248 research outputs found

    Harga Energi Dan Ketahanan Ekonomi Masyarakat Menengah Ke Bawah

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    The determination of price of energy in Indonesia has within complex problems. This article extends the considerations needed in considering the policy. It argues that the strength of middle and lower class economy should be considered in taking the policy

    Hubungan Faktor-Faktor Lingkungan dan Perilaku Kader Kesehatan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan dengan Kejadian Malaria di Daerah HCI dan LCI di Kecamatan Mayong Jepara.

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    Background: Malaria still becomes the world's problem including in Indonesia. In the residence of Jepara, malaria is still endemic (annual parasite incident 2.28 ‰). Jepara is recognized as one of the endemic areass for malaria infection. The highest percentage of malaria in the resident of Jepara is Mayong (39.49 %). Meanwhile, malaria incidence is influenced indeed by the environmental factors and the behavior of the society, including the role of the health cadres in controlling the environment. Methods: This research was an analytical research with a cross sectional approach. The independent variable was the environmental factors and the behavior of the help cadres in controlling the environment. Meanwhile, the dependent variable was the incidence of malaria. Total samples taken were sixty-four respondents that came from eight villages of HCI area and eight villages from LCI area in Mayong Jepara. The data were analyzed by Spearman Rank Correlation. Results: The findings of the data analysis showed that there was a significance correlation between the knowledge level and the application of the environmental control with the incidence of malaria, and there is no significance correlation between the environmental factor and the behavior in controlling the environment with malaria. Conclusions: The grade of environmental knowledge and practice are significant in correlation with malaria incidence and are no significant correlation between environmental knowledge and practice with the environmental factors

    Distribusi Pendapatan Dalam Pembangunan

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    The lameness problem of income distribution has become a debatable issue among economic soon after the emerge of new awareness about this problem in the developing countries in 1970th. A development strategy, which is oriented in the growth in fact, has caused some serious problems in the income distribution, as well as the damage of environment

    Empowerment Strategy Masyarakat Desa Wisata Kebonagung Kecamatan Imogiri Kabupaten Bantul YOGYAKARTA

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    Research related to community empowerment strategy is taking case study in Kebonagung tourist village, Imogiri, Bantul Yogyakarta. The purpose of this research is to find the right form of empowerment strategy that aligned to the community. Qualitative research models through the instrument of observation, interviews, and documentation to collect data and facts that occurred in the community based on primary data and secondary data through data triangulation process. Interviews were conducted by researchers with determining the keyperson as resources that is the administrator of tourist village and the community. The strategies proposed in this research include cooperation strategy, cultural defection strategy, and conflict strategy through objective structural approaches as well as objective non-structural approaches. The results showed that community involvement on the existence of tourist village from various economic and socio-cultural aspects have positive impact even though not yet fully. Openness of employment and business opportunity occurred very positively on the participation of the community in the provision of accommodation facilities, but in the social and cultural aspects has not been maximized. Empowerment strategy recommended through this research in order to reach the economic and socio-cultural aspects of the maximum is more priority to the strategy of cooperation in accordance with the culture of rural communities. Keywords: Empowerment Strategy, Cooperation Strateg

    Prospek Desain Produk Kerajinan di Daiam Era Globalisasi

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    Dalam era globalisasi Indonesia akan menghadapi adanya pasar bebas yangdiisyaratkan oleh pemerintah pada tahun 2010. Perkembangan industri kerajinan diIndonesia dan kebutuhan akan alat rumah tangga serta permintaan pasar yangmelimpah, memaksa adanya kebutuhan desain produk yang mempunyai k1asifikasi seniyang memadai, praktis, dan eflSien.Bagi Indonesia yang akan menuju era industrialisasi, industri kerajinanmerupakan salah satu andalan produk dalam negeri yang mempunyai aspel ekonomiyang strategis. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut perlu adanya kesiapan mental bangsaIndonesia dalam memproduksi suatu barang, perlu mempelajari aspek desain secaradetail, proyeksi pasar atau mengantisipasi pasar bebas dalam negeri maupun luar negeri,agar benda kerajinan yang diproduksi dapat memenuhi pasar. "Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sumbangan pemikiran dalammengembangkan desain produk di dalam "era globalisasi. Sehingga siap untukmenghadapi berbagai macam kendala pada masa yang akan datang

    Krisis Pembangunan dan Teori Pembangunan

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    Analisis terhadap pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh negara sedang berkembang dewasa ini, perhatian tidak dapat terlepas dari dua agenda yang mendasar. Pertama, adalah masalah terjadinya krisis pembangunan di dunia ketiga sebutan populer untuk negara sedang berkembang untuk membedakan dengan dua kelompok yang lain, dunia pertama untuk negara-negara kapitalis maju dan dunia kedua untuk kelompok negara sosialis (Eropa Timur)

    Studi Tentang Keamanan Dan Keselamatan Pengunjung Hubungannya Dengan Citra Destinasi (Studi Kasus Gembira Loka Zoo)

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    Image is one of the essential elements for a tourist destination and a description about the impression of a tourist destination. A good image will motivate tourist to visit a destination. The research uses Gembira Loka Zoo as an object. The purpose from this research was to identify the factors related with the image of a destination, especially in the management of the security and safety of visitors conducted by travel managers Gembira Loka Zoo. The method use in this research related to the security and safety of visitors is descriptive Research is Descriptive to investigate population and samples. Population is tourists who visit Gembira Loka Zoo and the samples are 100 respondents. In addition researchers also conduct observation, Questionnaires and documentation in the data collection. The analysis technique used there are several steps that incude the instrument of accession test, validity, reliability, hypothesis, coefficient of determination and F test and T. The result showed a Gembira Loka Zoo has a good image of tourist mind and the result showed significant correlation between Gembira Loka Zoo Image and tourist visiting motivation. With this reserach is expected that manager can improve all of the aspect of Gembira Loka Zoo so it can be motivate tourist to visit. Keywords : Gembira Loka Zoo Image, Visitor Safety and Securit
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