24 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research was to develop the soft skill education model at the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program, State University of Malang included the curriculum and its implementation on the instructional activities. The research found that: (1) the soft skill curriculum needed by the Mechanical Engi­neering Education Study Program consists of fundamental skill, personal skill, and social skill; and (2) for implementing the soft skill curriculum entire the instructional activities strive for each lecture to take one or more soft skills statement for development, using the various strategies/methods of teaching refer to student-centered, giving tasks, and introducing the HES (Health and Environment Safety) particularly in the practicum activities.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model pendidikan soft skill pada Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Malang termasuk kuriku­lum dan implementasinya dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Temuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) kurikulum soft skill yang diperlukan oleh Program Studi Teknik Mesin terdiri dari keterampilan dasar, keterampilan pribadi, dan keterampilan sosial, dan (2) menerap­kan kurikulum soft skill dalam pembelajaran pada masing-masing dasar, mengambil satu atau lebih soft skill untuk dikembangkan, menggunakan berbagai strategi/metode pengajaran berpusat pada mahasiswa, memberikan tugas, dan memperkenalkan K3 (Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja), terutama dalam kegiatan praktikum


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    Designing Vocational Learning with a Worker Character in SMK. Vocatio­nal learning in a perspective of the 2013 curriculum for vocational senior high school (SMK) aims to provide vocational competencies to the students according to the area of expertise that the students desired. A vocational competency must be considered as an integrated demonstration of a group of related skills (cognive and technical skills) as well as observable and measurable attitudes that are necessary to perform a job independently at a certain proficiency level. In that context, a personal’s attitudes to perform a job can be considered as worker characters that some experts called as generic skills. Developing character characters in vocational learning (lesson group C2 and C3 in the 2013 curriculum) must be conducted by the lecturer using by design approch, which is started from identifying employees’ character values that will be integrated, developing syllabus and lesson plan (RPP) of the vocational learn­ing instruction.Pembelajaran kejuruan dalam perspektif kurikulum 2013 untuk SMK di­maksudkan untuk memberikan bekal kompetensi kejuruan kepada para peserta didik sesuai dengan paket keahlian yang diminatinya. Suatu kompetensi kejuruan harus dipandang sebagai suatu demonstrasi terintegrasi sekelompok kecakapan (kognitif dan teknikal) dan sikap yang terobservasi dan terukur yang diperlukan untuk melaku­kan suatu pekerjaan tertentu pada level tertentu. Dalam konteks tersebut sikap untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan dapat dimaknai sebagai karakter pekerja yang oleh para ahli disebut sebagai generic skills. Pengembangan karakter pekerja dalam pembelajar­an kejuruan (matapelajaran kelompok C2 dan C3 dalam Kurikulum 2013) harus dilak­sa­na­­kan secara by design oleh para guru, mulai dari mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai karakter pekerja yang akan diintegrasikan, mengembangkan silabus, dan mengembangkan RPP pembelajaran kejuruan


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penguasaan konsep fisika dan kemampuan scientific literacy para siswa dan menguji korelasi antara penguasaan konsep fisika dan kemampuan scientific literacy para siswa dengan hasil belajar mereka pada Matapelajaran Dasar-Dasar Teknik Mesin pada elemen pokok pengetahuan bahan dan dasar sistem mekanik, baik secara parsial maupun bersama-sama. Untuk maksud tedrsebut penelitian ini dijalankan menggunakan rancangan korelasional dengan subjek penelitian siswa klas XI Teknik Pemesian SMKN 1 Singosari. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik tes dengan tiga macam tes, yaitu tes penguasaan konsep fisika, tes kemampuan scientific literacy, dan tes hasil belajar dasar-dasar teknik mesin pada elemen pokok pengetahuan bahan dan dasar sistem mekanik. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif dan teknik statistik inferensial berupa teknik regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan konsep fisika dan kemampuan scientific literacy para siswa berkualifikasi baik dan baik sekali; dan ada korelasi yang signifikan antara penguasaan konsep fisika dan kemampuan scientific literacy para siswa dengan hasil belajar mereka pada Matapelajaran Dasar-Dasar Teknik Mesin pada elemen pokok pengetahuan bahan dan dasar sistem mekanik, baik secara parsial maupun bersama-sam

    Mengkombinasikan Project-Based Learning dengan STEM untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Teknikal dan Karakter Kerja Siswa SMK

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    Project-based Learning (PjBL) and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are multidisciplinary learning. The combination of PjBL-STEM aimed to improve vocational high school students' technical learning results and working characteristics. Thus, students, after graduating, could compete in the working world. This research used secondary data review method, consisted of 17 international journals, 11 national journals, and three literature books. Based on the secondary data review, the combination of PjBL-STEM would be maximized if the teacher directly involved in the learning, where the teacher acts as inspiratory, motivator, and facilitator. Then, the PjBL-STEM learning was started from designing until result presentation that could improve the creativity and problem-solving skills. PjBL-STEM improved the hard skill in the form of technical learning results and soft skill in the form of working characteristics. Therefore, model integration of PjBL and STEM should be well-prepared. The learning strategy in each lesson must be designed well, and the assessment dimensions must be chosen thoroughly so that multidisciplinary learning could be well-realized in vocational high school in Indonesia. 

    Hubungan Soft Skills dan Prestasi Praktik Industri dengan Kesiapan Siswa Memasuki Dunia Kerja

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    This research aimed to find the relation between soft skills and industrial practices achievement with students' readiness to enter the working world. The population of this research were the Class XII students of Mechanical Engineering Skill Competency from Canda Bhirawa Vocational High School Kediri Regency. The samples were determined using random sampling based on the Slovin formula. The soft skills and students' work readiness variables data were collected using a questionnaire, whereas the industrial practices achievement variable was obtained from the score documents provided by the school. The data that were collected were analyzed using regression technique. The results showed that there was a strong, positive, and significant correlation between soft skills and students' readiness in entering the working world, there was a medium, positive, and significant correlation between industrial practice achievements with students' readiness to enter the working world. And there was a solid, positive, and significant cooperation correlation between soft skills and industrial practices achievement with students' readiness to enter the working world.


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    Guru produktif di SMK dituntut memiliki kompetensi yang relevan dengan per­­kembangan IPTEK dan kebutuhan dunia kerja. Tuntutan tersebut dapat dipenuhi me­­­lalui kegiatan magang industri yang relevan. Jika hal ter­sebut tidak mungkin, maka SMK bisa mendatangkan SDM ahli dari industri untuk mem­berikan pelatihan bagi guru-guru produktifnya, atau memberikan kesempatan ke­pada guru produktif yunior un­tuk magang kepada guru produktif senior. Melalui ma­gang industri profesionalitas guru semakin meningkat yang ditandai dengan ke­mam­puannya membelajarkan siswa se­suai dengan tuntutan dunia industri. Di samping itu, ke­mampuan guru untuk me­ngem­bangkan karirnya pada bidang pendidikan kejuruan juga akan semakin me­ning­kat. Pembahasan masalah ini ditinjau dari aspek karak­te­ris­tik guru, aspek legal pe­ngem­­­bangan profesionalitas  guru, dan makna dan model ma­gang in­dustri. Di­sim­pul­kan bahwa  magang industri merupaka salah satu cara efektif un­tuk meningkatkan pro­­fesionalitas Gur


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    Kecakapan generik merupakan kecakapan nonteknikal yang sangat menen-tukan terhadap keberhasilan seseorang untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan, eksis dalam pe-kerjaan, dan berkembang secara maksimal dalam pekerjaannya. Istilah kecakapan ge-nerik (generic skills) memiliki banyak sinonim, yaitu soft skills, empoyability skills, key skills, common skills, essential skills, basic skills, necessary skills, competencies skills, dan transferable skills. Pengembangan kecakapan tersebut di SMK dapat dila-kukan melalui dua pendekatan, yaitu secara kurikuler melalui kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas dan laboratorium/bengkel/studio dan secara nonkurikuler melalui berbagai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang diselenggaran sekolah

    Contribution of Industrial Work Practice Performance and Creativeness to the Academic Skill and Its Effect to the Outcome of Skill Competency Test of Computer and Network Technology Skill Package in Vocational High School

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    Abstract: Skill Competency Test (UKK-Uji Kompetensi Keahlian) is one educational programme in Vocational High School to assess student’s competency and skill as with the skill competency. Competency and skill students can be influenced by many factors. These can come from industrial work practice in DU/DI, a students creativity, and academic skill from learning activity in shcool. The study aims to reveral the contribution of several factor that affect to the outcome of skill competency in Vocational High School. Among factors that have been selected to be investigated is the industrial work practice in DU/DI, a students creativity, and cademic skill from learning activity in shcool. This study uses a quantitative approach. The research population was students at 12th Grade of Computer and Network Technology Skill Package in Vocational High School of Tulungagung Regency for 293 students, is Vocational High School 1 Boyolangu, Vocational High School 1 Rejotangan, Vocational High School Sore Tulungagung, Vocational High School Veteran Tulungagung. Sample taking technique in this research used proportional random sampling. The research sample was 169 students. Data collection of this study is using instrumen test for academic skill, questionnaire for creativity and documentation for industrial work practice performance and outcome of skill competency. Data analysis is using descriptive analysis and path analysis with SPSS for windows on significant 0, 05. The results of this study: (1) there is a significant contribution between industrial work practice to the academic skill was 0,09(9%); (2) there is a significant contribution between creativity to the academic skill was 0,003(3%); (3) there is a significant contribution between industrial work practice to the outcome of skill competency was 0,025(2,5%); (4) there is a significant contribution between creativity to the outcome of skill competency was 0,002(2%); and (5) there is a significant contribution between academic skill to the outcome of skill competency was 0,003(3%). The conclution of this research is outcome of skill competency can be affected from industrial work practice, creativity and academis skill.Keyword: Industrial work practice, creativeness, academic skill, outcome of skill competency test of compute

    Karakteristik STEM dalam Perancang Konstruksi Mesin oleh Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Mesin di Universitas Negeri Malang

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    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) approach is an approach that answers the problems in engineering education. This research aimed to explore the students' STEM characteristic in Machine Construction Design, the obstacles that were experienced by the students when implementing STEM, and implementation pattern from STEM subjects. This research used the qualitative approach using a case study. The data was collected through the interview and documentation from the informant that consisted of supervisor lecturer of STEM subject and students who already took Machine construction Design subject. This research found that the students' STEM characteristics in Machine Construction Design subject consisted of: design task background that prioritizes problem-solving to understand the natural phenomenon in the context of machine construction design, CAD as a form of technology utilization to design the machine, machine element course content as a basis in material selection and computation of engine components, also mathematical engineering content to help understand the scope of physical engineering, CAD, and mechanical element. Meanwhile, the obstacles that often occurred were caused by external, internal, and technical of the course. 