13 research outputs found

    ダイ44ジ ナンキョク チイキ カンソクタイ キショウ ブモン ホウコク 2003

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    この報告は,第44次南極地域観測隊気象部門が,2003年2月1日から2004年1月31日まで昭和基地において,及び2003年2月1日から2004年1月20日までドームふじ観測拠点において行った気象観測結果をまとめたものである.観測方法,測器,統計方法等は第43次隊とほぼ同様である. 越冬期間中,特記される気象現象として,次のものが挙げられる.1) 昭和基地での年平均気温は-9.0℃で観測史上第2位の高さであった.また,年合計雪日数は第1位の多さであった.2) 南極昭和基地上空におけるオゾン全量は,8月中旬にオゾンホールの目安である220 m atm-cm以下の値を観測した後,9月から10月にかけて過去最低レベルで推移した.6,9月は月平均値としては過去最も少なかった.2003年のオゾンホールは,欠損量(破壊量)が過去最大,面積が過去2位であり,例年よりも発達時期が早かった.3) ドームふじ観測拠点における越冬期間(2003年2月~2004年1月)の平均気温は-53.8℃,最低気温は7月23日に観測した-79.6℃であった.This report describes the results of meteorological observations at Syowa Station from February 1st, 2003 to January 31st, 2004, and at Dome Fuji Station from February 1st, 2003 to January 20th, 2004, carried out by the Meteorological Observation Team of the 44th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-44). The observation methods, instruments and statistical methods used by the JARE-44 were almost the same as those used by the JARE-43 observation team. Remarkable weather phenomena observed during the period of JARE-44 are as follows.1) Annual mean surface temperature in 2003 at Syowa Station was-9.0℃, which was the second highest value in the historical record of Syowa Station. The number of snow days in 2003 at Syowa Station was 233 days, which set a record at Syowa Station.2) The amount of total ozone over Syowa Station became lower than or equal to 220 m atm-cm in mid-August, and was close to the minimum levels from September to October. The monthly means of total ozone in June and September at Syowa Station were the lowest values since the beginning of monitoring. The ozone hole in 2003 appeared earlier than usual. The annual maximum in the ozone mass deficiency and the ozone hole area were the second largest and the largest, respectively.3) The mean surface temperature in the wintering period (Feb., 2003-Jan., 2004) at Dome Fuji Station was-53.8℃; the lowest temperature was-79.6℃ observed on July 23rd

    ナンキョク ドームフジ カンソクキョテン デノ シン クッサクバ ノ ケンセツ ダイ44ジ ドームフジ エットウタイ ニヨル サギョウ

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    第44次南極地域観測隊ドームふじ越冬隊は2003年1月19日から2004年1月25日までドームふじ観測拠点(南緯77°19′01″,東経39°42′11″; 標高3810 m)に滞在し,雪氷・気象・宙空の観測を実施する一方,新掘削場の建設作業を実施した.この建設作業は43次隊による新掘削場の外装工事を主体した建設作業を引き継ぎ,新掘削場の内装工事を主とした.本稿では深層掘削準備作業として現地にて実施した以下の作業を記述した.ケーシングパイプ引き上げ,掘削孔拡幅,ケーシングパイプ挿入,ウインチ移設(移設用スロープの造成および10 mピット内の整備),床造成,マスト起倒用10 mピットの造成および10 mピット内の整備,ドリル作業室西側の階段造作および旧掘削場の深層ウインチ跡の床張り,机の製作,マストおよび小型門型クレーンの設置,リフター設置,ウインチ稼働テスト,チップ回収機吊り下げ用ウインチの設置,深層ウインチのケーブル巻き換え,深層ドリルの組み立ておよびマスト調整,コア貯蔵用雪洞の拡幅,コア棚の設置および一般設備工事.これらの作業に要した時間は合計で593.5日・人であり,1日平均6時間の作業時間だったので3561時・人となった.また,越冬中に実施した旧掘削場での検層準備および45次ドーム航空隊を主体とした深層掘削作業についても簡潔に記述した.Eight members of the 44th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-44) stayed at Dome Fuji Station (77°19′01″S, 39°42′11″E; 3810 m a.s.l.; ice thickness 3028±15 m; mean air temperature -54.4°C; lowest air temperature -79.7°C) from January 19, 2003 to January 25, 2004 for glaciological, meteorological, and upper atmospheric observations, and for construction at a new ice coring site for deep ice coring. The construction was a continuation of the activities of JARE-43; JARE-44 primarily carried out interior work at the ice coring site. The following works were carried out during the overwintering period and are described in this paper: retrieval of casing pipes from the borehole, enlargement of the borehole, insertion of casing pipes into the borehole, movement of the winch system from the old to the new ice coring sites (44.5 m apart), floor construction, construction and preparation of a 10 m depth pit for the rotating mast, construction of stairs between the old and the new ice coring sites, construction of working tables, assembling the mast and the small goliath crane, setting up a lifter, testing the winch system, setting the winch for the chip collector, cable replacement for deep ice coring, assembling of a deep ice core drill, adjustment of a rotating mast, enlargement of caves for ice core storage, and general electrical work in the new ice coring site. The total working time for the above operations was 593.5 person-days. Since the average working time was 6 h/day, the total working time was 3561 person-hours. Preparations for borehole temperature measurements in a 2503 m borehole and the ice coring operation that was mainly conducted by the JARE-45 team are briefly described

    Meteorological observations at Syowa Station in 1993 by the 34th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition

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    This paper describes the results of meteorological observations carried out by the Meteorological Observation Team of the 34th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-34) from 1 February 1993 to 31 January 1994 at Syowa Station. The method of observations, instruments, and statistics at Syowa Station were the same as those of the JARE-33 team. The principal characteristics in the period of JARE-34 are as follows : 1) Annual mean surface air pressure and temperature were somewhat lower than normal. 2) Blizzards were encountered 34 times. There was a record strong blizzard in December. 3) In the stratosphere, air temperature was very low in winter and spring. 4) The deepest ozone hole to date was observed. Total ozone recorded 140m atm-cm on 11th October, the lowest ever at Syowa Station. 5) With the Brewer spectrophotometer, solar spectral UV irradiance was observed through the whole year

    Meteorological observations at Syowa Station and at Dome Fuji Station in 2003 by the 44th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition

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    This report describes the results of meteorological observations at Syowa Station from February 1st, 2003 to January 31st, 2004, and at Dome Fuji Station from February 1st, 2003 to January 20th, 2004, carried out by the Meteorological Observation Team of the 44th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-44). The observation methods, instruments and statistical methods used by the JARE-44 were almost the same as those used by the JARE-43 observation team. Remarkable weather phenomena observed during the period of JARE-44 are as follows.1) Annual mean surface temperature in 2003 at Syowa Station was-9.0℃, which was the second highest value in the historical record of Syowa Station. The number of snow days in 2003 at Syowa Station was 233 days, which set a record at Syowa Station.2) The amount of total ozone over Syowa Station became lower than or equal to 220 m atm-cm in mid-August, and was close to the minimum levels from September to October. The monthly means of total ozone in June and September at Syowa Station were the lowest values since the beginning of monitoring. The ozone hole in 2003 appeared earlier than usual. The annual maximum in the ozone mass deficiency and the ozone hole area were the second largest and the largest, respectively.3) The mean surface temperature in the wintering period (Feb., 2003-Jan., 2004) at Dome Fuji Station was-53.8℃; the lowest temperature was-79.6℃ observed on July 23rd

    Construction on a new deep ice coring site at Dome Fuji Station -Operations carried out by the JARE-44 Dome Fuji overwintering team-

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    Eight members of the 44th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-44) stayed at Dome Fuji Station (77°19′01″S, 39°42′11″E; 3810 m a.s.l.; ice thickness 3028±15 m; mean air temperature -54.4°C; lowest air temperature -79.7°C) from January 19, 2003 to January 25, 2004 for glaciological, meteorological, and upper atmospheric observations, and for construction at a new ice coring site for deep ice coring. The construction was a continuation of the activities of JARE-43; JARE-44 primarily carried out interior work at the ice coring site. The following works were carried out during the overwintering period and are described in this paper: retrieval of casing pipes from the borehole, enlargement of the borehole, insertion of casing pipes into the borehole, movement of the winch system from the old to the new ice coring sites (44.5 m apart), floor construction, construction and preparation of a 10 m depth pit for the rotating mast, construction of stairs between the old and the new ice coring sites, construction of working tables, assembling the mast and the small goliath crane, setting up a lifter, testing the winch system, setting the winch for the chip collector, cable replacement for deep ice coring, assembling of a deep ice core drill, adjustment of a rotating mast, enlargement of caves for ice core storage, and general electrical work in the new ice coring site. The total working time for the above operations was 593.5 person-days. Since the average working time was 6 h/day, the total working time was 3561 person-hours. Preparations for borehole temperature measurements in a 2503 m borehole and the ice coring operation that was mainly conducted by the JARE-45 team are briefly described


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    The 34th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition carried out continuous ozone sonde observations during the first 10 days of September 1993 to examine the dynamical effect on the variation of ozone amount at the time when the ozone hole appeared. These observations were done in cooperation with Neumayer Base (Germany) and Maitri Base (India). From September 1 to September 9,every day at 12 UTC, at these three bases ozone sondes were launched and vertical distributions of ozone were observed at the same time. At Syowa Station ozone flights were made eight times except on September 2,although the weather was not good for observations. Since unfortunately we have not yet received the data of Maitri in detail, we compared the data of Neumayer and Syowa. According to the backward trajectory at 90,70,50,30hPa standard pressure levels, it took 24 hours for upper air to move from Neumayer Base to Syowa Station. Daily vertical distribution data at Syowa do not show any coincidence with those at Neumayer on the same day. But vertical distribution data at Neumayer coincide with the following day\u27s data at Syowa. This coincidence indicates movement of the atmosphere

    ダイ 34 ジ ナンキョク チイキ カンソクタイ キショウ ブモン ホウコク 1993

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    この報告は第34次南極地域観測隊気象部門が, 1993年2月1日から1994年1月31日まで昭和基地において行った気象観測結果をまとめたものである。観測方法, 設備, 結果の取り扱い等は, 第33次観測隊とほぼ同じである。越冬期間中特記される現象として, 以下のものがあげられる。1)地上気象観測結果によると, 平年に比べ気圧及び気温が著しく低い1年であった。2)合計34回のブリザードがあった。なかでも12月には記録的な強風のA級ブリザードが来襲した。3)最近数年の傾向と同様に, 春期成層圏の著しい低温現象がみられた。成層圏では冬期の低温も顕著であった。4)オゾン全量観測の結果, 過去最大規模のオゾンホールが観測された。全量値は10月11日には140m atm-cmと過去最低値を記録した。5)ブリューワ分光光度計によって, 初めて1年を通じた波長別紫外域日射観測を行った。This paper describes the results of meteorological observations carried out by the Meteorological Observation Team of the 34th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-34) from 1 February 1993 to 31 January 1994 at Syowa Station. The method of observations, instruments, and statistics at Syowa Station were the same as those of the JARE-33 team. The principal characteristics in the period of JARE-34 are as follows : 1) Annual mean surface air pressure and temperature were somewhat lower than normal. 2) Blizzards were encountered 34 times. There was a record strong blizzard in December. 3) In the stratosphere, air temperature was very low in winter and spring. 4) The deepest ozone hole to date was observed. Total ozone recorded 140m atm-cm on 11th October, the lowest ever at Syowa Station. 5) With the Brewer spectrophotometer, solar spectral UV irradiance was observed through the whole year