368 research outputs found

    Corrective Feedback and Repair Strategies in Meaning-focused Language Classroom

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    The practice of corrective feedback in communicative language classroom has become a debate among applied linguists. Some consider it obstructs students' fluent speech and some assert it is vital to show students their linguistic gaps. This study aims to describe the practice of oral corrective feedback in meaning-focused instruction specifically to answer the questions 1) what is to correct, 2) how it is corrected, and 3) how repair is constructed. The data are in the forms of teacher's and students' utterances obtained through video recording during meaning-focused instruction in a secondary school. The result shows that in meaning-focused instruction, the ESL teacher mainly corrects semantic errors and among six types of corrective feedback (explicit correction, recast, clarification request, metalinguistic feedback, elicitation, and repetition), the teacher mostly uses elicitation and recast while the repair strategies that occur in this class takes the pattern of other initiation-self repair. So, it can be concluded that in a meaning-focused instruction the teacher does not relatively interrupt the students' fluent speech and that the communicative activity is maintained. And with self-repair, students notice their linguistic gaps. Therefore corrective feedback is still worth practicing in meaning-focused language classrooms

    Adversity Quotient Mahasiswa Pemrogram Skripsi (Adversity Quotient of Student Programming Thesis)

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskribsikan adversity quotient mahasiswa pemrogram skripsi. Adversity Quotient merupakan intelejensi khusus yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menghadapi kesulitan yang dihadapi. Kesulitan mahasiswa yang berhubungan dengan kuliah dapat berupa menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan dosen, mengerjakan ujian, termasuk menyelesaikan skripsi. Skripsi adalah termasuk salah satu mata kuliah wajib, sehingga setiap mahasiswa harus memprogram dan menyelesaikannya. Sehingga dibutuhkan keuletan untuk dapat menyelesaikan skripsi. Ketahanan ini diperlukan mahasiswa utuk menghadapi kesulitan dan tantangan dalam pelaksaanaan penulisan skripsi. Mahasiswa diberi anugerah Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa berupa tingkat ketahanan yang berbeda. Tingkat ketahanan dalam menghadapi kesulitan dapat diukur dengan Adversity Response Profile (ARP). Skor AQ dapat digunakan sebagai acuan bagaimana seorang mahasiswa merespon kesulitan yang dihadapi. Mahasiswa dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam kategori quitter, camper, dan climber. Berdasarkan hasil ARP diperoleh bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa menempati kategori peralihan camper. Kata Kunci: adversity quotient, skripsi The research aimed to describe adversity quotient of student programing thesis Adversity Quotient is a special inteligency that is related to student's ability in order to face problem. The problem could be an assigment that is given by lecturer, an examination, and also a thesis. Thesis is one of main subject that has to be programmed by the student. In order to finish the thesis, the student need to be endure. Each student has been given by God with different endurance. The level of endurance in facing the problem can be measured using Adversity Response Profile (ARP). AQ's score can be used as a reference in how student respons the problem. Based on this AQ's score, the student can be classified into three groups i.e. quitter, camper, and climber. The result of ARP shows that the majority of students are in the transition to camper. Keyword: adversity quotient, thesis

    Pengembangan Rpp Berbasis Inkuiri Dengan Penerapan Keterampilan Proses Sains Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika

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    Makalah ini membahas pengembangan kurikulum IPA dan Fisika yang lebih fleksibel di sekolah dengan menekankan pengajaran inkuiri secara sempurna, sehingga bagi guru fisika diharapkan dapat membuat rencana pelaksaan pembelajaran (RPP) berbasis inkuiri yang menerapkan keterampilan proses sains pada tujuan pembelajarannya dalam menjabarkan indikator dari kompetensi dasar materi Fisika, maka dari itu diperlukan format standar RPP berbasis inkuiri bagi guru atau calon guru yang akan terlibat langsung dalam pengajaran IPA dan Fisika baik di SMP/MTs dan SMA/MA. Pengembangan Rencana Pelaksaan Pembelajaran (RPP) berbasis inkuiri menekankan keterampilan proses sains yang diterapkan oleh para guru. Maka guru perlu memiliki kompetensi berinkuiri dalam proses pengajarannya, agar diharapkan mampu memperbaiki sebagian besar bentuk pengajaran fisika dan petunjuk percobaan yang prosesnya masih bersifat verifikatif, dan masih diajarkan di SMP/MTs dan SMA/M

    Peran Bank Sentral Dalam Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan (Ssk) Dan Implementasi Jaring Pengaman Sektor Keuangan (Jpsk)

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    The Government and Bank Indonesia developed a framework for the Draft Law on theFinancial System Safety Net. The framework clearly specifi ed the tasks and responsibilities of the relevantinstitutions involved in the operation of the Safety Net. In principle, the Ministry of Finance wasresponsible for drafting legislation for the fi nancial sector and providing funds for crisis resolution.BI, the central bank, was responsible for safeguarding monetary stability, maintaining a sound bankingsystem and ensuring the secure and robust operation of the payment system. The DIC (DepositInsurance Corporation), on the other hand, had responsibility for guaranteeing bank customer depositsand resolution of problem banks. The Financial System Safety Net framework was set out in theDraft Law on the Financial System Safety Net, which was currently undergoing a consultation process.In this way, the Financial System Safety Net Law would provide a strong foundation for the fi nancialsystem stability policies and regulations to be established by the relevant authorities. The Draft Lawspecifi ed all components of the FSSN: (1) effective bank regulation and supervision; (2) lender of lastresort; (3) adequate deposit insurance scheme; and (4) effective mechanism for resolution of crisis

    Beberapa Isu Statistik dalam Desain, Analisis dan Interpretasi Penelitian Epidemiologi Lingkungan

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    A primary objective of many environmental epidemiologic studies is to associate potentially adverse exposures received in the community (or workplace) with potential biologic effects. Such association are strengthened considerably if exposure-response relationshipcan be found.Identification and characterization of exposure-response relationship in the residential community setting are made difficult by the general absence of documented data on individuals at risk and their potential exposures. There are some limitations of epidemiological studies of communities exposed to environmenttal comtaminants i.e. populations living in the vicinity of point source of exposure are usually small; persons living in any given area are usually heterogeneous either with respect to characteristics that can influence many health outcomes indepedently of exposure; actual population exposures are generally poorly defined and for many chemicals little or nothing known about toxicological effects; many of the health endpoints of interest are either rare; publicity related to the episode under study may produce or accentuate reporting bias; and the conduct of community studies is made difficult by the presence of a highly charged atmosphere of anger and fear. There are some statistical aspects of community based investigations of health effects are i.e. exploratory vs. confirmatory study; determining sample size and statistical power; identifying and controlling systematic sources of error; assessing interaction; determining the level of the investigation; power with ecological studies; limitations of multivariate models, etc

    Urgensitas Penguatan Kompetensi Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi Syariah di Pengadilan Agama dalam Mengawal Pertumbuhan Industri Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia

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    The appreciation of the reputation and achievements of the Religious Courts continued to flow from experts and credible International survey organizations. Among others, Mark Cammack, Daniel S. Lev, Markus Zimmer, Cate Summer, Tim Lindsey, CJ Diana Bryant, Yoshiharu Matsuura etc. Meanwhile, the survey agency, among others, The Asia Foundation, ACNielsen, UN Women -institute under the auspices of the United Nations-, IALDF, etc. that in essence they satisfy with the performance of the Religious Court. This condition is contradictory to the situation in their own country, even though de jure has received an additional mandate (competence) as mandated by Article 49 of Law No. 3 of 2006, but de facto skepticism and pessimism in some quarters, indirectly weaken and reduce the competence of the Religious Court. This is often done by a handful of party, unsupported by valid research data. In fact, the true increase Religious Court's competence born from the womb of reform, but already at the age of eight years of this, it still has not gained the trust and support of the maximum. Expectations of economic actors to the sharia court Religion should be coupled with efforts to strengthen the real from stakeholders to the Religious Court can maximize its role in escorting the growth of the Islamic finance industry, that will be the focus of study in this paper

    Kasus Sutet di Indonesia: Kajian dari Aspek Epidemiologi

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    Mengajarkan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika di Sekolah Dasar

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang mengajarkan pemecahan masalah matematika di sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah analisa literatur. Beberapa literatur yang berhubungan dengan pemecahan masalah dan pemecahan masalah matematika dianalisa untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang cara mengajarkan pemecahan masalah matematika di sekolah dasar. Pemecahan masalah merupakan sebuah kompetensi yang harus dikuasai oleh peserta didik dalam pembelajaran matematika. Hal ini sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam kurikulum pendidikan Indonesia. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika peserta didik pada tingkat pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, sangat tergantung kepada pengalaman belajar peserta didik ketika di jenjang sekolah dasar. Oleh karena itu, mengajarkan pemecahan masalah matematika sejak jenjang sekolah dasar merupakan sesuatu yang penting. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah (problem solving) setidaknya membutuhkan dua kemampuan, yaitu (1) kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah, dan (2) kemampuan untuk merencanakan strategi untuk memecahkan masalah. Kemampuan memecahkan masalah merupakan salah satu bentuk keterampilan kognitif. Dengan demikian, kemampuan pemecahan masalah ini akan tergantung setidaknya pada dua hal. Pertama, pengetahuan awal yang dimiliki oleh peserta didik (previous knowledge). Kedua, kemampuan peserta didik untuk memanggil pengetahuan yang tersimpan dalam memori jangka panjangnya (long-term memory). Mengajarkan pemecahan masalah matematika di jenjang sekolah dasar membutuhkan sejumlah kemampuan. Pertama, kemampuan mengajarkan cara untuk mengidentifikasi masalah matematika yang sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangan kognitif peserta didik. Kedua, kemampuan untuk mengajarkan strategi untuk memecahkan masalah matematika Kata kunci: Pemecahan Masalah, Pemecahan Masalah Matematika, Sekolah Dasa
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