53 research outputs found

    Aspirin Resistance and Its Importance

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    The use of salicylates (popularly known as aspirin or ASA) is well established for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. However, there are reportedly a numer of patients who suffered repeat cardiovascular events despite being given aspirin “prophylaxis”, and uncertainty prevails on whether or not this is due to an inherent inability of aspirin to sufficiently modify platelet activity or are there other mechanisms involved. Coined as “aspirinresistance”, the condition warrants attention as an ineffective prophylaxis may lead to unexpected morbidity and subsequent disappointmen

    A Case with Pancytopenia: The Role of Cytomorphology

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    A 63-year year old lady presented with prolonged fever, frequent abdominal pain and a history of melena. Physical findings revealed an anemic appearance and splenomegaly. She was treated by the gastroenterologist and subsequently referred to the hematologist as the peripheral blood count revealed pancytopenia with a hemoglobin level of 6.5 g/dl, WBC 4000/ uL and a platelet count of 50.000 /uL. No blast cells were found. Patient subsequently underwent a marrow aspiration. Cytomorphology assessment of the marrow specimen revealed the presence of abnormal megakaryocytes and leukocytes (see figures) which was in accordance with dyshematopeosis, and the diagnosis of MDS (myelodysplatic syndrome) was established. The patient was then started on thalidomide 100 mg daily. There was no significant complications nor side-effects and after almost 2 years her hemoglobin level is now normal (between 12 and 14 g/dl), a dramatic reversal of her condition

    Angiogenesis, Inflammation, Platelets Count, and Metastatic Status as a Predictor for Thrombosis Risk in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients

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    Aim: to assess the use of of angiogenesis, inflammation, platelets count, and metastatic status as predictors for thrombosis risk represented by soluble P-selectin level in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients. Methods: a cross sectional study was conducted on NPC patients at the Hematology and Oncology Clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, during Mei to October 2012. Data regarding angiogenesis (CD105 and VEGFR-2), inflammation (IL-6), platelets count, and metastatic status were assessed at enrollment, as well as soluble P-selectin levels in all eligible patients. Bivariate analysis continued with multiple linear regression analysis were done to identify independent predictors for soluble P-selectin levels. Results: sixty NPC patients were enrolled in the study. There was correlation between platelet counts (r=0.389; p=0.002), IL-6 (r=0.595; p<0.001) and number of metastatic sites (r=0.542; p<0.001) with soluble P-selectin level, and a linear regression analysis showed that these three variables can predict soluble P-selectin levels with adjusted R-square 65%. There was no correlation between VEGFR-2 and CD105 levels with soluble P-selectin levels.Conclusion: platelet counts, IL-6 level, and number of sites of metastasis can be used as predictors of soluble P-selectin level as parameter of thrombosis risk in NPC patients. Key words: nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), thrombosis risk, soluble P-selectin

    Opioid Use in Cancer Pain Management in Indonesia: a Call For Attention

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    Severe pain is a major problem for cancer patients, and pain management often requires the use of opioids. Indonesia is one of the countries where the use of opioids for cancer patients is extremely low, and this calls for attention, as many cancer patients in the country undergo unnecessary suffering as the consequence of this opioid underuse. The inability to assess pain correctly, failure to determine the correct dose, fear of addiction, overly tight regulation, all contribute to the failure to implement rational use of opioids for cancer patients. Breakthrough pain, a problem which requires special attention not only because it is commonly found but also requires proper knowledge to handle them. These hurdles are discussed in the present review, in order to bring a better understanding about the correct use of opioids in severe cancer pain. Some examples where opiods are used inappropriately in cancer pain management are also discussed.Key words: opioid, break through pain, cancer pain, morphine

    Treatment Options of Lemmel\u27s Syndrome: a Case of Benign Obstructive Jaundice in the Elderly

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    Lemmel\u27s syndrome, also known as duodenal diverticulum obstructive jaundice, is a rare cause of benign obstructive jaundice that should be included in the differential diagnosis of biliary obstruction when PAD is present, in the absence of cholelithiasis or other detectable obstacle. Diagnosing Lemmel\u27s syndrome could be challenging, but being aware of this condition is important to avoid mismanagement and it begins with identification of PAD, while interpreting any bile duct imaging. It can be misinterpreted as periampullary tumors, biliary stones, or pancreatic pseudocyst. Symptomatic patients can be successfully managed endoscopically in many cases but surgical management would be necessary in selected cases.We present a patient with benign obstructive jaundice caused by Lemmel\u27s syndrome who was successfully treated with endoscopic sphicterectomy. A 67 years old female presented to the emergency department with chief complaint of jaundice. The patient was assesed to have obstructive jaundice cause by a duodenal mass, elevation of transaminase enzime supected caused by drug induced liver injury, hypertension (controlled), and anterior extensive coronary ischemia. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatografi (ERCP) showing mutiple giant diverticle in second part of duodenum, stenosis of the distal CBD with compression of diverticular extra luminal as a differential diagnosis. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) was performed to exlude a periampullary tumor, resulting distal CBD stenosis due to compression of multiple periampullary diverticula (PAD). We performed an endoscopic sphinterectomy (EST) and the stent was removed. A further evaluation of the tuberculous lymphadenitis was planned as outpatient setting. One month follow-up, no recurence of jaundice was observed

    Hubungan Antibodi Anti Trombosit terhadap Respon Transfusi Trombosit pada Pasien Hemato- Onkologi yang Mendapatkan Multitransfusi Trombosit di RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusomo

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    Pendahuluan. Multitransfusi donor random dan paparan terhadap konsentrat trombosit yang termasuk non-leukocyte depleted diketahui sebagai faktor risiko terjadinya alloimunisasi (HLA dan HPA) yang dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab kegagalan transfusi. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai hubungan antibodi anti trombosit tersebut dengan kegagalan respon transfusi trombosit pada pasien hemato-onkologi sehingga dapat dilakukan metode seleksi donor dan crossmatching trombosit donor dan resipien. Metode. Studi observasional dilakukan pada pasien hemato-onkologi dewasa yang mendapatkan multitransfusi trombosit di Rumah Sakit dr Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta. Pengamatan dilakukan pada respon transfusi dengan mengukur corrected count increment (CCI) 1 jam post transfusi dengan batas 7.500 m2/mL. Keadaan lain yang dapat mempengaruhi CCI dieksklusi dari penelitian. Antibodi (Ig G) dideteksi dari serum pre transfusi terhadap antigen HLA kelas 1, epitop GP IIb/ IIIa, Ib/IX dan Ia/IIa dengan teknik ELISA secara kualitatif. Pengukuran ini menggunakan kit ELISA komersial Pak-2 LE. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik untuk ditentukan PR dengan IK 95%. Hasil. Selama periode Maret–Juni 2008 terkumpul 36 transfusi yang diberikan pada 21 pasien dengan berbagai diagnosis hemato-onkologi. Sebanyak 33,3% memberikan respon transfusi yang tidak memuaskan (CCI <7.500). Dari seluruh transfusi, ditemukan antibodi HLA kelas 1 positif sebanyak 38,9% dari pasien, sedangkan antibodi GP IIb/IIIa hanya ditemukan pada 1 orang (2,8%). Didapatkan hubungan antara antibodi HLA kelas 1 dan kegagalan respon transfusi dengan nilai PR 4,7 (IK 95% 1,535–14,474, p=0,003) dan adjusted PR 11,4 (IK 95%, 2,219–58,557, p=0,004) Simpulan. Pasien yang memiliki antibodi HLA kelas 1, memiliki kecenderungan kegagalan transfusi trombosit 11,4 kali lebih besar. Namun, hubungan antibodi GP IIb/IIIa dengan respon transfusi belum dapat ditentukan, sehingga dibutuhkan studi lanjutan dengan sampel yang lebih besar

    Esophageal Varices Bleeding in Portal Hypertension Due to Portal Vein and Splenic Vein Obstruction

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    Based on its relation to the liver sinusoid, increased pressure of portal vein can occur at three levels: presinusoid, sinusoid ,and postsinusoid. Obstruction of the presinusoid veins can be caused by extra- hepatic condition such as venous thrombosis. We reported a case of portal hypertension with esophageal varices bleeding was a result of obstruction due to thrombosis of the splenic vein and portal vein under hypercoagulant conditions due to thrombocytosis. The management of esophageal varices was sclerotherapy while for overcome the thrombosis the patient was given hydroxy urea

    Hemostatic Status of Pre and Post Intracoronary Injection of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells in Patients with Recent Myocardial Infarction

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    Aim: to investigate hemostatic parameter changes, such as platelet aggregation, blood and plasma viscosity, prothrombin time, APTT, CRP and fibrinogen, before and after administration of stem cell therapy. Methods: a total of 24 patients were enrolled. Peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) were harvested and injected into the infarct-related artery after 5 consecutive days of G-CSF administration. Recombinant human erythropoietin was administered at the time of intracoronary PBSCs injection. Results: we were able to evaluate 11 from 24 of patients regarding hemostatic status pre–post stem cell injection. There were no significant difference between baseline vs 3 months in spontaneous aggregation (p=0.350), PT (p=0.793), aPTT (p=0.255) and TT (p=0.254). There were also no significant difference between baseline vs 3 months in plasma viscosity (p=0.442) and blood viscosity (p=0.843). Nevertheless the patient who had their blood and plasma viscosity above or below normal laboratory range return to normal level after the treatment. Both PT and APTT also show normalization value. Both Fibrinogen and CRP level show significant decrease between baseline and 3 months after treatment (p=0.009) and (p=0.04) respectively. Conclusion: combined G-CSF and EPO based-intracoronary infusion of PBSCs may open new perspective in the treatment of hypercoagulable state post AMI

    Hemostatic Status of Pre and Post Intracoronary Injection of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells in Patients with Recent Myocardial Infarction

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    Aim: to investigate hemostatic parameter changes, such as platelet aggregation, blood and plasma viscosity, prothrombin time, APTT, CRP and fibrinogen, before and after administration of stem cell therapy. Methods: a total of 24 patients were enrolled. Peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) were harvested and injected into the infarct-related artery after 5 consecutive days of G-CSF administration. Recombinant human erythropoietin was administered at the time of intracoronary PBSCs injection. Results: we were able to evaluate 11 from 24 of patients regarding hemostatic status pre–post stem cell injection. There were no significant difference between baseline vs 3 months in spontaneous aggregation (p=0.350), PT (p=0.793), aPTT (p=0.255) and TT (p=0.254). There were also no significant difference between baseline vs 3 months in plasma viscosity (p=0.442) and blood viscosity (p=0.843). Nevertheless the patient who had their blood and plasma viscosity above or below normal laboratory range return to normal level after the treatment. Both PT and APTT also show normalization value. Both Fibrinogen and CRP level show significant decrease between baseline and 3 months after treatment (p=0.009) and (p=0.04) respectively. Conclusion: combined G-CSF and EPO based-intracoronary infusion of PBSCs may open new perspective in the treatment of hypercoagulable state post AMI. Key words: coagulation, platelet aggregation, myocardial infarction, hypercoagulatio
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