15 research outputs found

    Ubiquitous learning in occupational health and safety for vocational education

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    This research aimed to develop instructional media for occupational safety and health android-based for vocational schools. The second aim is to determine the feasibility of instructional media and student responses. The type of research is research and development (R&D) with the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) method, namely, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire with fourth scales. Data collection used an assessment questionnaire for two experts and 103 users. Research data analysis techniques used quantitative descriptive analysis. This study's results have produced products in the form of android-based instructional media for Occupational Safety and Health. In this study, we designed and developed an application called Zerosicks for mobile devices to help students learn occupational safety and health principles. The results of testing for all features and navigation work well and under their functions. The assessment results by content experts, media experts, and students as users indicate that this media has a very decent level of eligibility. Suggestions for product development are to add videos to the media, provide selected music, and add discussion forums for users

    Aplikasi Sensor Flow Water Untuk Mengukur Penggunaan Air Pelanggan Secara Digital Serta Pengiriman Data Secara Otomatis Pada PDAM Kota Semarang

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    PDAM merupakan perusahaan daerah yang memberikan jasa penyediaan air kepada pelanggan yang membutuhkan. PDAM menyalurkan air ke pelanggan melalui pipa reservoir. PDAM mengecek jumlah penggunaan air pada masing-masing pelanggan setiap bulan dengan mengirimkan petugas ke rumah pelanggan untuk mengecek dan mencatat jumlah penggunaan air melalui meter air. Meter air yang digunakan PDAM masih bersifat analog sehingga pelanggan mengalami kesulitan dalam pembacaan jumlah penggunaan air. Karena cara pengecekan yang masih bersifat manual dan alat yang masih bersifat analog, maka di rancanglah suatu alat yang dapat mengukur penggunaan air secara digital serta dapat mengirimkan data jumlah penggunaan air secara otomatis ke PDAM. Sehingga PDAM dan pelanggan akan lebih mudah mengecek jumlah penggunaan air setiap bulan. Alat ini dirancang menggunakan sensor flow water yang akan mengukur debit air yang mengalir ke pipa reservoir pelanggan dan hasil pengukuran akan diolah oleh mikrokontroller AVR Atmega 8535. Data akan diolah dan ditampilkan pada LCD serta di transmisikan ke PDAM melalui modem GSM. PDAM dan pelanggan dapat mengakses data ini melalui website yang telah disediakan.


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    SDN Pudak Payung 01 is a place where teaching and learning activities take place as well as teachers, students and other school staffs meet and gather. In addition, at certain times, the school environment also becomes a gathering place for people who pick up and drop off students, thus triggering a crowd. If in the crowd there are people having  the Covid-19 symptoms who can be contagious, then there is a possibility that virus transmission can occur in the school environment. Thus, the main problem in this school environment is the potential for transmission of the Covid-19 virus form the infected people to the others through touching or standing close to each other. Therefore, keeping clean and health are main top priority, so that the transmission of the covid-19 virus can be minimized and the effect of its spread is reduced significantly. To support this health culture in accordance with health protocols, Pudak Payung 01 Elementary School has provided an touchless automatic temperature measuring device which requires no operator, so it is very helpful for students, teachers and school staffs to independently check their body temperature just before they carry out activities at the school. By checking the body temperature, at least the detection process for people who may have symptoms of being infected with the virus can be carried out early, so that prevention of transmission can be anticipated properly

    Dynamic QoS: Automatically Modifying QoS Queue's Maximum Bandwidth Rate-Limit of Network Devices for Network Improvement

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    The heterogeneous data traffic of today's network is a huge challenge to existing best-effort network technology, particularly in the context of large Ethernet, which handles hundreds to thousands of users. The existing conventional best-effort network technology is no longer efficient to handle the diversity of traffic types in the network and requires network management equipment such as Quality of Service (QOS). Usually, QOS is implemented on the gateway router. However, for better network performance and management, to guarantee high priority for sensitive traffic like video conferencing, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and streaming media within an internal network, it is nice to have QoS implemented on each router in the LAN network, starting from the access router to the gateway router. This paper is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed dynamic QoS that has been developed and deployed in the LAN, purposely to provide adequate bandwidth for sensitive traffic when the network utilization is high and congested, by automatically modifying the QoS Queue's Maximum Bandwidth Rate-Limit of the best-effort traffic queue of the related router. The performance of the proposed developed dynamic QoS was evaluated via a comparison study before and after the dynamic QoS was presented in the network simulation environment that was built using Mininet. Results from the testing show that the developed dynamic QoS can improve the network's performance by automatically giving the appropriate bandwidth for sensitive traffic on the fly while needed/on demand


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    The main focus of this research is to develop a real-time forest fire monitoring system using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The UAV is equipped with sensors, a mini processor (Raspberry Pi) and Ardu Pilot Mega (APM) for the flight controller. This system used five sensors. The first is a temperature sensor that served to measure the temperature in the monitored forest area. The others sensors are embedded in the APM. There are a barometer, Global Positioning Sensor (GPS), inertial measurement unit (IMU) and compass sensor. GPS and compass are used in the navigation system. The barometer measured the air pressure that is used as a reference to maintain the height of the UAV. The IMU consists of accelerometer and gyroscope sensors that are used to estimate the vehicle position. The temperature data from the sensor and the data from GPS are processed by the Raspberry Pi 3, which serves as a mini processor. The results of the data processing are sent to the server to be accessible online and real-time on the website. The data transmission used the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) system. The experimental setup was carried out in an area of 40 meters × 40 meters with 10 hotspots. The diameter of the hotspots is 0.4 meters with a height of 0.5 meters. The UAV is flown at a constant speed of 5 m/s at an altitude of 20 meters above the ground. The flight path is set by using a mission planner so the UAV can fly autonomously. The experimental results show that the system could detect seven hotspots in the first trial and nine hotspots in the second trial. This happened because there is some data loss in the transmission process. Other results indicate that the coordinates of hotspots detected by the UAV have a deviation error of approximately 1 meter from the actual fire point coordinates. This is still within the standard GPS accuracy as this system uses GPS with a range accuracy of 2.5 meters