2 research outputs found

    The determination of microscopic fungi from chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) fruits, leaves, crust and pollen

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    Ve čtyřech slovenskych regionech byly studovany vztahy medzi rostlinou a mikroorganismy s ohledem na stanoveni mykofl ory u Castanea sativa Mill. (ořechy, kůra, listi a pyl) a jejich vliv na hostitelsky organismus. V experimentech bylo izolovano 7 rodů a 10 druhů mikroskopickych hub z ořechů, kůry a listi. Bylo zjištěno, že izolaty z pylu Castanea sativa Mill. byly zastoupeny osmi rody a jedenacti druhy mikroskopickych hub. U izolatů ořechů se nejčastěji vyskytovaly druhy Alternaria alternata (36,4%), Cladosporium cladosporioides (43,7%), Fusarium oxysporium (23,8 %) a Rhizopus stolonifer (22,2%). U izolatů listů se nejčastěji vyskytovaly druhy Alternaria alternata (49,7%) a Cladosporium cladosporioides (34,7%) a kůry se nejčastěji vyskytovaly druhy Alternaria alternata (35,1%) a Cladosporium cladosporioides (35,9%). Druhy Alternaria alternata (54,8%) a Cladosporium cladosporioides (50,9%) byly nejčastěji vyskytujici se mikroskopicke houby pylu. Na zakladě dalšich taxonomickych určeni z rodů Aspergillus byly izolovany a identifi kovany zastupci druhů A. fl avus, A. fumigatus, A. ochraceus, A. terreus a A. versi. Z rodu Fusarium byl izolovan druh F. oxysporum a z rodu Penicillium byly izolovany druhy P. crustosum a P. glabrum. Zdůrazňujeme, že izolovane rody Aspergillus, Fusarium a Penicillium, jsou považovany za nejvyznamnějši producenty mykotoxinů. Typičti producenti mykotoxinů z rodů Penicillium, Alternaria, Fusarium a Aspergillus byli detekovani na čerstvych ořechach, listech, kůře a pylu při laboratorni teplotě. U všech testovanych časti Castanea sativa Mill. bylo zaznamenano vysoke procento plisňove kontaminace. Rody Alternaria, Cladosporium, Penicillium a Fusarium byly převladajici ve všech izolatech rostliny. Některe z rodů (např. Cladosporium, Alternaria a Penicillium) jsou potencialnimi alergeny, za předpokladu vysoke produkce konidii. Pokročile kaženi ořechů by mohlo mit nepřiznivy učinek na zdravi personalu, ktery naklada s těmito komoditami. Zvlaštni opatřeni by měla byt přijata během sklizně, čištěni, třiděni, baleni, přepravě, skladovani a uvaděni zboži na trh. Chlazeni je důležite pro udrženi kvality a prodlouženi trvanlivosti, i když některe druhy mohou růst při nizkych teplotach. Plody, ktere jsou citlive na nizke teploty, by měly byt uvaděny na trh rychle, aby se zabranilo houbove kontaminaci a potencialni tvorbě mykotoxinů a tim souvisejicimu vzniku zdravotniho rizika.The plant-microbial interactive relations with respect to determination of the mycofl ora of the Castanea sativa Mill. nuts, crust, leaves and pollen and their eff ect on the host organism in four Slovak regions were studied. In the experiments were isolated 7 genera and 10 species of microscopic fungi from the nut, crust and leaves. It was found, that isolates from the Castanea sativa Mill. pollen were represented by 8 genera and 11 species of microscopic fungi. Alternaria, Cladosporium, Mucor and Rhizopus appeared to be the most frequently occurring genera of nuts, leaves and crust. Acremonium, Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium and Trichoderma are the most frequently fungi of pollen. On the base of further taxonomic determination from the genera Aspergillus were isolated and identifi ed representatives of species A. fl avus, A. fumigatus, A. ochraceus, A. terreus and A. versicolor. From the genera Fusarium was isolated F. oxysporum and from Penicillium genera were isolated P. crustosum and P. glabrum. It is necessary to underline that the isolated genera Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium are considered as the most important producers of mycotoxins

    Microbial communities in bees, pollen and honey from Slovakia

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    As the honey-bee gastrointestinal tract microflora and pollen are the primary sources for the honey microbial community, the aim of this work was to study and characterize the microbial transit among them. Therefore, an exhaustive microbial analysis of honey, adult honey-bee gastrointestinal tract, and pollen from different Slovakian regions and different seasons, was conducted. Microbial screening revealed that the primary sources of microbial community present in Slovakian honey are pollen and the honey-bees’ digestive tract microflora, containing microorganisms normally present in dust, air and flowers. We found that the digestive tract of Slovakian adult honey-bees is highly populated by anaerobic, rather than aerobic bacteria, where coliforms, enterococci, staphylococci, Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., microscopic fungi and yeast were found. Interestingly, statistical differences were found between the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of summer and winter bees. Pollen revealed the presence of mesophil anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, coliforms and microscopic fungi. Among these, the most representative genera were Alternaria, Cladosporium and Penicillium . In honey the counts of total anaerobic and total aerobic bacteria, that of coliforms, enterococci, bacilli, microscopic fungi and yeasts were monitored. Most frequently microscopic fungi belonging to genera Penicillium, Cladosporium and Alternaria were found