23 research outputs found
Executive Information System Modelling to Monitor Indonesian Criminal Rate
Similar to any other governments, Indonesia government has the role of protecting the security of its citizens via the established police unit. However, the executive unit is often unable to provide response in timely manner due to the huge data size. For the reason, an executive information system (EIS) is established in order to provide necessary information to leverage the decision making process. This work intends to establish and evaluate the executive information system and its support to facilitate the efforts to fight crimes in Indonesia territory. The EIS prototype is established and is evaluated on the basis of the six information system success factors where the required data are collected by means of questionnaire. The results suggest that the factors of system quality, information quality, easy-of-use, user satisfaction, and individual and organization impacts are very significant
Learning Management System Development with Application of Asynchronous Learning Method in STMIK IBBI Medan
This article will explain asynchronous learn- ing system using attractive discussion forums and video teaching materials features for user so that the devel- opment of both features will increase e-learning system USAge by students and lecturers which can eventually im- prove the students' absorption on the provided teaching materials, increase the active participation of students, improve self-learning ability, and to improve the quality of learning materials. The method used in this study by distributing questionnaires in online form to stakeholders users consisting of lecturers and students with the num- ber of respondents is 225 people and author use model ADDIE which focuses on Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation as development design. Results of this study is an application of web-based asynchronous learning which can be used by students and lecturers with the results of the application evaluation is based on a survey to students and lecturers. From this study, can be concluded that to support online learning with asynchronous method using the video learning feature in online lecture needs to be developed in order to support the science transformation process from lecturers to students. Attractive video teaching materials model for students has characteristics such as screen shots and presentation models
Developing IT Strategic Planning Using Mobile Enterprise Architecture in the Academic Process of Atma Jaya Makassar University
The purpose of this research was to examine the feasibility of the development of mobile enterprise strategic plan, analyze the academic process and the utilization of information technology (IT), and generate documentation IT strategic planning by implementing Mobile Enterprise Architecture in the academic process of Atma Jaya University in Makassar. Data were taken from distributing questionnaires to 297 respondents and conducting interviews to 18 respondents. Data were examined using SWOT analysis, the incorporation of academic scorecard analysis and IT balanced scorecard analysis, financial analysis, as well as analytic hierarchy process (AHP). SWOT analysis results indicate that case study is in a weak position, which possibly never take advantage of opportunities since the weakness of the stand or the power is not enough to work on it. In addition, the results of the performance analysis of the utilization of information technology using the Balanced Scorecard analysis show that the average performance is sufficient. The result of documentation of IT strategic planning was analyzed with financial analysis indicating the feasibility of implementation because it provides benefits for university of 141,32%. Furthermore, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the priority of IT strategy proposals shows that the main priority is to develop portal for student and lecturer
Abstract : This research was intended to improve the 8thgrade students vocabulary achievement and active participation in teaching learning process by using picture files. The research subject was the 8th grade studentsof SMP Nuris Jember because this school had only one single class of the 8th grade students and their mean score was 62.02 or 27.8% which was less then 70 as standart score of school. The data collection methods used were vocabulary achievement test and observation. The results of post test were analysedbyusing the formula and.The action was considered successful if the students’ mean score in vocabulary test was ≥ 70. The results of observation during the implimentation of the action were analysed by using the formula .The action was considered successful if the students’ were active in the vocabulary learning process was ≥ 75%. The mean score in the scicle 1 was 67.8 or 55.6% and the result ofthe studens’ active participation in cycle 1 was 68.05% it concluded that the action given in the first cycle had not been successful yet. As the result, we conducted cycle 2 with revising the clear and big picture, not only the teacher had picture files but students too, the teacher gave the text in each groupin cycle 2. The mean score in the scicle 2 was 72.9 or 77.8% and the result ofthe studens’ active participation in cycle 2 was 81.95%. It was concluded that the action given in the second cycle showed improvement and successfully achieved the evaluation criteria of this research. Therefore, the actions were stoped because this classroom action research had already been successful both in the students’ vocabulary achievement and the students’ active participation.Some suggestions were proposed to the English teacher to apply picture files in teaching vocabulary so that help them easily understand the material taught. Key Words: Vocabulary, Students’ achievement, Picture Files
Abstract.This article is intended to describe the research result on the use of guessing games on the eight year students’ vocabulary achievement. The research problem was the students’ difficulties in mastering the vocabularies of the target language. To solve this problem, guessing games in the form of crossword puzzle and riddle was used to know whether or not there is a significant effect of using guessing games on the eight year students’ vocabulary achievement. The research design was experimental research with posttest only control group design. The primary data were collected by vocabulary posttest. The result of the research showed that the use of guessing games effected the students’ vocabulary achievement. Key Words:teaching vocabulary, guessing games, vocabulary achievemen
Pola Akses Petani Penggarap Lahan di Kawasan Perluasan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango Jawa Barat
Nature resource utilization by local peoples around the resource have been part of Indonesian culture, occuring at many places, for instance in expansion area of Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP). Research was directed to describe the access pattern (way of getting access and access utilization forms) in frame on formulating model and strategy of restoration activities implementation. Research result shown that community access interrelated with history of this area management and dependency of land user to forest resources that is influenced by land property factor, agronomic culture, and local institution; also shown that there are 2 (two) types of community access goals i.e. non woody forest product harvesting and forest land using as agronomic activity that can be differenced into 5 sub-types utilization forms base on kind of commodities (main food, horticulture, trees, Multi Purpose Tree specieses, and medicinal crop); 3 sub-tipes base on time scale of commodities production (seasonal, annual, perenial); and 4 sub-tipes based on agronomic pattern (agronomic system base), i.e: vegetable base, rice-horticulture base, casava-banana base, and agroforestry. Finding 5 kind of access patterns of community to gain access on forest land i.e: land distribution pattern, self-community inisiative pattern, inheritance pattern, compensation cost pattern, and pawning/rental pattern. Necessarily to formulate institution for ensuring restoration object and community access
Peran Dinamika Jejaring-aktor dalam Reforestasi di Papua
Berbagai pendekatan dilakukan untuk menjelaskan fenomena reforestasi yang terjadi. Perspektif dinamika jejaring aktor merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang bermanfaat untuk memetakan kekuatan para aktor yang telah berjejaring dalam ruang-ruang kekuasaan yang berbeda, dalam rangka memberi penguatan pada reforestasi bahkan pengelolaan hutan dan lingkungan secara luas. Konsep governance dan partnership dipinjam untuk membantu menjelaskan fenomena di lapangan. Pada akhirnya, governance-partnership dibutuhkan untuk menyeimbangkan dan mengakomodasi kekuatan para aktor yang saling tarik menarik. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa reforestasi di Biak-Papua telah dilakukan semenjak masa pemerintahan Belanda, dan dapat dikelompokkan kedalam 3 periode. Dalam ruang kekuasaan masyarakat sipil/adat, terpetakan pula tingkat kerjasama aktor yaitu: sumplementer, komplementer, substitusi, konflik, dan bebas/independen/pelopor. Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH) dapat berfungsi sebagai ruang yang bernuansa kemitraan dalam rangka mendorong reforestasi. Akhirnya, penting untuk memahami kecenderungan model tatakelola KPH yang dapat terbentuk dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan dan reforestasi antara lain: lokalis, individualis, mobilisasi, dan centralis. Walaupun demikian, aspek kepemimpinan yang dalam budaya orang Biak berciri , masih dirasakan perlu untuk dibahas lebih lanjut guna mendorong skema-skema tatakelola-kemitraan yang telah dirancangkan