38 research outputs found

    THE ROLE OF C.METHYL-4,10,16,22-TETRAMETOXYCALlX[4]ARENE AS INHIBITOR OF CALCIUM CARBONATE (CaC03) SCALE FORMATION Peranan C-Metl/-4,10,16,22-Tetrametoksi Kaliks[4}Arena Sebagallnhlbltor Pembentukan Kerak Ka/slum Karbona

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    ABSTRACT The role of C-methyl-4,10,16,22-tetrametoxycalix[4]areneas inhibitor of calcium carbonate scale formation has been investigated. The result shows that C-methyl-4,10,16,22-tetrametoxy calix[4]arene inhibits a formation of calcium carbobate crystals at a concentration of growth solution of 0.1 M. The ability of C-methyl-4,10,16,22- tetrametoxy calix[4]areneas inhibitor of the formation of calcium carbobatescale is 33-100% in inhibiting growth rate of CaC03 scale formation. This ability depends on the concentration of C-methyl-4,10,16,22-tetrametoxy calix[4]arene added into growth solution. However, the addition of C-methyl-4,10,16,22-tetrametoxy calix[4]arene at a range of 10-100ppm is a much enough in inhibiting the growth rate of CaC03crystals. Keywords: tetrametoxycalixarene, CaC03, inhibito

    Anticancer Activity Study of Modified Artocarpin Compound from Pudau Plant (Artocarpus kemando Miq.)

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    This research is a continuation of the successful isolation of artocarpin from the root of Artocarpus kemando Miq reported in our previous study. In the previous study, the artocarpin was characterized with UV-Vis and FTIR techniques. In this follow-up investigation, the artocarpin was subjected to a transesterification reaction using acetic anhydride and pyridine as catalysts, and the product of the reaction was specified as compound 1. The compound 1 was further characterized with different techniques to gain more complete data and then tested for anticancer activity test against P-388 murine leukemia cells. Characterizations of the compound 1 using 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR techniques suggest that the modification reaction resulted in the conversion of the -OH groups at C2' and 4' at the artocarpin molecule to -OOCH3, and based on the MS analysis, the compound was proposed to have the molecular formula of C30H32O8. Another important feature of compound 1 that should be noted is the significant improvement in stability compared to the unmodified artocarpin. Anticancer activity tests against P-388 murine leukemia cells revealed that compound 1 has an IC50of 2.35 µg/mL, confirming that the compound is categorized as an active anticancer agent and suggesting that the compound has promising potential that deserves further investigations. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-03-05 Full Text: PD

    Afektivno doživljavanje ravnoteže u umjetničkom djelu

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    U svom diplomskom radu govorim o uvodu uĉenika u svijet umjetnosti kroz doživljaj ravnoteže. Naglašavam afektivno podruĉje koje obuhvaća efekte, emocije, raspoloženja i osjećaje, i vodim se primarnošću tih afektivnih procesa – da bi nešto doživjeli, osjetili, nije nam potrebno određeno predznanje. Kroz afektivni dio uĉenika doživljaj postaje vrijednost koja potiĉe na daljnje uĉenje i nova zadovoljstva. Navodim opažanje kao svjesni osjetni doživljaj i geštalt kvalitetu koja predstavlja novi element doživljaja. Kroz definiciju kompozicije dolazim do ravnoteže, koja je neizbježna kad govorimo o jedinstvu u likovnom djelu. Ĉimbenicima ravnoteže istiĉem optiĉku ravnotežu kao najvažniju. Aktivnim istraživanjem oblika i vizualnog reda kristalizira se i doživljaj umjetniĉkog djela, te što su uĉenici više izloženi umjetniĉkim djelima, to će i doživljaj ravnoteže biti brži i prirodniji na svjesnoj razini. Profesor je tu da usmjeri doživljaje, vraćajući izdvojenu pojedinost, u ovom sluĉaju ravnotežu, u širi kontekst. Tada se doživljajno mišljenje razvija prema cjelovitosti. Ukratko ukazujem na razliku promatranja ravnoteže u dvodimenzionalnom i trodimenzionalnom svijetu. Kroz osnovne metodiĉke postupke objašnjavam rad s umjetniĉkim djelom. Dolazim do zakljuĉaka o urođenoj sposobnosti promatranja i vizualnog mišljenja – ukoliko mi samo angažiramo razliĉite psihiĉke funkcije i sposobnosti u procesu nastave likovne umjetnosti, one se i same razvijaju. Ravnoteža umjetniĉkog djela, ili doživljaj iste, je samo jedna od stepenica do svih tih vrijednosti. U svrhu boljeg razumijevanja i osvještavanja doživljaja ravnoteže uzela sam primjere iz razliĉitih povijesnih razdoblja za nastavu Likovne umjetnosti. Uz raznolike primjere i vježbe, uĉenicima postaje jasnije kako sve leži u odgovarajućoj strukturi, te im ujedno i osvjetljava znaĉenje djela. Iako je umjetniĉko djelo daleko od toga da bude prosto slika ravnoteže, istiĉem ju kao osnovu, a doţivljaj ravnoteže kao jedno od oruđa u nastavi Likovne umjetnosti

    Identification of Secondary Metabolites and FT-IR Analysis of Getih-Getihan Fruit Extract (Rivina humilis L.)

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    Getih-getihan (Rivina humilis L.) plants can be used as antibacterial, antioxidant and natural pesticides. Most of the biological activities of natural products originated from secondary metabolites contained therein. Studies have shown the effects of leaves, branches, and fruits extract of R. humilis towards biological activities. However, identifying the phytochemical compounds of R. humilis L. fruit is less discussed. Here we proposed research on the identification of secondary metabolite compounds of R. humilis L. fruit extract using phytochemical screening tests and spectroscopic method. The extraction of R. humilis L. fruit was proceeded by maceration method using methanol solvent. The series of phytochemical screening tests signified the presence of alkaloids, terpenoids, tannins and flavonoids. Furthermore, we applied FT-IR analysis to confirm the existence of functional groups in the secondary metabolite compounds. A broad absorption band showed the hydroxyl groups (O-H) at 3265 cm-1. The sharp band at 1632 cm-1 exhibited the C=C stretching band. The presence of C-N (stretching) was signified by the absorption band at 1237 cm-1, while the C-H bond in CH3 terminals (alkanes, alkyl group) was exhibited at 1401 cm-1. All the functional groups confirmed in the FT-IR analysis corroborated the phytochemical test results

    Pelatihan Analisis Air Sumur Gali dan Sumur Bor di Kompleks Bataranila Hajimena Natar Lampung Selatan

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    ABSTRAK Telah dilaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan analisis air, khususnya  analisis N-amonia pada sumur gali dan sumur bor di Kompleks Perumahan Bataranila Desa Hajimena Kecamatan Natar Lampung Selatan. Pelatihan ini bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman tentang kesehatan melalui analisis sifat fisika-kimia air yang digunakan sehari-hari dan meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan penduduk tentang cara analisis kandungan amoniak dalam air secara mudah dan sederhana menggunakan metode kolorimetri. Materi yang disajikan pada kegiatan ini meliputi berbagai jenis air, persyaratan air minum, beberapa parameter air tercemar atau tidak, pengaruh berbagai kandungan kimia dalam air terhadap kesehatan, dan pelatihan secara singkat analisis N-amoniak dalam air. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah dan tanya jawab, serta metode analisis kuantitatif kadar N-amoniak dalam air.  Sedangkan rancangan evaluasi yang digunakan meliputi evaluasi awal, evaluasi proses, dan evaluasi akhir.  Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan ini telah berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat Bataranila tentang kualitas air secara umum dan cara cepat analisis kandungan N-amoniak dalam air.Kata kunci: Pelatihan Analisis Air, N-amoniak, Kolorimetri ABSTRACT The training of water analysis training activities has been performed, especially in the analysis of N-ammonia in dug and drilled wells at Perumahan Bataranila, Hajimena, Natar District, South Lampung. This training aims to improve the understanding of health through analysis of the physico-chemical properties of water used daily and to increase the knowledge and skills of residents on how to easily and simply analyze ammonia content in water using the colorimetric method. The material presented in this activity includes various types of water, drinking water requirements, several parameters of polluted or unpolluted water, the effect of various chemical constituents in water on health, and brief training on the analysis of N-ammonia in water. The activity method used is the lecture method and question and answer method, as well as the method of quantitative analysis of N-ammonia levels in water. While the evaluation design used includes initial evaluation, process evaluation, and final evaluation. The evaluation results show that this activity has succeeded in increasing the knowledge of the Bataranila community about water quality in general and how to quickly analyze the N-ammonia content in water.Keywords: Water Analysis Training, N-ammonia, Colorimetr

    PENGAYAAN ANTIOKSIDAN UNTUK BERAS MERAH ARTIFICIAL DENGAN EKSTRAK PEWARNA MERAH ALAMI Rhoeo Discolor L. Her (Antioxidant Enrichment for Artificial Red Rice by Natural Red Pigment Extract From Rhoeo Discolor L. Her)

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    Artificial rice is one of food diversification alternative from non-rice local carbohydrates. Generally, artificial rice is a flour based using cassava, tapioca, corn and sago from Indonesia as raw material, with additional of micronutrients such as mineral and vitamin. This research aimed to apply the red pigment anthocyanin which contain antioxidants for artificial red rice production. Red pigment was extracted from Adam hawa (Rhoeo discolor L. Her) leaves in acid water solvent and predicted as cyanidin-3-galactose or peonidin-3-glucose compounds. Artificial red rice was tested its color degree based on the CIE (Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage) Lab method and the result indicated the red color brightness and its color stability lighter than natural red rice.Keywords: Anthocyanins, antioxidants, artificial rice, Rhoeo discolor L. HerABSTRAKBeras artificial menjadi salah satu alternatif diversifikasi pangan berbahan baku karbohidrat lokal bukan beras. Umumnya, beras artificial menggunakan bahan baku berbasis tepung seperti singkong, tapioka, jagung dan sagu asal Indonesia, serta tambahan mikronutrien seperti mineral dan vitamin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan pewarna merah antosianin yang mengandung antioksidan untuk pembuatan beras merah artificial. Pewarna merah diekstrak dari bagian daun Adam hawa (Rhoeo discolor L. Her) dalam pelarut air (akuades) yang mengandung asam dan diperkirakan sebagai senyawa sianidin-3-galaktosa atau peonidin-3-glukosa. Produk beras merah artificial diuji derajat warnanya mengacu nilai Lab CIE (Commission Internationale de I’Eclairage) dan jika dibandingkan dengan beras merah alami maka beras merah artificial menunjukkan skala pembacaan warna merah, kecerahan, serta kestabilan warna merahnya ke arah lebih terang.Kata kunci: Antioksidan, antosianin, beras artificial, Rhoeo discolor L. He

    The Effect of Zeolite/Chitosan Hybrid Matrix for Thermal-stabilization Enhancement on the Immobilization of Aspergillus fumigatus α-Amylase

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    In this paper, the A. fumigatus α-amylase had been immobilized onto zeolite/chitosan hybrid to improve its thermal-stabilization for industrial needs. The methods applied enzyme production, isolation, partial purification, immobilization, and characterization. The optimum temperatures of the native and immobilized enzymes were 50 and 55˚C, respectively. The native enzyme has KM of 3.478 ± 0.271 mg mL-1 substrate and Vmax of 2.211± 0.096 µmole mL-1 min-1, while the immobilized enzyme has KM value of 12.051 ± 4.949 mg mL-1 substrate and Vmax of 1.602 ± 0.576 µmole mL-1 min-1. The residual activity of the immobilized enzyme retained up 10.97% after fifth reuse cycles. The native enzyme has ΔGi of 104.35 ± 1.09 kJ mole-1 and t½ of 38.75 ± 1.53 min, while the immobilized enzyme has ΔGi of 108.03 ± 0.05 kJ mole-1 and t½ of 180.03 ± 3.31 min. According to the increase in half-life (t½), stability improvement of the A. fumigatusα-amylase was 4.65 times greater than the native enzyme. Thus, the zeolite/chitosan hybrid is used as a new supporting matrix for further enzyme immobilization to stabilize the enzymes. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-03-06 Full Text: PD

    Teori Ekonomi Mikro : Dilengkapi beberapa bentuk fungsi produksi

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    xii-197 hlm. : - ; 26 cm