786 research outputs found

    Why does the Engel method work? Food demand, economies of size and household survey methods

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    Estimates of household size economies are needed for the analysis of poverty and inequality. This paper shows that Engel estimates of size economies are large when household expenditures are obtained by respondent recall but small when expenditures are obtained by daily recording in diaries. Expenditure estimates from recall surveys appear to have measurement errors correlated with household size. As well as demonstrating the fragility of Engel estimates of size economies, these results help resolve a puzzle raised by Deaton and Paxson (1998) about differences between rich and poor countries in the effect of household size on food demand

    Disparate Rates of Molecular Evolution in Cospeciating Hosts and Parasites

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    DNA sequences for the gene encoding mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I in a group of rodents (pocket gophers) and their ectoparasites (chewing lice) provide evidence for cospeciation and reveal different rates of molecular evolution in the hosts and their parasites. The overall rate of nucleotide substitution (both silent and replacement changes) is approximately three times higher in lice, and the rate of synonymous substitution (based on analysis of fourfold degenerate sites) is approximately an order of magnitude greater in lice. The difference in synonymous substitution rate between lice and gophers correlates with a difference of similar magnitude in generation times

    On transition bias in mitochondrial genes of pocket gophers

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    Abstract. The relative contribution of mutation and purifying selection to transition bias has not been quantitatively assessed in mitochondrial protein genes. The observed transition/transversion (s/v) ratio is ( s P s )/( v P v ), where s and v denote mutation rate of transitions and transversions, respectively, and P s and P v denote fixation probabilities of transitions and transversions, respectively. Because selection against synonymous transitions can be assumed to be roughly equal to that against synonymous transversions, P s /P v ≈ 1 at fourfold degenerate sites, so that the s/v ratio at fourfold degenerate sites is approximately s / v , which is a measure of mutational contribution to transition bias. Similarly, the s/v ratio at nondegenerate sites is also an estimate of s / v if we assume that selection against nonsynonymous transitions is roughly equal to that against nonsynonymous transversions. In two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and cytochrome b (cyt-b) in pocket gophers, the s/v ratio is about two at nondegenerate and fourfold degenerate sites for both the COI and the cyt-b genes. This implies that mutation contribution to transition bias is relatively small. In contrast, the s/v ratio is much greater at twofold degenerate sites, being 48 for COI and 40 for cyt-b. Given that the s / v ratio is about 2, the P s /P v ratio at twofold degenerate sites must be on the order of 20 or greater. This suggests a great effect of purifying selection on transition bias in mitochondrial protein genes because transitions are synonymous and transversions are nonsynonymous at twofold degenerate sites in mammalian mitochondrial genes. We also found that nonsynonymous mutations at twofold degenerate sites are more neutral than nonsynonymous mutations at nondegenerate sites, and that the COI gene is subject to stronger purifying selection than is the cyt-b gene. A model is presented to integrate the effect of purifying selection, codon bias, DNA repair and GC content on s/v ratio of protein-coding genes

    The attitudes and experiences of families with death determination in the home

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the attitudes and experiences of family members with respect to death determination practices for the terminally iii clients of home care agencies. A sample of family 53 members in Southeast Michigan returned survey questionnaires. The findings indicate that police and emergency medical technicians most frequently respond to the call when a person with a terminal illness has died. Fifty percent of the family members reported feeling sad, 35 percent reported feeling relieved and 18 percent of the respondents felt angry about the arrival of multiple personnel. Feelings of anger were signficantly associated with the absence of a nurse at the time of death, the use of lights and sirens, disrespectful personnel and the arrival of multiple personnel. Feelings of anger were also significantly associated with continuing thoughts of the day of death by family members. Results suggest the need to rethink state and local laws in regard to death determination and to educate those most likely to respond to families sensitively. Home care agencies and hospices should also encourage attendance by nurses at the time of death.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67059/2/10.1177_104990918900600504.pd

    Hmong Adults Self-Rated Oral Health: A Pilot Study

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    Since 1975, the Hmong refugee population in the U.S. has increased over 200%. However, little is known about their dental needs or self-rated oral health (SROH). The study aims were to: (1) describe the SROH, self-rated general health (SRGH), and use of dental/physician services; and (2) identify the factors associated with SROH among Hmong adults. A cross-sectional study design with locating sampling methodology was used. Oral health questionnaire was administered to assess SROH and SRGH, past dental and physician visits, and language preference. One hundred twenty adults aged 18–50+ were recruited and 118 had useable information. Of these, 49% rated their oral health as poor/fair and 30% rated their general health as poor/fair. Thirty-nine percent reported that they did not have a regular source of dental care, 46% rated their access to dental care as poor/fair, 43% visited a dentist and 66% visited a physician within the past 12 months. Bivariate analyses demonstrated that access to dental care, past dental visits, age and SRGH were significantly associated with SROH (P \u3c 0.05). Multivariate analyses demonstrated a strong association between access to dental care and good/excellent SROH. About half of Hmong adults rated their oral health and access to dental care as poor. Dental insurance, access to dental care, past preventive dental/physician visits and SRGH were associated with SROH

    The analysis of survey data with framing effects

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    A well-known difficulty in survey research is that respondents’ answers to questions can depend on arbitrary features of a survey’s design, such as the wording of questions or the ordering of answer choices. In this paper, we describe a novel set of tools for analyzing survey data characterized by such framing effects. We show that the conventional approach to analyzing data with framing effects—randomizing survey-takers across frames and pooling the responses—generally does not identify a useful parameter. In its place, we propose an alternative approach and provide conditions under which it identifies the responses that are unaffected by framing. We also present several results for shedding light on the population distribution of the individual characteristic the survey is designed to measure

    Do People Vote on the Basis of Minimax Regret?

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    Rational choice theory has yet to provide a satisfactory explanation of voter turnout. One such account, minimax regret, is analyzed using data from a survey involving students at two Canadian universities during the 1993 Canadian federal election campaign. While the minimax regret hypothesis is supported at the bivariate level, it fails to pass a multivariate test in which other components of the calculus of voting are included. Minimax regret appears to be little more than a rationalization on the part of those having a strong sense of duty to vote.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68661/2/10.1177_106591299504800408.pd

    Evaluating the achievements and impacts of EC framework programme transport projects

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present what kind of elements and evaluation methods should be included into a framework for evaluating the achievements and impacts of transport projects supported in EC Framework Programmes (FP). Further, the paper discusses the possibilities of such an evaluation framework in producing recommendations regarding future transport research and policy objectives as well as mutual learning for the basis of strategic long term planning. Methods The paper describes the two-dimensional evaluation methodology developed in the course of the FP7 METRONOME project. The dimensions are: (1) achievement of project objectives and targets in different levels and (2) research project impacts according to four impact groups. The methodology uses four complementary approaches in evaluation, namely evaluation matrices, coordinator questionnaires, lead user interviews and workshops. Results Based on the methodology testing, with a sample of FP5 and FP6 projects, the main results relating to the rationale, implementation and achievements of FP projects is presented. In general, achievement of objectives in both FPs was good. Strongest impacts were identified within the impact group of management and co-ordination. Also scientific and end-user impacts of the projects were adequate, but wider societal impacts quite modest. The paper concludes with a discussion both on the theoretical and practical implications of the proposed methodology and by presenting some relevant future research needs

    Development and first assessment of a questionnaire for health care utilization and costs for cardiac patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The valid and reliable measurement of health service utilization, productivity losses and consequently total disease-related costs is a prerequisite for health services research and for health economic analysis. Although administrative data sources are usually considered to be the most accurate, their use is limited as some components of utilization are not systematically captured and, especially in decentralized health care systems, no single source exists for comprehensive utilization and cost data. The aim of this study was to develop and test a questionnaire for the measurement of disease-related costs for patients after an acute cardiac event (ACE).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To design the questionnaire, the literature was searched for contributions to the assessment of utilization of health care resources by patient-administered questionnaires. Based on these findings, we developed a retrospective questionnaire appropriate for the measurement of disease-related costs over a period of 3 months in ACE patients. Items were generated by reviewing existing guidelines and by interviewing medical specialists and patients. In this study, the questionnaire was tested on 106 patients, aging 35–65 who were admitted for rehabilitation after ACE. It was compared with prospectively measured data; selected items were compared with administrative data from sickness funds.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The questionnaire was accepted well (response rate = 88%), and respondents completed the questionnaire in an average time of 27 minutes. Concordance between retrospective and prospective data showed an intraclass correlation (ICC) ranging between 0.57 (cost of medical intake) and 0.9 (hospital days) with the other main items (physician visits, days off work, medication) clustering around 0.7. Comparison between self-reported and administrative data for days off work and hospitalized days were possible for n = 48. Respective ICCs ranged between 0.92 and 0.94, although differences in mean levels were observed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The questionnaire was accepted favorably and correlated well with alternative measurement approaches. This first assessment showed promising characteristics of this questionnaire in different aspects of validity for patients with ACE. However, additional research and more extensive tests in other patient groups would be worthwhile.</p

    Cognitive interviewing methodology in the development of a pediatric item bank: a patient reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS) study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The evaluation of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in health care has seen greater use in recent years, and methods to improve the reliability and validity of PRO instruments are advancing. This paper discusses the cognitive interviewing procedures employed by the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) pediatrics group for the purpose of developing a dynamic, electronic item bank for field testing with children and adolescents using novel computer technology. The primary objective of this study was to conduct cognitive interviews with children and adolescents to gain feedback on items measuring physical functioning, emotional health, social health, fatigue, pain, and asthma-specific symptoms.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 88 cognitive interviews were conducted with 77 children and adolescents across two sites on 318 items. From this initial item bank, 25 items were deleted and 35 were revised and underwent a second round of cognitive interviews. A total of 293 items were retained for field testing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Children as young as 8 years of age were able to comprehend the majority of items, response options, directions, recall period, and identify problems with language that was difficult for them to understand. Cognitive interviews indicated issues with item comprehension on several items which led to alternative wording for these items.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Children ages 8–17 years were able to comprehend most item stems and response options in the present study. Field testing with the resulting items and response options is presently being conducted as part of the PROMIS Pediatric Item Bank development process.</p