178 research outputs found

    ipProjector: Designs and Techniques for Geometry-Based Interactive Applications Using a Portable Projector

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    We propose an interactive projection system for a virtual studio setup using a single self-contained and portable projection device. The system is named ipProjector, which stands for Interactive Portable Projector. Projection allows special effects of a virtual studio to be seen by live audiences in real time. The portable device supports 360-degree shooting and projecting angles and is easy to be integrated with an existing studio setup. We focus on two fundamental requirements of the system and their implementations. First, nonintrusive projection is performed to ensure that the special effect projections and the environment analysis (for locating the target actors or objects) can be performed simultaneously in real time. Our approach uses Digital Light Processing technology, color wheel analysis, and nearest-neighbor search algorithm. Second, a paired projector-camera system is geometrically calibrated with two alternative setups. The first uses a motion sensor for real-time geometric calibration, and the second uses a beam splitter for scene-independent geometric calibration. Based on a small-scale laboratory setting, experiments were conducted to evaluate the geometric accuracy of the proposed approaches, and an application was built to demonstrate the proposed ipProjector concept. Techniques of special effect rendering are not concerned in this paper

    Cationic Porphyrin Induced a Telomeric DNA to G-Quadruplex Form in Water

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    The formation of the DNA G-quadruplex is induced by the addition of a novel porphyrin carrying four cationic tethers. Circular dichroism spectroscopy reveals that the porphyrin binds to Tetrahymena telomeric repeat to form G-quadruplex under stabilizing-cation-deficient and no buffer conditions

    RoboTable: An Infrastructure for Intuitive Interaction with Mobile Robots in a Mixed-Reality Environment

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    This paper presents the design, development, and testing of a tabletop interface called RoboTable, which is an infrastructure supporting intuitive interaction with both mobile robots and virtual components in a mixed-reality environment. With a flexible software toolkit and specifically developed robots, the platform enables various modes of interaction with mobile robots. Using this platform, prototype applications are developed for two different application domains: RoboPong investigates the efficiency of the RoboTable system in game applications, and ExploreRobot explores the possibility of using robots and intuitive interaction to enhance learning


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    This paper describes the relationship between visual attention and eye blink frequency. In an experiment, we prompted the activation of a subject's visual attention and examined the influence of visual attention (as measured using electrodermal activity (EDA), which is meaningfully correlated with visual attention) on the subject's eye blink frequency. Experimental results show that engagement of visual attention decreased eye blink frequency and that when visual attention was not activated, eye blink frequency increased. Knowledge of this relationship provides a technique using EDA to objectively determining a subject's visual attention status

    Hydrophilic statin suppresses vein graft intimal hyperplasia via endothelial cell-tropic Rho-kinase inhibition

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    BackgroundRecent studies suggest that statins can protect the vasculature in a manner that is independent of their lipid-lowering activity through inhibition of the small guanosine triphosphate-binding protein, Rho, and Rho-associated kinase. Little information is available on the inhibitory effect of statins on vein graft intimal hyperplasia, the main cause of late graft failure after bypass grafting. We therefore examined the effects of a hydrophilic statin on vein graft intimal hyperplasia in vivo and Rho-kinase activity in vitro.MethodsIn the first experiment, rabbits were randomized to a control group (n = 7) that was fed regular rabbit chow or to a pravastatin group (n = 7) that was fed regular rabbit chow supplemented with 10 mg/kg pravastatin sodium. The branches of the jugular vein were ligated and an approximately 3-cm segment of the jugular vein was taken for an autologous reversed-vein graft. The carotid artery was cut and replaced with the harvested autologous jugular vein. At 2 and 4 weeks after the operation, vein grafts in both groups were harvested, and intimal hyperplasia of the vein grafts was assessed. In the second experiment, human umbilical vein endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells were cultured and then treated with 1 μmol/L and 30 μmol/L pravastatin for 24 hours and harvested. Immunoblotting was performed on the resulting precipitates. Quantitative evaluation of phosphorylated myosin binding subunit and endothelial nitric oxide synthase was performed by densitometric analysis.ResultsWe demonstrated that oral administration of the hydrophilic statin pravastatin to normocholesterolemic rabbits inhibited intimal hyperplasia of carotid interposition-reversed jugular vein grafts 4 weeks after implantation (pravastatin group, 39.5 ± 3.5 μm vs control group, 64.0 ± 7.1 μm; n = 7; P < .05) and suppressed cell proliferation and apoptosis in the neointima 2 weeks after implantation. In addition, we found that pravastatin inhibited Rho-kinase activity and accelerated endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells but did not inhibit Rho-kinase activity in vascular smooth muscle cells.ConclusionsThese novel findings clearly demonstrate that a hydrophilic statin can suppress intimal hyperplasia of the vein graft in vivo and also show endothelial cell-tropic inhibition of Rho-kinase in vitro. Furthermore, these results strongly support the clinical use of hydrophilic statins to prevent intimal hyperplasia of the vein graft after bypass grafting.Clinical RelevanceLate graft failure caused by neointimal hyperplasia limits the efficacy of vein grafting. Various treatments were examined to reduce neointimal hyperplasia, but a standard clinical treatment has not yet been established. We report here the inhibitory effect of pravastatin on the development of vein graft intimal hyperplasia. In addition, we demonstrate that pravastatin showed endothelial cell-tropic benefits through both the inhibition of Rho-kinase activity and acceleration of eNOS expression in vitro. Because the clinical benefits and safety of pravastatin have been established to a certain extent through long-term clinical usage, pravastatin may soon become standard treatment after vein bypass grafting

    Prolonged warm ischemia exacerbated acute rejection after lung transplantation from donation after cardiac death in a mouse

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    Objective: In lung transplantation (LTx) from donation after cardiac death (DCD), the donor lungs are inevitably exposed to warm ischemic time (WIT) between the cardiac arrest and the initiation of cold preservation. We conducted this study to examine the effect of prolonged WIT on lung allograft rejection in a murine model of LTx from DCD. Methods: Allogeneic BALB/c → B6 LTx from DCD was performed with a WIT of 15 min (WIT15 group, n = 5) or 60 min (WIT60 group, n = 5). Recipients were immunosuppressed by perioperative costimulatory blockade. The lung allografts were analyzed by histology and flow cytometry on day 7 after the LTx. Results: Histologically, the rejection grade in the WIT60 group was significantly higher than that in the WIT15 group (3.4 ± 0.4 vs. 2.2 ± 0.2, P = 0.0278). Moreover, the intragraft CD8+ to CD4+ T cell ratio in the WIT60 group was significantly higher than that in the WIT15 group (2.3 ± 0.12 vs. 1.2 ± 0.11, P Conclusions: Prolonged WIT could exacerbate the severity of lung allograft rejection after LTx from DCD. Minimization of the WIT could improve the outcomes after LTx from DCD

    重度大動脈弁狭窄症患者の大動脈弁置換術後における血小板機能および高分子量 von Willebrand 因子多量体の急速な回復

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    AIM: Patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS) may have bleeding episodes due to the loss of high-molecular-weight (HMW) von Willebrand factor multimers (VWFMs). The absence of HMW-VWFMs and bleeding tendency are usually corrected after aortic valve replacement (AVR). To investigate the process of VWFM recovery and symptoms in patients with severe AS, we analyzed changes in VWF antigen (VWF:Ag), ADAMTS13 activity (ADAMTS13:AC), and platelet thrombus formation under high shear stress conditions. METHODS: Nine patients with severe AS undergoing AVR were analyzed. RESULTS: Evident deficiency of HMW-VWFMs was observed in six patients before surgery, which was rapidly restored within 8 days after AVR. Median levels of VWF:Ag before surgery, on postoperative days (PODs) 1, 8, 15, and 22, and one year after AVR were 78.1%, 130%, 224%, 155%, 134%, and 142%, respectively. In contrast, ADAMTS13:AC was 50.5%, 35.5%, 25.5%, 25.1%, 30.3%, and 84.6%, respectively. Preoperative thrombus formation but not surface coverage was significantly lower than that on POD 22, which was considered as normal level in each patient. Compared with preoperative levels, thrombus volume was significantly lower on POD 1, but rapidly increased by POD 8. CONCLUSION: Bleeding tendency and loss of HMW-VWFMs observed in patients with severe AS before surgery was rapidly corrected after AVR. Instead, patients were in a VWF-predominant state between POD 8 and 22.博士(医学)・乙第1395号・平成29年3月15日Copyright © 2016 Japan Atherosclerosis Society本論文の著作権は日本動脈硬化学会が保持しています。This article is distributed under the terms of the latest version of CC BY-NC-SA defined by the Creative Commons Attribution License

    Ultrafast femtosecond relaxation processes in luminescent and nonluminescent conducting polymers

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    Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation '97, 1997, San Diego, CA, United StatesJiandong D. Huang, Sergey V. Frolov, Z. Valy Vardeny, W. Chen, Thomas J. Barton, R. Sugimoto, Masanori Ozaki, and Katsumi Yoshino "Ultrafast femtosecond relaxation processes in luminescent and nonluminescent conducting polymers", Proc. SPIE 3145, Optical Probes of Conjugated Polymers, (1 December 1997). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.28415