24 research outputs found

    User Manual for MOLSCAT, BOUND and FIELD, Version 2020.0: programs for quantum scattering properties and bound states of interacting pairs of atoms and molecules

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    MOLSCAT is a general-purpose package for performing non-reactive quantum scattering calculations for atomic and molecular collisions using coupled-channel methods. Simple atom-molecule and molecule-molecule collision types are coded internally and additional ones may be handled with plug-in routines. Plug-in routines may include external magnetic, electric or photon fields (and combinations of them). Simple interaction potentials are coded internally and more complicated ones may be handled with plug-in routines. BOUND is a general-purpose package for performing calculations of bound-state energies in weakly bound atomic and molecular systems using coupled-channel methods. It solves the same sets of coupled equations as \MOLSCAT, and can use the same plug-in routines if desired, but with different boundary conditions. FIELD is a development of BOUND that locates external fields at which a bound state exists with a specified energy. One important use is to locate the positions of magnetically tunable Feshbach resonance positions in ultracold collisions. Versions of these programs before version 2019.0 were released separately. However, there is a significant degree of overlap between their internal structures and usage specifications. This manual therefore describes all three, with careful identification of parts that are specific to one or two of the programs.Comment: 206 pages. Program source code available from https://github.com/molscat/molscat This is the full program documentation for the programs described in the journal papers Comp. Phys. Commun. 241, 1-8 (2019) (arXiv:1811.09111) and Comp. Phys. Commun. 241, 9-16 (2019) (arXiv:1811.09584). There is significant text overlap between some parts of the documentation and the (much shorter) journal paper

    Making molecules by mergoassociation: Two atoms in adjacent nonspherical optical traps

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    Mergoassociation of two ultracold atoms to form a weakly bound molecule can occur when two optical traps that each contain a single atom are merged. Molecule formation occurs at an avoided crossing between a molecular state and the lowest motional state of the atom pair. We develop the theory of mergoassociation for pairs of nonidentical nonspherical traps. We develop a coupled-channel approach for the relative motion of the two atoms and present results for pairs of cylindrically symmetrical traps as a function of their anisotropy. We focus on the strength of the avoided crossing responsible for mergoassociation. We also develop an approximate method that gives insight into the dependence of the crossing strength on aspect ratio

    Making molecules by mergoassociation: two atoms in adjacent nonspherical optical traps

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    Mergoassociation of two ultracold atoms to form a weakly bound molecule can occur when two optical traps that each contain a single atom are merged. Molecule formation occurs at an avoided crossing between a molecular state and the lowest motional state of the atom pair. We develop the theory of mergoassociation for pairs of nonidentical nonspherical traps. We develop a coupled-channel approach for the relative motion of the two atoms and present results for pairs of cylindrically symmetrical traps as a function of their anisotropy. We focus on the strength of the avoided crossing responsible for mergoassociation. We also develop an approximate method that gives insight into the dependence of the crossing strength on aspect ratio

    Ultracold Dense Samples of Dipolar RbCs Molecules in the Rovibrational and Hyperfine Ground State

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    We produce ultracold dense trapped samples of Rb87Cs133 molecules in their rovibrational ground state, with full nuclear hyperfine state control, by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) with efficiencies of 90%. We observe the onset of hyperfine-changing collisions when the magnetic field is ramped so that the molecules are no longer in the hyperfine ground state. A strong quadratic shift of the transition frequencies as a function of applied electric field shows the strongly dipolar character of the RbCs ground-state molecule. Our results open up the prospect of realizing stable bosonic dipolar quantum gases with ultracold molecules

    BOUND and FIELD: Programs for calculating bound states of interacting pairs of atoms and molecules

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    The bound program calculates the bound states of a complex formed from two interacting particles using coupled-channel methods. It is particularly suitable for the bound states of atom–molecule and molecule–molecule van der Waals complexes and for the near-threshold bound states that are important in ultracold physics. It uses a basis set for all degrees of freedom except R , the separation of the centres of mass of the two particles. The Schrödinger equation is expressed as a set of coupled equations in R . Solutions of the coupled equations are propagated outwards from the classically forbidden region at short range and inwards from the classically forbidden region at long range, and matched at a point in the central region. Built-in coupling cases include atom + rigid linear molecule, atom + vibrating diatom, atom + rigid symmetric top, atom + asymmetric or spherical top, rigid diatom + rigid diatom, and rigid diatom + asymmetric top. Both programs provide an interface for plug-in routines to specify coupling cases (Hamiltonians and basis sets) that are not built in. With appropriate plug-in routines, bound can take account of the effects of external electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, locating bound-state energies at fixed values of the fields. The related program field uses the same plug-in routines and locates values of the fields where bound states exist at a specified energy. As a special case, it can locate values of the external field where bound states cross scattering thresholds and produce zero-energy Feshbach resonances. Plug-in routines are supplied to handle the bound states of a pair of alkali-metal atoms with hyperfine structure in an applied magnetic field

    MOLSCAT: A program for non-reactive quantum scattering calculations on atomic and molecular collisions

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    molscat is a general-purpose program for quantum-mechanical calculations on nonreactive atom– atom, atom–molecule and molecule–molecule collisions. It constructs the coupled-channel equations of atomic and molecular scattering theory, and solves them by propagating the wavefunction or log- derivative matrix outwards from short range to the asymptotic region at long range. It then applies scattering boundary conditions to extract the scattering matrix (S matrix). Built-in coupling cases include atom + rigid linear molecule, atom + vibrating diatom, atom + rigid symmetric top, atom + asymmetricorsphericaltop,rigiddiatom+rigiddiatom,rigiddiatom+asymmetrictop,anddiffractive scattering of an atom from a crystal surface. Interaction potentials may be specified either in program input (for simple cases) or with user-supplied routines. For the built-in coupling cases, molscat can loop over total angular momentum (partial wave) and total parity to calculate elastic and inelastic integral cross sections and spectroscopic line-shape cross sections. Post-processors are available to calculate differential cross sections, transport, relaxation and Senftleben–Beenakker cross sections, and tofittheparametersofscatteringresonances. molscat alsoprovidesaninterfaceforplug-inroutinesto specify coupling cases (Hamiltonians and basis sets) that are not built in; plug-in routines are supplied to handle collisions of a pair of alkali-metal atoms with hyperfine structure in an applied magnetic field. For low-energy scattering, molscat can calculate scattering lengths and effective ranges and can locateandcharacterisescatteringresonancesasafunctionofanexternalvariablesuchasthemagnetic field