25 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kewirausahaan di Lingkungan Keluarga, Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan di Sekolah, Serta Achievement Motive terhadap Minat Kewirausahaan Siswa SMA

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    The study aims to determine the influence of family environment in entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship learning in school, as well as the achievement motive against the interest of entrepreneurship of senior high school students throughout Malang. The study uses a quantitative approach. The study population was high school state students throughout Malang. The process of sampling using proportional random sampling technique, resulting in a sample of 347 high school students. Data were analyzed using analysis of quantitative description. The findings show that: (1) the family environment of entrepreneurship education in entrepreneurship affect the interest of students, (2) entrepreneurial learning in schools using learning media has an influence on students 'interest in entrepreneurship, (3) Achievement motive significant effect on students' interest in entrepreneurship. Based on the findings, it can be suggested (1) to the parents to continue to teach children as early as possible to have the properties of an entrepreneur as well as supporting the child when choosing to become entrepreneurs rather than being an employee, (2) to the school, is expected in perform entrepreneurial learning, can follow changes in the business world, using a variety of learning media and increase students' motivation to try to become entrepreneurs by using media appropriate learning in school.Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kewirausahaan di lingkungan keluarga, pembelajaran kewirausahaan di sekolah, serta achievement motive terhadap minat kewirausahaan siswa SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri se-Kabupaten Malang. Proses penarikan sampel menggunakan teknik proportional random sampling, sehingga menghasilkan sampel sejumlah 347 siswa SMA. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskripsi kuantitatif. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pendidikan kewirausahaan di lingkungan keluarga berpengaruh terhadap minat kewirausahaan siswa, (2) pembelajaran kewirausahaan disekolah dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran memiliki pengaruh terhadap minat kewirausahaan siswa, (3) achievement motive berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat kewirausahaan siswa. Berdasarkan pada temuan penelitian tersebut, dapat disarankan (1) kepada orangtua siswa untuk terus mengajarkan anak-anak sedini mungkin untuk memiliki sifat-sifat seorang wirausaha serta mendukung anak ketika memilih menjadi wirausaha daripada menjadi pegawai, (2) kepada pihak sekolah, diharapkan dalam melakukan pembelajaran kewirausahaan, dapat mengikuti Perubahan pada dunia USAha, menggunakan media belajar yang bervariasi dan meningkatkan motivasi siswa untuk mencoba menjadi wirausaha dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran yang tepat di sekolah

    Kajian Efektifitas Semen Dan Fly Ash Dalam Campuran Soil Cement Memakai Tanah Lempung Dan Pasir Pulau Timor

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    . Soil cement is result of mixing soil, cements and water, that with level of certain compaction will make a new material mixture, soil cement, which because of it is strength, resistance characteristic to by water, hot and other weather influence is very good as a foundation layer under from road pavement structure. Usage of Fly Ash alternatively material for stabilization can mixture addition Soil Cement. This research done at some testing steps, where at step first is done static testing to the mixture, for example experiment UCS (Unconfined Compressive Strength). Result of testing indicates that Soil Oelmasi (Island Timor) can be classified as Inorganic Clay Soil with high plasticity (CH), Clay Soil Type (A-7-5), Value activity (A) = 1,30 (Aktif Clays) and has Swelling Potential Very High and mineral content Kuarsa (Quartz). In general, 5% - 15% cements shows number optimum of decrement Plastisitas Index (PI). While 3% - 7% fly ash can increase value Plastisitas Index(PI). Decrement and addition Plastisitas Index (PI) be an transformation indicator of strength from soil Clay Anorganic (CH). Addition of 13%semen curing of 28 days value Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) optimal that is = 12,59 Kg/Cm2. For Soil Bolok (Island Timor) be type Sand good gradation (SW), soil sands type (A-1-b) with content mineral calcite. Addition cement 10 % can increase value UCS so reaching optimal value 21,87 kg/cm2 at the curing of 28 days

    High-temperature Oxidation Behaviour Of Fe11al Based Alloys

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    HIGH-TEMPERATURE OXIDATION BEHAVIOUR OF Fe11Al BASED ALLOYS. Thermomechanically treated Fe11Al based alloys were isothermally oxidised in air at 900, 1000 and 1100 °C respectively. Their oxidation behaviour was studied using thermogravimetric analyser (TGA), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), and scanning electron microscope (SEM). It was found that the oxide scales formed on alloys studied consisted mainly of α- and θ-Al2O3. Additions of 0.5 wt. % Nb and Mo significantly improved the oxidation resistance of the alloys

    Ketahanan Oksidasi Baja Super Austenitik 15%cr-25%ni Pada Suhu 850 °C

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    OXIDATION RESISTANCE OF SUPER AUSTENITE 15%Cr-25%Ni STEEL AT TEMPERATURE 850 oC. High temperature corrosion resistance so called oxidation resistance is an important prerequisite of a metal material that may be applied in a high-temperature operating environment.An oxidation test of super austenite steel 15% Cr-25% Ni at 850 oC for more than 5 hours has been performed. One as-cast specimen as an initial reference is not treated any heat and two (2) specimen groups (each of 4 pieces) were prepared in the experiments. One group of as-cast specimens after being heated at 850 oC for more than 5 hours and cooled slowly then weighed.Another group of quench specimens performed a rapid decrease of temperature (850 oC formore than 5 hours) into water, then weighed. The experiment was conducted for more than 15 hours in each group. The results show that there is a very small slight increase in weight on as-cast and quench specimens. However, electron microscopemorphology (SEM) images on both specimens showed no significant changes. Similarly, the results of phase analysis using X-ray diffraction techniques also do not show the phase growth of oxidation products. In accordance with the observation of surface microstructures of materials by using optical microscope (OM), also did not show damage and changes in grain size by oxidation process. The likelihood of this phenomenon is that in addition to the formation ofNi element of spinels, it is also strengthened by the ability of Cr-elements to form a passive layer (Cr2O3) on a very large material surface by binding O-elements, so that the material can cope with very small oxidation products. It is concluded that the super austenitic steels has good oxidation resistance at 850oC

    Persepsi dan Tingkat Kepuasan Pelaku USAha terhadap Fasilitas dan Pelayanan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zachman Jakarta (Ppsnzj)

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    Pengelola Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zachman Jakarta (PPSNZJ) dan instansi terkait berusaha memenuhi kepentingan para pelaku USAha di PPSNZJ dengan melakukan penyediaan fasilitas dan pelayanan jasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja dari PPSNZJ berdasarkan kepuasan para pelaku USAha di PPSNZJ dan mengukur tingkat kepentingan atribut-atribut kinerja PPSNZJ terhadap persepsi kepentingan menurut pelaku USAha. Tingkat kepuasan terhadap fasilitas dan jasa PPSNZJ diukur dengan harapan dan kepuasan stakeholder terhadap 5 kelompok pertanyaan yang terdiri dari tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance dan empathy. Berdasarkan tingkat kepuasan pelaku USAha di PPSNZJ menunjukkan bahwa pelaku USAha sangat puas terhadap kinerja PPSNZJ dengan nilai diatas 80% pada kelima kelompok pertanyaan tersebut, dengan demikian kinerja dari PPSNZJ sudah baik untuk memfasilitasi dan melayani kebutuhan para pelaku USAha. Prioritas yang perlu diutamakan oleh PPSNZJ adalah atribut yang memiliki nilai kepentingan tinggi dan kinerja yang rendah. Berdasarkan hasil importance performance analysis ditemukan 15 atribut yang perlu diprioritaskan oleh PPSNZJ

    Analisis Keandalan Sistem Distribusi 20 KV dari GI Industri Penyulang I.5 Sampai Dengan Gardu Hubung Rapak

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    The reliability of the electric power distribution system can be seen from the SAIDI number (System Average Interruption Duration Index) or long extinguished in one period and SAIFI (Sytem Average Interruption Frequency Index) or outages in one period. PT PLN (Persero) Balikpapan Area is currently trying to improve service used reliability improvement methods, namely by maneuvering the radial system network load into a loop system network and installing reclosers. Penyulang Industri 5 (I.5) for 2017 has SAIDI realization value of 7.741 hours / year, and SAIFI is 5.03 times / year. It can be interpreted that SAIDI-SAIFI 5 industrial feeders are relatively few of the value of the revised targets. This shows that industrial feeder 5 has a high level of reliability. But it still does not meet the IEEE Std standard. 1366-2000 with a SAIDI score of 2.30 hours / year and a SAIFI value of 1.45 times / year. After the improvement is obtained the value of SAIDI is almost close to the IEEE Std standard value. 1366-2000 which is 2,365 hours / year.Keywords : Reliability, SAIDI/SAIFI, Load Manuver, Recloser.

    Struktur Kristal dan Konduktivitas Ionik pada Komposit Superionik Agi-ag Hasil Sputtering

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    STRUKTUR KRISTAL DAN KONDUKTIVITAS IONIK PADA KOMPOSIT SUPERIONIK AgI-Ag HASIL SPUTTERING. Telah dilakukan pendeposisian Ag terhadap kristalin AgI agar diperoleh bahan superionik yang memiliki konduktifitas tinggi pada suhu ruang. Untuk tujuan ini, kristalin AgI telah dimodifikasi dengan cara pendeposisianAgmelalui teknik Sputtering selama 45 menit dan 60 menit. Komposit superionik baru yang dihasilkan adalah AgI-Ag. Hasil pola difraksi sinar-x pada temperatur ruangmenunjukkan terjadinya transformasi struktur sebagian dari γ-AgI (Face Center Cubic / FCC) menjadi β-AgI (Hexagonal). Hasil pendeposisian menunjukkan peningkatan konduktivitas ionik dari ~ 10-7 S/cm pada kristalin AgI menjadi ~ 10-3 S/cm pada komposit superionik AgI-Ag. Sementara itu dari hasil pengujian kekerasan dan densitas menunjukan adanya penurunan dengan lama waktu pendeposisian