27 research outputs found

    Longitudinal study of informed consent in innovative therapy research: experience and provisional recommendations from a multicenter trial of intracerebral grafting.

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    BACKGROUND: There is an urgent need to assess and improve the consent process in clinical trials of innovative therapies for neurodegenerative disorders. METHODS: We performed a longitudinal study of the consent of Huntington's disease patients during the Multicenter Fetal Cell Intracerebral Grafting Trial in Huntington's Disease (MIG-HD) in France and Belgium. Patients and their proxies completed a consent questionnaire at inclusion, before signing the consent form and after one year of follow-up, before randomization and transplantation. The questionnaire explored understanding of the protocol, satisfaction with the information delivered, reasons for participating in the trial and expectations regarding the transplant. Forty-six Huntington's disease patients and 27 proxies completed the questionnaire at inclusion, and 27 Huntington's disease patients and 16 proxies one year later. RESULTS: The comprehension score was high and similar for Huntington's disease patients and proxies at inclusion (72.6% vs 77.8%; P > 0.1) but only decreased in HD patients after one year. The information satisfaction score was high (73.5% vs 66.5%; P > 0.1) and correlated with understanding in both patients and proxies. The motivation and expectation profiles were similar in patients and proxies and remained unchanged after one year. CONCLUSIONS: Cognitively impaired patients with Huntington's disease were capable of consenting to participation in this trial. This consent procedure has presumably strengthened their understanding and should be proposed before signing the consent form in future gene or cell therapy trials for neurodegenerative disorders. Because of the potential cognitive decline, proxies should be designated as provisional surrogate decision-makers, even in competent patients

    Les différentes techniques de détermination de l'extrait sec des vins

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    Le but de ce travail d'équipe réalisé au cours des analyses des vins du casier vinicole de la récolte 1968 est de préciser les différences existant entre les diverses techniques, directes ou indirectes, de détermination de l'extrait sec des vins et connaissant les relations existant entre ces déterminations, d'étudier l'influence de ces techniques sur les valeurs du rapport alcool/extrait réduit utilisé dans la recherche de la chaptalisation

    Time course of the colour of young red wines from Vitis vinifera L. during ageing in bottle

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    The colour characteristics of red wines from Vitis vinifera L. cv Tempranillo, Graciano and Cabernet Sauvignon (vintage 2000) from Navarra (Spain), was studied during 26 months of ageing in bottle through the evaluation of the wine visible spectrum and of several colorimetric indices (colour intensity, %red, %yellow, %blue, %dA and tint) and CIELAB variables (L*, C*, h, a* and b*). During ageing in bottle, the spectrum of Tempranillo wine (pH 4.3) mainly changed in the absorbance range between 420 and 500 nm, whereas Graciano (pH 3.5) and Cabernet Sauvignon (pH 3.6) wines registered a decrease in absorbance in the interval between 500 and 560 nm. The time course of the different wine colour parameters was found to fit either a second-order polynomium or a linear model, depending on the grape variety employed. CIELAB variables could be described in terms of their colorimetric index counterparts, showing b* and h relative greater errors. Although the wine total chromatic changes in CIELAB units registered after 26 months of ageing in bottle indicated changes perceivable by the human eye (ΔE* ≥ 2.7) for the three varieties studied, Graciano and Cabernet Sauvignon wines showed a more balanced colour evolution than Tempranillo wine.The authors also thank the Agencia Española de Cooperación International (AECI) for a MUTIS predoctoral scholarship to M.M. and the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) (Project AGL2003-07394-C02-02) for funding.Peer reviewe