66 research outputs found

    Pengetahuan Sikap dan Perilaku Masyarakat Tentang Malaria di Daerah Endemis Kalimantan Selatan

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    Malaria masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia dan upaya pencegahan masih terus diupayakan oleh pemerintah. Di Kalimantan Selatan yaitu kecamatan Mantewe merupakan daerah terpencil dan endemis malaria, dan pernah dilaporkan ada kasus meninggal karena malaria pada 2006.Penduduk di Mantewe adalah suku Dayak dan transmigran asal Jawa yang bekerja sebagai petani dan pendulang emas serta berpendidikan rendah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan ingin mengetahui karakteristik, pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat tentang pencegahan malaria. Jumlah sampelsebanyak 200 responden ditentukan dengan rumus secara statistik. Pemilihan responden dilakukan secara acak sederhana dari populasi yang telah ditentukan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sebanyak 200 responden berhasil diwawancarai. Dari jumlah tersebut 98,0% responden pernah tahu atau mendengar tentang malaria, dan sisanya hanya 2,0% responden yang menyatakan tidak tahu atau belum pernah mendengar tentang malaria. Mengenai gejala malaria 50,3% responden menyebut demam menggigil, 39,3% responden mengaku sakit kepala dan 5,2% responden menjawab muka pucat dan kurang nafsu makan. Sikap responden dalam upaya pencegahan malaria sudah cukup positif. Perilaku pencegahan gigitan malaria 77,0% responden memakai kelambu, dan 23,0% responden menggunakan obat nyamuk bakar/disemprot. Kesimpulan, secara umum pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat terhadap malaria sudah baik. Perilaku mereka masih sebatas akan melakukan dan belum diwujudkan dalam tindakan nyata, sehingga keberadaan nyamuk malaria masih tetap tinggi. Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan setempat untuk meningkatkan surveilance malaria dan dilakukan penelitian yang lebih komprehensif.Kata kunci : pengetahuan, sikap, perilaku, masyarakat, endemis, malaria.AbstractMalaria remains a public health problem in Indonesia and prevention efforts continue to be pursued by the government. In South Kalimantan, subdistrict Mantewe is a remote area and endemic malaria, and there have been reported cases died of malaria in 2006. Residents in Mantewe is Dayak and transmigrants from Java who worked as farmers and miners of gold and less educated. The study was conducted with the aim to investigate the characteristics, knowledge, attitudes and behavior about malaria prevention. The total sample of 200 respondents was determined by statistical formulas. Selects respondents randomly from the population that has been determined. The results showed as many as 200 respondents were interviewed. Of these 98.0% of respondents never knew or heard of malaria, and the rest is only 2.0% of respondents who did not know or have never heard of malaria. Regarding the incidence of malaria by 50.3% of respondents mention fever chills, 39.3% of respondents reported headache and 5.2% of the respondents answered pallor and lack of appetite. The attitude of the respondents in the prevention of malaria has been quite positive. Behavior bite prevention of malaria nets 77.0% of respondents,and 23.0% of respondents use mosquito coils/sprayed. Conclusions, general knowledge, attitudes and behavior toward malaria are good. Their behavioris still limited will do and have not been realized in action, so the presence of the malaria mosquito remains high. It is recommended to the local Health Department to improve malaria surveillance and more comprehensive research.Keywords : knowledge, attitude, behavior, society, endemic, malaria

    Bioindikator Cemaran Timbal pada Rambut Masyarakat Sekitar Kilang Minyak

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    Timbal atau Plumbum (Pb) bersifat toksik, karsinogenik, bioakumulator dan biomagnifikasi. Bioakumulasi Timbal dari media lingkungan dapat terjadi pada kuku, hati, dan rambut. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian bioindikator timbal rambut masyarakat di kawasan industri minyak. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2012 di Kota Dumai, Provinsi Riau. Rancangan penelitian khusus pencemaran lingkungan 2012 adalah type- 1 health study, yang disarankan US Agency for Toxic Substances and Drugs Registry (ATSDR). Analisis statistik bivariat dengan uji kai kuadrat. Populasi penelitian adalah penduduk Kota Dumai yang tinggal di desa Jayamukti, Tanjung Palas, Mekarsari, dan Bukit Timah. Sejumlah 110 ibu rumah tangga diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Kriteria inklusi, responden berusia antara 17 – 55 tahun dan telah tinggal minimal selama lima tahun terakhir. Kriteria ekslusi sedang menderita penyakit kronis. Hasil analisis dari enam parameter media lingkungan menunjukkan ada empat parameter berisiko mencemari, tetapi belum bermakna antara parameter lingkungan dan kejadian timbal rambut dengan nilai p > 0,05. Odds Ratio (OR) terbesar ditunjukkan oleh parameter ikan sebesar 1,5 dan terkecil makanan atau minuman dan tanah 1,13. Proporsi risiko terbesar ditunjukkan oleh parameter ikan sebesar 33,3% dan terkecil parameter makanan atau minuman 10%. Telah terjadi penanggulangan risiko untuk parameter air minum dan air permukaan dengan nilai p 0.05. Tbe biggest odd ratio (OR) was showed by fish parameter worth 1.5 and the smallest was food or beverage and land worth 1.13. The biggest proportion was showed by fish parameter of 33.3 % and the smallest food or beverage 10 %.There has been a reduction of risk for the parameters of drinking water and surface water with p value < 0.05

    The Contribution of Public Health Center to Reducing Maternal Mortality

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    Backgroud: The health problems can be described on the number of Maternal Mortality (MMR), the higher of MMR toindication of so many health problems. Maternal mortality is closely related to access of quality health care. Quality access willprovide opportunities for mothers to get prenatal care, aid delivery, and good treatment. Public health care is health facilitiesearly referral of maternal care in villages, and then Public health care will be referred to a PONEK hospital if necessary.Objective: To knows the difference that maternal health services are carried out in PONED and non PONED Public healthcenters. Methods: To combine datas of Village Potential 2011, Maternal Mortality Follow-Up Study of Population Census2012 and Research Health Facilities 2011 for analysis. Field confi rmation in two health centers and two hospitals in Bekasiand Bogor cities for cases maternal death of during pregnancy, during childbirth, miscarriage, and after birth (postnatal).Results: The hospitals can prevent maternal death during pregnancy or during childbirth. At public health care, the risk formaternal death during childbirth is higher than postnatal OR = 1.9 (CI: 1.22 to 3.0), maternal death during pregnancy andmiscarriage in PONED is higher than Non PONED but not signifi cant (p &gt; 0.05). At public health care not PONED, birthattendants is a factor in the recommendation to referral (p &lt; 0.05). Conclution: The hospital facilities are able to PONEKthe best services for mothers who need obstetric treatment. The midwives are important to reducing maternal mortality,they should be closer access to birth attendants and to perform appropriate referrals. Recommendation: The hospitalsare need to be reinforced services capable PONEK and within easy reach from public health centers

    Hubungan Faktor Sosial Demografi Terhadap Kejadian Tuberkulosis Menurut Stratifikasi Jenis Kelamin Di Jawa Tengah

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    Tuberculosis is closely linked to socio-demographic characteristics such as education, employment and age groups. Analysis of subset data of Riskesdas 2007 (Central Java Province) was carried out to determine the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). There were 62,827 respondents who had been classified as suspects of TB based on their perceived symptoms. A logistic regression was performed to obtain the risk factor of tuberculosis prevalence and stratified by sex group. The independent variables include age groups, level of education, employment status and residency (urban- rural). The results showed that the risk factors of TB prevalence were level of education and employment status. The risk of TB was higher among female group who did not complete primary schools (OR: 3.02%). Moreover, female group who workd was more likely to suffer from TB compared to who did not (OR: 3.03%). This paper also discusses the findings of Riskesdas 2010 and 2013 as descriptive comparisons

    Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Malaria Di Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu

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    It is necessary to provide basic data needed for health program development in Kepulauan Seribu District. This survey has been carried out to collect figure about the people's knowledge about malaria. The data was collected through interviews using a questionnaire to 250 household respondents. Besides, a survey was also conducted by the medical team MBS to get information about the incidence and transmission of malaria. The study results showed that the levels of respondents' education were: as much as 49.2% complete primary school, 18.0% junior high school graduation, 16.8% high school graduation, then, as many as 12.8% never went to school and the remaining 3.2% completed college or university. The main job of the respondents were: housewife (43.6%), fishermen (31.6%), traders (12.8%), farmers (6.4%) and civil servants (5.6%). Respondents' knowledge and perceptions about malaria was good and right. Knowledge about preventive measures and ways of transmission of malaria was derived from clinic health workers. As many as 74.0% respondents stated that malaria can cause death. Although microscopic examination of blood slides from all specimens did not find any positive malaria, but the observations donein the environment swamps and pools of water can resulted in potential malaria vectors breeding places. It is necessary to perform counseling and surveillance of malaria larvae periodically because the mobility of the population can affect the occurrence of imported malaria cases

    Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar melalui Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share Berbantuan Media Gambar di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to determine the improvement of motivation and student learning outcomes during the implementation of learning using learning model think pair share assisted images media. The subject were students of the fourth grade at Sd Inpers Mangga Dua Merauke. The analysis technique used descriptive analysis. Data collections teqniques used: observation, questionnaires, and tests. The result of this study showed that the implementation of learning model think pair share and images media was effective to improve motivation and learning outcomes. The implementation of learning model think pair share and images media can improve average score of learning motivation from 74.91% in cycles 1 into 87.27% in cycles 2. The improvement of student learning outcome was 68,81% in cycle 1 and 86.36% in cycles. The results indicate that implementation learning model of think pair share and images media can improve motivation and learning outcomes.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran think pair share berbantuan media gambar. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD Inpres Mangga Dua Merauke. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, angket, dan tes. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa rata-rata 74,91% pada siklus I menjadi 87,27% pada siklus 2. Peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif siswa meningkat pada siklus I sebesar 68,81% pada siklus II mencapai 86,36%. Dengan demikian, hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa melalui model pembelajaran think pair share berbantuan media gambar dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa

    Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Dan Kerjasama Lintas Sektor Dalam Pengendalian Malaria

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    Malaria masih merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Pengendalian malaria tidak bisa hanya dilakukan oleh sektor kesehatan, namun harus kerja sama dengan lintas sektor terkait guna mempercepat hasil yang dicapai serta efisiensi dan efektifitas. Pengembangan dan pembangunan kota Batam membawa dampak terhadap faktor lingkungan fisik. Perubahan tersebut sangat berpengaruh terhadap kondisi eko-epidemiologi penyakit terutama malaria, karena Batam mempunyai banyak wilayah endemik malaria. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh informasi peran sektor kesehatan dan lintas sektor terkait serta pemangku kepentingan malaria di Kota Batam. Desain penelitian adalah Cross sectional dengan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu menggunakan metoda wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Pengambilan sampel secara Purposive Sampling dan menggunakan analisi domain dan kontras. Informan adalah pejabat Dinas Kesehatan dan lintas sektor terkait yaitu ; Dinas Pertanian, Kehutanan, Kelautan, Perikanan, Pariwisata, pekerjaan umum, Bappeda, DPRD, pemberdayaan masyarakat dan tokoh masyarakat kota Batam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pengendalian malaria masih kurang maksimal dikarenakan kurang optimalnya dukungan dan kerja sama berbagai sektor di luar kesehatan, oleh karena itu perlu ditingkatkan kemitraan dan di integrasi dengan berbagai kegiatan yang ada di setiap institusi/lintas sektor terkait. Kesimpulan penelitian, peran pemerintah daerah dan seluruh pemangku kepentingan dan masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan dalam pengendalian vektor malaria yang optimal dan penyediaan sumber data untuk mengambil kebijakan, sehingga hasil yang diharapkan dapat tercapai

    Evaluation of Increased Serum Aminotransferase Level in Asymptomatic Patient

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    Liver test abnormalities are commonly found in ambulatory patients. The liver function tests are routinely included in chemistry panels. According to the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), 1-4% of the asymptomatic population may have elevated serum liver chemistry. The majority of asymptomatic patients with liver test abnormalities have no evidence of liver disease. Unfortunately, abnormal Results for liver function are often not adequately investigated, missing an important chance of identifying treatable chronic liver disease. Potential causes of liver aminotransferase elevation are originated from hepatic causes (viral hepatitis, alcohol use, medication use, steatosis and non-alcoholic steatosis hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, hemochromatosis, Wilson\u27s disease, α-antitrypsin deficiency) and non hepatic causes. In the majority patients (92%) with chronically elevated aminotransferase tests, etiologies of the liver disease could be diagnosed through close clinical approach, which includes: history taking, physical examination, and blood tests. If elevation persists after an appropriate period of observation, further testing may include ultrasonography and other serum studies. In about 8% of patients with chronic abnormal alanine aminotransferase levels no cause is found. So, if liver test abnormalities cannot be explained by other findings, liver biopsy examination can help to exclude serious liver disease or disclose the nature and severity of liver disease

    Tantangan Dan Peluang Pengembangan Registrasi Kematian Dengan Penyebabnya Di Kota Surakarta Tahun 2009

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    Death registration system with cause of death in this time is being developed in every district/city in Indonesia. Until now, Surakarta's city has developed this system since year 2006. The aim of research is to detects challenges and opportunities of development death registration system with cause of death in Surakarta city. The result of this research can be used by other districts/cities in the same development system. The data was collected by an indepth-interview to operator system in the health district, registration and vital statistic, subdistrict, health care center, and focus group discussion to key person and head of household. The result of the research found regulation and comitment of leadership arethe key factors to develop a successful system. While key factors that can be challenge are to develop system by self resources and support from community
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