents in urine of workers of chromium metal coating ranged from 6.00 to 110,0 mg/l, serum creatinine levels ranged from 0.71 to 1,53 mg/dl, urea levels in serum ranged from 11,40 to 32,70 mg/dl. Logistics test on workers with high level of Cr content in urine will lead to impaired renal function 1,087 times higher than duration of works in Crmetal coating

    Hubungan Praktek Personal Hygiene Ibu dan Kondisi Sanitasi Lingkungan Rumah dengan Kejadian Diare pada Balita di Puskesmas Kampung dalam Kecamatan Pontianak Timur

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    Background : Diarrhea has been one of severe health problems in Indonesia. A survey on household health, SKRT(2004) reported that diarrhea was the second ranked disease that caused death of under five year-old infants, andthe third ranked of the overall ages. In Kalimantan Barat, diarrhea becomes the third most dangerous disease,behind dengue and tuberculosis, to cause fatalities with the Incidence Rate of 10%. Data from the Health Office ofPontianak showed 8,374 diarrhea incidences in six districts. The frequent cases were found in Pontianak TimurRegency with 1,430 incidences. Data obtained from the Kampung Dalam Public Health Center, which is situated inPontianak Timur District, showed the highest rate of diarrhea incidence in the regency with 480 cases with prevalencerate of 33.6% (368 of them suffered by under the five year-old infants).Methode : This research aimed to find out the relationship of maternal personal hygiene and housing environmentalsanitation to diarrhea in under five year-old infants at the Public Health Center of Kampung Dalam. The researchwas performed by cross-sectional design, using 1,125 mothers with 12-59 month-old infants who lived in the servicearea of Kampung Dalam Public Health Center as population, resulting in 89 samples by a proportional randomsampling method. These data were then subject to bivariate Chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression test.Result : The overall results showed that the diarrhea incidences were suffered by 50 (56.2%) under five year-oldinfants. Most respondents had poor personal hygienic practices, as the bivariate analysis show the relationshipbetween washing hands with soap before eating (p = 0.002; RP = 1.853), washing hands with soap after going torestroom (p = 0.020; RP = 1.690), and good practices in food management (p = 0.0001; RP = 3.467) on diarrhea.The environmental conditions relating to diarrhea consisted of restroom availability (p = 0.014; RP = 2.72), SPAL(p = 0.025; RP = 4.84), and water quality (p = 0.014; RP = 1.76). However, waste bin condition (p = 0.135) andclean water source (p = 0.627) did not relate to diarrhea. The multivariate variables that became the dominant riskfactor to the diarrhea incidence on the under five year-old infants were food management good practices and healthyrestroom.Conclusion : In conclusion, good practices in food management and healthy restroom gave the diarrhea probabilityof 94%
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