324 research outputs found

    Integrasi Dakwah Islam Dengan Ilmu Komunikasi

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    : The Integration of Islamic Propagation with the Science of Communication. The Transformation of a number of the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) into Islamic State Universities has resulted in some implications for propagation studies as a separate religious science faculty being distinct from communication science or alternatively it is integrated with the study of communication science. This essay tries to explain how to integrate Islamic propagation with communication science viewed from interpretative perspective to become the science of Islamic communication. The author contends that academically, Islamic propagation can be integrated with communication science as Islamic communication. Islamic communication as a process signifies as delivering the message of Islamic tenets through various media, the main characters of which are persuasive and rational calling peoples to return to their nature and potential. Thus, the alumni of the Islamic propagation then may gain the same status as communication science alumni

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Asissted Individualization (Tai) Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V Sdn 004 Teluk Binjai

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    This classroom action research aims to improve learning outcomes math class V students SD Negeri 004 Teluk Binjai Dumai Timur through cooperative learning team asissted individualization (TAI), conducted in September-November 2011. The subjects fifth grade students numbering SD Negeri 004 Teluk Binjai Dumai Timur students. Parameters measured research is student learning, student activities, complete learn student and teacher activities. The research instrument used consisted of two research instruments are instruments learning device consists of a syllabus, lesson plan (RPP), student worksheet (LKS) and data collection instruments consist of observation sheet student activity, observation sheet activities of teachers, test sheet. The results showed mastery learning in the first cycle was (60.00%) and the second cycle (93.30%). It can be concluded from the results of fifth grade students learn math SD Negeri 004 Teluk Binjai Dumai Timur can be improved through the cooperative model type asissted team individualization (TAI)

    Mu`jam `Arabī Dan Urgensinya Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Di Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam

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    Among the latest problems encountered in the Arabic teaching in Islamic University is the poor ability of students in comprehending Arabic texts, either classic or contemporary ones. This is not only caused by the insufficiency of student ability in understanding sentence structure, but also the scantiness vocabulary mastery. The use of mu\u27jam ‘arabi as one of the language learning methods is very important. Unfortunately in Islamic university, there is no exclusive Arabic encyclopedia. This paper explores the urgency of mu\u27jam in coping with some problems of Arabic teaching in Islamic university, such as IAIN, STAIN and others

    Jurnalisme Sastra: Laporan Peristiwa Secara Naratif Dan Variatif

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    Internet as a form of communication technology today, on the onehand has urged members of the press who worked on several major news papers to changeform into smaller, but the number of pages grew thicker with amore slender appearance and full color. It is achallenge for reporters now are required tobe more skilled from their elders in preparing the report journalism.Literary journalism or narrative reporting is news writing made in narra-tiveform of variety of different angles according to the facts and not fiction essay. InIndonesia literary journalism gives a place for journalists to actualize hisbeing. Therefore, it requires a journalist to be able to create a narrative,descriptive or a detailed, lively, contextual, and relevant report

    Gangguan Jiwa Dalam Perspektif Kesehatan Mental Islam

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    Modernisme telah berhasil mewujudkan kemajuan yang spektakuler, khususnya dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Di sisi lain, ia telah menampilkan wajah kemanusiaan yang buram berupa kemanusiaan modern sebagai kesengsaraan rohaniah. Modernitas telah menyeret manusia pada kegersangan spiritual. Ekses ini merupakan konsekuensi logis dari paradigma modernisme yang terlalu bersifat materialistik dan mekanistik, dan unsur nilai-nilai normatif yang telah terabaikan. Hingga melahirkan problem-problem kejiwaan yang variatif. Ironisnya, masalah kejiwaan yang dihadapi individu sering mendapat reaksi negatif dari orang-orang yang berada di sekitarnya. Secara singkat lahirnya keterbatasan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai etiologi gangguan jiwa, di samping karena nilai-nilai tradisi dan budaya yang masih kuat berakar, sehingga gangguan jiwa sering kali dikaitkan oleh kepercayaan masyarakat yang bersangkutan. Oleh karenanya, masih ada sebagian masyarakat yang tidak mau terbuka dengan penjelasan-penjelasan yang lebih ilmiah (rasional dan obyektif) dan memilih untuk mengenyampingkan perawatan medis dan psikiatris terhadap gangguan jiwa. Dalam konsep kesehatan mental Islam, pandangan mengenai stigma gangguan jiwa tidak jauh berbeda dengan pandangan para ahli kesehatan mental pada umumnya. Namun, yang ditekankan di dalam konsep kesehatan mental Islam di sini adalah mengenai stigma gangguan jiwa yang timbul oleh asumsi bahwa gangguan jiwa disebabkan oleh pengaruh kekuatan supranatural dan hal-hal gaib

    Determination of effective diffusion coefficient of immobilized Baker's yeast invertase in various concentration of PVA-alginate matrix

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    Baker's yeast invertase is immobilized in PVA-alginate matrix using an improved method. PVA beads were prepared by adding calcium alginate to improve its stability, mechanical and chemical properties. Boric acid was used as the cross-linking agent and additional chemicals consisting of 10% boric acid and sodium sulphate solution was used as a treatment solution to harden the PVA-alginate beads. The determination of the effective diffusion of PVA-alginate matrix the vital step in optimizing the preparation of immobilized and water-soluble biocatalyst. In this study the two-level full factorial design was used to investigate the effect of PVA and boric acid concentrations and diffusions coefficient. Diffusion coefficient (De) is one of the factors that significantly affect the mass transport within the immobilization matrix. De value varies for each concentration of PVA and boric acid. The result concluded that both factors significantly affect the De. A maximum De value of 5.0141 x 10(-5) cm2s-1 was obtained at boric acid and PVA concentraion of 7w/v and 10.5 w/v respectively