34 research outputs found


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    In today’s baseball, a bunt is considered as an important tactic. Therefore the aim of this study was to define the kinematic characteristics of bunt comparing between experts and beginners. Five expert players and five healthy male students participated in this study. Subjects bunted 10 times. 3-D coordinate was determined by DLT METHOD. Using these variables, the variance of distance between the bat-head and forehead, and the variance of bat-angle were researched and analyzed by z-test (

    Burn-associated delayed dilated cardiomyopathy evaluated by cardiac PET and SPECT: Report of a case

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    AbstractDilated cardiomyopathy is a delayed-onset and rarely reported cardiac complication of burn injury although the mechanism remains unclear. We thus report a case of dilated cardiomyopathy following severe burn injury, in which technetium 99m sestamibi single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), iodine-123 beta-methyl-iodophenylpentadecanoic acid SPECT and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET) were performed to evaluate the pathophysiologic condition in combination with cardiac catheterization and myocardial biopsy. The cardiac PET and SPECT images showed reduced myocardial blood flow, decreased fatty acid metabolism, and increased glucose utilization in the left ventricular lateral wall in spite of normal coronary angiography, no significant cardiac fibrosis, and inflammatory cell infiltration, which suggests that myocardial ischemia due to microcirculatory disturbance in hypermetabolic state associated with burn injury might be a causative mechanism of dilated cardiomyopathy in this case. A beta blocker, bisoprolol, was successfully introduced in this patient in combination with oral inotropic agents, pimobendan and digitalis after the prolonged use of intravenous dobutamine infusion, which might have been beneficial for this patient with burn-associated dilated cardiomyopathy not only to reduce regional myocardial ischemia but also to attenuate hypermetabolic state after severe burn injury.<Learning objective: Dilated cardiomyopathy complicated with burn injury has been reported to cause a sudden attack of dyspnea and death. This case report suggests that burn-associated dilated cardiomyopathy may be caused by relative myocardial ischemia due to microvascular disturbance in hypermetabolic state associated with burn injuries and can be treated effectively with beta blockers with or without oral inotropic agents.

    Construction of Childcare Support Program for two-children families: From Cooperation with Higashi-Hiroshima City Childcare Support Centers

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    The purpose of this study was to construct a childcare support program for the families who have two children to bring up. With the assistance of Higashi-Hiroshima city and childcare support centers, members from early childhood education research facility in Hiroshima University built up the program. In this program, it is demanded that the supporters draft the program while being conscious of four times, specifically approach-time, core-time, free-time and feedback-time. And this program also has four main components including topics, leaflet, picture books and reflection sheets. According to the practice, supporters can not only grow up with mothers and children by making use of their childcare specialty, but also can build a relationship of mutual trust with the participants. Besides, the support of the high quality is maintained by the collaboration of Higashi-Hiroshima city and childcare support centers and Hiroshima University.本研究は平成29年度「広島大学地域連携推進事業」に提案した「地域における虐待防止ペアレントトレーニングの効果検証-親が抱えるリスク要因の低減を目指して-」という研究の一環として,東広島市子ども家庭課の協力で実施したものである

    Examination of young children's fantasy-reality distinction task

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    This study used two different contents of the fantasy-reality distinction tasks to examine about more precisely fantasy-reality distinction task. The different contents were color of picture (color print or monochrome print) and instruction. Participants were 3 to 5-year olds preschoolers. The results were follows. (1) It was suggested that it is preferable to use the picture printed monochrome because there is a possibility that young children's understanding of the fantasy-reality distinction is influenced by color of picture. (2) As for the instruction about the content of the presented picture, it was suggested that it is preferable to instruct children including "happen in real life" and "happen only in the picture book"

    Effect of magic word on young children's causal inference

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    本研究は, 実際には起こりえない現象についての因果推論に呪文が与える影響を検討することを目的とし, 3~5歳児に一般的な因果理解と魔術的な事柄に対する信念を尋ねる質問調査と, 箱の中に入れたものが消える現象を見せ, 呪文の有無による反応の違いを見る実験を行った。その結果, 呪文がある場合の方が原因を魔法や呪文に帰属する傾向が高くなることが明らかとなった。しかし, 驚きの程度は, 年少児は年長児にくらべて低かったが, 呪文の有無や魔術的な信念の高低によって異ならなかった。これらのことから, 3~5歳の幼児は, 年齢や魔術的な信念の高低にかかわらず, 日常的な因果理解に適合しない現象の原因を呪文や魔法へ帰属する傾向があることが示唆された

    A description of the biotic learning in children and the role of teacher at the breeding activity : consideration to the case about the breeding of beetles at kindergarten

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the young children's learning of a living thing and the role of their teacher at a breeding activity. We focused on 6-year-olds at kindergarten, participated in the breeding of beetles. In our observation, children interacted with beetles, having intellectual curiosity, and gained new biological knowledge about them. In addition, they seemed to regard the beetles as creatures which had minds like human beings, but it was hard for them to be sympathetic to the beetles at all times. A teacher gave the children some clues for their intellectual findings, and admonished them to care the beetles more gently. These findings indicate that the teacher played a role to keep the balance of children's learning between natural science and bioethics at breeding

    A case study on pretend play by three-year-olds and a teacher

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    This study investigated the pretend play by three-year olds, who newly entered a kindergarten, and their teacher. The investigators observed children's and their teacher's activities at free-playtime, once a week from April to July. The results of the observation show that in a sandbox, the children mainly enjoyed pretending to proper food with sand and water, occasionally changed their parts and plots about the play, and interacted with their teacher more frequently than their peers, while the teacher accepted and adapted children's intention in their play, tried to lead them to have a representative response jointly, and encouraged them to interact with mutually. Lastly, it was considered that the teacher played a role of a safety base for three-year-olds and contributed to new relationships between them

    Instance―Response and Concept―Response Learnings in Conceptual Sorting Task

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