916 research outputs found

    Magnetic-Field-Induced Hybridization of Electron Subbands in a Coupled Double Quantum Well

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    We employ a magnetocapacitance technique to study the spectrum of the soft two-subband (or double-layer) electron system in a parabolic quantum well with a narrow tunnel barrier in the centre. In this system unbalanced by gate depletion, at temperatures T\agt 30 mK we observe two sets of quantum oscillations: one originates from the upper electron subband in the closer-to-the-gate part of the well and the other indicates the existence of common gaps in the spectrum at integer fillings. For the lowest filling factors ν=1\nu=1 and ν=2\nu=2, both the common gap presence down to the point of one- to two-subband transition and their non-trivial magnetic field dependences point to magnetic-field-induced hybridization of electron subbands.Comment: Major changes, added one more figure, the latest version to be published in JETP Let

    Late Time Tail of Wave Propagation on Curved Spacetime

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    The late time behavior of waves propagating on a general curved spacetime is studied. The late time tail is not necessarily an inverse power of time. Our work extends, places in context, and provides understanding for the known results for the Schwarzschild spacetime. Analytic and numerical results are in excellent agreement.Comment: 11 pages, WUGRAV-94-1

    Shifting the quantum Hall plateau level in a double layer electron system

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    We study the plateaux of the integer quantum Hall resistance in a bilayer electron system in tilted magnetic fields. In a narrow range of tilt angles and at certain magnetic fields, the plateau level deviates appreciably from the quantized value with no dissipative transport emerging. A qualitative account of the effect is given in terms of decoupling of the edge states corresponding to different electron layers/Landau levels.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures include

    Quasinormal Modes of Dirty Black Holes

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    Quasinormal mode (QNM) gravitational radiation from black holes is expected to be observed in a few years. A perturbative formula is derived for the shifts in both the real and the imaginary part of the QNM frequencies away from those of an idealized isolated black hole. The formulation provides a tool for understanding how the astrophysical environment surrounding a black hole, e.g., a massive accretion disk, affects the QNM spectrum of gravitational waves. We show, in a simple model, that the perturbed QNM spectrum can have interesting features.Comment: 4 pages. Published in PR

    Magnetothermodynamics: Measurements Of The Thermodynamic Properties In A Relaxed Magnetohydrodynamic Plasma

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    We have explored the thermodynamics of compressed magnetized plasmas in laboratory experiments and we call these studies ‘magnetothermodynamics’. The experiments are carried out in the Swarthmore Spheromak eXperiment device. In this device, a magnetized plasma source is located at one end and at the other end, a closed conducting can is installed. We generate parcels of magnetized plasma and observe their compression against the end wall of the conducting cylinder. The plasma parameters such as plasma density, temperature and magnetic field are measured during compression using HeNe laser interferometry, ion Doppler spectroscopy and a linear dot{B} probe array, respectively. To identify the instances of ion heating during compression, a PV diagram is constructed using measured density, temperature and a proxy for the volume of the magnetized plasma. Different equations of state are analysed to evaluate the adiabatic nature of the compressed plasma. A three-dimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamic code (NIMROD) is employed to simulate the twisted Taylor states and shows stagnation against the end wall of the closed conducting can. The simulation results are consistent to what we observe in our experiments

    Dynamical Evolution of Boson Stars II: Excited States and Self-Interacting Fields

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    The dynamical evolution of self-gravitating scalar field configurations in numerical relativity is studied. The previous analysis on ground state boson stars of non-interacting fields is extended to excited states and to fields with self couplings. Self couplings can significantly change the physical dimensions of boson stars, making them much more astrophysically interesting (e.g., having mass of order 0.1 solar mass). The stable (SS) and unstable (UU) branches of equilibrium configurations of boson stars of self-interacting fields are studied; their behavior under perturbations and their quasi-normal oscillation frequencies are determined and compared to the non-interacting case. Excited states of boson stars with and without self-couplings are studied and compared. Excited states also have equilibrium configurations with SS and UU branch structures; both branches are intrinsically unstable under a generic perturbation but have very different instability time scales. We carried out a detailed study of the instability time scales of these configurations. It is found that highly excited states spontaneously decay through a cascade of intermediate states similar to atomic transitions.Comment: 16 pages+ 13 figures . All figures are available at http://wugrav.wustl.edu/Paper

    Three-dimensional numerical general relativistic hydrodynamics. II. Long-term dynamics of single relativistic stars

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    This is the second in a series of papers on the construction and validation of a three-dimensional code for the solution of the coupled system of the Einstein equations and of the general relativistic hydrodynamic equations, and on the application of this code to problems in general relativistic astrophysics. In particular, we report on the accuracy of our code in the long-term dynamical evolution of relativistic stars and on some new physics results obtained in the process of code testing. The following aspects of our code have been validated: the generation of initial data representing perturbed general relativistic polytropic models (both rotating and nonrotating), the long-term evolution of relativistic stellar models, and the coupling of our evolution code to analysis modules providing, for instance, the detection of apparent horizons or the extraction of gravitational waveforms. The tests involve single nonrotating stars in stable equilibrium, nonrotating stars undergoing radial and quadrupolar oscillations, nonrotating stars on the unstable branch of the equilibrium configurations migrating to the stable branch, nonrotating stars undergoing gravitational collapse to a black hole, and rapidly rotating stars in stable equilibrium and undergoing quasiradial oscillations. We have carried out evolutions in full general relativity and compared the results to those obtained either with perturbation techniques, or with lower dimensional numerical codes, or in the Cowling approximation (in which all the perturbations of the spacetime are neglected). In all cases an excellent agreement has been found. The numerical evolutions have been carried out using different types of polytropic equations of state using either the rest-mass density only, or the rest-mass density and the internal energy as independent variables. New variants of the spacetime evolution and new high resolution shock capturing treatments based on Riemann solvers and slope limiters have been implemented and the results compared with those obtained from previous methods. In particular, we have found the "monotonized central differencing" limiter to be particularly effective in evolving the relativistic stellar models considered. Finally, we have obtained the first eigenfrequencies of rotating stars in full general relativity and rapid rotation. A long standing problem, such frequencies have not been obtained by other methods. Overall, and to the best of our knowledge, the results presented in this paper represent the most accurate long-term three-dimensional evolutions of relativistic stars available to date

    Quasi-Normal Mode Expansion for Linearized Waves in Gravitational Systems

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    The quasinormal modes (QNM's) of gravitational systems modeled by the Klein-Gordon equation with effective potentials are studied in analogy to the QNM's of optical cavities. Conditions are given for the QNM's to form a complete set, i.e., for the Green's function to be expressible as a sum over QNM's, answering a conjecture by Price and Husain [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 68}, 1973 (1992)]. In the cases where the QNM sum is divergent, procedures for regularization are given. The crucial condition for completeness is the existence of spatial discontinuities in the system, e.g., the discontinuity at the stellar surface in the model of Price and Husain.Comment: 12 pages, WUGRAV-94-