1,255 research outputs found

    In re American Express Merchants' Litigation

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    Published in cooperation with the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolutio

    Abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture presenting with focal weakness and altered mental status: a case report.

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    BACKGROUND: Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) can present asymptomatically and may be found through routine screening or seen incidentally on imaging. Rupture due to weaking of the aortic wall is the main complication of an AAA and leads to approximately 200,000 deaths annually worldwide. Clinically, AAA rupture most frequently presents with abdominal and/or back pain, pulsatile abdominal mass, and hypotension. Here, we present an unusual presentation of embolic cerebrovascular accident associated with an AAA rupture. CASE PRESENTATION: A 58-year-old African American man transported to the emergency department via ambulance presents with altered mental status and unilateral extremity weakness. The initial presentation was concerning for acute cerebrovascular accident, acute kidney injury, severe sepsis, and urinary tract infection. Several hours after the initial presentation, the patient\u27s abdomen began to appear distended and he became hypotensive. An abdominal CT was ordered which showed a large AAA rupture with a retroperitoneal bleed. The patient was transferred to a higher-level medical center for surgical repair. CONCLUSION: Abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture can rarely present due to an acute cerebrovascular accident with altered mental status and focal neurologic deficits

    The Contribution of Blood Serum Biomarkers to the Prediction of Cognitive Decline by fMRI and Apolipoprotein-E in Healthy Older Adults

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    Biomarkers are a promising approach to the prediction and early intervention of Alzheimer\u27s disease. We demonstrated that cortical functional MRI (fMRI) activation during a semantic memory task and apolipoprotein-E ?4 allele inheritance (APOE?4) effectively predicted cognitive decline after 18-months in healthy, asymptomatic elders. Hippocampal volume added modest prediction, while AD family history and demographics were ineffective. Previous studies have linked plasma homocysteine (tHcy), vitamin B12 and creatinine values to cognitive funcitoning, cortical atrophy, hippocampal atrophy and neuropathology, and vascular integrity. Here we incorporated total plasma homocysteine (tHcy), B12 creatinine values into our previous predictive models. Of 78 healthy elders, 27 (34.6%) exhibited significant cognitive decline after 18-months. tHcy, but not B12 or creatinine, was marginally positively correlated with cortical semantic memory fMRI activation, particularly in stable participants. Logistic regression showed that tHcy, when added to APOE?4 and cortical fMRI, was a significant predictor of outcome and strengthed the already significant model (p = .007; C = .80 and R2 = .37). However, control for B12 and creatinine covariates diminished tHcy as a predictor (p = .084), though the model was still stronger than without this factor (C = .78 and R = 31). tHcy did not significantly interact with APOE?4, as has previously been reported. Neither B12 nor creatinine was similarly effective as a predictor. These results suggest that commonly investigated blood serum biomarkers are at best weakly associated with predicting age- and dementia-related cognitive decline in healthy, asymptomatic elders. fMRI and APOE?4 presently provided the best predictive model

    The Contribution of Blood Serum Biomarkers to the Prediction of Cognitive Decline by fMRI and Apolipoprotein-E in Healthy Older Adults

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    Biomarkers are a promising approach to the prediction and early intervention of Alzheimer\u27s disease. We demonstrated that cortical functional MRI (fMRI) activation during a semantic memory task and apolipoprotein-E ?4 allele inheritance (APOE?4) effectively predicted cognitive decline after 18-months in healthy, asymptomatic elders. Hippocampal volume added modest prediction, while AD family history and demographics were ineffective. Previous studies have linked plasma homocysteine (tHcy), vitamin B12 and creatinine values to cognitive funcitoning, cortical atrophy, hippocampal atrophy and neuropathology, and vascular integrity. Here we incorporated total plasma homocysteine (tHcy), B12 creatinine values into our previous predictive models. Of 78 healthy elders, 27 (34.6%) exhibited significant cognitive decline after 18-months. tHcy, but not B12 or creatinine, was marginally positively correlated with cortical semantic memory fMRI activation, particularly in stable participants. Logistic regression showed that tHcy, when added to APOE?4 and cortical fMRI, was a significant predictor of outcome and strengthed the already significant model (p = .007; C = .80 and R2 = .37). However, control for B12 and creatinine covariates diminished tHcy as a predictor (p = .084), though the model was still stronger than without this factor (C = .78 and R = 31). tHcy did not significantly interact with APOE?4, as has previously been reported. Neither B12 nor creatinine was similarly effective as a predictor. These results suggest that commonly investigated blood serum biomarkers are at best weakly associated with predicting age- and dementia-related cognitive decline in healthy, asymptomatic elders. fMRI and APOE?4 presently provided the best predictive model

    Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Semantic Memory as a Presymptomatic Biomarker of Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

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    Extensive research efforts have been directed toward strategies for predicting risk of developing Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) prior to the appearance of observable symptoms. Existing approaches for early detection of AD vary in terms of their efficacy, invasiveness, and ease of implementation. Several non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging strategies have been developed for predicting decline in cognitively healthy older adults. This review will survey a number of studies, beginning with the development of a famous name discrimination task used to identify neural regions that participate in semantic memory retrieval and to test predictions of several key theories of the role of the hippocampus in memory. This task has revealed medial temporal and neocortical contributions to recent and remote memory retrieval, and it has been used to demonstrate compensatory neural recruitment in older adults, apolipoprotein E ε4 carriers, and amnestic mild cognitive impairment patients. Recently, we have also found that the famous name discrimination task provides predictive value for forecasting episodic memory decline among asymptomatic older adults. Other studies investigating the predictive value of semantic memory tasks will also be presented. We suggest several advantages associated with the use of semantic processing tasks, particularly those based on person identification, in comparison to episodic memory tasks to study AD risk. Future directions for research and potential clinical uses of semantic memory paradigms are also discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Imaging Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative disease

    Performance Variability During a Multitrial List-Learning Task as a Predictor of Future Cognitive Decline in Healthy Elders

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    Introduction: In clinical settings, neuropsychological test performance is traditionally evaluated with total summary scores (TSS). However, recent studies demonstrated that indices of intraindividual variability (IIV) yielded unique information complementing TSS. This 18-month longitudinal study sought to determine whether IIV indices derived from a multitrial list-learning test (the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test) provided incremental utility in predicting cognitive decline in older adults compared to TSS. Method: Ninety-nine cognitively intact older adults (aged 65 to 89 years) underwent neuropsychological testing (including the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test) at baseline and 18-month follow-up. Participants were classified as cognitively stable (n = 65) or declining (n = 34) based on changes in their neuropsychological test performance. Logistic regression modeling tested the ability of baseline TSS indices (sum of Trials 1–5, immediate recall, and delayed recall) and IIV indices (lost access and gained access) to discriminate between stable and declining individuals. Results: Higher values of both lost access and gained access at baseline were associated with an increased risk for decline at 18-month follow-up. Further, the IIV indices provided predictive utility above and beyond the TSS indices. Conclusion: These results highlight the value of analyzing IIV in addition to TSS during neuropsychological evaluation in older adults. High levels of IIV may reflect impairment in anterograde memory systems and/or executive dysfunction that may serve as a prognostic indicator of cognitive decline

    Using performance-based regulation to reduce childhood obesity

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    BackgroundWorldwide, the public health community has recognized the growing problem of childhood obesity. But, unlike tobacco control policy, there is little evidence about what public policies would work to substantially reduce childhood obesity. Public health leaders currently tend to support traditional "command and control" schemes that order private enterprises and governments to stop or start doing specific things that, is it hoped, will yield lower childhood obesity rates. These include measures such as 1) taking sweetened beverages out of schools, 2) posting calorie counts on fast-food menu boards, 3) labeling foods with a "red light" if they contain high levels of fat or sugar, 4) limiting the density of fast food restaurants in any neighborhood, 5) requiring chain restaurants to offer "healthy" alternatives, and 6) eliminating junk food ads on television shows aimed at children. Some advocates propose other regulatory interventions such as 1) influencing the relative prices of healthy and unhealthy foods through taxes and/or subsidies and 2) suing private industry for money damages as a way of blaming childhood obesity on certain practices of the food industry (such as its marketing, product composition, or portion size decisions). The food industry generally seeks to deflect blame for childhood obesity onto others, such as parents and schools

    Longitudinal Associations between Physical Activity, Cognitive Status, and Brain Function in Older Adults at Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

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    The apolipoproteinE epsilon4 (APOE-?4) allele is associated with cognitive decline in old age and is a risk factor for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Physical activity (P A) is associated with a reduced risk of incident cognitive impairment, particularly among APOE-?4 carriers. We recently reported greater semantic memory related brain activation in cognitively intact physically active (High P A) APOE-?4 carriers compared to physically inactive (Low PA) ?4 carriers and non-carriers (Smith et al., 2011). Here, we compared longitudinal changes in semantic memory-related brain activation in High PA and Low PA APOE-?4 carriers. Thirty-two older ?4 carriers completed neuropsychological testing and a fMRI semantic memory task (famous name discrimination) at baseline and after 18 months. All participants were cognitively intact at baseline and were classified as High PA (n = 16) or Low PA (n = 16) based on self-report. After 18 months, 5 of 16 High P A and 13 of 16 Low P A were classified as cognitively declining by at least 1 SD decrease in neurocognitive performance (Group difference, p = .011, Fisher\u27s exact test). A fROI analysis of the fMRI data and repeated measures ANOV As revealed significant Group by Time interactions for intensity of semantic memory-related activation. Significantly greater activation at baseline in the High PA group was attenuated over time (no change in Low P A) and resulted in no group differences at the 18-month follow-up. These findings suggest that greater P A at baseline is associated with greater cognitive stability over 18-months in APOE-?4 carriers and reduced neural activation during fame discrimination

    Comparison of Semantic and Episodic Memory BOLD fMRI Activation in Predicting Cognitive Decline in Older Adults

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    Previous studies suggest that task-activated functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can predict future cognitive decline among healthy older adults. The present fMRI study examined the relative sensitivity of semantic memory (SM) versus episodic memory (EM) activation tasks for predicting cognitive decline. Seventy-eight cognitively intact elders underwent neuropsychological testing at entry and after an 18-month interval, with participants classified as cognitively “Stable” or “Declining” based on ≥1.0 SD decline in performance. Baseline fMRI scanning involved SM (famous name discrimination) and EM (name recognition) tasks. SM and EM fMRI activation, along with Apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 status, served as predictors of cognitive outcome using a logistic regression analysis. Twenty-seven (34.6%) participants were classified as Declining and 51 (65.4%) as Stable. APOE ε4 status alone significantly predicted cognitive decline (R2 = .106; C index = .642). Addition of SM activation significantly improved prediction accuracy (R2 = .285; C index = .787), whereas the addition of EM did not (R2 = .212; C index = .711). In combination with APOE status, SM task activation predicts future cognitive decline better than EM activation. These results have implications for use of fMRI in prevention clinical trials involving the identification of persons at-risk for age-associated memory loss and Alzheimer\u27s disease. (JINS, 2012, 18, 1–11

    Lifestyle and Genetic Contributions to Cognitive Decline and Hippocampal Structure and Function in Healthy Aging

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    Background: Engagement in cognitively stimulating activities (CA) and leisure time physical activity (PA) have been associated with maintaining cognitive performance and reducing the likelihood of cognitive decline in older adults. However, neural mechanisms underlying protective effects of these lifestyle behaviors are largely unknown. In the current study, we investigated the effect of self-reported PA and CA on hippocampal volume and semantic processing activation during a fame discrimination task, as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We also examined whether possession of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ?4 allele could moderate the effect of PA or CA on hippocampal structure or function. Methods: Seventy-eight healthy, cognitively intact older adults underwent baseline neuropsychological assessment, hippocampal volume measurement via manually-traced structural MRI, and task-activated fMRI. Results: After 18 months, 27 participants declined by one standard deviation or more on follow-up neuropsychological testing. Logistic regression analyses revealed that CA alone or in combination with baseline hippocampal structure or functional activity did not predict the probability of cognitive decline. In contrast, PA interacted with APOE 4 status such that engagement in PA reduced the risk of cognitive decline in APOE 4 carriers only. Furthermore, the benefits of PA appeared to diminish with reduced functional activity or volume in the hippocampus. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that increased leisure time PA is associated with reduced probability of cognitive decline in persons who are at high risk for AD. The beneficial effects of PA in this group may be related to enhancement of the functional and structural integrity of the hippocampus
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