4 research outputs found


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    The study entitled " Local Wisdom Values Governance as Non-Financial Intangible Assets in Supporting Indigenous Peoples' Sustainability in Kampung Pulo Kabupaten Garut " aims to understand the motivation of indigenous peoples Pulo village in implementing local wisdom in life everyday so as to support its sustainability.The method used in this research is qualitative method with interpretive paradigm and phenomenological approach. The analytical unit focuses on awareness, noema, noesis, intuition, and intersubjectivity. The main data of this research are interview result and observation result.The results of this study indicate that the local wisdom of the pulo community contains the philosophy of life and the teachings that prioritize the balance between human, God, and nature. Governance emphasizes exemplary, communication, education, and mutual reminders


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    Risiko kegiatan usaha perbankan semakin kompleks sejalan dengan pesatnya perkembangan lingkungan eksternal dan internal. Untuk itu Bank dituntut agar menerapkan manajemen risiko. Salah satu alat ukur kekuatan suatu perbankan dalam menghadapi seluruh risiko adalah bagaimana bank tersebut memiliki kecukupan pemenuhan modal minimum (CAR). Bank Indonesia mewajiban Bank Umum untuk memperhitungkan Risiko Pasar (Market Risk) didasarkan pada metode standar (Standarized method)  sebesar  8% dari posisi devisa netto (PDN) dan juga merekomendasikan untuk mengunakan metode internal (Value at Risk ). Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Value At Risk terhadap perubahan rasio kecukupan modal Bank dengan menggunakan salah satu pendekatan risk metric JP.Morgan, yaitu model GARCH.  Data yang digunakan adalah data primer pergerakan nilai mata uang di bursa efek selama 2 tahun dan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan selama 2 tahun terhadap 10 perbankan nasional. Studi ini menggunakan alat analisis uji beda dengan hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa : (1) terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antara capital charge internal model dengan capital charge standart model, (2) terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antara Capital Adeiquacy Ratio model standar dengan Capital Adequacy Ratio internal model,  sedangkan (3) pengaruh perubahan Capital Charge internal model (Xi) terhadap perubahan Capital Adequacy Ratio internal model (Yi ) adalah tidak dapat dikonfirmasikan

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Nilai Perusahaan pada Industri Makanan dan Minuman

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    Price to Book Value is very important for the company because a healthy company will produce a good image for the company both internally and externally. The purpose of this study aims to determine the effect of Company Growth, Price Earning Ratio, Leverage, Profitability on Price to Book Value The research object is all manufacturing companies in the food and beverage sub-sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, the analysis period is 2019. The number of companies is 34, consisting of 26 (twenty six) food companies and 8 (eight) beverage companies, all as samples study. The method used is multiple linear regression using Cross Section data. Based on the results of the analysis concluded that the company's growth, leverage, profitability have a positive and significant effect on firm value. Means the increasing growth of the company, Leverage, Profitability will increase the value of the company. While the Price Earning Ratio is not significant to the value of the company

    Local Wisdom Values Governance AS Non-financial Intangible Assets In Supporting Indigenous Peoples' Sustainability In Kampung Pulo Kabupaten Garut

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    The study entitled " Local Wisdom Values Governance as Non-Financial Intangible Assets in Supporting Indigenous Peoples' Sustainability in Kampung Pulo Kabupaten Garut " aims to understand the motivation of indigenous peoples Pulo village in implementing local wisdom in life everyday so as to support its sustainability.The method used in this research is qualitative method with interpretive paradigm and phenomenological approach. The analytical unit focuses on awareness, noema, noesis, intuition, and intersubjectivity. The main data of this research are interview result and observation result.The results of this study indicate that the local wisdom of the pulo community contains the philosophy of life and the teachings that prioritize the balance between human, God, and nature. Governance emphasizes exemplary, communication, education, and mutual reminders