16 research outputs found

    The Cashew Cluster Industry Development in East Java

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    Industrial cluster approach as an development strategy has been adopted nationally and continues to be strengthened in recent years. National Development Programme of 2003 mandated the cluster approach in the development of small and medium industries. Presidential Regulation No. 07 of 2005 states that national industrial development focused on strengthening and growth of the ten priority industrial clusters. The research is aimed to formulated strategy of cashew ind ustry cluster development in East Java. The data used are primary and secondary data, analyzed using Porter's Diamond. The research was conducted in S umenep, Sampang, and Bangkalan, using the survey in March - April 2011. Data analysis was conducted descriptively using Porter's Diamond Model. The results showed that the cashew industry cluster in East Java has not been going well as expected. The linkage between upstream and downstream industries are still weak, so is the quality of the products produced. Classical problems which have obstructed the development of the cashew industry in this region are crop productivity, product quality, regulatory and policy difficult to implement, still can not fully overcome. Determinant factor is the key to successful development of industrial clusters is the availability of raw cashew nuts, infrastructure, government policy, the interaction between players in the industry, the availability of supporting institutions, upstream and downstream industries, product demand conditions and the availability of foreign investors. Therefore, the handling can not be done spatially, must be supported by all sides and done in an integrated way. Cashew cluster industry development strategy needs to be done by improving government policy (regulation of markets for industrial products cashew, cashew export tax implementation, mandatory SNI nut products, improvement of the domestic market); strengthening the upstream and downstream industries (productivity and quality of cashew, increase the ability of the cashew processing industry); and optimization of the interaction between the core industry by supporting industry and other related institutions (farmers' cashew, cashew industry, food industry and beverage, industrial equipment & machinery, exporters, traders, government agencies, research and development institutes, associations industry, transportation and financial services/banking)

    Nilai Tambah Ekonomi Pengolahan Jambu Mete Indonesia

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    Economic value added of cashew processing in Indonesia. Cashew is one of the commodities that have significance for Indonesia's economy.Besides the country foreign exchange earner and source of income of farmers, cashew nuts contribute for land conservation. In Indonesia, cashew mostlycultivated by smallholders. The main problem is the low productivity of Indonesian cashew crop and quality of products. The development of thecashew processing industry faced with the constraint of continuity of availability of raw materials. This is because cashew harvest season is generallyonly four months (July-October) per year. Indonesia cashew exports still largely in the raw form, especially to India and Vietnam which is a majorproducer of cashew in the world market. The dominant raw form of cashew export is not benefeting farmers, processing industry and the government(central and local). The loss potential lost opportunity to obtain economic value added, the amount of Rp 1.8 to 2.9 trillion per year. Opportunitycomes from the processing of cashew nuts and CNSL. This product price is stabilize, the market outlook is still very open, both domestic andinternational markets. Demand for exports and growing domestic market, it should be an incentive for farmers, processing industry, and government toexploit its full potential. Besides the increase farmers' income, this step will open new employment opportunities in rural as well as opportunitiesincrease foreign exchange. This potential will only materialize if the processing performed by the industry to involve farmers as partners


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    ABSTRAKTanaman pandan di Indonesia pada umumnya digunakan sebagaibahan baku untuk industri anyaman yang merupakan komoditas ekspor.Introduksi atau pengembangan tanaman pandan menjadi salah satualternatif pada daerah-daerah yang dominan mengguna-kan bahan bakupandan untuk kebutuhan industri, terutama industri anyaman danhandicraft. Untuk mengetahui kinerja pemasaran pandan maka pada bulanJuli-Agustus 2004 telah dilakukan penelitian di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya,Jawa Barat, sebagai sentra penghasil dan industri anyaman pandan diIndonesia. Petani responden dipilih secara acak, demikian pula pedagangpengumpul I, pedagang pengumpul II, dan produsen anyaman pandan.Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri atas data primer dan sekunder berupa dataharga deret waktu (time series) dari berbagai sumber. Pendekatan yangdigunakan adalah model Structure - Conduct - Performance, denganpangsa petani dan transmisi harga sebagai indikator kinerja pasar. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar petani menggunakansaluran pemasaran I (89,25%) dan hanya 10,75% yang menggunakansaluran pemasaran II. Bagian harga yang diterima petani hanya 31,25%pada saluran I dan 37,50% pada saluran pemasaran II. Nilai elastisitastransmisi harga sebesar 0,5148 mengindikasikan bahwa perubahan hargapandan tidak seluruhnya ditransmisikan ke petani produsen. Kinerja pasaryang kurang baik ini terjadi karena struktur pasar yang kurang bersaingdan perilaku pasar yang menjadikan posisi tawar petani lemah berhadapandengan pedagang pengumpul.Kata kunci: Pandanus sp, struktur, perilaku, kinerja pasar, pangsapetani, elastisitas transmisi hargaABSTRACTMarket performance of pandanus as raw material ofhandicraft industry in TasikmalayaPandanus (Pandanus sp.) is the essential raw material of handicraftand potential export commodities. The research was carried out to study ofpandanus performance market. The study was conducted at Tasikmalaya,West Java, as main pandanus handicraft producer, on July-August 2004used survey method. Data collected consisted of primary and secondarydata (time series). The sampling method used was simple randomsampling for farmers, traders I, traders II, and pandanus handicraftproduct. Data analyzed was designed with Structure - Conduct –Performance or SCP model. Farmer share and price transmissionelasticity as main indicator and criteria of analysis. The results showedthat 89,25% farmers used marketing channel I, only 10,75% usedmarketing channel II. Farmers share were only 31,25% on marketingchannel I and 37,50% on marketing channel II. Price transmissionelasticity was 0,5148 indicated that pandanus market had asymmetricprices information. The bad pandanus performance market caused byimperfect market and market conduct while powerless bargaining positionof pandanus farmers.Key words: Pandanus sp., structure, conduct, performance, market,farmers share, prices transmission elasticit