8 research outputs found


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    Objective: Role of leptin resistance in correlation between obesity and asthma. Methods: High-caloric diet was given for 8 weeks to induce obesity. Ovalbumin followed by aluminum hydroxide was given to induce asthma. The animal was treated with leptin analog (0.4 mg/kg, i.p. for 7 days) and leptin antagonist (3 mg/kg, p.o., for 7 days). Biochemical parameters such as serum leptin, ghrelin, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and physical parameters such as tidal volume and airflow rate were estimated to confirm the state of asthma and obesity, respectively. Results: It was found that leptin and ghrelin were elevated in obese and obese asthmatic condition, responsible for leptin resistance. Treatment with leptin analog and leptin antagonist significantly increases and decreases serum leptin levels, respectively. There was no significant change in TNF-α and ghrelin level after leptin analog treatment. The result of respiratory parameters improved with leptin analog. From our study, we found beneficial role of leptin analog in obese asthmatic condition. Conclusion: Leptin is an alternative treatment approach to treat obese asthmatic condition

    Priprava i karakterizacija čvrstih disperzija etorikoksiba s polietilenglikolom 4000 i polivinilpirolidonom K30

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    The objective of the present investigation was to study the influence of polyethylene glycol 4000 (PEG) and polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP) on in vitro dissolution of etoricoxib from solid dispersions. The preliminary studies were carried out using physical mixture of drug and carriers. The solid dispersions were prepared using the solvent evaporation method. A 32 factorial design was adopted in the solvent evaporation method using the concentration of PEG and PVP as independent variables. Full and reduced models were evolved for dependant variables, such as the percentage of drug release in 10 min (Q10), percentage of drug release in 30 min (Q30), percentage of drug release in 45 min (Q45) and percent dissolution efficiency (DE). The reduced models were validated using two check points. Q10 > 65%, Q30 > 75%, Q45 > 85% and DE > 80% were used as constraints for the selection of an optimized batch. Contour plots are presented for the selected dependant variables. PEG was found to be more effective in increasing the drug dissolution compared to PVP. Wettability study was carried out for pure drug and optimized batch. FT-IR spectroscopy, microscopic study, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction study were carried out in order to characterize drug in the solid dispersions. Improved dissolution was attributed to decreased crystallinity of the drug, improved wetting and solubilizing effects of carriers such as PEG and PVP from the solid dispersion of etoricoxib. In conclusion, dissolution of etoricoxib can be modulated using appropriate levels of hydrophilic carriers.U radu je proučavan utjecaj polietilenglikola 4000 (PEG) i polivinilpirolidona K30 (PVP) na in vitro oslobađanje etorikoksiba iz čvrstih disperzija. Preliminarni pokusi provedeni su sa smjesom ljekovite tvari i polimernih nosača. Čvrste disperzije pripravljene su metodom uparavanja otapala. Za ovu metodu razvijen je 32 faktorijalni dizajn koristeći koncentraciju PEG i PVP kao nezavisne varijable. Za zavisne varijable razvijeni su potpuni i reducirani modeli, kao što su postotak oslobođene ljekovite tvari u 10 (Q10), 30 (Q30) ili 45 minuta (Q45) i postotak učinkovitosti oslobađanja (DE). Reducirani modeli su validirani pomoću dviju kontrolnih točaka. Q10 > 65%, Q30 > 80%, Q45 > 85% i DE > 80% su upotrebljeni kao ograničenja za izbor optimirane serije. Prikazane su konturne linije za pojedine zavisne varijable. Oslobađanje lijeka bilo je učinkovitije iz pripravaka s PEG-om. Vlaženje je proučavano za čistu ljekovitu supstanciju i omptimiranu seriju. Za karakterizaciju ljekovite tvari u čvrstim disperzijama korištene su FT-IR spektroskopija, mikroskopske studije, diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija i difrakcija rentgenskim zrakama. Povećano oslobađanje posljedica je smanjene kristaliničnosti ljekovite tvari, pojačanog vlaženja i solubilizacijskog učinka polimernih nosača u disperzijama. Može se zaključiti da se oslobađanje etorikoksiba može modulirati promjenom količine hidrofilnih nosača

    Priprava kompleksa etorikoksiba s β-ciklodekstrinom metodom gnječenja i njihova karakterizacija

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    The binary system of etoricoxib with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) was prepared by the kneading method. Drug-cyclodextrin interactions in solution were investigated by the phase solubility analysis. Differential scanning calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffractometry and microscopic study were used to characterize the solid state of all binary systems, whereas their dissolution properties were evaluated according to the USP XXIII paddle method. The results indicate partial interaction of the drug with β-CD in the physical mixture and complete interaction in the kneaded complex. The dissolution of etoricoxib was notably increased as compared to pure drug as well as its physical mixture. The complex showed more than 75% drug released in 30 min.Metodom gnječenja pripravljen je binarni sustav etorikoksiba s β-ciklodekstrinom (β-CD). Tijekom 30 minuta iz kompleksa se oslobodilo više od 75% ljekovite tvari, što je značajno više u odnosu na fizičku smjesu etorikoksiba i β-CD ili na čistu ljekovitu tvar. Interakcije lijeka i ciklodekstrina u otopini ispitivane su analizom fazne topljivosti. Za karakterizaciju čvrstog stanja svih binarnih sustava korišteni su diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija, infracrvena spektroskopija, difrakcija rentgenskih zraka na praškastom uzorku i mikroskopija. Oslobađanje je praćeno metodom lopatice prema USP XXIII. Rezultati ukazuju na djelomičnu interakciju ljekovite tvari s β-CD u fizičkoj smjesi i potpunu interakciju u kompleksu

    Design, synthesis, computational and biological evaluation of novel hydroxamic and carboxylic acid derivatives as histone decaetylase inhibitors

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    690-699One of the recent targets is histone deacetylase (HDAC) which provide a very promising new approach for anticancer drugs, which may combine clinical efficacy with relatively mild toxicological side effects. Modification of histone acetylation level, promoted by histone acetylase (HAT) and HDAC enzyme, has been recognize to play an important role in epigenetic modulation of gene expression, so HDAC inhibitors are considered a new class of anticancer agents. A new series of hydroxamic and carboxylic acid analogues based on the 1,3,4-thiadiazole scaffold has been designed and synthesized with the aim of exploring its potential as new antitumor agents. Biological results have revealed that the structural modifications proposed significantly affected inhibitory potency as well as selectivity for HDAC inhibitors. Most target compounds are significantly more active, specifically 5a, 5b, 5e with IC50 values in the low micromolar or, the most active compounds in the series. Selected compounds have been tested on the viability of MDA-MB-231 (breast cancer cell) and K562 (chronic myelogenous leukemia cell), A549 (human lung cancer), PC3 (Prostate cancer cell lines) using MTT assay. Docking simulations suggested that the most active compounds can recognize the binding site (PDB Code 1w22 reference compound) using a similar interactions network. These results have allowed us to rationalize the observed structure–activity relationships

    Design, synthesis, computational and biological evaluation of novel hydroxamic and carboxylic acid derivatives as histone decaetylase inhibitors

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    One of the recent targets is histone deacetylase (HDAC) which provide a very promising new approach for anticancer drugs, which may combine clinical efficacy with relatively mild toxicological side effects. Modification of histone acetylation level, promoted by histone acetylase (HAT) and HDAC enzyme, has been recognize to play an important role in epigenetic modulation of gene expression, so HDAC inhibitors are considered a new class of anticancer agents. A new series of hydroxamic and carboxylic acid analogues based on the 1,3,4-thiadiazole scaffold has been designed and synthesized with the aim of exploring its potential as new antitumor agents. Biological results have revealed that the structural modifications proposed significantly affected inhibitory potency as well as selectivity for HDAC inhibitors. Most target compounds are significantly more active, specifically 5a, 5b, 5e with IC50 values in the low micromolar or, the most active compounds in the series. Selected compounds have been tested on the viability of MDA-MB-231 (breast cancer cell) and K562 (chronic myelogenous leukemia cell), A549 (human lung cancer), PC3 (Prostate cancer cell lines) using MTT assay. Docking simulations suggested that the most active compounds can recognize the binding site (PDB Code 1w22 reference compound) using a similar interactions network. These results have allowed us to rationalize the observed structure–activity relationships