295 research outputs found

    Oxytocin Level and Breast Engorgement in Primipara Mother with Postpartum Blues

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    Introduction: Postpartum is a great moment for most the woman, but for some of them is a frightening moment. Postpartum blues makes woman avoiding their baby. Whereas lactation process needs to be done in early postpartum period. The aim of this study is analyzing the oxytocin level and breast engorgement incident in primipara mother with postpartum blues in Obtetry & Gynecology Department of Dr. M Soewandhie Hospital of Surabaya. Method: This study was used cross sectional design. Population were primiparas and samples were 41 primiparas choosen by random sampling according to inclusion criteria. The independent variable was postpartum blues, dependent variables were breast engorgement and oxytocin level. The instruments used were Kennerly & Gath Postpartum Scale, and Six-point Engorgement Scale. Data were analyzed with Spearman Test and Mann Whitney Test using α<0,05. Result: The result shown that the oxytocin level change comparing the postpartum blues in p=0,002 and increasing breast engorgement incident comparing to postpartum blues in p=0,000. Discussion: There was difference of oxytocin level between postpartum blues mother and not postpartum blues mother and increasing of breast engorgement incident to postpartum blues mother comparing to not postpartum blues mother. Dr. M. Soewandie hospital of Surabaya needs to arrange a standard in service of treating laboring mother in case of reducing stress during delivery process and manage ward situation comfortly

    Morfologi Pembungaan Dan Sistem Reproduksi Merbau (Intsia Bijuga) Pada Plot Populasi Perbanyakan Di Paliyan, Gunungkidul

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    Information regarding the flowering morphology, as a first step to understand the reproductive system, is essential. The purpose of this study is to determine the flowering morphology and the reproductive systems of merbau. Observation of flowering and fruiting intensity was undertaken every week for 6 consecutive months, from May to November 2013. Observations of the development of generative organs were carried out on daily basis to determine the duration and the length of each development stage of flowers and fruits. Results showed that flowering of merbau is arranged in spikes, hermaprodite with un synchronous flowering between and within spikes. Reproductive organs are protandry and apparently heterostyly type, indicating that self-incompatibility may occur in this species. None fruit was formed from self-pollination experiment; supporting the allegation of crosspollination systems (xenogamy). Flowering occurs twice a year with peak flowering in June and November, followed by fruit maturation in the next 3 months. Various types of insect visitors found during this study, however very few insect can be determined as pollinators. Flowers and pollinator limitation lead to the mechanism of self-incompatibility causing low reproductive success on this species. Therefore, an artificial cross-pollination or an introduction of pollinators needs to be done in order to enhance the reproductive success of this species

    Hubungan Disiplin dengan Tanggung Jawab Belajar Siswa

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    This study aimed to learn discipline and responsibility, as well as how to discipline relations with the responsibilities of student learning. This type of research is descriptive correlation with a quantitative approach. Collecting data using a questionnaire with fourth grade students object Cluster III District of Ngimbang Lamongan. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis. The results of data analysis known to most students have the discipline and sense of responsibility of higher learning, correlation values obtained Perason rhitung of 0.823 with significance value = 0.000. rtabel with degrees of freedom (df = 90) for α = 0.05 value obtained 0.205. The next step to do a comparison, where the value is greater than rtabel rhitung (0.823&gt; 0.205), and in addition the significant value gained less than α = 0.05 (0.000 &lt;0.05) so that it can be concluded, and there is a relationship of discipline with responsibility learn.Tujuan penelitian mengetahui kedisiplinan dan tanggung jawab belajar, serta bagaimana hubungan disiplin dengan tanggung jawab belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan objek siswa kelas IV SD Gugus III Kecamatan Ngimbang Kabupaten Lamongan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis korelasi pearson. Hasil analisis data diketahui sebagian besar siswa memiliki disiplin dan rasa tanggung jawab belajar tinggi, uji korelasi Perasondidapatkan nilai rhitung sebesar 0,823 dengan nilai Signifikansi = 0,000. rtabel dengan derajat bebas (df=90) untuk α = 0,05 didapatkan nilai 0,205. Langkah selanjutnya dilakukan perbandingan, di mana nilai rhitung lebihbesar daripada rtabel (0,823 &gt; 0,205), dan selain itu nilai signifikansi yang diperoleh kurang dari α = 0,05 (0,000 &lt; 0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkanserta terdapat hubungan disiplin dengan tanggung jawab belajar

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Student Team Achievement Division Dan Diskusi Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Kelas IV SD

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    The research aims to determine the effect of STAD and discussion on learning outcomes of classroom learning for science at 4th grade. The design of this research used a quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. Research was conducted in the 4th grade students of SDN 2 Kekeri West Lombok It's consist of 19 students in 4th grade/a as an STAD and 19 students at 4th grade/b as the discussion. Analysis of learning outcomes data using the Independent Sample T Test with IBM SPSS 24. The analysis showed: (1) there were no significant differences in learning outcomes among students that learned STAD and students that learned discussion. (2) STAD and discussion has an effect on student learning outcomes of 4th grade.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar STAD dan diskusi pelajaran IPA kelas IV. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan bentuk nonequivalent control group design. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas IV SDN 2 Kekeri Lombok Barat terdiri dari 19 siswa kelas IV/a dengan STAD dan 19 siswa kelas IV/b dengan diskusi. Analisis data hasil belajar menggunakan Independent Sample T Test dengan IBM SPSS 24. Hasil analisis menunjukkan (1) tidak ada perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara siswa yang dibelajarkan STAD dan siswa yang dibelajarkan diskusi. (2) STAD dan diskusi mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada kelas IV

    Pengaruh Aspek Rasio (Hw/lw) Terhadap Daktilitas Dan Kekakuan Pada Dinding Geser Bertulangan Horizontal Berjarak Lebar Di Bawah Pembebanan Siklik (Quasi-statis)

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan intensitas terjadinya gempa bumi yang cukup tinggi. Kondisi ini menyebabkan bangunan-bangunan di Indonesia harus tahan gempa agar tidak langsung mengalami keruntuhan selama gempa bumi terjadi. Salah satu perkuatan struktur tambahan untuk menahan gaya gempa adalah dinding geser. Dinding geser merupakan slab beton bertulang yang dipasang vertikal pada sisi gedung tertentu dan berfungsi untuk menambah kekakuan struktur, menahan gaya lateral, serta membatasi defleksi lateral yang terjadi. Untuk bisa menahan beban lateral, dinding geser harus kaku dan daktil. Kekakuan dan daktilitas dinding geser dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah jumlah dan diameter tulangan serta rasio tinggi dan lebar dinding geser. Semakin kaku dan daktil suatu struktur dinding geser, maka jumlah dan diameter penulangan yang dibutuhkan akan semakin banyak dan akan mempengaruhi biaya pembuatannya. Agar dinding geser yang dihasilkan ekonomis, maka diperlukan sebuah variasi untuk membentuk elemen struktur ini dengan kekakuan maksimal tetapi efisien. Penelitian ini akan lebih menekankan pengaruh rasio tinggi dan lebar dinding geser terhadap daktilitas dan kekakuannya. Adapun hasil analisis data secara teoritis dan eksperimental pada dinding geser dengan rasio tinggi (hw) dan lebar (â„“w) yang berbeda menunjukkan bahwa dinding geser pendek dengan rasio tinggi (hw) dan lebar (â„“w) dinding sebesar 1,5 dalam beban aksial yang sama dengan dinding geser tinggi dengan aspek rasio tinggi (hw) dan lebar (â„“w) dinding sebesar 2,0 mempunyai nilai daktilitas perpindahan yang lebih rendah dan kekakuan yang cenderung lebih besar dari dinding geser tinggi. Sementara hasil analisis pada dinding geser dengan rasio tinggi (hw) dan lebar (â„“w) yang sama dengan variasi jarak tulangan horizontal menunjukkan nilai daktilitas dan kekakuan dinding geser dengan jarak tulangan horizontal yang rapat (150 mm) lebih besar dibandingkan dengan dinding geser dengan jarak tulangan horizontal yang lebar (300 mm)

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Bidang Kesehatan, Gambaran Peran Kader Posyandu dalam Upaya Penurunan Angka Kematian Ibu dan Bayi di Kota Manado dan Palangkaraya

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    Background: Determinant factor of maternal and infant mortality are the medical, health services management and social culture. It is assumed that the aspec of medical and health services management easily overcome, because of that, what need to be studied is the social culture aspect. Methods: Designed as a qualitative research this study aims to analyze the principles of impowerment, empowerment activities, enabling and inhibiting factor which do posyandu cadres in efforts to reduce maternal and infant mortality at Manado and Palangkaraya District. Results: Study result showed that no posyandu cadres who used the full principles of empowerment. Empowerment activities are undertaken to increase the community knowledge, not to give ability for decisions making and fasilitate access to health services. Assosiated with community resources, the potencial was there, just has not been widely utilized. For the next time, needs to be done are fasilitated by the health distric officers to do empowerment principles gradually, giving responsibility to the community leader to conduct social marketing about making pregnancy safer and safe delivery. For posyandu cadres, needs to be given of advocacy and negotiating skill to make them more confident


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    The various kinship address pairs are found in the domain of a nuclear family in relationships a husband and wife namely bapak-ibu, mas-dik, bapak-emak, bapak-mbok, ayah-ibu, bapak/ayah/mas-a nick name of child or a nick name of a wife. The factors influence the uses of this pair are not only sex but also the speaker’s status such as economy, education, etc; city or rural areas, speaker’s mobility, speaker’s opinion, familiarity, prestigious, education, and meaning which contains in a kinship address. In this husband-wife relationship, social attributes are commonly used by a husband to his wife and by a wife to her husband, contrast to English speakers in western countries. Then, the use of dedek is because of age for small children but mas/mbak, dik, pak/bulek, pak/bude, etc are because of other partisipants in nuclear and extended families. Mbah in an extended family and non-family is not completely age to be considered in usage but putu or grandchild. In various nuclear families, mas/mbak-dik appears in the family whose (a) parent(s) profession are/is (a) teacher(s) on Islamic lesson and their activity in Islam whereas others who have different profession and activity use mas/mbak-proper name and family in the lowest class does not use these social attributes at all. Furthermore, this research also reveals that ngajari not only for educating smooth language to small children but also for educating the uses of kinship addresses to small children, children, and teens who are involved or not involved in the communication. Finally, the kinship addresses are chosen based on socio, pragmatic, and religious factors which are the culture of Javanese speakers.Beragam pasangan alamat kekerabatan ditemukan dalam ranah keluarga inti dalam hubungan suami-istri yaitu bapak-ibu, mas-dik, bapak-emak, bapak-mbok, ayah-ibu, bapak / ayah / mas nama panggilan anak atau nama panggilan seorang istri. Faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan pasangan ini tidak hanya jenis kelamin tetapi juga status pembicara seperti ekonomi, pendidikan, dll; kota atau pedesaan, mobilitas penutur, pendapat penutur, keakraban, prestisius, pendidikan, dan makna yang terkandung dalam sapaan kekerabatan. Dalam hubungan suami-istri ini atribut sosial biasanya digunakan oleh suami kepada istri dan oleh istri kepada suaminya, berbeda dengan penutur bahasa Inggris di negara barat.&nbsp;&nbsp;Kemudian penggunaan dedek karena umur untuk anak kecil tetapi mas / mbak, dik, pak / bulek, pak / bude, dll karena peserta lain dalam keluarga inti dan keluarga besar. Mbah dalam keluarga besar dan bukan keluarga tidak sepenuhnya dianggap umur dalam pemakaian tetapi putu atau cucu. Dalam berbagai rumpun inti, mas / mbak-dik muncul dalam keluarga yang orang tuanya berprofesi sebagai guru dalam pelajaran agama Islam dan kegiatannya dalam Islam sedangkan yang lain yang berbeda profesi dan kegiatan menggunakan Nama mas / mbak-tepat dan keluarga di kelas paling bawah tidak menggunakan atribut sosial ini sama sekali. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa ngajari tidak hanya untuk mendidik kelancaran bahasa kepada anak kecil tetapi juga untuk mendidik penggunaan sapaan kekeluargaan kepada anak kecil, anak, dan remaja yang terlibat atau tidak terlibat dalam komunikasi. Terakhir, alamat kekerabatan dipilih berdasarkan faktor sosial, pragmatis, dan agama yang menjadi budaya penutur bahasa Jawa

    Pengaruh Pengaturan terhadap Pembinaan Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kota Malang

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    : Decentralization as devolution of authority and responsibility or authority to conduct some or all of the functions and administration of the central government to the institutions. Implementation of decentralization is the issuance of local regulations (regulations ) on setting and coaching hawkers in the city of Malang in 2000. However , the implementation of the local regulations (regulations ) have not been completely worked well. Methods of research conducted by quantitative descriptive type of research , the primary data source is amplified by means of secondary data pengmbilan questionnaire data , documents and observation , sampling techniques using purposive sampling , data analysis conducted with the data reduction , data presentation , and conclusion/verification and Likert scale. The results of the research setting Street Vendors in Malang runs fine 35% , and fostering runs fine 35% . That setting a good street vendor carries on building a good street vendors. Keywords: Settings , Development, Vendors Coachin

    Jargon Peretas yang Dibentuk melalui Proses Perluasan Makna

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    Hackers are computer experts having competence in both programming and technology information languages. This study aims to examine hacking jargon derived from the standard language. It uses words, phrases, and clauses in the English language as the data, collected from the movie transcription. It applies distributional method and descriptive qualitative technique to analyze the data. The results show that the hacking jargons are standard language which have been shifted in meaning. The meaning shift demonstrates relations between the lexical and additional meanings, i.e. correlated meaning, uncorrelated meaning, and new meaning
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